《The Void Wolf》Chapter 105: If The Keeper Wills It


“I’ve heard that a few vampires have been causing you trouble, is that right?” Ira asked Sylun.

Sylun glanced at Eloise before speaking, “I would’ve liked to handle it before you arrived, but it is regretfully true, Keeper.”

“It’s not your fault,” Ira waved his hands before he turned to Lucien, “Eloise suspects you have something to do with it, but I think that it would better to gather more evidence before making a decision.”

“...I agree.” Lucien nodded but was put-off by Ira’s strange behavior.

“Good...So, are you responsible?” Ira asked with an unfading smile that made it seem like he was seeking a peaceful solution.

“Of course not,” Lucien adamantly maintained his innocence.

“Well, that settles it then,” Ira said with a laugh. The room was silent and a few people began to think that Ira was completely incompetent. Even if Lucien was innocent, a verbal denial wasn’t acceptable as valid evidence.

Ira’s hand turned into a black claw which he swung toward Lucien before it reverted back to normal. His actions were so quick that some thought that it was an illusion.

“What…” Lucien took a step forward but blood began to pour from his body. His arms fell off before his legs followed and the only that was left was his slit throat.

“Keeper?” Sylun was shocked by Ira’s power since all she could see was his arm moving.

“I don’t believe him,” Ira grabbed a handful of Lucien’s hair and looked him in the eyes.

“Did it occur to you that he may actually be innocent?” A Beastman asked in disbelief.

“Who said that?” Ira stood up and looked at the crowd before he found the culprit, “It was you, right? Come here.”

The confident Beastman who resembled a cat took a few shaky steps forward.

“I want to skip past all the courtly intrigue and investigations, so when you speak up in defense of that guy I can’t help but to get really suspicious, you know?” Ira’s finger turned into a sharp claw which he used to tear into his own arm, causing blood to slowly drip.

“Well, you shouldn’t be worried if you’re not a vampire, right?” Ira lifted his arm to the front of the Beastman’s face.

Ira’s had the vitality of a Dragon among several other traits which meant his blood was obviously more than a vampire could resist.

The Beastman wasn’t even able to speak as his eyes shifted to a dark bloody color and he attempted to consume the blood. Ira gripped his head and twisted it, eliciting a loud snapping sound. Just in case there were anymore who doubted him, he raised the Beastman up and showed off his features.

“Looks like a vampire to me,” Ira said aloud as he dropped the body.

There were surprised gasps that overtook the room as they realized the implications of a vampire hidden in the courts meant. Just as Ira was about to pick his next target, several vampires jumped from the crowd and went toward Aldis and Amy who were obviously human.

Ira sliced through space with his black claws and four headless bodies plopped onto the ground followed by their heads.

“Does anyone else want to come forward?” Ira asked a clearly fearful crowd.

Once no responded, he walked over to Lucien whose blood was retreating back into his body.

“So please tell me why you weren’t aware of those other vampires?” Ira gripped his skull tightly and began to squeeze.


Lucien who regained his ability to speak screamed, “I didn’t know! Please!”

Although hearing him plead for mercy was hard on the ears of the spectators, no one believed him. The same went for Ira, who didn’t waste any time and crushed his skull with an eerie crunching sound.

“You’ve prevented a potential disaster, Keeper,” Sylun spoke in a thankful manner.

“Can you have some people guide Harper, Aldis, and Amy to his house? Harper can find any traces of people who were close to him and get rid of them.”

“Eloise,” Sylun gestured to the dazed lycanthrope who saluted before moving to escort the trio.

“You aren’t going to help us, Ira?” Harper asked.

“If you can’t handle that much then I’d be a bit disappointed.” Ira ruffled Harper’s hair.

“I got it.” Harper reversed her stance in a moment as she marched off with Eloise, Amy, Aldis, and a few other lycanthropes.

“Send some people in here to dispose of the bodies,” Sylun ordered causing several servants to bow before going to get the appropriate supplies.

“Keeper, you already know Saren, but this is Sylvia, my daughter.” Sylun introduced the female Dark Elf at her side.

Sylvia had pale grey skin, red eyes, and white hair all characteristics of the Dark Elves, but she bared a strong resemblance to Sylun.

“It’s an honor to meet you, Keeper,” Sylvia didn’t appear to be phased by the bloodshed and bowed toward Ira.

“Likewise,” Ira responded before redirecting his attention to Sylun.

“The reason I’m here so early is that I need a trustworthy birth companion for Avery,” Ira waved his hand and produced Avery’s list before continuing, “And she wanted me to give you this.”

Sylun was attempting to digest the news of Avery’s pregnancy while she read the list. It described a rigorous training routine that was to be standard for the Empire’s military. The practices described needed an inhuman amount of perseverance, and it was only when she finished reading that she discovered it was based on the training regime Lauren had devised for her daughters.

Sylun folded the paper neatly before speaking, “If this is what you wish for Keeper then it will be done...We’ll select the most skilled birthing companions we have, but it’ll take a few days to gather all of them. In the meantime, I would ask that you demonstrate your abilities for those who lack faith, Keeper.”

Ira closed his eyes and concentrated before he opened them and exposed his bright red eyes. The influence of the Red Moon was able to spread further due to the strength he received from the Dragon so even those outside the palace felt. The Dark Elves and the Lycanthropes had their eyes change to a bright red color, while the beast people had their features enhanced, becoming more animalistic.

“…Praise the Keeper!” A Lycanthrope fell to his knees and he was soon followed by everyone else in the room.

“Praise the Keeper!”

“Praise the Keeper!”

The chant became infectious and soon everyone was kneeling toward Ira as if he was a Divine Entity and for good reason too. They could literally feel the Red Moon enhancing their bodies and abilities. Just being near Ira put them at what they felt like was the height of their power. There was another reason which made the Dark Elves far more worshipping. Although it wasn’t proven, the Dark Elves were sure that the Red Moon increased birth rates which would secure the future of their race.


After the commotion settled down, Ira stopped using his ability and looked around the room. No matter what they thought before, everyone looked at Ira as if his existence was sacred.

“I don’t mean to ask too much of you but could you attend the temple opening ceremony, Keeper,” Sylun asked carefully. She was aware that Ira voiced his protest at being seen as a God but it was only natural for the Dark Elves and their people who were said to have been abandoned and cursed by the Gods. They had religious practices that centered around the moon and with the addition of Ira it was like putting a face to it.

“I might as well, I was thinking about moving here with Avery after she gives birth anyway,” Ira shrugged but his news caused a ripple of shock to spread.

“Is that true, Keeper!?” Saren asked with widened eyes. Those who attended the Summit were thinking of ways to win Ira over without upsetting or annoying him.

“Yeah, it’s probably the best place to raise my kid and the Valkyries would follow so I don’t have to worry about safety.”

Sylun’s eyes flashed with delight when she heard Ira speak of the Valkyries. Having Ira and Lauren close by was like a dream for her.

The throne room erupted in a celebration and before long Saren showed realization at something, “I’ve practiced my bakery since the Summit, Keeper and I am more than confident that I’ve mastered the ability to create pastries.”

“Then bring them out,” Ira smiled cheerfully.

While everything was happening, the scribes were hard at work attempting to record Ira’s deeds and search for deep and profound meanings in his actions.

Ustia was flying at an incredibly fast speed when she arrived at the Valkyrie Hall, she landed at the entrance of the Hall and was met with a dozen Valkyries drawing their weapons.

“Leave!” The Valkyries took up their battle stances and spread out.

“Tell Lauren that Ustia is here to talk,” Ustia raised her hands to indicate she wasn’t hostile.

A single Valkyrie broke off from the formation and retreated inside, emerging a few moments later with a fully armored Lauren. Ustia found that something was off with the situation as they weren’t nearly as on guard the previous time she came.

“I don’t think you would go so low as to mislead us with a trick so what is it that you want to speak to us about?” Lauren carried helmet between her arm and her hip.

“There is a problem and we need you to give a message to Ira,” Ustia spoke with patience that was unlike her.

Lauren narrowed her eyes, “...Stand down.”

The Valkyries opened a path while maintaining the utmost amount of focus for any sudden attacks.

Ustia unfastened her scabbard as she moved forward and held out her sword. Someone stepped forward and took her weapon before tensions finally eased.

Under Lauren’s lead, Ustia ended up in the meeting room the Valkyries often used. On the way, she noticed the Valkyries were guarding every possible pathway and her suspicions increased.

“Where is Avery?” Ustia asked.

“Did you come here to talk about her?” Lauren didn’t let anything slip about Avery’s pregnancy since she didn’t trust Ustia.

“You’re right, I came here to pass a message to Ira. Our group has begun to have split opinions on how matters should be handled and Ira is in danger. Lyra and I are the only ones who want to maintain a non-aggressive relationship with him. The others show signs of disagreement, that’s why I was sent on behalf of Lyra to warn him,” Ustia spoke with complete seriousness.

“You expect me to believe that you would go against those in your group so easily?” Lauren asked.

“No, I don’t...Kara was a mentor and a sister to me and when she chose not to stay behind with the rest it caused me to be upset with her, but I don’t want to bring harm to any of you. That’s why I want you to believe me and tell Ira to make sure he’s ready to fight the others if he needs to.”

“...Fine,” Lauren nodded before she suddenly turned looked above Ustia and fired a magic arrow into the area above her and a small ribbon of psychic energy was destroyed.

“What was that for?” Ustia asked with confusion.

“There was some type of energy gathering over you,” Lauren said.

Ustia’s eyes moved back and forth before they widened, “Gicae,” she spat.

“Avery told me about him, he’s the one with psychic abilities, correct?”

“Yes, but there nothing to worry about, his abilities can’t affect our minds. That was most likely his way of tracking my location. He couldn’t have heard anything we said without using a larger amount of energy.” Ustia said in a reassuring manner, but she was wrong.

Seeing as he didn’t seem to be hostile toward Ira, she assumed he was just keeping track of her. She would never imagine that Gicae used his ability of astral projection to send a mental construct to the Valkyrie Hall.

Gicae floated through the air as an intangible mass and looked for any traces of Ira. Although he hadn’t heard any of the words exchanged between Lauren and Ustia, he was aware that Lyra would attempt to speak to Ira. Gicae continued to float down through the mountain and quickly realized that something was abnormal. A peculiar energy that he had never felt before was being sent out in barely detectable waves. As he moved toward the source the energy became stronger and he found his astral projection becoming unstable.

Eventually, he found that the source of the energy was being emitted from behind a set of reinforced doors that were filled with various protection arrays and spells. The strength of the spells on the door would periodically weaken following the pulses of the strange energy that seemed to undo and redo the magic. Gicae observed the timing and slipped through when it was at its weakest. Gicae ignored the expensive looking furniture in the room and slipped past a black curtain only to arrive in a garden.

The next thing he saw shocked him beyond belief. Avery Thynne was pregnant, but at her current stage, it seemed impossible for the time frame to line up. The source of the energy came from the child inside her which was no doubt Ira’s. Just as Gicae was about to investigate more, a heavy pulse of energy spread out and the plants in the garden began to shrink until they were no more than sprouts before they grew back to their normal forms again.

The energy was so strong that Gicae was ripped out of his astral form after witnessing the impossible phenomenon.

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