《The Stained Tower》Chapter 9: Scouting the Alien City



I glide behind a black rat and raise the brick engulfed within the cattail. The rat either does not sense me or does not perceive my violet eyes as anything threatening. Regardless, it is its final blunder, as the moment I am within range, I bring the cattail down upon it with a harsh crunch.

Blood leaks from the mouth and ears of the rat. ‘Aye, got it, and it only required a single blow!’

The cattail spits out the brick and latches onto the rat with its tendrils, pulling it into the haze.

Watching the wiggling tendrils, I look away. ‘The tendrils make me uncomfortable, and the fact they seem to be a part of me makes it even worse.’ I force my eyes to return to them. ‘Yet, they are absolutely essential to my continued survival, and I need to learn to use and get used to them.’

The rat turns into the flesh-colored haze and drifts into the kiln. I observe my body closely while the rat enters the kiln, as I have a conjecture.

Earl Interface:

Absorbed ‘Common Black City Rat’ (Non-Magical)

Reduced Erysichthon value by 10

Essence value is less than 1

0.3 Refinable Nebula

0.0 Refinable Vitrum

Upon complete absorption, I notice the kiln releases a black haze, and my body becomes denser.

‘So it would seem the things I eat replaces any lost haze. Then that begs the question, what the Essence is for? Well, according to Earl, the essence is something my soul requires, and if it reaches zero... the flame will be snuffed. Essentially, it would be my death.

Since running out of Essence means death while Erysichthon is hunger, I can only assume they are not directly related. I believe the erysichthon is essential because, without the haze, I would be unable to move, but it is not necessarily a death sentence. Well, I suppose it would be if I found myself unable to move until I lost all my Essence.

Thinking more about it, Earl recommended building the tower to help gather Essence? How much Essence am I going to need? I already know it’s vital for adaptations. If I require a significant amount, I will have to find a way to supplement it, and I assume that means larger prey… I shall worry about it later, but for now, I want to see if my adaptation was a good choice.’

Putting my uncomfortable thoughts aside, I resolve to try my luck with one of the metal plates again. Approaching one and checking my balance, I firmly plant my hands on the plate. This time, however, the cattail also rises and places itself between my hands. With the help of the cattail, I push again with all my might driving the plate into the air with a loud clatter.

‘...I did not expect it to be so easy.’

With the plate out of the way, I am assaulted by countless loud and indescribable noises. Fear of the unknown bubbles up within me, but I push through it and raise my head. Something roars and attacks me, removing my head—my vision shifts from my head to the kiln.


‘Without my head, my vision changes?! Wait! Who cares right now! I simply need to flee!’

I retreat down the ladder to escape the horrid monsters of the surface hellscape. After running down the tunnels until I am certain I escaped, I assess the damage.

‘My Erysichthon value increased by fifteen, putting it at twenty. That’s annoying, but more importantly, what attacked me!? All I saw was a blur, before nothing.’ After counting to a hundred, I glance at the direction I just fled and then at the thinned haze. ‘It was scary yet… I have to attempt that again. Aye, but… but first, I shall find two more rats!’’

Four thousand steps later, or what I believe is around two hours, I succeed in dropping my Erysichthon value by fifteen. In the end, I found one more gray rat and two mice.

Plunging right back into things, I approach a different metal plate; the noises from the other side are even louder than they were at the other location. I would love to take a deep breath to calm myself down at a time like this, but instead, I count to ten and push the plate up, gently this time.

While waiting a moment to ensure nothing is coming, and with the plate out of the way, the sound of people talking echoes through the tunnels.

“Man, those are sick! How much did you pay for that?”

“Ah, man, you know they were expensive as hell, but they were worth it!”

I slowly raise my head to observe the people having this odd conversation. What I discover is a white gentleman and a black gentleman speaking with earnest expressions upon their faces.

This oddly makes me surprisingly sentimental, inducing me to reminiscence. ‘I met a black man and his daughter once. He gave me a tasty new sort of bread, and his daughter played with Sir Mouser and me. He was in London to trade spices or something. That part did not really matter to me; I simply liked the bread and playing with someone.’

Noticing that they seem to be discussing something, I follow their line of sight and find an incredible creature. A beast of metal and as green as a lime. The beast rests on four black circles, wheels perhaps, that vaguely resemble the blur that struck me earlier. It sits quietly like it’s hunting them, but the two men do not seem afraid at all—the white man motions to the black man, and the two walk to its side.

“You ready? It’s gonna be bumpy,” the white man says.

“Yeah, start it up. I’m ready,” the black man answers.

The two open something similar to carriage doors and then sit in the beast.

‘What… what are these lunatics doing?’

The beast roars, and I am relatively certain I am about to witness these two people being brutally eaten alive. Yet, instead of feasting upon them, it starts to hop up and down.


‘Is it attempting to get those men out of it?’

The green beast continues to buck wildly, and I think I can even hear the two men screaming in agony.

‘This is horrific! What has happened to this world!?’

But just as suddenly as it began, it ends, and the two men sit there laughing.

“Gah, those hydraulics are crazy. Your ride is awesome!” the black man says.

With his hand on his chest, the white man laughs, shouting, “I know, right?!”

‘Wha…? This situation makes nary any sense.’

“H-hey, brah,” the black man says, pointing in my direction, “Do you see that thing over there? Like two purple lights?”

“What the hell is that? It’s like a glowing purple fog,” he answers, exiting the beast.

Caught and confused beyond my limit, I climb back into the chamber pot tunnels and leave the area.

‘Was that some sort of device, perchance? Or had they tamed the oddest creature in existence? I have never seen a creature of metal, but one may exist, I suppose... I will look into it more when I get the chance… I believe he referred to it as a “ride.”’

Resolving to try one more of these metal plates, this one seems to have a lot of flashing colors shining through the hole. This time the noise is somehow even louder as the metal plate vibrates due to all the noise. Counting to ten, I push the plate.

This time I lift my head up and find a place with lots of “rides” around. In case one attacks me again, I prepare myself to dip back down. Looking around the area, it is now night time wherever I am. People seem to be lining up at some building with a large man checking something. Lots of powerful lights shoot from the building. As the light passes through the haze, I nearly release my grip from the ladder, but I am far too slow. However, they simply move through the haze unaffected. Holding up my vague arm, I can see the lights reflecting on the tiny bits of dust.

‘Blue, purple, red, yellow, so many colors... They are incredible! This is not magic, right? So how are they making such enchanting lights! Such a scary and cruel world to have such lovely lights. Perhaps, it is not so bad… Nay, it is likely that bad.’

A woman stumbles nearby, and I dip low. She does not notice me, but I cannot help but be shocked by her scandalously dressed figure. It is to such an extent an old noblewoman might faint.

‘Wow. I cannot believe they dress like that… I mean, her entire leg and even her shoulders are exposed for all to see! Her bust looks elegant, but everything else goes too far. Although, I still admit the dress is rather comely. Not as lovely as my glass dress. Wait, why do I care about that right now? What is this place?’

Glancing up, I notice a large sign with “Bombastic’s” written upon it.

‘A word I do not recognize, but I believe I shall allow it to remain a mystery for now. The “rides” simply sit there idling; I do not think they are living. A horseless carriage, perhaps? Amazing yet… I still do not care for nor trust them.’

For as long as I can, without risk of being caught, I observe the people moving about their affairs. Eventually, I am convinced that the “rides” are not living and require a person to be within them. A few people spotted my violet eyes, but none investigated, likely believing it to be a product of the many lights in the area. When I have learned everything I believe I can at the moment, I return to the chamber pot tunnels with a new question.

‘Are there not trees? I have not managed to find a single one yet…’ Shaking my head, lustfully wishing for the green vegetation I am familiar with, I resolve to take a break.

Walking around wishing to find somewhere to rest, I quickly realize a place like that does not exist in the chamber pot tunnels. Instead, I decide to simply float on the surface of the water. Thus lying down over the water, I stare at the gray ceiling.

‘It’s a bit gross floating above the murky water, but it is not as if I am actually touching it. Anyway, Earl, I was thinking, I am going to plant this seed to harvest essence, but how exactly does that work? Please, say thou can answer at least this question.’

One of Earl’s purple walls appears.

Earl Interface:

Oort Stained Tower Glass Kiln Guide

Leeching and Harvesting Essence

Kiln are naturally parasitic creatures with some potential for a more predatory, mutualistic, or commensalistic relationship. Leeching will occur when organic life is within the Kiln’s ‘domain’ and more direct harvesting will occur when something perishes within the, in this case, ‘Tower.’

I study the message carefully. Allowing the words to sink in, I pause, pondering the consequences of the information. ‘Never have I believed myself to be evil, but simply someone who did what they needed to survive. Someone who was cursed with a horrible illness, but recalling what my past selves said about the girl of haze just acting on my desires as well as looking at what I… I have become... I am not as certain as I once was.’

For a while, I float and reflect.

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