《Under a Boundless Sky》Chapter 32: You gotta be Frigg'n kidding me....
“Are you alright?” Asked Sabrina, off to my right.
Noticing me looking up at her questioningly, she clarified.
“You’ve seemed more distracted than usual. Like something’s weighing on your mind.”
“’S nothing.”
“Doesn’t seem that way. Has something happened?”
“No. I’m fine.”
Sabrina shrugged, as if to say ‘suit yourself’.
I hadn’t realized things were that obvious. Sighing, thoughts of Jvorg’s message bubbled up again. It was kind of him to send along such vital information—however unwelcome said information is. Especially information about the Pantheons. Of course, just letting me know that there’s a month to prepare isn’t enough. There’s so much more that needs to be known in order to make my plans. This is why another meeting with Jvorg has been scheduled. Supposedly, a driver will be coming by the school to pick me up.
For now though, it seems necessary to attempt a modicum of normalcy. Seeing my friends worried tugs at me somewhat. After all, my life is the messed up and complicated one, and having them dragged into all my problems is the absolute last thing I’d want for them. Ant’s tend to get squashed when people start fighting.
They simply aren’t yet strong enough to stand on their own. Maybe someday, but not in the next month. No, I cannot let them get involved, in any way.
“…You listening, Revy?” Asked Godard, breaking me out of my reverie.
“Hm? Listening to what?”
“Oh come on, are you sure you’re fine?”
“Yes, completely. Just thinking.” I said, waving aside my friends worries.
“If you say so…” said Sabrina uncertainly
“Bah, if you say you’re fine, then I’ll believe it for now. Anyway, Godard was talking about the things happening in Ashenload right now.”
“Yeah! There was a sighting of the Sword Mage Deus in one of the cities, and she was able to beat five other Red Robes! It’s unheard of! I wonder how strong Deus really is?”
“Does it matter?” I asked; feeling slightly embarrassed by the topic. Attention really isn’t my thing—and while combat is quite enjoyable, the aftereffects and fame that comes from being good at it isn’t. Being left alone is nice, and preferable.
“Of course it does!” Continued Godard. “This means that Deus is likely one of the absolute strongest players in Ashenload! I’ve heard that people are even considering bumping her up on the Ashenload power listings—maybe even up to the top ten. And this is just the start of the interesting news!”
“Why? What else is there?” If this conversation could move on, please? Talk about something else, anything but this…
“Apparently, Deus was in the middle of a quest when she was attacked by the other Red Robes. This of course drew attention to the quest itself, which turned out to be very vital.”
“Go ahead…” Feigning curiosity seems the right choice in this case, is it’ll likely draw the conversation away from Deus.
“Inside the room where the battle between Deus and the Red Robe took place, people found a large stone pillar with a bunch of writing and clues on it.”
“Clues to what?”
“That’s the thing! Nobody knows where the clues will lead them, though the writing on the pillar promises great power to those who reach the end or something like that. Reading the words yourself with activate a quest called “To fell a giant”, and you’ll be tasked with searching for clues. Also, a record keeping track of everyone participating is added to the menu, and you immediately get a new title for joining in! What do you guys think? Wanna go see this pillar, join the quest?”
“Sure. This sounds fun to me.” Smiled Sabrina.
“I’m down for it.” Said Kormic, quickly followed by nods and affirmations from Haven and Ussen as well. Everyone then looked at me, waiting on my own thoughts.
“Well? What do you want to do, Revy?”
I shrugged.
“Sure. Will join you guys.”
Godard cheered, followed by smiles and laughs from everyone else. Well, at least until the teacher returned and break ended. Then the lessens started again, and I was drawn back into my own thoughts for the reminder of the day.
School ended for Revy soon afterwards. As she is so fond of pointing out, nothing important happened during the time spent in class.
And once classes ended for her, she bid goodbye to her friends and exited the school campus. A quick walk down the street and around to the side of the school brought her into sight of a simple looking black car parked on the side of the road. She knew that this would be the car sent by Jvorg, since it matched his description of his vehicle perfectly.
Of course, it helped that once she got close enough to the car, Jvorg himself climbed out of the drivers seat, and assisted her with the door.
“Thought we’d meet at building?” Asked Revy, who had not expected Jvorg to come pick her up himself.
“What—and let a stranger not known to you take you there? I am more hospitable than that, no? Besides, this makes for better conversation.”
“I suppose so.” Responded Revy.
“You suppose so? Oh, well, I would guess that your little speaking problem would make conversations a little less interesting. Hmm—but you may still listen, no?”
“Yes?” Answered Revy questioningly.
“Good. Then, let me talk, to occupy your time as we go to my building.”
Jvorg paused for a moment, composing himself slightly.
“I have already said that you are interesting to me, no? Bah, if I have not, then now you know. You are an odd one. Full of contradicting natures, and yet they work together almost seamlessly. I have seen plenty of strong people, and judged them. But none were quite as intriguing or full of potential futures as you are.”
“Potential futures?” Asked Revy.
“Ah, sorry. Allow me to clarify—Part of my power’s nature is in seeing all the various possibilities for the future. Clairvoyance does not automatically give answers; instead it shows you all the possible paths that may be walked. For a normal person, I might see four, five, six paths. And it is easy to divine which path they will end up taking. For a more powerful person—say, a person at the 10th Divide or so—the possible paths multiply. They might have ten or twenty possible futures, and it is more difficult to see the path that they take. And then you get to those standing at the 12th or 13th divide.
“Hundreds of paths open up! It becomes very exhausting to determine the correct heading of these people. This is part of the reason I like information so much. Knowing about a person will make their future path clearer. Though, it must be mentioned that this is a broad generalization on my part. The paths are tied to influence and depth of interactions with the universe. It is just that the more powerful members of humanity tend to have more influence as well.”
“What paths are for me?” Asked Revy, quickly catching on to where Jvorg was taking the conversation.
Jvorg smile, and paused for a moment while paying attention to the traffic in front of him.
“Well—that is the thing. I look into your future, and I see paths so thick that it seems a tapestry of choices and options. I see so many possible futures—all of them as likely as the last. It is almost as if the smallest encounters, the most chance meetings snowball from you, causing cascade effects outside our understandings. While in normal cases I would avoid telling anyone about their future since such a thing could adversely effect things—in your own case, I cannot tell you the future. It is all too unclear, with thousands of distinct end points.
“You are an important person. Intriguing, as well. I am wondering how it is that the universe seems to conflux around you. Bah, all I know is that you should not underestimate the impact of your own choices. You have a weight few others do.”
“…Calling me fat?” Said Revy. Jvorg laughed.
“Not at all! You know what I mean. Ah, come—We have arrived.”
They got out of the car, and Jvorg lead Revy up to his office—the same place they had met last time. There were a few papers neatly arranged inside a folder on Jvorg’s desk, labeled with a single red word—PANTHEON.
He sat down behind the desk, and Revy took her seat across from him. Jvorg motioned at the folder.
“That is information on the Pantheon’s recent movements, as well as some extra details on the members who are approaching Jor within the next month. I also included my own hypotheses on how they were able to find you.”
Revy opened the folder, and started looking through it’s contents.
The very first thing that stood out to her was that only three members of the Pantheon were coming, and their bios.
Athena: Greek goddess of wisdom and war.
Power level: 12th Divide, 3rd step.
Can use magic.
Abilities: Enhanced reasoning, Combat edge, and Increased perception.
Primary armaments: Spear and shield.
Personality: Calculating, decisive, ‘ends justify the means’, warm to friends. Gives good advice. Fun when drunk.
Isis: Egyptian goddess of magic.
Power level: 12th Divide, 5th step.
Can use magic.
Abilities: Insane Mana levels, Parallel invocation, Tribalism magics.
Primary armaments: Making everything go badly.
Personality: …Clumsy.
Heimdal: Norse god of the gates.
Power level: Unknown.
Cannot use magic.
Abilities: Teleport, proficient in various weapons and combat styles.
Primary armaments: Anything pointy. Pencils included…. unfortunately.
Personality: Lawful good. Never misbehave around him. Ever.
Revy continued reading, making note of various important bits of information. For instance, the three of them are approaching Jor through a planet hopping strategy—using Heimdal as a transport vehicle of sorts and covering space much faster than can be done through conventional means. That being said, the starting point for the three of them had been in one of the far-flung reaches of the galaxy in the first place, meaning that it’s taking them quite some time to make it to Jor even with their incredible speed.
Also inside the folder was a theory by Jvorg on how the Pantheon had figured out where Revy was—after all, they shouldn’t have any idea who she is, what with how low-key she’s been.
It involved a resonance with her inherent nature, and complex metaphysical involving Mana waves and the unique qualities emitted by Revy when she uses her illusory powers. Of course, there was more about the theory, but that was the short of it.
After reading through the whole folder, Revy stood up.
“Leaving already?” Asked Jvorg.
“Might as well.” She responded. “Done here.”
“Respectable. Here, I will drive you back to your apartment. No need to worry about transport that way, no?”
Revy and Jvorg talk a while longer on the way back—rather, Jvorg did most of the talking, just bringing up small and entertaining things to amuse Revy with. Eventully they made it to her apartment, and they went their seperate ways.
Revy had learned quite a bit from the meeting, and needed some time to think it all over. A few of the thing's brought up had also given her a couple of ideas, which might be fruitful to look into.
On another planet, far, far from Jor, a spacial distortion happened in the middle of an empty warehouse. It almost seemed as if something folded in the air, opening up an unseen pocket—from which stepped three people.
One of them, a big and burly man stumbled a little on exiting, and grew noticeably paler.
“Are you okay, Heimdal? This wasn’t too long of a jump, was it?” Asked one of the two women accompanying him.
The man—Heimdal, waved off her concerns.
“It is fine, Athena. This is nothing new to me. As long as we make it in the end, it will have been worth it to push myself so hard. How much longer do we have, anyway?”
“About three more weeks. We’ve quite a bit of space left to cover.”
“Hmm. Well then. Let us find lodgings for the night, so that I may recover for the morrow. Isis, if you might?”
Heimdal turned at his last word, addressing the last member of the group—a mousy looking woman who yelped slightly at his voice.
“Ah—right! Just…uh, give me a second.” She said. Fumbling with a compasses taken from a jacket pocket. She opened it, and pointed off to the left.
“Um, there should be a hotel that way…”
“Many thanks, Isis. Well, let us be on our way then. It is time to rest these weary bones a while.”
“Mhh. And Isis and I can hit up a bar or two.” Said Athena, the tall and glamorous looking woman seeming slightly dangerous when voicing her intentions to drink.
“Athena, I…I don’t think that’s a good idea!”
“Isis is right. I do not want to have to pay for another bar fight, Athena. Please behave yourself for the rest of the trip, else I will have to inform Zeus that you have been causing problems with your vile drink.”
Athena somehow managed to look proud while pouting, as if she were not at all sorry for what she’s done, but instead enjoyed it immensely.
“Fine fine. I shall keep it quiet for now.”
As they were walking to the hotel, guided by the compass, Isis voiced a question.
“Umm…So, who are we going to get this time, again?”
Athena looked at Isis, slightly taken aback.
“You mean to say that you’ve forgotten already?”
Isis nodded meekly, causing a sigh from the other two.
“I swear, there’s something odd about how freakishly good you are at remembering the oddest, oldest, and most powerful magics, and how abysmally bad you are at remembering anything else.”
Isis seemed to shrink in on herself a little.
“I’m sorry…” She said.
Athena sighed again.
“It is no problem. I am just slightly baffled by you, is all. But I suppose you are fairly normal compared to some other members of the Pantheon. At least you can behave like a normal person in crowded settings, unlike that idiot Ares, or that buffoon Hephaestus.”
“Speak for your own lesser pantheon. Mine own has Loki and that insufferable gossip Mímir. I wish at points that Odin would do something about them, but thus far, he has let them be. Anyway, to answer you, Isis, the person we are looking for could be one of three goddesses. She will either end up being Freyja, Aphrodite, or Frigg.”
“With the last one being the most possible. From what we know, this one being associated with love is a fair bit unlikely.”
“O-oh. Thank you.” Said Isis.
“It is no issue! You are the one leading us to a nice warm place to rest, and can map the rest of our journey with your magic. I would say that you get a few free passes for forgetfulness.”
The group soon reached the hotel, and Heimdal bedded down for the night. Teleporting across long distances took quite a bit out of him, especially with the precision required to do so.
As for the two women, Isis pulled a book out from somewhere and started reading. Soon, she was totally absorbed in its contents.
Athena excused herself, and went downstairs before leaving the hotel. Neither Heimdal nor Isis seemed concerned about it.
Well, until the explosions started happening.
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Dungeon Devotee
Through all of Linaria, no dungeon holds such a grip on the dreams of men as the Eternal Depths. Hundreds throw themselves against its trials each day. Dozens survive, walking away with power and wealth beyond their wildest dreams… until they go back for more. One way or another, they all eventually feed the Depths. Edmund Montgomery Ahab has sworn to destroy it. Underleveled, undertrained, and underprepared, Edmund steps into the maw of the world’s greatest predator, a sword in his hand and vengeance on his mind. At first his task seems impossible, but with every level he earns, every piece of loot that drops, every secret he uncovers, and especially every bit of power he can squeeze from his mysterious connection to the Aspect of Madness, Edmund crawls closer to accomplishing that insurmountable feat. With nothing else to lose, Edmund has already given the Depths his life. All that remains to be seen is whether he takes the dungeon’s right back. Dungeon Devotee is an episodic serial. It will never be taken down for KU. Each chapter details a single floor of Edmund’s journey through the vast Eternal Depths, with all the levels and loot and lack of cliffhangers that entails. New chapters come out on the first of each month.
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Dungeon Core Chat Room.
This is a slower-paced "experiment and dungeon building" web novel that tries to use the idea of peer-to-peer communication with Dungeon Cores instead of Dungeon to slave monster communication to break up the detailed dungeon building. Rank 1 description: (minimum met for system initialization...detailed description as follows) Each race was given a system by the gods to make up for their shortcomings and balance their place in this world. Humans: Abysmally bad at understanding and using magic unable to use more than the lowest of magic were given the "Skill System" magic in the form of premade skills with use, study, and mastery tied to experience. Elves: Intuitively understand magic and have long lives leading to vast knowledge and skill in their chosen fields. However, as a species, they have nearly zero sex drive and less than low fertility, so they were gifted the "World Tree System" with experience gained through the care of natural areas – gifting the chance of children to increase their numbers without dirty copulation. All “natural” or “wild” monsters are given an "Evolution system" designed around killing and consuming as many creatures as possible, slowly increasing strength and, at thresholds, allowing mutations to alter them multiple times. Dungeon cores are different. Unlike humans, they can see, manipulate and live off mana. Unlike Elves, they naturally crystallize after extended periods of time in high mana level areas. However, they cannot easily move or communicate and typically go insane without companionship. As a species other than the odd eccentric they are unimaginative. Brute forcing solutions without the drive to truly innovate. Thus they have been gifted with the "Dungeon Connection System" a magical version of the internet accessible by their peers that allows them to barter and sell: bait, traps, monsters, and knowledge, as well as entertain each other with “adventure streams” using exciting recorded battles and humorous reels of arrogant chumps biting off more than they can chew to often fatal effects. This is the casual story of a dungeon unluckily spawned far from potential adventurers forced to innovate beyond its peers to find its place in this world. Rank 2 Description: Justification. I've been on a dungeon core kick for months and while I love the genre – it's sparse with entries. Often the forced conflict gets repetitive and frantic solving of threats "power levels" the protagonist to god levels to progress the plot – taking away the nice steady progression fantasy I'm looking for. (Progression in this story is linked to how strong of monsters/traps/whatever he can create not his "level"...this is demonstrated by some of his newer monsters beating his older monsters not with discrete "this monster has 10 attack this one has 40") Additionally, the focus on 3rd parties with their drama takes away from the reason I’m reading dungeon core novels in the first place – I'm looking for magical crafting, experimentation and kingdom building – not defence from higher and higher levelled enemies looking to steal/destroy/control the MC. This novel is kind of just me writing the story I wish I could read. I like thinking about the experimentation that can be done in fantasy settings using 'mana' as an excuse to make up rules and try to keep them internally consistent. IE once I define how a rule works, I'm going to commit to keeping it – no breaking hard truths I've given when it's convenient, even if it backs me into a corner. Hopefully, that should make the story interesting to read even if it's SOL and less action-oriented. There will be problems to solve and a clear progression in strength (of created monsters and knowledge) however due to not wanting to force conflict for the sake of conflict the general theme will be closer to slice of life with few action sequences and no overarching goal so please keep that in mind when picking this up as the genre is not for everyone. Finally, I have a clear goal of what I want from this story (not an endless romp but a series of arcs and then a conclusion that's a couple of dozen medium-sized chapters long) I want to commit to finishing it or at least bringing it to a point of rest. I hate all the engaging stories that stop with a “hiatus” indefinitely so in the event I lose motivation I'll work to end this even if the ending becomes rushed/unsatisfying just to give a sense of closure. I’m planning on including several polls in terms of direction and taking feedback heavily into account if I get enough readers (but may choose to ignore it if it deviates too far from the direction I want to take this as in feedback like: “The MC needs a cartoonishly evil arch-enemy that wants to enslave him and force the mc to pump out magic items” or “the MC needs to make a body and learn teleportation then live with humans” will get shot down without consideration.)
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Evolution of the Twin Xenomorphs
This story starts off with the double suicide of two twins who wanted to escape the life they lived. The death they thought to be the end, was only the beginning of a much longer and adventurous life. Follow the twins as they travel to various worlds within the vast multi-verse, carving a unique path of Evolution, reaching beyond the 'perfect specimen' and achieving something greater. 1-4 daily releases.
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I Got Reincarnated on Earth, Only to Get Summoned Back to My Old World
Yuan, the valiant 'Hero' who defeated the 'Demon King', was unfortunately betrayed by his most trusted comrades who accompanied him in his life-long journey. "Heh... I never thought that I'd die like this... In the hands of my own comrades at that..." With that self-deprecating remark, the great Hero, Yuan, fell into an eternal slumber. Of course, that was what he initially thought, but life had other plans set for him. As his soul was drifting off aimlessly into the unknown, a soft and ethereal voice soon called out to him: "My Child, you have suffered and was betrayed. You gave it your all but didn't receive anything in return. In the end, you were killed by those whom you called your own." And so, a miracle was generously bestowed upon Yuan. "I will give you another chance in life My Child... I hope that you lead this new life the way you want it to be. Next time do not be controlled and easily deceived by others... Do whatever it is that you want and desire." Yuan Amon, born and raised in an ordinary family in the Philippines, led a leisurely new life on Earth, only to get summoned right back to his old one 18 years later. "I... I can't understand... Just why... Why was I sent back here of all places!?" A roar of utter dismay resounded in his private chambers. IMPORTANT NOTE (21/10/20): I have dropped this novel on this website! But don't worry, because I have remade this novel on another website called Webnovel.com so you can check it out over there! The story has completely changed though, so don't expect the same old thing, okay? I will still keep this dropped novel here though because it serves as a memory for me when I just started writing so I won't be deleting it. I hope to see you there on Webnovel!
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Witches Burn at Dawn ✔
9x AWARDS WINNING + 17x FEATURED + WATTYS 2021 SHORTLIST❝It all started in fire. But it never ended in flames.❞ Welcоme to St. Daktaliоn, the city where magic exists till these days. After burning alive for her crimes, Yarоslava Slavich, a witch once awed by everyоne, wakes up in a graveyard, in a stranger's body. Her cоnjurer, Mir Prаejis, offers her a chance to live anоther year, but in return, she must help him find a demon who hunts dоwn magic users.Witches are wicked, thоugh. And a witch raised frоm the dead is the most wicked of all. Now Yаra has a decision to make. Steal another girl's identity and run away to start her life anew? Or help Mir serve justice, redeem her sоul, but--die forever? The problem is, the girl whose body Yаra's now wearing seems to have feelings for Mir. And those feelings seem to slowly become Yаra's own. As Yаra gets to know Mir better, she learns that he keeps his own dark secret. Abоut the demоn they seek. About Yаra's own past. About the day she was betrayed and chose witchery over her humanity.Can she survive this time? A witch brоught back from the dead. A boy rоbbed of his heart. A demоn damned to wander in shadows till the end of times. They share a secret, they share a past. But only one of them can have a future. Tread carefully. For the dead of these lands dо not rest in peace.MATURE: sexual content, blood-shedding magical rituals, occasional strong language, mental health topics, and scenes of violence and abuse._________________________Featured on:✧@WattpadWitches✧@WattpadUrbanFantasy✧@WattpadESL✧@Ambassadors✧@fright✧@mythandlegend✧@Ghost✧@Fantasy✧@Paranormal✧@PsychologicalNovel✧@antiheroesgalore✧@TheWarriorGoddess✧@StoriesUndiscovered✧@lowfantasy✧@WattpadLitFic✧@WattStoryCenter✧@WattpadFusion↬Amby Awards 2022 Villains category Winner↬Speculative Awards 2021 Honorable Mention(full list of awards in my reading lists)
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An adopted by Lin-Manuel Miranda fanfictionDenise is a normal girl. She is not popular, but not an outsider either. She wears normal clothes, and goes to a normal school. To put it shortly, she's a perfectly normal girl. Or is she? Some secrets remain truly secret. Some scars aren't visible on the outside. Some people are Broken.Author's Note:I have been reading a lot of these "Adopted by -" fanfictions lately. I wanted to write something different. Take the cliché concept, and change it in something original.
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