《Mosquito Hivemind Hell-Bent on World Domination (or Annoyance)》22: Heist Stage 3, Burst


I'm in. I'm in, damn it!

Yeah, take that, security, I'm in! Just your try and stop me-!

...Nobody tries to stop me. Isn't this the part where somebody bumps into me, only to discover I'm a million mosquitos in an overcoat? Why hasn't anybody even tried to uncover my perfectly imperfect plan?? One could almost believe I was succeeding in this robbery!

Good Lord below, to think I might actually win this here and escape without taking a scratch. As... amiable as such a scenario is, I can't help but feel that it is a bit too sneaky. Nothing against playing as a sneak-archer, but a bombastic entrance and escape is always fun, especially with witnesses/victims involved!

Wow. This is slow. I wish I had decided to just fly this here part.

On a more positive thought, my constitution does allow me to do some rather interesting levitation, which will be perfect for when I have a billowing cape to billow. Right now, I'm not ready for it.

And here we are. The material section. Now, all I need to do is-,

"Bump bump bump"


"You over there, let me out of here, please!"

-Who said that? Where-, ah, it's you! Mr Dork, we meet yet again! Still stuck behind lock and key, are we? Well, as much as it pains to me to say, that is exactly where I want you to be! Why, if my senses don't deceive me, as it currently is, the only person inside this here hospital capable of rescuing you without the help of tools or anything like that would be myse-,

"Seriously, don't just stand there, call for security or something!"

...You interrupted my monologue! That's it buster, prepare to-,

"We might have had a breach in security, I-,, it might have been a superpowered person? Maybe??"


...You did it again. You absolute-,

Wait. I'm not speaking aloud, am I? Well, that explains it. Let's see here... nobody down the hall, nobody in any nearby room, just me and him... Perfect!



"Help, help, let me out!"

Apparently, hearing a (seemingly) fully grown man making the same voice that a phantom did only minutes earlier, female and young and terrified and everything else was enough to make Mr Dork realize he was in quite too deep. Yes, that's right, it's me, and no one but-,


You-, oh. Out loud. Erm, erherm, let's see here...

"Yes, certainly so, Mr Dork. How is it in there? Quite cozy?"

I said in his very own voice, and, damn, that look on his face was very well worth this whole damn heist. Not just his realization that I had been the one behind what happened earlier, but also that I could use his own voice against him. And, too, his own id. Yup. That was my goal all along, Mr-,


"N-, no! Who are you, what-,"

"Silence! Pesky little thing. You believe yourself unlucky, despite knowing you live?"

At this point, I decided to just stop using his voice and switch to one more befitting my own needs. Not my own human one per se, but more of a deep, gruff, almost germanic one. Totally intimidating. Mr Dork flinched, and at this point I knew my message had gotten across.

"-Who, what,,"

"You've yet to understand your situation, I see. Very well. I shall make it excessively clear to you."

I say, leaning closer to the little window separating us. My face is covered in sunglasses and my hat and my scarf, so he can't really see much anything. Can't see why he should be afraid.

I remove my glasses. I can't exactly see what I look like, but since I didn't exactly design myself with a pair of eyes or anything, all that he should be able to see are a pair of smooth, empty sockets, seemingly covered by leathery skin. Except, it isn't leather. It's mosquitos. I can tell he can't look away from my eyes. Perfect. I command the Thieves covering my "eyes" to move, to shift and show their independence.


Oh! What a nice shriek! I'd smile, but I haven't got any lips either, so all I can do is lean back and put my sunglasses back on.

"-Know that you are dealing with Death."

At this, Mr Dork mumbles something incoherent, and I'm just about to move on when I realize that this is exactly what I want, what I need to make this more fun. A heist is fun, yes, but do you know what's even more fun? A heist with witnesses. People to threaten, civilians to scare to death!

Ohohohoho. Oh, Mr Dooork~?


Well, a bit shell-shocked, but that's fine. Let's see if my physical strength is any good...

I grab a good hold of the handle, and rip the door straight off its hinges.

...Right. I'm quite strong. Nice.

It seems Mr Dork has decided to scramble over and hide himself in a corner of the room, and can I really fault him? Now, Mr Dork, come along and I'll-, oh, right, out loud.

"Now, Mr Dork. I have a proposition for you."

He shakes his head, but I don't really take that as an answer, y'know?

"Either you come along with me and I let you live, or..."

I reach out my hand and sink a few thousand Blood into creating a couple of hundred Thieves, letting them swivel above my open palm in a small tornado-like formation.

"You'll... what? Bite me-?"


"...Mr Dork, trust me, that strength was but a prelude for what my mosquitos can do."

I say, and considering that he gulps pretty dramatically, I guess it worked? Yeah, okay, that's a "yes, kidnap me" if I've heard one. The Thieves I created get absorbed into my skin, and I head outside the door and into the hall. Mr Dork slowly rises to his feet behind me, his hard-leather shoes clicking against the floor. Fucker better not try to escape, I'll shoot him! With mosquitos!!


Alright, it seems he isn't trying to escape, so my strength must have really made an impression. Heheheh. Good.

The blood storage is just a short walk down the hall, so we get there very quickly. Mr Dork doesn't even try to escape once, which is sort of disappointing. I bet I'm faster than him. Heheh. I... I might just be the fastest human alive, if not for the fact that I'm mosquito.

Ah, here we are! Id, id...

...I could have just ripped the door off, couldn't I-? Eh, that would've been boring! Let's see here, just slide it through the reader, and...

"Type in code."

-Oh. Shoot.

"Mr Dork, if you will?"

The man in question flinched, his wide, shivering eyes flitting from me and the number pad. Yeah, come on dude, just do it. Type in your code, and I'll be off, and we'll be fine!

Mr Dork stepped forwards, hands wringing.

Tip tip tap, a pause, and... top.



-Oho? You dare.-, outloudrightsorry

I grab his shoulder, and he jumps in my grip.

"-How uncommonly bold of you. An admirable trait, if you didn't use it so foolishly."

I say, stepping forward and toward the door. My hand is still on his shoulder, keeping him in place, while I grab a hold of the door with the other hand. The metal whines and twists in my grip, unable to withstand the strength inside me. And with a final, tugging jerk, I throw it off its hinges and tosses it into the hall.

The alarm is still blaring, Mr Dork is shaking and shivering in my hand, but I drag him inside the blood storage still. I want him to see this. Heheh.

Oh, the blood in here... gorgeous! I can't wait!

All mosquitos on stand-by outside... Our cover has been blown!! Swarm inside, force open the doors, bite those who dare stand in your way! Take no prisoners!! Aim to shock, not to harm!

"...Mr Dork, prepare yourself for a sight you may never see again."

I say, and prepare my body, prepare the Thieved Blood...

It's time. The buzzing outside is starting to grow loud, and I hear a scream. Great.

Underlings of all ranks, do not harm Mr Dork, I want him to suffer in ways that aren't physical!

And, with that thought, I let myself burst.

The Thieves making up my skin rip themselves from my flesh, flocking about me in swarms. My flesh soon follows, all the Vampires happily flying about, attacking and ganging up on the blood bags while my bones, the Bloodsuckers, fly off lazily, also heading for the blood bags. My clothes, the clothes I spent so long finding collapse to the floor, now lacking anything to hold them up. While all the mosquitos making up my body head for the blood bags and everything, I transform all the Theieved Blood, all those millions of points, into Thieves, and Thieves only.

New-borns, borne of blood, drink your fill!

The close to 200 000 Thieves present all swarm and flock and buzz about, silent as the night, yet louder than anything ever. I stand in the middle of the room, only barely keeping an eye on my beloved underlings.

No, they are not my biggest care. I'm looking at Mr Dork. He's on the floor, where all grovelling peasants should be, sitting as still as a statue on his arse, shivering and shaking and wide eyes and pale. What, are you afraid I'll take your blood? Is that what-,

A Theif approaches me, and I recognize him as one of my former bodyguards.

How is the situation, Thief 23?

...Ah, we've reached maximum capacity? Very well!

Mosquitos, enter!

From the door, a concentrated swarm of regular mosquitos enter, black as the night, filling the room so much so that I'm almost afraid there'll be no oxygen for Mr Dork to breathe. Either way! Mosquitos, don't bother trying to suck blood, simply carry the bags as they are! The most nearby mosquitos make a salute and fly off into the swarm while I observe Mr Dork.

A few seconds pass, and that very same mosquito returns, followed by a bundle of flying blood bags.

-Good! Don't forget to bring the clothes back outside!

Now we just need to-,


-Mr Dork made a sound.

He stumbles to his feet. Rises where he stands. Hobbles here and there. Intoxicated by terror. Turns towards the door...

And runs.

-Here it comes!

Let us escape, underlings!!

To the outside!

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