《Esper: Search for Power》Chapter 1


In the Milky Way Galaxy, there was a G-type main sequence star that was commonly but inaccurately described as a Yellow Dwarf, stable for roughly four billion years and with adequate fuel to remain such for another five billion. Orbiting this star was a planet named, by its dominant sentient species, "Earth." On Earth's continent of North America, in a strikingly average city in the Midwest region of the United States, inside of a fortress-like brick office building sat a paralegal. He was named, by his parents, Daniel Martin.

He preferred Dan, and only his grandfather and telemarketers called him Daniel. It was nice, really, to hear "Daniel" in his grandfather's rough voice, which was deeply accented from the Balearic Islands of his youth, even though his grandfather had been an American citizen for more than forty years. But when telemarketers, who broke the law when they ignored the Federal Do Not Call List, called him by his given name, the annoyance of someone with no right to call him calling regardless compounded the annoyance of someone addressing him by a name they had no right to use and soured his mood. Advances in VOIP (Voice over IP) and auto-dialer technology made Do Not Call regulations virtually unenforceable, which only strengthened the moral imperative to abide by them. Law was the foundation of society, and in a very real sense, of humanity. To break valid law just because one could both profit from and get away with doing so was fundamentally a crime against every living human and those yet to be born.

Dan believed this sincerely, and he also routinely exceeded the speed limit by ten miles per hour when driving home from work. It was easier to think, and to get work done, in the evening hours. The office quieted, the phone gradually stopped ringing, his co-workers left, and he had peace. In his quiet, solitude, and peace, he flourished and he worked. Most week nights he left around 2:00 AM. When he drove home, the streets were empty and most deer had stilled, preferring to graze at dawn or dusk, and even if he sped, driving was safer than during the day. Dan never thought much on this minor hypocrisy, and so it did not trouble him.


The office he worked in was a satellite of a Big Law firm in Chicago. It existed due to the lower lease and labor expenses found in a smaller, less wealthy city. A partner in the firm managed it, and two associates, two general secretaries, two legal secretaries, one intern, and seven paralegals, including Dan, worked there. Together they occupied the eastern half of the top floor of the two-story rust-red brick building. A sleepy atmosphere settled over the floor as conversations died down and lights in the offices flicked off one by one. Only Dan’s work station still glowed with the bluish cast of a computer monitor. For the self proclaimed night owl, the day was young and the work had just gotten interesting. Unlike most paralegals, he was a specialist, an expert in legal research with a focus on international commerce. He leaned close over his desk in deep concentration, the fingers of his free hand idly dug at the knobbly rubber of his chair’s left wheel. His brain barely registered the satisfying sound.

The case he was currently working on was deliciously complex, centered around sovereign debt issued by a South American nation that had undergone an economic collapse triggered by hyperinflation following a banking crisis. Most of the debt had been negotiated down and settled. A small percentage (that still had a face value in the billions of dollars) was outstanding, and had been sold, re-sold, acquired in a corporate merger, put up as collateral in a short term loan that went into partial default, and was now the subject of eleven different lawsuits in four different nations as well as dueling grievances filed with the World Trade Organization. It was exactly the type of fact set he loved.

“Hey!” the clear, little voice broke through Dan’s thoughts and snapped his attention on the small, round face peaking around the doorway.


“Hi, Tess, you’re here late.” Dan said

Even seated at the desk, the intern was almost at his eye level. “You’re one to talk!” She almost bounced as she took a quick step into view.

“That’s different. I asked for this schedule. Are you the last one here? Need me to lock up?”

“Nope!” Short brown hair fluffed as she shook her head “Steve’s waiting for me downstairs.”

“Then you’d better hurry, he doesn’t like to wait.”

“Yeah...” Tess picked at her bag strap for a moment before looking back up “There’s a fresh pot of coffee in the break room.”

Dan let a warm smile break on his face “Fantastic! Thank you!”

Her round cheeks seemed to go slightly pink before the phone in her hand buzzed angrily.

“Steve?” He asked.

With a tight nod the diminutive intern chirped her goodbye and scrambled for the door.

A soothing silence fell over the darkened office, and Dan sighed with contentment. The new intern seemed like a thoughtful girl, but instinct told him to be careful with his smiles around that one. Several minutes later, after he heard the two last cars leave the front parking lot, he reached a suitable stopping point in his work and wheeled toward the promise of fresh coffee.

He grabbed his favorite mug, which had a picture of a baby lion on it and had been a gift from his Grandma, and filled it to the brim. Before he could even take a sip, what could be described as a translucent overlay appeared within his vision, and a deep, powerful voice sounded not in his ears, but in his mind, and read the words on this bizarre screen.

Daniel Martin, you have been selected as a test subject in suitability trials for your species. Selection criteria met: Random, from subset of humans comprising the 10% most likely to survive a median Initial Trial from the set of 1% of humans scoring highest on the General Adaptive Intelligence scale. All base attributes lower than 10 increased to 10. Aether Attunement attribute unlocked and set to 10. Aether Abilities "Minor Aether Bolt" and "Minor Restore Health" granted. Physical disability Paraplegia (ASIA B Spinal Cord Injury) repaired. Biological Age re-set to 25.

You have gained the title "Test Subject". +10% to level directed aether gain, +5 to all unlocked attributes.

Initial Test Success Condition: In 60 minutes, a troop of Common Goblins will attack your current location. Survive.

External contact restricted. Movement beyond 50 feet from the exterior of the structure you are in is restricted.

Congratulations! You have been selected to receive a Legendary rarity Blessing.

Welcome to The System.

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