《Bear Station》Intrerlude - The Great Spirit


Interlude: The Great Spirit

The winter air was crisp in his lungs, and Woya breathed deeply. He had spent the most of his morning strolling through the forest and the Great Tree was finally up ahead. It would have been a simple thing to travel the skies instead, but the walk was a spiritual thing. A pilgrimage.

Approaching the tree, Woya tossed back the beaded curtain in the entrance alongside a thick braid of his white hair. Immediately, the air grew warm. It would have been a comfort if Woya did not enjoy the sharp coolness of winter.

The inside of the tree glowed warmly. Runes carved into the ground below cast around yellow light. It was meant to evoke feelings of sunshine, of happiness. Woya knew better.

“You have wrested me from my slumber, little Dove.” The voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at all.

The sound unnerved Woya. Each trip to speak with the Great Spirit was a gamble. Especially when he only had bad news to share.

“Great Kachina, I bring sour news. Utsidihi discovered a reject tribe beneath the ground,” said Woya.

“They must be made to know the ways of the Great Tree. Of the Great Spirit.” The voice once again echoed through Woya’s mind. He winced.

“Of course, Great Spirit. Unfortunately, the reject tribe did not accept Utsidihi’s offer.”

If the barbarian even gave them an offer in the first place, thought Woya.

“There will be time to convert them. Each member of our tribe brings the convergence ever closer,” said the Great Spirit.

Woya closed his eyes, prepared for the worst before continuing. “They fought Utsidihi, and he destroyed their tribe, Great Kachina.”

The warmth and light receded from the interior of the Great Tree.

“Corpses are useless!” the voice rang out. “I have built this tribe from dirt and I am treated as dirt!”


Woya had already braced himself before an unseen force lifted him and slammed him against the interior wall. The sound of rushing wind filled his ears.

“You will find Utsidihi! You will bid him come to the Great Tree!” the voice screamed through Woya’s head.

“Of course, Great Kachina! The convergence wills it!” Woya shouted over the Great Spirit’s tempest.

“Be gone!” With a final shout, Woya was wrenched to the side and flung out into the snow.

This is the last time I do a favor for Utsidihi, Woya thought with a pained grunt, and returned to his feet.

Woya had told the obstinate warrior that the Great Spirit would almost certainly want to speak with him directly. He activated [Sky Walk] and pushed himself through the air. Some time later, he found himself above a jumble of tents, stretching for hundreds of meters. The occasional wooden watch post towered above the tents below.

In the center of the mess of tents and buildings was a cathedral of sorts. It was one of the few remnants of the town which used to stand there.

Twisting in the air, Woya headed towards the cathedral.

His feet smoothly transitioned from the air and onto the ground. A dark-skinned man outside the cathedral doors greeted him.

“The mighty Dove returns,” the doorkeeper said.

With a nod, Woya pushed past the man, not in the mood for pleasantries.

Upon a raised dais at the end of the room sat five men. They were arranged in a semi-circle, sitting upon a massive runic array. It pulsed with energy, tendrils of which traveled out of the cathedral doors.

Woya called out. “Utsidihi!”

One of the five men raised his head. “Woya, you have returned. What did the Great Kachina have to say?”


“I told you how this would go, Utsidihi. You must make the pilgrimage yourself. I cannot speak in your place. The Great Kachina insisted.”

A scowl crossed Utsidihi’s face. “Of course, brother.”

Woya knew that look. It couldn’t mean anything good. He backed off to the side as Utsidihi rose from his position on the runic array.

Utsidihi stepped down and passed Woya with a glower.

As the livid warrior passed through the doorway, the doorman spoke. “The mighty Warrior must attend his own business, surely?”

Utsidihi’s open hand cleanly passed through the doorman’s neck, followed by his head falling to the ground. The doorman’s body crumpled moments after.

“I liked that one,” said Woya.

Utsidihi did not reply as he stomped away.

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