《The Void Wolf》Chapter 93: A Trusted Friend


The convoy arrived at the gates to the Kingdom’s Capital with much fanfare. Young and old gathered around the gates, but the reason most of them were waiting was for one person and one person only and that was Ira.

“I can’t see, Dad.” A little boy tugged on a rugged looking man’s sleeves.

“Here, come on.” The man lifted the boy onto his shoulder with a hearty laugh.

Since the King’s convoy arrived sooner than everyone else so did the news of Ira’s fight against three other prominent figures from other countries. There were even copies of the Free City’s newspaper handed out which served to quicken the spread of his achievements. It could be said that the entire continent was now aware of Ira, while only a few dozen were aware of the Higher Races. Hearing about a group of ancient races appearing out of nowhere was far less believable than Ira beating three of the best warriors from their respective countries.

“Hey, here they come,” Someone called out.

The main gates slowly opened and a row of carriages appeared. The Princes were the first to be announced and received a unanimous set of obligatory cheers. There was some dissatisfaction among the lower class in the Kingdom, but no one dared to voice it.

Eventually, Ira’s carriage was announced and the crowd burst into a fervor as they cheered for him. His actions caused the citizens to gain a feeling of pride in their Kingdom which was home to repeated misfortunes and looked down upon by all.

Inside the carriage, Ira had a smile on his face as he listened to the crowd.

“It’s quite different from the Dark Elves,” Avery stated indifferently.

“How so?” Ira asked curiously.

“You’re a religious figure to the Dark Elves and they would likely obey your every word. These people may revere you, but they don’t have any undying devotion toward you,” she explained.

“Well, It’s not like I need them to be devoted to me,” Ira said.

The carriages with the Princes inside continued toward the Palace, while the rest of the convoy stopped outside of the gates. Since the city guards were holding the crowd in place, they had to restrain the urge to rush up to Ira’s carriage. They watched intently as the door opened and an attractive black-haired young man with yellow eyes became visible to all. Since Ira was wearing the coat given to him for the Summit, he looked much like a Noble or a Knight. The crowd whispered as he stepped down from the carriage and then turned to help a woman wearing a dark grey cloak that obscured her appearance.


“Ira! Ira! Did you really beat the Eastern Sword, Cyprian Aurell?” A man yelled out in a manner that seemed rehearsed which caught Avery’s attention.

“It seems the King has been at work,” With only a few words she could see a sort of scheme that while harmless, was completely annoying.

From what she could tell, the King most likely ordered someone to spread the story of Ira’s accomplishments throughout the Capital to paint him as a hero. Then to ensure that it worked, he planted a few moles in the crowd which would ask certain things to enhance Ira’s image. The end goal seemed to be making Ira a hero in the eyes in the population and hope that he would be hooked on the feeling or feel obligated to protect them. If he did it meant he would continue to call the Grenitian Kingdom his home. It was just unfortunate that Ira had no such feelings. He responded in his usual upbeat manner, but that didn’t mean he would suddenly grow a sense of duty.

“Yeah,” Ira responded simply with an unfading grin.

“Do you have any tips for a new mercenary?” A young man around the same age as Ira asked.

“Try not to die.” Ira’s reply drew a few laughs from people who assumed he was joking, but he was completely serious though the smile didn’t add to that fact.

“Anything else?” The young mercenary asked earnestly.

“You won’t get stronger by taking easy jobs,” Ira said.

“Are you in a relationship?” A blushing girl asked.

“I’m married.” Ira showed the wedding ring on his hand which caused many young women wishing for a lucky chance to pout.

There were more questions which Ira continued to answer before the crowd witnessed the woman dressed in a grey cloak tapping him on the shoulder and whispering in his ear.

“Well, I have to go.” Ira waved with one hand while the other wrapped around Avery’s waist.

The crowd began to cheer, but it slowly fell off when they witnessed the air around Ira ripple. He continued to smile before he suddenly disappeared with a small shockwave that sent a gust of wind through the crowd. No one had any words for what they just had witnessed and continued standing with their mouths agape.


Ira and Avery reappeared in his house and landed in the kitchen.

“This isn’t the Valkyrie’s Hall,” Avery raised an eyebrow.

“We still have time don’t we?” Ira said as he pulled out Rhys’ letter and began to read it. While Avery also gave it a curious glance.

To Ira,

I’m not sure how to start writing this and I struggled to get this far for the first few times. This is my last sheet of stationary so try to bear with me if I make any mistakes. There are many things I want to speak to you about, but as you know, I can’t speak. I often feel as if a single piece of paper is too constricting and it never allows me to get everything I want across. I want you to know that I am eternally grateful for how much you’ve helped me and that you even thought of helping me grow my abilities. I’m embarrassed to say write but you’re my only friend. I don’t want to garner any pity, but instead, tell you how much I care for and appreciate you.

That brings me to the reason for me writing this letter in the first place. I want your help, though I completely understand if you refuse to help. I wish to visit my family for the first time in years, but I’m scared that I may lose control and injure them. That’s one of the reasons why I wanted to ask you to come with me. My other reason that I want to learn more about you. I don't know if you noticed or not, but sometimes you predict what I am thinking or want to say just by listening to my facial expressions. I often wonder why you are the way you are. Please don't take that as criticism. I'm honestly fascinated by you at times. I wish to better my understanding of you is what I meant to say. I have no idea what you been through and I won't pretend to know, I only hope that one day you can share a small portion of it with me.

Also, if you wish for Avery to accompany you then I have no problem at all.

From, Rhys

“It almost looks like a love letter,” Avery commented with disinterest.

“You think?” Ira asked as he folded the letter and stored it away, "At least I know she considers me a friend."


“I mean I can probably be there and back within a few days, so I can help her after I finish the ritual with you. Plus it’ll give me time to find something out of the book for her,” Ira said before continuing, “Do you want to come with me?”

“I have no interest in meeting Rhys’ family.”

“I guessed as much.” Ira shrugged before he gave a sly look toward Avery.

“What is it?” She asked.

“Well, since we do have time…” Ira trailed off with a suggestive grin.

“Lead the way,” Avery gestured toward the steps.

Ira shook his head before lifting her up and moving upstairs at an unbelievably quick pace.

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