《The Void Wolf》Chapter 123: Calm Before The Storm


In a blistering desert, there were hundreds of tents set up for the soldiers who were expecting a long battle. Further away, the Dark Elves set up their own tents and the most magnificent one was a huge tent surrounded by colors of red and black. The tent itself stood alone with soldiers of the Dark Elf Empire keeping a respectful yet cautious distance from it.

Inside the tent was nothing but a wooden door centered in the middle. Suddenly, the door opened revealing a stone hallway and a group of Valkyries who began to exit.

“There are no words to describe how impressive this is,” Lauren said as she stepped out.

It was unknown where Ira found a door, but he had done exactly as he said and linked two different spaces. Of course, there were concerns about security so several Valkyries were left guarding either side of the doorway in order to make sure no one would intrude.

“I agree,” Casey said as removed her helmet and held it close to her.

“Speaking of, where is that husband of yours, Avery?” Judith asked while letting a two-handed maul rest on her shoulder.

Since forging the weapons for Avery, she still had yet to produce a reason as to why she changed them. She could barely remember the process of their creation and could only recall the overwhelming urge to create a sword and shield instead. God Steel was always a mysterious metal and once it was affected by Avery’s divinity its shape was already predetermined. The influence of divine power wasn’t something the Valkyries could overcome even with their resistance to mental debilitations.

“There are certain things I told him to deal with before he came back,” Avery replied as she looked around the camp.

Far off in the distance, a blur of a giant creature could be seen, but there was no real sense of panic since the Behemoth had been trapped for the past few days.

A few dozen feet away from the command tent, Ira was helping Harper, Rhys, Amy, and Aldis get settled. With the exception of Rhys, the others wouldn’t normally be allowed to participate in the battle. Amy was the most hopeful seeing as her demon flames would grow from burning away corpses of powerful enemies. Although it was unknown as to whether or not her flames were even strong enough to burn its thick hide.

“You all won’t have much to do except watch everyone else fight. If you want, you can fire some catapults or something but you three shouldn’t get too close.” Ira pointed to Aldis, Amy, and Harper.

“Where’s Raveria?” Harper asked impatiently.

“Go to the central tent if you want to see her and if the Valkyries try to stop you tell them I said it's ok. I’ll stop by there before the fight starts anyway.” Ira tapped Harper on the shoulder before watching her run away with excitement.

“I wonder if it would be a bad time to spar with one of my cousins.” Aldis contemplated.

“We still have some time until it starts so you should.” Ira shrugged.

“You think that’s really a good idea?” Amy asked.

“Better now than never, but just let me know what happens next, I’m going to Rhys’ tent.” Ira waved while leaving behind a dumbfounded Rhys.


Rhys blinked a few times before following behind him while Amy and Aldis seemed a little flustered at the implications behind the statement.

Rhys caught up to Ira who didn’t seem to be lying about his destination. He followed her scent so there was no need for directions. She held a questioning look on her face, but Ira just laughed.

“You know why we’re going there.” Ira said as they continued their trek through the sand and past Dark Elf Empire soldiers who constantly bowed while whispering ‘Praise the Keeper.’

Rhys’ complexion went flush as her heartbeat increased, it was clear she was nervous and even a little excited but a question went through her mind which caused her thoughts to become complicated.

“I can guess what you’re thinking when you furrow your brows like that...” Ira shook his head before continuing, “... and you don’t want to hear the answer.”

Rhys’ slowly nodded with a slightly bitter smile. The question she wanted to ask was whether or not Avery told him to go and the answer was yes.

In Avery’s eyes, things should progress quickly. She wanted Ira to sleep with Rhys once and then they would wait for any sign of pregnancy meaning anywhere from days to weeks. If Rhys became pregnant then she would be watched over until she gave birth, similar to Avery. If not, the process would be repeated once again. Since humans were a lower race, they had quicker conceptions with those of a higher race, though it didn’t matter much with Ira’s increased vitality. The entire situation was similar to how the Valkyries treated their husbands, the ones who had yet to be murdered in cold blood anyway.

Once Ira and Rhys arrived at her tent, he opened it and walked right in before she took a breath and followed behind him.

Ira looked around and saw a plainly decorated tent, a chest, and a wooden cot with blankets stacked atop it. At night, the desert would become unbelievably cold so it made sense as to why one would keep blankets on hand. Disregarding the importance of that, Ira sat down and sighed while thinking.

Rhys, without knowing what to do, sat next to him and played with her thumbs nervously. Until recently she feared personal contact with other people since they could be hurt or even die.

“This is sort of new to me, Rhys,” Ira said as he reclined further onto the cot and closed his eyes as if he was about to sleep.

Rhys looked lost as to what he meant so he spoke again, “Not what we’re about to do, I meant the part that comes before that.”

Avery was direct and wasted no time in getting straight to the act and Ira had no problem with that. In fact, before Avery was pregnant she was the one taking the lead most of the time. Rhys would obviously be different since it wasn’t something she was familiar with. Then there was the fact that Ira didn’t feel any love for her but he didn’t hate or dislike her so that had to count for something. There was another thing that bothered Ira and that was the fact that Rhys was human, meaning she was frail compared to Valkyries who were not only strong but could enhance that strength with mana.


Rhys didn’t think of the potential dangers that Ira brought and instead focused in his words that served as confirmation as for what was going to happen. The atmosphere between the two was silent but it didn’t seem uncomfortable for Ira. He was wondering if it was better to think of Avery, but he quickly erased the thought as she would find it insulting if anything.

He sat up and moved closer to Rhys before taking her mask off and placed it on top of the wooden chest and looked at her.

Rhys avoided his gaze as her heart began pounding even harder, but her actions didn’t stop Ira as he guided her down onto the blankets and climbed over her. He quickly removed her leather armor and tossed it away before doing the same for their clothes.

There was an anxiousness in Rhys’ chest as she looked up at the head full of black hair that was currently acting as a curtain to obscure Ira’s face. She parted it with trembling hands and looked at him.

“...So your scars cover your whole body.” Ira had a very faint look of surprise as he looked at the lighting-shaped scars that trailed down her chest, arms, and legs.

Without wasting any more time, Ira kissed her, but there was a clear lack of passion in it. Rhys didn’t notice maybe because she wasn’t familiar or maybe because she chose to ignore it, but they continued on. Until she made a mute gasp indicating she was in pain to which Ira took pause and kissed her again while waiting for her to adjust. After a few moments, she parted from his lips and nodded before he resumed.

Around an hour or so later, Ira could be seen walking through the Dark Elf Camp that was busy preparing to attack.

As expected, with Rhys he had to be incredibly careful not to get absorbed into it or else he would have broken her bones. There was also the fact that Rhys didn’t have the endurance of a Valkyrie and an hour was a bit too much for her first time. On his wedding night with Avery, Ira couldn’t remember just how long they stayed together.

Ira eventually made it back to the central tent and after seeing that Avery wasn’t present, he made his way to the spatial door.

The Valkyries greeted him and moved to the side allowing him to enter the door.

Ira found himself in of Avery’s chambers and heard voices coming from the garden, but he decided to go to the bath first.

Suddenly, Raveria ran through the black curtains and arrived in front of him.

“Daah.” Raveria giggled happily.

“Wait, Raveria.” Harper chased after the little girl only to see Ira.

“Harpuh.” Raveira pointed to Harper and then looked at Ira.

“Yeah, that’s aunt Harper.” Ira smiled brightly.

Each and every word of Raveria’s might as well have been gold to him since he nearly burst in excitement each time she spoke. It was important to remember that she was barely two months old and was already on the level of a kid at least three years older than her.

Avery stepped out of the garden with set of grey robes on, but that was just her formless armor in a different state.

“I’m going to take a bath, Raveria.” Ira smiled as he hugged her before moving away.

“Baff,” Raveria repeated.

"Raveria and I will come with you, I’ll help you wash off,” Avery said as picked up the black-haired toddler.

“You go back, Harper, but I’ll let you watch Raveria when the fighting starts.” Ira ruffled her hair.

Harper looked at Raveria with clear unwillingness but still left without a fuss.

Avery’s room had a set of wooden double doors and one led to the desert due to Ira connecting the two spaces, while the other led to the hallway outside of her room. It was clear as to which one they used after they traveled through a hallway before arriving at a bath.

Raveria played in a tub filled with bubbles and floating toys, while Ira sat in a larger porcelain tub and Avery rolled her sleeves up and wiped his body with a damp cloth.

“It’s done?” Avery inquired.

“Yeah,” Ira answered without any enthusiasm. Although his mood seemed lukewarm, Ira wouldn’t treat Rhys any different. Well, there would be an increased protectiveness over the potential mother of his child, but that was a given.

Avery wiped his shoulders and planted a kiss on his neck before continuing to wipe him.

“After all of this is done I want another child,” Avery whispered into his ear which caused Ira to laugh.

“If Raveria can alter time then I wonder what our next kid could do.” Ira smiled.

Once Avery reached a certain point in the growth of her divinity, she would be able to bestow parts of it into her children which would further increase their strength.

“Wait…I’ll need to make a sigil for you.” Ira said as his eyes widened in realization before continuing, “If your divinity grows too much you’ll ascend.”

Avery raised his hand and examined the sigil of a black wolf chasing its tail on the back of it, “After you kill that monster in the desert and use your genetic mutation there’s a chance you’ll ascend if you don’t replace the last sigil?”

“Yeah, but even if I do I’ll come back immediately,” Ira said without any worry.

After he gained more control over the Void he would become quite a problem, but it meant he could prevent his own ascension and stay with his family longer. It was an incredible luxury for one to decide the time they would enter the Divine Realm and it was also a huge taboo. Unknown to Ira, he had already broken a number of rules that were actively contributing to some sort of Divine Intervention. Luckily, he still had many to go before anything happened so he was safe to enjoy time with his family for the time being.

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