《Mosquito Hivemind Hell-Bent on World Domination (or Annoyance)》19: Soon I shall complete my very first goal: the blood bank heist!!


First of all, I would like to thank my brother for raising me thus far, and secondly, I would like to thank my underlings, and thirdly...

Myself! Hot damn I am amazing!

I am content with this. With this much, a heist of this sort will be no less than a cakewalk. A final boss obliterating a child only just now chosen by the pixies to defeat the dark lord. Stealing candy from a baby, a thing I have done on multiple occasions. And I haven't been caught yet! Kakakaka!!!

Now, my dear underlings, let us not mind all that! Return to me, and we shall prepare the heist!!

Oh, my (non-existent) bones are TINGLING in excitement!

My first true, real heist! On the perfect target, too!

Wait-, was that, was that a sonic boom?...

Ah, the-, the Thieves are starting to drop in! Greetings, my most useful of underlings! Closely followed by the-,

Oh, no, they aren't followed at all.

Maybe, maybe I should have found it just a tiny bit suspect that the Thieves arrived in, let's see here... two seconds at most. H M. Oh! My mosquito book is still here! Thieves, will you all be a collective darling and open it up for me?

Yes, just like that. Let's see, mosquito stats... page sixteen... Turn the pages, Kro-, err, Thieves! Sixteen, sixteen, there! Stop, stop! Right, about 2 kilometers per hour, and I used to have 2 Flight so that adds up pretty well, so...

...150 000 kilometers per hour...

Should be enough to break the sound barrier.


You know what? Let's not think about it too hard. They're here, I'm here, and that's all that matters, really.

After a minute or so, the Vampires all start swarming inside, and I realize, once more, that I should not be forcing over a million mosquitos into a single, cramped little space. So, paniced and flustered, I fly outside, making the rational decision to do this not through a window, but by simply crashing through a brick wall, which works... surprisingly well!


Come, follow me, my darlings!

I look over at the city.

Ah, there they come. En masse. A black thundercloud. A miasma. Too many to count, unless I had this handy status screen that told me I had exactly 2 799 000 mosquitos all under my control. Wow. To think I called myself an overlord for controlling less than a car-full of mosquitos. Pathetic.

Alright, good! Now that you have all arrived, arrange yourself into your squads and stations! You know your roles, don't be shy!


Gack-,, ah, Thieves!! Fly a bit slower than you have to, will you?? Creating sonic booms everywhere you go isn't going to help us any, you dim-witted toads!

The Thieves, now a bit flustered, nodded in apology before guiding their squadrons into formation.

Right. Good.

After only a few minutes, I have my entire force all lined up in front of me, as I like them. Good. My first order of business is to assemble a humanoid shape. As much as I would love to invade in the form of a swarm, I simply adore the idea of bursting, unannounced, into a cloud of countless mosquitos before escaping, entirely unhindered.

Oh, the mere idea excites me to no end-!

The best part of this assembly is that I can fully leave the regular mosquitos out of it, creating a stronger, more powerful form than before. The overall layout is similar to before, with a few minor tweaks, such as the "bones" being made of Vampires, the "flesh" of Bloodsuckers and the "skin" to be made of Thieves. I did not do this since Thieves are beige and light-brown in colour, meaning I might look a little, (ew) human, but more so because a strong skin is imperative to a strong defence.

And since the Defence of Thieves is 125 000, compared to the Bloodsucker's... let's see... 35, it is only natural that one should protect the other.


After a minute or so of guiding my dear subordinates into the perfect form, I take my place inside the Thief-filled head, and...

A humanoid form has been created.

Would you like to assume mode?

Why, must you even ask? Of course! Grant me momentary control, you peccable fool!

mode has been activated.

A moment of darkness, and...

Ah, I see once more! I clench my fists, grin, and head back towards our hideout, the close-to three million mosquitos not-so-silently following me.

Whoops, stay out here, will you? As much as I adore your company, you must understand that you cannot all be kept inside our lair all at once, no?

The horde buzzes/whines in unison, stopping only to hang their heads and display their puppy-eyes.

Oh no you don't! My dearies, don't believe this is something bad! Not only will I be back in but a moment's notice, but the mere reason you cannot follow is grounds for pride, not shame! Are you not glad you are so many, so powerful that no human house can contain you fully?

The mosquitos chirp hopefully, and I nod deeply.

Indeed. It is so! There is no place a man has created which you cannot fill so completely and utterly that no human can stand there at the same time!

Right, that made them happy. Whew!

Now that I can enter, I briefly consider entering through the window, but somehow, I feel like I know a much better way in. The front door! It isn't open, so-

Oh, wait, it's open. Who-? Ack, the young man, vermin he is! Whatever his name was, Jarvis or Travis, he is the one who robbed me of this glory! Oh, I'll have him drained...!!

I shove the door open and step inside. My only solace is that the door almost dislodged itself upon my angry movement, proving that flight does, indeed, translate into strength. Even so, I kind of don't want to punch someone at 150 000 kmh. Sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Oh, right, I'm naked.

After a few minutes of getting dressed, I exit once more, cackling to myself.

Mosquitos! Follow me at a distance, spread out and invisible to the naked eye! Make not a sound, not a movement! Worry not, I can defend myself, even in the face of danger. If I truly need you, I shall call. In such a time, you shall act as a hindrance, is that clear?



Everything is prepared. Everything is ready. As I walk, I train my voice, and with such a high Noise stat, it is all-too-easy to manufacture a voice to suit my needs, namely a gruff one with a german accent, the kind of voice all villains should possess!

And there it is.

The hospital.

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