《Armored》Poll - closed


Alright, so I have been receiving some messages asking if I have a patreon or if I would start one. The simple answer is I don't know if I SHOULD start a patreon.

I'm very new to being an author. I have little confidence in my skill. The thought that people would be willing to give me money for what I only started as a hobby is amazing and mind-blowing.

I can't express enough how flattered and happy I am with the support and attention my novel has received so far.

I never truly expected anyone to like my content, much less be willing to pay to support its creation. Being a full-time author would be a dream come true for me. To be able to do what I love and have it support me financially seems to me nothing more than a pipe dream.

However, the thought of taking money to support my writing is scary. When I receive money from someone I feel I have a responsibility to provide a service to the best of my ability.

That brings me to the reality of my situation.

I have a job. A crappy one... but it pays the bills... barely. It keeps me fed and puts a roof over my head. It is the main reason why I have trouble releasing more chapters.

I can only write for a little bit each night. Most of my writing is done on the weekends.

Furthermore, due to the size of most of my chapters I can only squeeze out 1 or 2 chapters a week with my limited time.

I do like writing long chapters as I remember reading stories with short chapters. The short chapters never quite seemed able to whet my appetite for the story. It felt like a game of stop and go. Like having sex and constantly being told to pause midway. lol.


Between the reality of my situation, my limited skill, and the responsibility I would feel to anyone who would be so kind as to give me their hard earned money, I find myself totally unable to make a decision.

No matter what I will keep writing. It centers me and brings me joy. The support and encouragement I have received are already more than I ever expected and it gives my heart great warmth to find that people enjoy my writing. I never started writing with the goal of making money. It never entered the equation until recently.

If I do open a patreon, it would be with the goal of earning enough to support me fully or at least mostly and allow myself to write every day as my job. It would also come with the responsibility of providing constant chapters.

I do not feel totally comfortable with starting a patreon without being able to give my supporters a stream of chapters. I have seen others open a patreon but not give any concrete plans to deliver to those who support them. It is basically treated like the tip jar.

To accept money for what I would have written anyways as a hobby feels... off to me.

If I did start a patreon I would probably go with a system of a certain number of guaranteed free chapter based on a tiered system depending on how much I received, as well as reserved advance chapters for my patreon supporters. Due to the larger nature of my chapters, I would have to work out a fair system and find a sweet spot that won't drive me crazy or leave my supporters feeling cheated.

In closing, I find myself at an impasse and have decided to gauge the response of you fine people to help make a decision.


To allow people to keep their anonymity I have provided a poll to gauge the attitude of my readers.

If you feel the need to outline your thoughts on the matter more clearly please feel free to comment below. I don't mind any harsh criticism or negative responses. I understand it may be far too early to consider such things as receiving money for my writing. Don't hold back. Let me have it!


I've closed the poll. I got my answers. Thanks for the support. You guys are great.

I'm going to keep the page up so the comments don't get deleted.

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