《Mosquito Hivemind Hell-Bent on World Domination (or Annoyance)》1: I may have become a mosquito, but that won't stop my plan for world domination!


My least favourite thing about myself has always been my height. A mastermind such as myself should be tall and lanky, a terrifying visage to terrorize the terrorized public in the dark throes of night!

But, alas, fate gave me no such advantage. I may be thin, as a proper evil overlord ought to be, but I lack in height completely. I am less of a devil, and more of an imp. When I stand next to my brother, I might as well be a midget next to a giant. He had always been the genetically superior of us, but I do not loathe him for it. Anybody needs a foil, myself included.

Sadly, he does not make for a good bodyguard. Rather, he is a hero. If I were to blow up a building, an achievement yet to be earned, he would be right there in the building, saving babies and women, shaking his fist at my dastardly scheme. Imagining my future has always been a great delight of mine.

Either way, that isn't important right now, no, what I care for is my current... predicament.

As I stand here in my small but livable room, every wall plastered in posters of the greatest villains of our time, I can't help but wonder what I did to incur the wrath of God in such a pitiable manner. I stand here, a mosquito. Even smaller and thinner than I usually is.

About five minutes ago, I got the following message, as if from a game:

You shall soon, in accordance to the Survey, be given Power.

Which, as a future villain, excited me greatly. After all, no true villain would ever turn down power! The survey, whatever that is, was unimportant. My brother, who was in the other room, most likely fixing up dinner for the two of us, did not say a thing. I would not say a thing to him. True strength lies not in your power, but the secrecy with which you keep it.


So, I sat down on my bed, and waited, my nervous eyes trailing over the interior of my room, the figurines and the computer I had a year's worth of allowance into, the bookcase containing all my books focusing on villains (including but not limited to "The Villain's Handbook", "The Perfume", "The Collector", the entire "Dexter" series, etc), and everything else I cherished closer than anything and anyone else.

A moment later, everything went wrong.

Your Power is

...I doubted my eyes. And rightfully so, after all, a mosquito, as annoying as it could be, was hardly a threat to anyone, outside of the various deadly diseases they carry, so why in the world would a future A-class villain such as myself be forced to use such a bana-,

The effects of are now appearing. Please grow powerful.

-And the very next second, the room swam, and I fell to my knees. Everything felt... wrong. Ill. Yes, I felt ill, very much so. More ill than I had ever been. I retched, spilling my insides onto the black floor, but when I looked down, I saw nothing was there.

A moment later, mere seconds after feeling more sick and dying than I ever had, I was... alright. I felt just fine. As if nothing was wrong, nothing at all. But I knew I wasn't alright.

I considered my situation. I was low down, further down than usual, sitting on the floor, the entire world appearing in super-size. Going by this, I could make only one assumption.

...I had become a mosquito. This was... arguably the worst power I have ever seen. I'll be lucky if I can so much as annoy someone before I'm killed on the spot.

...Perfect! Kekekeke, with this, I shall surely conquer the world! And if not conquer, I may still annoy a scientist into pressing some big red button, throwing the world into chaos with some world-ending weapon or anything else that might cause catastrophe!


But before I throw the world into the abyss it deserves, I must get used to my new body. If my entire power is to retain my intelligence even as a mosquito, I shall surely make use of my insectile body to its fullest!

I can feel every one of my legs so far, very good... Six legs, and a pair of wings. I can move every part as if it had always been mine. If I put some effort into my wings, my small, small body lifts into the air. At hearing the signature BIZZZZ of a mosquito, I instinctively smack myself in the face, only to realize... I AM the mosquito.

Satan damn it.

Flying around is... it's slow. I had imagined flight to be a fair bit more exhilarating, but here I am, buzzing around at speeds comparable to a leaf falling in slow-motion. And that... that buzzing. It is loud, annoying, and about as grating to the ear as inserting a fork into your ear canal to scratch the eardrum inside. Long story short, after just a minute of flight, I have decided I want to die.

Maybe being a mosquito isn't the best thing to be... Like, ever. At all.

-Or, there's something more to this. Something I have yet to realize. Something beyond the becoming-a-mosquito schtick.

...Tell me your secrets, oh unknown system!

As per request, shall now be shown David Branner Mosquito Level 1/10 Power Health 5/5 Blood 0/10


Flight 2 Succ 3 Defence 1 Noise 2


Mitosis (2 Blood/Use) Evolution Bloodwork

Hm. Cooperative, aren't you? Then, will you tell me what those stats mean?

Flight: allows for higher flexibility, unlikelier evasive manoeuvres, and higher speed during flight Defence: causes less damage to be taken from attacks Succ: allows for quicker and more effective slurping of the life-juices Noise: grants higher control over the sounds produced by the wings, be it louder or quieter

...I see nothing but potential for EVIL. Flight? Evade someone into deep frustration! Defence? Survive any and all attempts upon my life! Succ? Suck a man dry before he can realize I'm even here! Noise? Stealth, until... 200 decibels right in your ear, popping your eardrums at never-before-seen speeds!

But, I'd be a good (evil) fool if I didn't have this obedient little serveant explain those skills to me. If my knowledge of video games are anything to go by, this should be the things I can do.

Mitosis: creates a copy of the user, allowed to be controlled by said used into performing remote deeds. Can follow instructions beyond the basics. Evolution: allows the user to under certain conditions. Bloodwork: blood, absorbed physically by use of Succ, may be used to upgrade stats at a rate of 1:10

Yeeeessss, very good... Very good...!!

With this, and my plans for world domination, I shall become the most powerful mosquito on Earth!! No, the most powerful MOSQUITOS!!!

Mark my words!

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