《Princess》NSFW Omake Four


Neo perked one eyebrow and the gesture alone was enough to make Ruby’s face flame. She raised one hand, then rolled it in a ‘go on’ sort of motion before leaning against the doorframe.

Someone knocking at the door of her penthouse suite wasn’t uncommon. She often had visitors and at all hours. Roman asking for favours, Junior begging for assistance, her thrice daily ice cream deliveries and, when her harem-mates were in town they would of course come knocking for fun or fun.

The last was, of course, her favourite.

Still, it was never Ruby that did the knocking for that last case. Akelarre all the time, and Velvet when the bunny faunus was feeling particularly pent up, but never Little Red.

Ruby took a deep breath, then let it out, then took another. Neo watched as she built herself up to a near panic, then hyperventilated until she calmed down. This was a repeat of the time Ruby decided that she wanted to progress from hand holding to kissing.

To think it only took a whole year of courting the rest of Neo’s harem for the girl to open up. Over a year of movies, late night dinners, sleepovers (the mostly fun kind) and vacations spent on one Grimm-infested island or another.

And now Ruby Rose was showing up at Neo’s door, fretting like a virgin on her wedding night. Neo grinned at her and Ruby instantly looked away.

“I-I need help,” she squeaked.

Neo nodded and pushed all the naughty thoughts aside in the face of Ruby’s request. Maybe someone needed killing. Or maybe that part was done and Ruby just needed a pit to toss the body in? Or maybe she just wanted Neo to intimidate someone? Or maybe someone was bullying her Ruby and had to die slowly and painfully. So many fun possibilities. Reaching out, she grabbed Ruby by the shoulder and pulled her in before closing the door with one foot.

Ruby looked around her little apartment, noting the sofa and the bed and the kitchenette before she turned around. Even in the dim light of her room her blush was visible. “Th-theoretically,” Ruby began. “If I wanted to, um, sl-sleep with someone that’s in th-the, our, harem, um, but not in a sleepover way.” Ruby stopped to swallow.

Neo reached back and locked the door.

“Um.” Ruby looked from the door to Neo. “I need help,” she said again.

Neo nodded and grinned right back at her. She even tried to make her smile less predatory.

If Ruby was this nervous it was because she hadn’t approached the others about it yet. Neo felt warm fuzzies in her stomach at the thought that she, the harem’s sensuality expert, was Ruby’s first choice. It showed a level of confidence and trust that she was going to have to reciprocate. Carnally.

Ruby looked away, then back, a small smile tugging at her lips. “I’m in my last year at Beacon, you know,” she said.

Neo nodded. Of course she knew. She knew more about her harem then they knew about themselves.

“And, and Velvet’s gone to live with Akelarre, and I think that you’re just here because of, because of me,” she said.

Ruby was not usually this stuttery, Neo noted. She nodded along as she approached Ruby and laid a hand on her arm. Ruby smiled timidly back at the contact.

“And, and I wanted to, uh, move things along.”

Neo’s grin split her face. She had been waiting for that for far, far too long.


Her other hand snaked around Ruby’s waist and pulled her close even as she climbed onto the tips of her toes. This part Ruby knew how to handle. Soft lips met and Ruby made the faintest, cutest little sound as Neo pressed up into the kiss.

She had spent a lot of time making sure that Ruby was good at kissing, and it showed. Ruby’s hands came up and ran along the sides of Neo’s flannel pyjamas then pulled her closer until their chests were pressed together and Ruby was bending down to capture her lips properly.

They seperated with as gasp and Neo took the opportunity to lick her lips. Vanilla. She raised both hands, four fingers displayed on each.

“Only eight out of ten?” Ruby asked, chagrined.

Neo was never going to admit that there was no perfect score out there, not if it meant that her harem-mates would stop trying harder. Still, she gave Ruby a squeeze to reassure her. It was best to start off slow because if Neo had it her way, things were going to escalate, and fast.

“We, we could just, cuddle?” Ruby said, almost as if asking for permission to back off. She knew Neo better than that though.

To be fair, Neo half expected Ruby to drop all pretense while the others were around. It would have been fun to tag-team their youngest member until she was little more than a senseless puddle.

Now Neo would have to do all the work herself.

What a shame. She was probably going to stay up all night working now.

With a quick peck on her lips to tell her that things were starting, Neo guided Ruby closer to the bed, then left her standing a few feet away while she walked on and sat on the edge of her bed.

She gestured for Ruby to strip.

“J-just like that?” Ruby asked.

Neo nodded slowly. Ruby was too inexperienced to make a proper show of getting undressed, it wasn’t worth the effort to teach her that kind of thing just yet. Instead, Neo crossed one leg over the other, planted her elbow on a knee and leaned forwards to watch.

Ruby’s blush deepened. “You’re not going to turn away?” she asked.

Neo blinked. Did Ruby expect everything to happen with the lights off? It was dark enough already to lend everything an air of mystery without accidentally getting an elbow to the face. And as for ambiance music, well there was the distant bass-y thump of the Club two floors down.

Ruby harrumphed, the gesture adorably petulant before she started undressing. She didn’t even try to make a show of it. First the cloak flew off, then she undid Crescent Rose and moved to carefully place the weapon on Neo’s couch before returning. Ruby had a knack for weapons and Neo always wondered if it would translate to other toys.

She loosened her corset and undid her belt with increasingly frantic motions. The majority of her clothes fell off with a fwump onto the floor, leaving Ruby in only a beige blouse and socks and whatever she had underneath.

Neo had been swimming with Ruby before, many times even, she wasn’t exactly seeing anything new, but she could certainly appreciate a nice pair of legs when she saw them.

Now that she was mostly undressed, Ruby seemed to hesitate again, so Neo let her eyes wander over what she saw until her eyes locked with Ruby’s and she slowly licked her lips.

Ruby undid her blouse and let it fall to the side, leaving her completely exposed except for...


Neo stood up with a bounce and crossed her arms before her face in a big X.

“Huh?” Ruby asked.

Neo gestured to the off-white panties and bra, both of them looking as if they’d been taken off a discount rack at Valemart. This was unacceptable.

“What’s wrong with my undies?” Ruby asked.

Everything. But that would take too long to explain.

Instead Neo stomped over to her dresser and opened the third drawer down. There was a lot of cloth there, all neatly folded in little stacks. Panties and bras and garter belts and a bright red strap-on. She picked out a set then closed the drawer with a knee.

Walking back over to Ruby, she pushed the lingerie into the confused young woman’s hands and then gestured her towards the bathroom.

“But, but we’ll be taking it off?” Ruby asked.

Neo rolled her eyes.


A bit of poking later and Ruby was sequestered in the bathroom.

Neo took the opportunity to make sure she was presentable too. She had nothing under her pyjamas, as was proper, and had taken a shower a few hours ago, so all she needed to do was pat down her bed, tuck away and toys she’d left out and sit on the edge of her mattress to wait.

The door to the bathroom opened slowly and Ruby emerged with a face so red it almost glowed.

It was a nice shade, all the better because it matched the crimson red of her lacy panties and bra and the single garter wrapped around her thigh so that it pinched her soft skin.

Ruby came closer, her hands fiddling together before her stomach as she focused on the ground. “I, we’ve seen each other in swimsuits before, so, so this is nothing, right?” she asked.

Neo nodded and was thankful that her inability to speak made lying so easy. There was a world of difference between a swimsuit and what Ruby was wearing. It was all in the implications, of course.

Neo made a come-hither gesture with one finger and her smile grew as Ruby stepped closer. Close enough for Neo to reach out, grab her by the hand, and pull her onto the bed.

She squeaked as she crashed into Neo, then giggled as Neo spun her around so that Ruby was on her back on the bed, knees and lower legs still over the edge and Neo sitting atop her. “You surprised me,” she defended herself.

Neo bent down and captured Ruby’s lips with her own. Kissing casually was a whole lot different than kissing when one partner was pinned down mostly naked on a bed. She placed a hand on Ruby’s firm stomach and used it to lean closer to her mouth.

This whole thing was about teaching Ruby how to please a girl so that she could reciprocate with the other members of the harem later. It wouldn’t do for Ruby to go down on Neo and not know what she was doing at all, so Neo would teach her the basics on Ruby’s body, then expect the same in return.

She didn’t expect Ruby to be any good at it, but those were the difficult sacrifices she made for the harem and why she was its most important member.

With an unspoken agreement, both girls paused to pant, faces only inches apart before Neo decided that they had spent enough time breathing and pushed down for another kiss. She felt Ruby’s hands snaking around her waist and pulling her closer, then, with slow, uncertain motions, Ruby’s hand came around and squeezed Neo’s breast. The other hand slid down her back and cupped her ass through her silken pants.

Her eyebrows rose. Ruby was really pushing her limits. She rewarded her by pressing down harder, lips parting so that her tongue could dip between Ruby’s. The grip on her rear tightened and a keening moan escaped Ruby.

Neo had a free hand, which in this kind of situation was an excellent thing to have. Quick as she could, she ran it down Ruby’s side, over her hip, and planted the flat of her palm over Ruby’s crotch.

She pressed two fingers down against the lacy fabric and it was enough to have Ruby gasp into her mouth. It was wet already. Not exactly gushing, but enough that Neo knew to move on to the next step.

She brought her hands over so that they were on both sides of Ruby’s waist, then she pulled herself down, trailing kisses along Ruby’s cheek, her jaw, her neck and down her chest.

“Neee-oo,” Ruby whined.

She paused when she was sitting over Ruby’s hips, straddling the girl so that she was riding her into the bed and locking her in place. Ruby moved her hands towards Neo, but Neo caught them, brought the girl’s wrists together with a quick motion, then pinned her arms over her head with one hand.

It helped that Ruby wasn’t really fighting it.

Neo snapped her fingers and gestured towards her eyes, an old gesture that everyone knew meant ‘pay attention.’

Personally she wasn’t one for tit play but Velvet had a thing for erogenous zones in strange places, like along her bunny ears and the small of her back, it was a lesson worth teaching. She trailed a hand over Ruby’s sternum, then with a twist of her wrists undid the clasp in the middle of the girl’s bra.

It snapped open and one cup fell to the side, revealing a perk little nipple just begging to be tweaked. Neo grabbed her boob and squeezed until Ruby hissed and writhed a little. So she wasn’t really into pain play. Neo sighed. No one was into the fun kinks in her harem.

Neo twisted the nipple between forefinger and thumb, then ran her fingers over the marks her hand had left and the bumpy areola. She could feel Ruby’s chest heaving under her hand. She let the girl’s wrists go and repositioned herself, hips wiggling to get comfortable.

Dropping down, the touched Ruby’s nipple with the tip of her tongue, then sucked it into her mouth.

Ruby gasped, her back arching up and hips bucking even as her hands dropped down and wrapped themselves around Neo’s head.

Then she bit down, teeth just barely tightening around the nipple already in her mouth to twist it just so.

“Ne-Neo, ah,” Ruby said and her hands pulled Neo closer.

So, little red was sensitive! How fun! She brought a hand up and started toying with her other breast, squeezing, twisting, kneading it while Ruby’s breathing got harder and harder and she kept and sucking and licking at her nipple. The moment Ruby’s hands slackened a little, she moved to the other breast and repeated the process, her free hand moving to the soaked tit to toy with it some more.

Then Ruby did something that surprised Neo.

She came.

Her breathing hitched, she arched her back, her abs which were firm bundles of corded muscle all twitched and spasmed and Ruby let out a low, groaning noise even as her arms wrapped around her middle and her hips bucked once, then twice under Neo.

She sat up, licking her lips while watching the aftershocks of the orgasm pass through Ruby with little quivers. It was beautiful, her skin was flushed, her eyes rimmed with unshed tears, her mouth gaping open as she panted for breath as if she’s just run a marathon.

And all that before she even reached the fun parts!

Neo grinned up at her as she slid off the bed and landed with her knees on the ground. Positioned as she was, she had both of Ruby’s knees on either side of her face. It was a nice place to be.

“Neo?” Ruby asked, her voice sounding a little dazed. She tried to sit up but Neo wiggled her knees and yanked her a little closer so that her ass was just on the edge of the mattress. Trying to sit up now would only make her fall off the edge.

Slowly, slow enough that she could see the tension building across Ruby’s entire body, Neo reached over and slid her hands under the band of Ruby’s panties, gently pulling them closer.

She left them halfway down Ruby’s thighs, in a spot where they were just snug enough that Ruby wouldn’t be able to spread her legs apart without snapping the band.

Ruby made another pitiful little sound. “Neo, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, to do that so soon,” Ruby said.

Neo rolled her eyes. Virgins. As if this wasn’t a feather in Neo’s cap instead of Ruby’s. But she would have plenty of time to explain that later.

She yanked Ruby’s panties the rest of the way down and pulled the girl’s legs apart while ignoring her embarrassed squeak.

So, Ruby was an outie. And she had shaved. Too bad, she had hoped that Ruby would have dyed the tips of her pubic hair red like her bangs. Not that she was going to complain that Ruby had prepared for this.

There was a delicious wetness hanging onto the folds of Ruby’s labia, just asking to be licked and teased. She moved in for a taste, then paused.

This was supposed to be about teaching Ruby how things were done, not just getting her off. Neo was shirking her responsibility as the more mature harem mate.

Huffing, she stood up and reached over, gesturing for one of Ruby’s hands.

The girl blinked at that, but grabbed the hand quickly enough and was hauled to a sitting position on the edge of the bed. “Is, is something wrong?” Ruby asked.

Neo shook her head, then pointed to her eyes again.

“You want me to... learn something?” Ruby asked. She was beginning to cross her legs as if hiding herself.

Neo nodded and hopped onto the bed. With a few quick motions she positioned herself just behind and to Ruby’s right, one leg wrapped around the Ruby and an arm around her waist.

“Um,” Ruby asked.

Neo moved her free hand and placed it atop Ruby’s taut stomach, then, with slow motions that made her destination obvious, she snaked down, over Ruby’s pubic mound, and ran her fingers over Ruby’s pussy.

Ruby took in a sharp breath at that and went still like a deer in the headlights.

If Ruby was ever going to finger Neo, she had to know how, and while she didn’t doubt that the girl had explored a little, there was a world of difference between masterubating yourself and gettign someone else off.

She started slow, fingers moving over lips, then her thumb found the bump of her clit and started rolling it in small circles.

She could feel Ruby tensing against her, the motions translating to small waves of pleasure and warmth across Ruby’s body. A glance up showed that Ruby’s face was crimson from both shame and desire.

Neo stepped up her game. She found Ruby’s entrance and slid her middle finger into Ruby, hooking it in then pulling it out in a continuous motion that had the palm of her hand rubbing against all the fun parts of Ruby’s exposed pussy.

Then she added a second finger, spreading them apart to pull and stretch Ruby’s opening until she could tell she was on the very edge of causing the girl pain.

“Neo,” Ruby gasped. “I, I... she bent around and, even with the awkward angle, kissed Neo on the lips.

Neo redoubled her efforts, fingers sliding in and out of her as fast as they would go, slick wetness making lewd noises with every motion. Soon her hand was drenched.

Their kiss broke and Ruby leaned her head against Neo’s. “I love you,” she said.

Neo rolled her eyes and felt her cheeks warming up for the first time that evening.

Ruby was such a sap.

She stopped fingering her just long enough to rub her pussy with the butt of her hand, then she lifted Ruby up and adjusted the way she was sitting. By now, Ruby was putty in her hands, helping her move however she wanted to.

She probably didn’t expect the finger that slid into her anus.

Ruby squeaked, bouncing on the spot while half-lidded eyes shot open. “N-neo!”

Neo snorted and, quick as she could, rolled out from behind Ruby and shoved her back onto the mattress.

Hopefully some of her masterful technique had stuck with Ruby, but the testing part of the lesson wasn’t starting just yet.

She got to her knees again, pulled Ruby’s hips closer, and jammed her face over her pussy.

Ruby tasted like Ruby, sweet, with just the faintest taste that was very much Ruby’s and one that Neo knew she was going to enjoy for a good long while.

Her pupil’s legs kicked and she gasped as Neo put her cunnlinguist skills to work. She licked, sucked and once she found the swollen button that was Ruby’s clit, she even nibbled a little. Within seconds she had a trail of Ruby’s juices soaking down her chin and into the neck of her pyjama top.

Ruby’s twitching grew more erratic. She was kicking out, hands balled into fists over her mouth to muffle the little noises she was making.

She really didn’t need to do that, Neo liked hearing the sounds the other girls made when she went down on them, it was, she imagined, like a musician that knew their instrument intimately and knew just the right string to pull the make it produce the most beautiful sound.

Neo found that string when she shoved two fingers into Ruby’s pussy and used them to stretch her enough that her tongue could dip in and wiggle inside her.

Ruby moaned. No restraint, none of that virginal prudishness about holding back. She just let out a guttural, primal noise that was so utterly unlike Ruby that it had her pausing, tongue still stretched out as far as it would go.

Ruby came like a beowolf jumping in front of a freight train. She shook, there was a splatter across Neo’s face, and she howled as if she was about to die. “Neo! Neo, I, I love... Neo.”

Her thighs tightened around Neo’s head and her hips shook, as in demanding that Neo keep on going. And who was she to refuse.

Leaning forwards, Neo started moving her fingers in and out of Ruby as quickly as she could while the tongue lapped at the delicious juices gathering around her protege’s pussy. The renewed attention had Ruby panting, each breath coming out with a confused, happy noise.

But eventually enough was enough, and with a wiggle of her jaw to loosen the muscles there, Neo pulled back and stood up before wiping her chin.

Ruby looked up at her, panties still around one leg, bedsheets pulled close to her sides with visible marks where her hands had clawed into them. Sweat plastered her hair to her forehead in a wet mop and some of Neo’s saliva was slowly trickling off of one of her perky little tits.

Neo grinned, proud of her work.

Still, the night wasn’t halfway over yet. This had been the demonstration, Ruby still needed to show her if any of the lessons stuck.

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