《Bear Station》28 - Uncertainty


Chapter 28


The air inside the massive office was pleasantly cool, but Janus wasn’t focused on the environment. Instead, his attention was on a desk roughly ten meters from the entrance.

Janus began walking, and the officer silently followed him. A dark-haired woman sat behind the desk, etching on a runescribe. She was so focused on her message that she hadn’t even heard Janus approach.

“Excuse me,” said Janus.

The secretary jumped in surprise. “Oh, sorry. Yes, what can I do for you?”

Janus asked the secretary many of the same questions that he had asked the Delver’s Guild clerk.

“Are you looking for somebody specific?” the secretary asked.

“Uh, yeah. My dad was working on the rail line when the attack happened.”

The secretary placed a hand over her heart, concern showing on her face. “What’s his name?”

“Cyrus Alamy.”

“I’ll go check our record of the refugees from Crow Station.” The secretary walked through a door behind the desk. Janus could hear papers being shuffled around.

She returned with a surprisingly small ledger and began sifting through it.

“I’m sorry… I don’t see a Cyrus Alamy in here.”

Janus was taken aback. Surely his dad made it through with the other refugees? They wouldn’t just leave the repair crew? Had he even been on duty when the attack happened? Thoughts began racing through Janus’ mind.

“Hold on,” said the officer that had escorted Janus into the office.

The voice broke Janus out of his spiral of anxiety.

“What about Cougar Station? Do you have their records?” the officer asked.

The secretary pondered before answering. “No, but I could request them.”

Janus could see where the officer was going with this. It was possible that his father had been evacuated in the other direction, towards Cougar Station.

“How long would it take?” asked Janus.

“With the direct rail line collapsed, it could be a week or more… I’ll be certain to put out the request today.”

It was the best that Janus could hope for. He clung to the possibility that his dad was still alive.

“Wait, actually. I have more names,” said Janus. “Pella, er, Domino? And Devon… Well, I don’t know his last name.”

“These are sorted by last name. It might take me a while to find any Devon’s,” said the secretary, her finger running down the list. “No Pella Domino.”


That’s right, she was probably in Eagle Station when the attack happened.

“Aha, we do have one Devon here. Devon Smithfield. I don’t know if that’s the one you're looking for.”

“It’s at least a little reassuring. Thank you for the help.”

“Of course!”

With that, Janus turned and began walking out of the office.

As he left through the exit, his impromptu escort called out to him. “Good luck. I hope you find whoever you’re looking for.”

“Yeah, thanks for mentioning Cougar Station. I wasn’t really thinking clearly.”

The officer smiled and gave a brief salute.


Janus decided he would rather keep moving than head back to Hashilli’s room. He took a short walk around Bear Station, visiting his college and trying to calm himself.

It was a strange experience to be back on his campus. He was viewing everything from a new perspective. After a few strange looks from other students, he finally bought some new clothes.

With his new plain shirt and shorts, he headed towards the campus showers.

I’m sure nobody will comment if I use them.

Janus enjoyed the feeling of warm water flowing over his skin. The simple act of being clean and wearing clean clothes did more to calm him down than anything else. His pack bulged after he shoved his bloody robe inside.

I wonder if I can get this thing washed and repaired. I heard blood can be pretty hard to get out….

He had nearly made his way back to the Delver’s Guild, lost in thought, when a familiar voice called out.

“Janus! Janus, wait!”

Turning, Janus saw Pella running towards him. She looked quite different from the last time Janus had seen her. Her armor was leather, overlaid with rune inscribed plates. The sheer quantity of weapons she carried around amazed Janus. But even more surprising was her level.

[Phenom - Level 30]

I know she already had a higher level than me before the attack. What has she been doing this entire time?

“I thought you were dead! I looked for you after the attack,” said Pella. “Your name wasn’t on the list of survivors…”

“You mean the refugees? I didn’t evacuate. I, uh, I only got here this morning.”

Janus could see Pella take a moment to process what he had said.


“You came through the tunnels?” she asked.

Janus responded with his own question. “Yeah. It was my only option. Wait, is Devon in Bear Station?”

“He is. He came through with the other evacuees. I expected you to be with him, but he said he lost track of you in the backwash.”

The news that both Pella and Devon were still alive helped calm Janus down. But the ever-present anxiety about his father had yet to fade.

“Dario?” asked Janus.

“I haven’t seen him since… well, since I was last in Crow Station.”

Janus felt like a hundred years had passed since they had gone dungeon delving with Dario. “I think I saw him fighting whoever attacked Crow Station.”

“The stations have been keeping information about what happened as tight as they can. Is there anything you know?”

“I saw their class and level. They didn’t even bother with an obscuring enchantment. I think they came from the surface.”

“The surface! So it’s true.” Pella’s eyes narrowed. “How strong are they? Do you think Dario could have won.”

“Their class was [Beast Lord], level 220 something. I haven’t read about that class anywhere. They had control over hundreds of monsters.”

“Stars. I don’t know what level Dario was… I’m certain he is still alive though,” said Pella. “Come with me to the guild, Devon is waiting for me there.”

“Yeah, sure.” The Delver’s Guild was already Janus’ destination.

The pair arrived at the guild and Pella motioned Janus towards a table in the commons. He could already see Devon sitting there. The scarred swordsman hadn’t noticed Janus as he approached, finally looking up in surprise as Janus pulled out a chair.

“You’re alive,” said Devon, flatly.

“I’m alive.” Janus wasn’t sure if he should be amused or irritated by Devon’s attitude. He had hoped that Devon would at least be happy to see him.

The scarred swordsman was inscrutable, his face entirely unreadable. “I am glad.”

Good enough, I guess.

“Did you talk to the new guy?” asked Pella.

Devon turned his gaze toward Pella. “I spoke with him, yes. He will be a good fit.”

“Janus has some interesting news to share about Crow Station. I know you never got close enough to identify the attacker.” Pella continued.

This caused Devon’s eyes to sharpen, a small frown forming on his face.

“You identified them?” he asked Janus.

Janus relayed the same information to Devon that he had given to Pella earlier. He continued through what happened after the stone tower collapsed.

“Your father did not make it out of the station?”

The question surprised Janus. He didn’t expect Devon to show much concern.

“I’m not sure yet. His name wasn’t on the list of refugees… the secretary is requesting a record of refugees from Cougar Station, though. He might still be alive.”

Pella placed her hand on Janus’ shoulder, giving a small squeeze. “I am sure he made it out.”

I hope so.

“I’m very glad to see you guys. I just wish Dario were here, too.” Janus continued.

“You and I both,” said Devon.

Pella didn’t comment on Dario’s absence, but she looked concerned.

The trio spent some time together, and Pella ordered everybody drinks. Janus rarely liked to drink alcohol; the taste bothered him. But, in this instance, he decided to join in, clashing his cup against the others in a toast.

Pella and Devon’s familiar faces helped Janus relax. He could almost imagine that they were all sitting around the table with Dario, sipping on tea. The horrible taste of beer ruined the illusion a bit, but the alcohol helped calm Janus’ nerves.

He bid farewell to his fellow students, tired and desiring a proper bed. He slowly trekked up the stairs and headed for Hashilli’s room.

With a light knock on the door labeled 314, Janus leaned against the door frame. Moments later, the door swung open.

Hashilli stood before him, waving an envelope. “You have mail, it would seem.”

Mail? Wait, that could be my delver ID.

Janus made his way into the room and Hashilli turned away to give him space. The other [Enhancer] tossed the envelope on a countertop as he walked into the living room. Janus scooped up the letter and frowned.

Why is it already open?

“I’m afraid you have some explaining to do, friend.” Hashilli’s normally soothing voice rang with a harsh tone.

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