《The Forbidden Class》Chapter 7 - Storming Ahead


The sun bathed the forest below in an amber glow as it descended, ever so slowly, towards the horizon. The trees swished in the warm evening breeze, as indifferent to the plight of the humans that scurried beneath their branches as they were to the various animals and insects that called the forest home.

The closest part of the forest grew on the outskirts of the village of Tiaston, running for miles to the east and south, hemmed in by a mountain range to the north-east. The mountain range in question was close enough for the more adventurous youths in the village to journey to, something that had become an annual pilgrimage of sorts.

The adults in the village organised the official ceremony to elevate their children into the next stage of their lives, that of choosing their first class. The children however had their own version of events, that occurred under the watchful eyes of a handful of village Guards. Each year they’d head out into the woods, towards the nearby mountains, full of youthful excitement and thoughts of adventure. The next couple of days would be spent exploring caves, finding hidden valleys, and raiding the general area for its natural resources.

Keeping an eye out for the lairs of wild creatures, the youths that had recently gained a Class would explore and try to find uses for their new skills. Potters, Stonemasons and Woodworkers found plenty of material to experiment with and gain experience from, while the new Warriors simply hoped to run into low-level creatures that they could team up against. The presence of the Guards didn't dull the sense of adventure and for many of the youths of the village, this was the absolute highlight of their year.

For Katai and Silas, this was no different. They loved the thrill of leaving the hum-drum lifestyle of the village and exploring somewhere new and exciting. Especially somewhere they could practise their Warrior skills, away from the ever-watchful eye of the Captain. Mistakes in the wild didn't result in running miles, just an embarrassed look from the offender and the occasional smirk from their caretakers. An infinitely better punishment in their opinion.

Weaving between trees and keeping a careful eye out for fallen branches, Katai rode his horse as quickly as he could through the forest, towards the closest peak. He was alone on his journey, volunteering to go in search of safe shelter, which was most likely going to be a cave in the foothills of the nearby range. The Golgoth mountains were home to a number of small cave systems that opened up to the surface and he had a good chance of finding an entrance.

He knew the survivors of the attack needed shelter as soon as possible. If the bandits found them now, they’d be helpless. Not to mention the wounded, sick, surviving elderly and children who all needed a warm place to stay. They’d likely lose more villagers on the rushed journey through the woods, but there was nothing they could do about that, other than care for them as best they could. Katai’s heart beat harder, pounding in his chest at the thought – he couldn’t bear the weight of more deaths. But there was nothing any of them could do. The sick and unhealthy would survive the trip, or they wouldn’t.

The trees started to thin out as Katai rode higher, the elevation causing the vegetation to change from familiar oaks and pine trees into smaller, spiky-leafed shrubs and hardy brown grass. It was easier to ride here, allowing Katai to look ahead and search for openings in the hillside. He pulled on the reins slightly, veering off to one side so that he rode along the length of the hill.


The sun had just touched the horizon when Katai spotted the pile of boulders. A large crack reached into the hillside, surrounded by fallen rocks and a stunted bush that had somehow grown in the cracks of the solid rock. The entrance to the cave was thin and tall, an uninspiring sight that did its best to warn Katai away. He was not dissuaded however, his pressing need for shelter overriding any feelings of unease.

He leapt from his horse, landing on the loose rocks that covered the ground, causing him to scramble as the rocks shifted under his sudden weight. Without missing a beat, he moved towards the cave mouth, drawing his sword as he went. Entering the cave, he looked around in the near pitch-black darkness. Unable to see anything in the poor light, he waited impatiently for his vision to adjust.

He felt safe in the darkness, sensing no life around him. His eyes gradually adjusted to the dark, revealing a rough tunnel heading further into the mountain-side. He walked ahead, following the tunnel with his hand trailing against the slightly damp rock wall. The tunnel curved to the left until it reached a large opening that Katai hesitantly stepped into. He couldn't sense any life in the area, but there were still chasms and holes to watch out for, a difficult task in the dim light.

The open area he walked into had a feeling of space, his footsteps echoing faintly against the far walls. He shuffled forward, assessing each step in front of him and extending all his senses into the darkness. He reached the far side after a dozen steps, the bare rock looming into his vision when he was barely a meter away. Turning, he paced along the wall, until he reached the tunnel entrance once again. Frowning, he followed the far wall, hoping to find another tunnel that would lead to a bigger chamber than the one he was currently in, something large enough for the surviving population of village people.

Finally, he stumbled into a depression that led down into another cavern, the darkness growing even deeper until he couldn’t see his hand in front of his face, or the wall that he was following. Satisfied with the size and relative safety of the cave, Katai backtracked quickly to the entrance and mounted his horse. Looking around to memorize the location, he took off back down the steep hill.

Before Katai had made it even halfway back down the slope however, the sun started to dip below the horizon. Dusk was here and the villagers were still out in the woods, unprotected.

Nudging his horse every few minutes as the mare tried to slow, Katai recklessly pushed onwards, hoping their luck would hold and his weary horse wouldn’t get injured. Travelling at nightfall was dangerous enough on the roads, let alone through the forest or down treacherous hillsides.

Sooner than he expected, he sensed the presence of a handful of guards, leading the villagers through the woods. They had started moving towards the mountains as soon as he left, knowing that the hills were their only hope for shelter and made much better time than he’d hoped. It still wouldn’t be enough to get there before dark though.

The hale-bodied villagers that followed the Warriors were the healthiest of the bunch. They worked together to smooth down the trail, removing any major obstacles for the less able travellers. The rest of the survivors spread out behind them in a long line of walking wounded, elderly, and families with young children. They kept silent, reacting fearfully to every unfamiliar noise, knowing that more bandits could be about. The remaining village Guard surrounded the snaking line of people, with the greatest number concentrated at the front and rear of the column. It was a vulnerable line, but it was the best they could do.


Katai reigned up when he reached the front of the column, pointing out the hill to the north-west of them as their destination. The hill could barely be seen at this point, dusk turning into the dark of true night, a worrying sight for the Warriors leading the throng. News of shelter however, spread through the crowd like wildfire. The anxious silence was replaced with a cautious muttering, as hope blossomed in the hearts of the downtrodden villagers.

Katai rode over to Silas and dismounted, walking alongside his horse to give her a well-deserved rest. He thumped her backside in appreciation and started to rub her sweat-coated flanks, causing her to nicker with appreciation.

“Feels like a storm’s about to hit,” remarked Silas after greeting Katai, gazing about his surroundings with a keen eye for danger.

“Summer storm? Hmm, could be - the air’s thick enough to chew.” said Katai, the moisture beading on his neck giving silent testimony.

Storms in the summer months were a different beast from the other seasons. Full of howling wind, thunder and lightning, the storm was more likely to start a wildfire than it was to dump a gallon of water on them. The storms were ferocious but thankfully brief, tearing themselves apart with a swift fury. Quite the opposite to the Spring storms, where the lazy sprinkling of misty rain could cascade across the land for days.

A deep boom sounded out across the landscape. The humid air seemed to buzz with electricity, as the sky suddenly lit up. A cascade of crackling noises followed, matching the distant streaks of silver light crashing down out of the sky. Not long after that, the heavens opened, sending down a light drizzle of rain. It wasn’t a bad storm by the usual standards. At least, not until the wind picked up and started whipping loose branches and leaves around. The drizzle of rain became a horizontal sheet of water, the gale force winds pushing the droplets so quickly, it looked like they were flying sideways.

The people below bent their heads and weathered the storm as best they could. The wind battered at them, pulling at the young children and the exhausted adults. Shouts rang out as the rain hit them, the fear of getting swept apart by the storm and lost in the darkness overcoming their fear of the bandits. Families huddled closer, hands clutching at one another as they slowly forged ahead, their survival still firmly within their grasp.

Katai patted his mare on the rump and calmly handed the reins over to Silas. His face gave him away though, anxiety showing in the way his eyebrows furrowed and lips clamped tightly together. He wasn’t anxious for himself, he worried for the villagers – they were going to lose some in the dark if they weren’t careful.

“I'll go make sure we're still heading in the right direction,” he said, “then I'll circle ‘round and make sure we haven't lost anyone. One of my new skills helps with the dark.”

Silas gave him a long and steady look.

“Righto, but you’d better tell me about this new class when you get back. Seems to have some interesting skills I've never heard of.”

Katai gave him an unconcerned nod, trying not to let his worries show through, before moving up to the front of the line. Silas was left to take care of his horse, now carrying a heavily pregnant village woman, her young son and an aging Elder, all crammed together on his hard-working steed.

After adjusting their course, Katai walked back along the line of villagers, stopping every now and then to shout encouragement over the howling wind. It was a miserable march, but they had no choice but to keep going.

Flashes of lightning lit up the darkness, making it easier to see the ground in front of them every few steps. The rain lashed at them and soaked into the ground, making the footing slick. A howl was heard faintly, rising over the gusts of wind and rain.

Katai jerked his head up, listening intently. Another howl rang out, the sound muffled by the rain, but coming from somewhere nearby. Wolves were on the hunt in the confusion of the storm.

Spurred into action, Katai hurried along the line, slipping and sliding in his haste to spread the word. He called out to each Warrior he passed, “Wolves, defensive line!” receiving an acknowledgement from each of them. As weary as they all were, every Warrior battling exhaustion and their own inner demons, no-one hesitated to draw their weapon and start shouting at the line of people. The front of the column slowed and bunched up, giving the slower villagers at the back time to catch up and shortening the line they had to protect. The old and weak at the far end of the line would probably be the wolves’ first target, so that was where Katai headed.

Reaching the vulnerable position, Katai joined Hiram with his weapon drawn, eyes scanning the darkness. A pinprick of pressure dashed across his senses, a wolf passing through the edge of his blood sense. Realising the advantage he possessed, he bared his teeth in a savage grin, the beginnings of a plan taking form in his head.

They wouldn’t lose any villagers to the wolves. He would make sure of it.

He edged away from Hiram, waiting until the older man was distracted before lurching off into the darkness. From behind, he heard a muffled voice call out.

“Where in the blasted hells did that boy go?”

Ignoring him, Katai continued, sword leading the way as he quickly forged a path through the dense bushes, pushing aside sodden branches. He tramped through the squelching mud, daring any wolf to attack as he kept his focus on his blood sense. The rain pelted down and the wind howled, obscuring his normal senses, but he pushed ahead with reckless determination. His heart thudded loudly in his chest, breath coming quickly now as he waited for the attack.

“C’mon then! Bring your fangs and claws, I do not fear you!” he shouted into the night. His visage became fearsome to behold; teeth bared in an angry snarl, eyes glinting with promise.

Thankfully, the buffeting wind muffled his voice and the darkness hid his bloodthirsty expression from anyone that might approach. The other Warriors would have been alarmed by his sudden death-defying confidence and maniacal expression. They were used to a quieter, more reserved man than this.

Katai's eyes narrowed as half a dozen spots of red appeared in his blood sense, encircling his position. He had nowhere to run now, no way to escape. Perfect.

Nothing could be heard over the howl of the wind and the steady downpour. The wolves stalked their prey silently, sensing an easy kill from the lone human who’d foolishly separated from his pack. Katai’s shook his head, trying to clear some of the water from his face, as he stood his ground and waited. It was only a matter of time before the first probing attack.

A wolf slunk forward, leaving the safety of its encircling pack. It remained hidden in the dark, but its smaller size and position were obvious to Katai’s senses. With his recent skill-up in Sense Blood, the red aura had grown more defined, less of a haze and more of a defined outline. He could make out the shape of the wolf, though its legs were still a hazy blur when it moved.

Circling his position, the immature wolf weighed up the best avenue of attack, confident the dumb human was blissfully unaware of its approach. Normally, this would be true. Wolves, in their natural hunting environment, were apex predators. Nothing they hunted could match their sense of smell and night-vision. However, they had never encountered something like Katai’s Blood Sense.

The wolf, satisfied with its approach, lunged towards its prey. Streaking towards the unprotected back, the wolf could almost taste the easy meal, until the human inexplicably swung around. A flash of lightning illuminated the scene as steel tore through dark fur, blood spurting from a vicious cut. The wolf collapsed to the ground with a whimper.

You have defeated Wolf (level 20).

Congratulations! You have gained 1 Warrior level.

The other wolves glared at the human. Hackles raised, they growled with a deep rumble, trying to intimidate the man standing before them. Circling him, the pack leader huffed with derision, ordering another attack. There were no other humans close by after all. There was no help coming for this foolish prey. A lucky strike didn’t cause him worry, the pup had simply been too slow and predictable. A weakness the pack didn’t need.

Two of the wolves started to circle Katai, the rest fading back into deeper shadows. They would wait and see how this next attack fared before committing to the fight. One human was worth a lot to a wolf pack, especially a hunter with a decent number of levels. It would help them grow stronger, even if they lost a couple of the weaker members to its steel fang. If it was a low-level human, it would simply feed them for a few nights.

Another flash of lightning illuminated the two circling wolves, as they assessed their prey. Rain fell in a deluge, saturating the man and wolves both.

Without warning, one of the wolves darted towards the man, snapping at the Warriors leg, farthest from his sword arm. Spinning out of the way, Katai leapt towards the other wolf who had moved in to attack from the opposite side. Once again, the sword flashed through the air, swiping at the wolf's snout. The sword raked harshly down its face, cutting across an eye and leaving a fold of skin flapping from its fur-covered jaw.

The wolf collapsed to the ground, whining with pain. It quickly dragged itself away from danger, eventually managing to summon the strength to regain its feet. Whimpering, it returned to circling its prey, swaying and occasionally stumbling. It was greatly weakened and partially blinded, but not quite out of the fight.

Sense Blood has reached level 2.

The wolves once again circled, the two of them determined to find a weakness in the man before them. Find a weakness and the rest of the pack would attack, ensuring food and a wealth of experience for all. The problem was that the Warrior seemed to know exactly what they planned. Each attack, even coming from behind, had been met with an immediate counter.

With a snarl, the injured wolf threw itself recklessly at Katai, heedless of the sword and the danger it represented. The steel plunged into the wolf's torso, piercing its lung and ending the life of the proud hunter. The second wolf, following close behind the first, leapt over the body before Katai had a chance to withdraw his blade.

Snarling with victory, the wolf collided with the man, teeth latching onto the arm that he raised desperately in front of him. Hot, foul-smelling breath washed over him as the beast gnawed at his forearm, doing as much damage as possible with its attack. He yelled in shock and pain as he felt the teeth pierce deeply into his arm, grinding against bone and tearing apart muscle.

With an energy fuelled by desperation, he activated Lacerate, immediately feeling the toll the skill took on his own partially depleted health. The wolf clamped to his arm whimpered and shuddered at the unexpected pain and dropped to the ground. Without hesitation, Katai activated Lunge, piercing the wolf's body before it had a chance to recover.

You have defeated Wolf (level 22).

You have defeated Wolf (level 23).

Congratulations! You have gained 1 Warrior and 1 Blood Mage level.

1 attribute point is awarded for reaching level 25 Warrior.

A class skill is awarded for reaching level 25 Warrior.

Breathing heavily, he looked around. The other wolves were still there, out of sight but within Sensing range. He was swaying now, the adrenalin and shock of his wound affecting him more than he realised. He staggered slightly as he turned, keeping the largest wolf in front of him.

The remaining wolves hung back, considering. They could see their prey was tired and wounded, but could still use his weapon. He was a strong hunter to have killed three of their pack on his own. But they still had four, the strongest and oldest of them all, including the wily pack leader. They would be able to easily defeat this one human, especially now that he was wounded.

Decision made, the lead wolf snarled at the other three, causing them to spread out around the man. They were experienced and strong; they wouldn't fall for his tricks like the younger wolves had.

Katai stared in the direction of the biggest wolf. He could sense a stronger presence coming from this one, clearly a stronger foe than the others. He started walking towards the larger wolf, feet slipping in the mud that had formed during the battle.

The pack leader narrowed his eyes at the man. Did he think to attack him? He was the strongest, a beast of countless years’ experience. A hunter of the wild and the occasional human, defeating them even when protected by soft leather or hard shell. He yipped, expressing his amusement.

Katai continued forward, hoping the leader would hold his ground. Each squelching footstep brought him closer to the only path to victory that he could see.

The pack leader waited, still amused at the stupidity of the human before him. He watched as his three pack mates stalked their prey silently, waiting for the human to attack before they fell on his unprotected back. The pack leader was supremely unconcerned that the human hunter would do any damage to him. He was a wolf, not some slow and foolish prey. His agility and speed were unmatched in these woods. The human would be lucky to get a single weak strike in before he was mauled by three separate attacks.

After what felt like an eternity, Katai finally moved within range of the grey-haired wolf. Face a mask of concentration, he peered into the darkness behind the pack leader and nodded, before he activated his skill.

Lacerate tore into the wolf, causing it to flinch from the sudden assault. Confused, it spun around to look into the darkness, knowing the attack could not have come from the human in front of it – he’d had his eyes on the devious hunter the entire time. Again, the pain hit, cuts appearing in the old wolf's hide, causing it to stagger and whine.

Lacerate has reached level 4.

The other wolves hesitated, unsure what had happened. Their attention had been wholly focused on the man before them as they stalked him, and he still stood there, unmoving. They scattered away from the human, moving quickly to find their leader’s assailant in the darkness. Something must have snuck up on them amidst the thunder and the heavy downpour.

Katai smiled woozily, the repeated use of the skill had sapped a lot of vitality from his body. He needed to finish this quickly.

Activating it one more time, Lacerate tore into the wolf before him, causing more yelps and a shudder to run through the monstrous body. Mind filled with pain and the beginnings of panic, the leader of the pack had instinctively tried to find the new threat, leaving himself exposed to the dangerous prey he’d been hunting.

A single squelching footstep later, Katai activated Lunge, aiming for the beast’s heart. The blade slid into the wolf’s side, penetrating its organs and cutting into tough muscle. The sheer size of its body prevented his thrust from killing the wolf, but the blow was enough to stun it for a split second. With a burst of effort, Katai wrenched his sword out of the twitching body and thrust the blade through its great yellow eye, piercing its brain.

The body sagged limply, a final breath of hot air leaving the fresh corpse. The remaining wolves took one look at their dead leader and vanished into the night, having finally learnt their lesson about hunting this particular Warrior.

Katai let out a cackle of laughter, his relief bubbling out in an uncontrollable burst of emotion. He'd survived once again. This time none of the people he was trying to protect had ended up dead.

Katai's Status

Katai D’Castro

1st Class: Warrior – level 25 (+2)

2nd Class: Blood Mage – level 13 (+1)

Skills (2)

Lunge (Expert) – level 5

Parry (Expert) – level 3

Bash (Proficient) – level 3

Sense Blood (Proficient) – level 2 (+1)

Lacerate (Novice) – Level 4 (+1)

Attributes (+1)

Strength: 17

Dexterity: 17

Constitution: 24

Intelligence: 15

Wisdom: 16

Charisma: 17

Magical Aptitude

Blood (Life): 62%

Water: 9%


Spirit: -16%

Void: 31%

Blood (Life): 62%

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