《The Void Wolf》Chapter 71: Praise The Keeper


Back in the Capital, Amy and Harper were taking a brief rest after completing a spree of jobs. The latest job was clearing the vampire nest and that was especially stressful on Amy. By the time they reached the nearest town, more than half the ones held captive by the vampires had died. As for the two vampires Harper kept alive, they died along the way. Amy wasn’t sure how, but she heard the screams after Harper took them into the woods, only to come back with blood-stained hands. Although Amy didn't approve of torture, she was of no mind to say anything to Harper.

On the topic of Amy, her abilities had advanced quite a lot and her physique had undergone a noticeable change. In addition to her physique being improved, her facial features changed the most. Since Demons had a predatory nature whoever they inhabited would have subtle changes to their appearance to make them more attractive in order to entice other victims. Amy, who was originally a plain village girl with green eyes that stood out, began to draw attention in public and not just because of her arm. Still, compared to Avery her change in looks didn’t even need to be mentioned.

Inside of Ira’s house, Harper and Amy had just finished bathing and were in the living room. Amy was busy rebraiding Harper’s hair, while Harper sat with closed eyes as if she were meditating.

“All done.” Amy said as she handed a mirror to Harper.

Harper opened her eyes and took the mirror before looking at her single long braid. “You did it just like the servants at Avery’s house.” Harper gave an approving smile.

All of a sudden, a knock came from the door. Harper stood up and ran toward the door hoping it was Ira. She opened it with a smile only to have it instantly fade. A boy with dark purple hair and brown eyes stood at the door with a large bag in hand.

“Harper?” Aldis questioned, “...and Amy you’re here too? Is Ira in?”

“No. He went away.” Harper pouted as she left Aldis standing at the door.

“Hey, Aldis.” Amy stood up to greet Aldis who was caught off guard at her change of looks.

“You’ve...changed.” Aldis said simply.

“Shut the door already!” Harper shouted.

Aldis did as instructed and stepped inside the house before closing the door behind him. He placed the bag down and looked around.

“I almost forgot that you two are basically in-laws.” Amy said as she looked at Harper pouting at the table and then to Aldis who looked a little bit dazed.


“Hmm.” Harper hummed absentmindedly while Aldis nodded in agreement.

“Have you both been completing jobs while I was away?” Aldis asked.

“Yeah...well, it was mostly Harper’s effort, I barely managed to assist her. She’s really strong, you know?” Amy said. “She’s not on the same level as Ira though.” she added.

“I dare you to say that again!” Harper puffed up her chest in the most intimidating manner she could muster.

Amy tried her hardest but she could only laugh at Harper’s attempt. She was small and her voice was high pitched and childish so it was normal not to be frightened by her.

“We’re waiting on Miss Samantha to bring us another job, she should be here in a little while.” Amy said.

“Don’t ignore me.” Harper placed her hand on her baton. “Come to the training room and watch what happens.” She threatened.

“Training room?” Aldis showed curiosity at Harper’s words.

“Upstairs…” Amy looked at the bag at Aldis’ side and spoke, “We’re you planning to stay here?”

“Just for today. My mother sent someone to buy me a house close to Ira’s so I have to wait until that’s done.” Aldis said.

“There are only two rooms and one is Ira’s.” Harper said.

“I’m staying in Harper’s room.” Amy added.

“I’m sure Ira wouldn’t mind.” Aldis said, but Harper wasn’t convinced.

“He’s not here so we’ll never know.” Harper pulled out her baton and extended it into a staff. “Convince me through a fight.” She huffed out.

“Amy said you’re strong. I wonder if you’re at the same level Ira was at when we sparred in the Academy.” Aldis said with a nostalgic look as he opened his bag and pulled out two swords. “Would you like to see?” He asked.

“We can’t just cease all movements we’ve already come so far.” An unreluctant voice said in a dark room.

The several other figures that sat at a round table and responded with silence.

“You heard it from Avery Thynne herself, her family won’t get involved with our so-called petty matters. Ira doesn’t seem to be too interested in anything else either, even though he has the Dark Elf Empire on his side he didn’t even blink. With that, the biggest threats to our plan are removed without us taking any risk.” The protesting figure spoke to the group.

“...And what about the Fourth Prince? Even though he demonstrated his worth you still decided to make an enemy out of him. While he’s in the Free City he’s untouchable. While he’s under Ira’s protection he’s untouchable. He is now an obstacle we can’t afford to ignore since you moved against him.” A voice from the group responded.


“I only moved against him because none of you protested it. Don’t pretend you didn’t give your silent permission, it’s insulting to everyone here.” The lone figure said.

“So what do you propose we do?” A voice from the group inquired.

“We move ahead with our plan. The Grenitians have several Indexes, and even if the Dark Elves won’t go to war against them, they would still want one. The best option is to create a conflict between the Tel’vians and the Grenitians.”

“We’ll allow you to continue, after all, this was your idea to begin with, but if it should fall beyond our line of comfort don’t even expect to live.” A stern voice came from the group.

“I assure I have no intentions of failing.” The lone figure said confidently.

“Countless people have died without the intention to, don’t become too neglectful.” A voice warned.

Over at the section of the Diplomatic Quarter designated for the Dark Elves. Sylun sat in a large room with Ira and Avery as her guests. Saren stood at her side not daring to be too insolent in front of Ira.

“You both are married...was Lauren there to oversee it?” Sylun asked politely as she tried to control the emotion in her voice.

“Yes, my Grandmother was there.” Avery responded emotionlessly. “You were close with my Grandmother?” She asked.

“She saved my life hundreds of times and is the sole reason the Empire exists. I loved Lauren, but she preferred fighting far more than she enjoyed the company of people.” Sylun said.

Ira furrowed his eyebrows at the implications behind Sylun’s words. It was hard to tell if she meant a platonic sisterly love or something else.

“I’m glad to hear she’s ok, even though there was never any doubt in my mind she wouldn’t be.” Sylun said with as sadness briefly flashed through her eyes, “To get back on subject, my true purpose to inquire about you, Keeper. Please forgive me if I am being too rude.”

“No, it’s fine and you can just call me, Ira.” Ira shrugged.

“I cannot do that, Keeper. You don’t know just how sacred your existence is to us.” Sylun said.

“Listen, I’m not a messenger of the Gods or anything like that so don’t expect any divine revelations. I’m not going to trick you into following me, so you don’t have to worry about that either.” Ira said honestly.

Sylun suddenly knelt and held her head down and Saren and even those guards within the room instantly followed her.

“Keeper, forgive me if I have somehow offended you, but you are our only hope. It is said that the Dark Elves, like the other dark races, offended the Gods and were struck with a divine curse. As proof, the Golden Aurora affected everyone except the races under my empire. We don’t see you as the messenger of the Gods but rather a God growing in front of our very eyes.” Sylun explained in a pleading tone.

“Uh…” Ira looked around the room to see everyone kneeling in front of him and just thought it was a bit weird. As usual, the implications of having a leader of an entire nation kneeling in front him didn’t even appear in Ira’s mind. The idea of royalty and noble figures had earned a natural disdain in his eyes, especially those leaders who were so weak that he could kill them with a light tap.

Ira looked at Avery who just nodded in approval. From her point of view, Ira’s status as a divine being to the Dark Elves could become useful.

“Just to be clear, I’m not a God.” Ira said with a chuckle.

“Not yet, Keeper.” Sylun raised her head with hopeful eyes. “After the Summit is over, we hope that you’ll visit the Underground City. There are many of my people who want to see you.”

“I’ll take a look at some point.” Ira said.

“Keeper!” Saren shouted.

“I’m right here, why are you yelling?” Ira asked.

“Please allow me to follow you until you visit the Underground City.” Saren asked.

“Saren.” Sylun was just about to reprimand him but she saw Ira nod.

“Why not?” Ira asked with a friendly smile.

"Thank you, Keeper." Saren said as tears came to his eyes.

In the eyes of the Dark Elves, Ira looked like a benevolent and kind figure, but they didn’t know just what was underneath that smile. Even if they did, they wouldn’t care, the guards in the room who were lucky enough to witness Ira’s actions had already thought of the stories that they would tell to their friends. Those stories would soon become greatly exaggerated being told as, The Keeper of The Red Moon accepting the Dark Elf Prince as his own disciple. Ira also underestimated just how much the Dark Elves would react to his presence.

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