《The Forbidden Class》Chapter 12 - Ousted


“Oh, don’t bother answering, I just wanted to see your reactions.”

The man appeared to be completely relaxed, unfazed by the weapons that were pointed in his direction. He almost seemed amused as he watched the varied reactions of the group, his eyes lingering on Silas.

Yoto frowned and looked over at Katai. Turning back to the unknown man, his eyes widened. Hastily, he lowered his bow, replacing it on his shoulder, before folding his arms and glaring at Katai.

Lariss just looked confused, glancing back and forth between Katai and the mystery man. She seemed unsure whether or not to emulate Yoto, or to continue guarding the strange man that had appeared in their midst. She ended up compromising, lowering her blade, but keeping it at the ready.

Katai in the meantime was staring, white as a sheet. His sword shook as it pointed at the unassuming man, the shock sending him into a state of mild paralysis as he replayed the words in his head. Katai D’Castro, how long have you been a Blood Mage?

Silas too looked surprised, but not to the same degree as his friend - perhaps because it was not his life on the line. Instead, he looked torn as to whether he should also lower his weapon or stand with Katai, glancing back and forth between the two men. Like Yoto, he had recognised the man after he was revealed.

“What do you mean?” demanded Lariss, the only one in the group still confused.

“Put your weapon down Lariss. Look at him, he’s an Imperial Questor,” Yoto spoke up, his arms still crossed, his eyes flicking briefly to the prominent blue mark.

“Oh! …oh, shit—Katai, what have you done!” Lariss, finally realising the significance of the marking, immediately switched targets and pointed her sword towards Katai.

“Were you a part of the attack? Or did you lead them to us, inviting the bandits in just to advance your sick Class?” She sounded furious, her voice crackling to life. Well known as a firebrand, Lariss had always spoken her mind, loudly and without a care for anyone around her. It had not endeared her to many of the other villagers, nor to her fellow Warriors.

Kenemen smiled and shook his head in admonishment. “Well that is the million-gold question now isn’t it. Katai, care to shed some light on your Class?”

Katai seemed to come back to himself, looking around at the others uncertainly. He caught Silas’ eye and shook his head mutely, before sheathing his sword with an air of resignation. He’d been found out. There was no point in drawing this out, or dragging Silas into it. He might actually do something stupid, like attacking the Questor.

Silas, afraid for his friend and prepared to fight for his freedom, relaxed with an inaudible sigh of relief. There was no fighting their way out of this one, not when Yoto and Lariss were both against them.

Looking back at the Questor, Katai began to explain. “I got the Class when my wife was murdered in the attack. I wasn’t a part of it – I took the class to get back at the bastards.” He spoke quietly, bitterness seeping into his voice. He wasn’t going to see his vengeance fulfilled now.


He looked over at Lariss, a spark of anger in his eyes at her accusations. She didn’t back down, scowling angrily back at him, though her expression had dimmed somewhat at the mention of his wife.

“Ah, yes I see. Revenge is a powerful emotion. I presume you killed after you gained the Class?” the Questor spoke up, a curious gleam in his eyes.

Katai glanced at Silas and reluctantly nodded, “Yes. We fought a number of bandits to get out of the village. And some wolves in the forest.” He neglected to mention the Rift creature, hoping to keep that to himself.

“Well, that’s great news! So, final question; have you interacted with any Void or Blood-based creatures, such as a Vampyre or another Blood Mage?” the Questor was strangely happy, almost as if he was pleased with the answers. It didn’t make any sense to Katai. Surely his presence was an offense to the Imperial servant. His Class warranted execution, or at the very least, imprisonment.

Brow furrowing, Katai shook his head. “No, we only just discovered there were undead nearby. That’s partly why we’re out here now.”

The Questor nodded happily. “Well that’s the easy bit out of the way. Now I’m afraid, we get to the hard part.” His smile disappeared as he stepped up to Katai, reaching for something from within his loose shirt.

Katai gulped, but stood his ground.

Out came a length of fine chain, glittering in the sunlight. Kenemen gestured for him to bring his hands together and Katai complied with the request, watching as the man wound the flimsy-looking chain around his wrists. As the chain encircled him, Katai felt something cold pressing down, seeming to leech the life out of his body. A weariness swept over him, followed closely by a wave of nausea that almost had him puking onto the Questor.

The swaying man only caused the Questor to raise an eyebrow. “Hmph, strong reaction. High aptitude perhaps?”

Finishing with his work, Kenemen stepped back and looked at the rest of the group. “The next few minutes will be unpleasant. If anyone interferes, they’ll be joining him in his punishment. Understood?”

With that dire warning, he closed his eyes and activated his lowest level skill. Spiritual power flooded from him in waves, gathering around the young Warrior. With only a moment of hesitation, he released the skill and opened his eyes.

A golden yellow light surrounded Katai, visible to all in the small clearing. As the power flowed around him, Kenemen took a breath and started to ask his questions.

“Tell me a lie.”

“Um, I’m not a Blood Mage?” Katai answered, his words slurring under the effects of the magical chains.

Immediately, the light around him pulsed, growing thicker and seeping into his body.

Katai screamed, the sound ripping from his throat.

The agony in his voice cause Lariss and Silas to flinch, even Yoto looking away in sympathy. A few seconds later, the screams died down, leaving a panting, whimpering mess at the Questor’s feet.

Kenemen lips were pressed into a line, the process as repugnant as always. Procedure had to be followed however and he had confirmed the skill was working correctly.


“Now you know what will happen if you lie. So, the questions I asked you earlier. Did you answer any of them untruthfully?” he demanded in a flat tone of voice.

Katia, panting still and curled into a ball, looked up at the man with tears in his eyes. “No, I was truthful.” he spat out.

The Questor nodded, seeming to relax at the information. Considering his next question carefully, he spoke after a few moments of silence. “Do you have any information about the whereabouts of the Necromancer or any Vampyre?”

“No, like I said I didn’t even know there was a bloody Necromancer about until about an hour ago.” His voice cracked with anger, raw from the recent abuse inflicted upon him.

“Ok. If given a chance would you kill to advance your Blood Mage Class?”

At this Katai paused and thought about it. After some consideration he nodded. “Of course, but only wild creatures if I can help it. I’m not some bloodthirsty monster out to kill and murder for the experience. Those bandits are the exception, but I wouldn’t be killing them for the experience. I’d be killing them because they all deserve to die, many times over.” He practically growled out the last bit, anger curling his lip.

After that, Kenemen didn’t have anything to ask. “Anyone else want to ask any questions?” he said, looking around the group.

Yoto shook his head quickly, and Silas just shrugged gloomily. Lariss however, spoke up.

“Are you just out for revenge, or are you some crazy nutter that actually liked the sound of the forbidden classes?”

At that, Katai had to stop himself from looking up at Silas. No, he wasn’t one of those ‘crazy nutters’, but he knew a guy.

“I didn’t want a forbidden class before it was presented to me. Even then, I only chose it because it was a way of making a difference, a way to make them pay. It…didn’t work out the way I thought it would.” The bitterness was back, as he reflected on his failures. First, he’d failed the village and his beloved Salah, and now he’d failed at making their attackers pay for their crimes. What kind of a man was he?

A failure.

He slumped back on the ground, hopelessness and self-hatred taking over his thoughts. He didn’t care anymore - if the Questor took his life, then so be it. He deserved no less, and now he had nothing worth living for.

Kenemen, satisfied with the questioning, cleared his throat.

“In the case of the Blood Mage, Katai D’Castro, I hereby declare the accused, guilty. The prescribed sentence is immediate execution, unless there is a suitable holding cell nearby.” The man looked about coldly, “In this case, there is no holding cell with the appropriate security.”

The man’s words hit Katai like a hammer. He choked, his throat constricting from the sudden rush of fear. Was the Questor simply going to run him through right here and now?

“However, in light of his good behaviour and willingness to serve the Crown, the sentence is hereby lowered to life in servitude.”

Katai looked up, confused at the sudden turn of events. What did he mean, willingness to serve the crown? More importantly - he wasn’t being executed?

With the realisation that he wasn’t under threat of a quick death, he breathed a heavy sigh of relief, almost collapsing from the sudden release of tension. He felt like he’d been bashed over the head and then healed, his turbulent feelings reaching new heights and lows in such a short space of time.

He looked over at Silas, who returned his look with an expression of bewilderment.

Kenemen for his part, tried his best to keep the smirk from his face. Somehow, he managed to keep a stern demeanour as he continued with the official part of his duties.

“Katai, do you have any last words before the sentence is carried out?”

Katai just shook his head, too bewildered to think of anything.

“Very well. The only thing left to do now is the permanent binding of the contract. In case you’re thinking of escaping, this will allow any Questor to track you regardless of any illusion, shroud or dispelling skills you might have. There is no escaping this particular binding, it cannot be removed and it cannot be fooled.”

With those ominous words, Kenemen concentrated on the glow that still surrounded Katai. This was possibly the trickiest part, manipulating the skill to create a realistic effect.

Without a sound, the glow seemed to push itself into Katai’s body, pressing down on something within him. Katai felt a strange tingling pass through his core, but this time there was no pain. He didn’t feel any different, but he knew something had happened – he’d been marked.

As simple as that, he became a slave-prisoner of the Empire.

“My Lo—Aliz, yes I caught up with the Blood Mage. Unbelievably, his power manifested naturally!” Kenemen spoke in a hushed voice as he kept an eye on the group of Warriors, but his excitement bled through.

“You’re sure?”

“I used the Truth Illuminate and there were absolutely no signs of resistance.”

The conversation paused as Aliz digested the news.

“A natural Blood Mage and without any affiliation? This could change everything.” her voice was breathless, her quick mind immediately grasping the significance. “Tread carefully Kenemen, we cannot afford to lose such a useful tool.”

“I realise that, trust me Aliz. I’ve already got a plan for motivating him, which should only delay us for a few days. Worth it if we finally gain someone who can match the high-level Necros.”

The conversation ended, the head of the Questors no doubt in a rush to report to the Emperor as she received more messages from around the Empire.

Satisfied, Kenemen dropped his hand and strode back to the group, a spring in his step for the first time since he’d left the Capital.

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