《Overseer》The Ending of Overseer-and an author's ramblings


Thank you for reading Overseer. The comments and reviews I received during its active times always filled me with great joy, and helped keep me writing long past the initial chapters that seemed to only be a passing thought at the time of writing them.

But as time went on, the time I was able to write got shorter, and the passion with which I wrote dimmed. When I did have time, I didn’t have passion, and when I did have passion, I didn’t have time. I tried to force myself to write, but when I did I was never happy with it, and even when I released forced-written chapters, I felt a sense of incompleteness as I struggled to come up with the words to finish the story the way I wanted to. I reached out to a couple upstarts, hoping to give myself a jumpstart in urgency to write, or get an editor to help me go back and rewrite the story the way I wanted it. But one went under, and the other never began.

With my avenues reaching a deadend, I slipped back into translating, what I had been doing before I got into writing. I hoped that with time the passion would return, but it only seems to have faded as time has gone by. I’ll always love my lizards and their Overseer, but I think the time to write their story has come and gone. All that said, I feel it unfair to you all to leave the story unfinished, so today I shall share with you my notes of the path to the ending, as well as some unreleased future (and unfinished) chapters that I had prewritten as I had the passion for them ahead of the current timeline.

For those that wish to hope (along with myself) that one day the end will be written in proper prose, you may choose to end your reading here, as the entire ending will be spoiled from here on out.

And without futher ado, my notes on the ending:

Conflict of Others arc:

After losing their main fighting forces due to the volcano disaster the Chirabrels take time to recoup. After returning, they attempt to invade the lizards’ territory. Seeing the Lizards that could freely move through water, the Chirabrel Overseer seeks to dominate the Overseer so they can finally capture the Underwater Overseer.

The Lizard Overseer desires to teach its lizards of war, but the concept is lost on them. They don’t understand the pain they will go through once the Chirabels reach them. Very few desire to prepare, mostly those from hunting parties. They gather around the Warmaker, the one the Overseer was able to teach, and he begins to teach his war recruits. Eventually, the Goblinoids, at the command of the Chirabrels, ransack the lizard colonies. The more the lizards retreat, the more they are pursued, and attempts at communications fail as the language barrier and some strange force prevents them from getting their feelings across. The Chirabels are also at a loss, as their mind control does not work on the lizards. The lizards finally make the decisions to join their Overseer and fight back for their families and prepare for war. But they are so late to prepare, they’re at a huge disadvantage. Then, the Lizard Overseer finally locates the Underwater Overseer, its hands finally reaching back to watch the war. The lizard Overseer sends out envoys to contact the Underwater Overseer and plead for its help.


During the battle, the Overseer notices something watching from the water, much like the Eyes of the Hills, and urges Lizards to make a connection. The Lizards meet the intelligent waterbound creatures, and thus the Overseer meets their Overseer, The Dark of the Depths. It refuses an alliance, preferring to remain in its depths, but decides to aid the Lizards with its ability to see over great distances.

The Chirabrel Overseer attempts to subjugate the lizards with mind control, but fails. The lizards are immune to mind control.

The Overseer realizes, even with aid from the Dark of the Depths, they are outpowered by the enemy. It is then that the Lizards’ once great enemy, becomes a great ally. The Giant Snakes (none as large as their major enemies though) are connected in much the same way as the Quick Springs, albeit much more dangerous. Through observation, the Lizard overseer realizes they can unleash a powerful weapon: fire.

While searching for the great snakes, the lizards look for a common sign of snake passage, ‘grease spits’. The Snake’s body does not process certain fats, and instead of releasing it through the anus, it is spat out as a glob of viscous fluid. This fluid is also used to mark a female snake’s territory, and can be spat on scales to cure itching. As the lizards begin to tame the snakes, the Overseer realizes something, the discarded bile is flammable. With the power of the snake’s electricity generated in the roofs of their mouth, they can spit and ignite balls of oil, creating a medium-distance flaming weapon. Although the amount of tamed snakes are few, they become a valuable war resource.

The Chirabrel Overseer attempts to block out the Lizard Overseer again, though this time at full force, using the power of most of its Chirabels. The Overseer goes dark. Unlike before when feelings and thoughts could still penetrate the darkness, this time nothing gets through. The lizards band together, tying their hearts together as one, surrounding the family heart and cutting off the darkness’ power. The Chirabel Overseer finally sees they are connected to all their entities and are unable to be controlled.

Side story, a love transcending species. Gravely injured and running from the battlefield, a female Chirabrel meets with a large male Lizard. Unable to defend herself, she prepares for death, but the Lizard surprisingly treats her wounds, and attempts to communicate with her. The Lizard still believes the species can come to an understanding if they can just communicate, and attempts to do so with this lone female. The female becomes curious of the Lizard, confused as to why it is not fighting back, as all tales passed down through her people have told her all enemies are to be subjugated or destroyed, but finds her curiosity (outside of the watchful eye of her Overseer who is too busy trying to subjugate the Lizard’s Overseer) reaching new heights.


The male Lizard continues to care for the female as the battles escalate, teaching her of his people, keeping her hidden from his people, and defending her when she is discovered. When the Chirabrel Overseer finally realizes what has been occurring, it commands the female to destroy the Lizard. She cannot refuse and attacks him, but the Lizard can feel her heart, which has slowly been opening to him, cut off and sealed. At the height of their battle, the Lizard’s Overseer merges with the male, and just like with the Thrill Seeker, and attempts to connect with the female whose heart desires no more conflict. This infuriates the Chirabrel Overseer, who then uses its full force of power to seal off the Overseer from all other connections.

The Lizards Overseer realizes that they and the other Overseers are all parts of the same entity, and that the Chirabrel Overseer is what they would have become had their Lizards not saved them from loneliness. However the Overseer is unable to see the Chirabel Overseer’s heart. A lizard that came to earn the trust of an injured Chirabel, and love, opens her heart to the lizard, thus opening it to the Overseer. She accepts the heart of the Overseer, which opens the door to the Chirabel Overseer’s consciousness. The Overseer then shares their connection with the Chirabrel Overseer, teaching them again about family, quelling their raging heart. The Chirabrel Overseer seeks release, and decides to reunite with the Overseer, giving them the connection to its children, and leaving them to guide the Goblinoid Overseer.

In the epilogue,

After the battle and the merging of Overseers, in the epilogue, communications are reopened, the underwater Overseer seeing that good may indeed be found by communicating with the other species.

the Overseer begins to teach the Goblinoid Overseer. The Lizards help to teach the Chirabrelsnow that anger and rage no longer control their hearts, about their newfound connection to their Overseer, now shared with the Lizards, and what the family heart really means. And as a last great act of power, the Overseer ensures the birth of a hybrid Lizard-Chirabrel from the couple that came to love off the battlefield.

Who were the other Overseers? It's never revealed in the story how the overseers came to be, only the realization that they are all fragments of the same person, with varying levels of their memories and emotions in tact from their previous life.

The Madness of the World (the great one)- Aggressive Chirabrel Overseer (Full Memories, full emotions) [various]=Control

The Eyes of the Hills (the empty servant)- Goblinoid Overseer - subjugated by Chirabel overseer (No memories, no emotions) [the strong/the fast]=Acception

(the lost existence)- Subjugated Overseer (No memories, full emotions)=Passion

The Dark of the Depths- Cephlapod Overseer (Some memories, no emotions) [my children]=Observation

(the incomprehensible conqueror)- Lizard Overseer (Some memories and some emotions) [my lizards]=Connection

Bold name=Lizard overseer’s name for the Others

(parentheses)=Cephalopod Overseer’s name for the Others

[brackets]=Each Overseer’s name for the species they oversee

I invite you to take a look at my google drive to see my notes, as well as the 6 unreleased chapters (3 of which are unfinished) that were written out of order as I felt the inspiration to tackle them. These are actually some of my favorite chapters as they finally delve into the background of the other Overseers, something I'd been waiting forever to share with you all.


And that's all I have to give you. For those of you seeking closure, you now have it. It's not a proper ending, and certainly not the way I wanted to present it to you, but I suppose it's better than just leaving you all hanging for an eternity. At least I'm able to provide just a little more prose I'd hidden away all these years.

Thank you once again for reading. I had so much fun writing this story (most of the time anyway), and pulled in a lot of my loves in the gaming world, namely the god sim genre. It was definitely a challenge writing an interesting story about an entity with no physical body or way to directly communicate with anyone, but I consider it a moderate success (mostly thanks to the inbetween chapters where we got to see things from the lizards point of view!).

Any questions you have in the comments, I will answer as I have time. I've known the ending of this story since the end of the first arc, and anything left unanswered in the notes, I'll be more than happy to reveal to you.

I hope that you all read much more fiction and enjoy your time reading. And if you are a writer, I pray you always have passion and time to finish your works.

Goodbye my lizards, I loved raising you.

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