《Bear Station》Interlude - Prim and Proper


Interlude: Prim and Proper

Pella was perfectly comfortable taking care of herself. At least, that’s what she told Mrs. Domino nearly every day. Not that it would ever silence the woman’s fussing.

Her closet opened with a creaking noise. She selected a pale, pink dress that came to her knees. Hair would be next. Grabbing a bundle of golden strands, she used a hair tie to set it into a pony tail. Pella was very careful about her morning routine. After all, time is a valuable asset.

After her morning preparations, she made her way out of her home and into the streets of Eagle Station.

Pella would attend her classes, attain top marks, and then she would while the day away with her sketchpad. She was determined to evolve her [Sketching] skill, certain that the more mundane skill could produce incredible effects if it reached a high enough level. It was an afterthought that she actually enjoyed the process of drawing.

Perhaps she would have given up if her unyielding experimentation hadn’t had such incredible results.. Pella willed for her status to appear in her minds eye.

Status Name Pella Domino Class Phenom Level 12 Guild None Life 296 Max Life 296 Mana 296 Max Mana 296 Stamina 296 Max Stam 296 Stat Total Base Class Skill Item Strength 18 12 6 0 0 Endurance 19 12 6 1 0 Dexterity 38 12 6 20 0 Intelligence 20 12 6 2 0 Wisdom 19 12 6 1 0 Skill Level Bonus Sketching 17 1 Dex / 5 Lvl Dancing 10 1 Dex / 5 Lvl Violin 7 1 Wis / 5 Lvl Balance 12 1 Dex / 5 Lvl Acrobatics 13 1 Dex / Lvl Mathematics 11 1 Int / 5 Lvl Sprinting 5 1 End / 5 Lvl Perception 3 1 Wis / 5 Lvl Empty --- --- Empty --- ---


Her penchant for training specific skills day in and day out had earned her more than just a higher level than most her age. She had also received her class earlier than most.

Realistically, Mrs. Domino would not have had it any other way. The only expectation was excellence. Pella intended to deliver.

She summoned the description for her class to her mind’s eye. She checked it multiple times a day. There was no helping it, Pella was ecstatic about the class she had gained.


Description: A Phenom gains no specific class skills, but can learn and improve skills much more quickly than normal. If a Phenom discards any skills, they retain their skill level. You can re-acquire discarded skills after a 24 hour waiting period.

Skills: Phenom does not gain access to any unique skills. Phenom’s learn up to ten skills.

Perks: As a Phenom gains levels, they can gain an intuition into skills that other people use.

Bonus Stats: 0.5 Str, End, Dex, Int, Wis per level rounded down.

Pella had done her research. [Phenom] was nowhere to be found in Eagle Station’s class directory. She had concluded that there was nobody else with the class. At least nobody in the stations.

Once [Sketching] evolved, she would try and fill out her last two empty skill slots. It hadn’t been an issue to gain new skills after getting her class.

She had actually gained the [Sprinting] skill when she dashed towards a sub-train as the doors were closing. Regardless of how unladylike the whole affair was, Pella was not too upset. She had gotten a new skill in return.

Pella was now standing outside a familiar, squat building. A small, but elegant sign reading “Eagle Academy” was picketed in the grass outside. Grass was a rare sight in the stations, but Mrs. Domino was insistent that Pella experience nature.


She stepped inside, perfectly on track to reach her first class in time.

You could say this is why it was such a surprise when she noticed her instructor standing outside of her first class of the day. She was tall, with coppery skin, and straight black hair hanging freely well past her shoulders. Pella could see past them and into the classroom proper. Other students had already arrived.

“Pella. Exactly five minutes early as usual. I’ve been told that your classes have been put on hold.” Her instructor said.

Put on hold? Pella wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean. It was a crack in her normal routine.

“I don’t understand. What do you mean, my classes have been ‘put on hold’?” Pella asked. The confusion showing on her face.

“You’ll be heading to Bear Station Junior College from now on.”

“What? Surely the instruction here is better?”

“What little I do know about this tells me that may not be true.” Her instructor sighed. “You had mentioned that you were interested in combat training on your application to Eagle Academy. Usually that would mean some training and time spent in the Eagle Station police, possibly even the military.”

Pella still wasn’t sure where she was going with this.

“You’ll be receiving personal combat instruction from Dario Wall.” Her instructor said.

The surprise was difficult to keep off of Pella’s face. Dario Wall was a famous ex-member of the Bear Guard. She couldn’t think of a more prestigious combat instructor.

Pella’s instructor fished a vibrating runescribe from her pocket. She read through the message and appeared concerned about the contents.

She looked up from the runescribe before continuing, “Well there is a small change in plans. A rail line from Crow Station to Bear Station was just destroyed. One of Dario’s other students is in Crow station so your instruction will have to be moved there.”

“Crow Station?!” Pella blurted. “That backwater is nearly an hour away even by sub-train.”

“Well, you’ll learn to love the commute. Your number has already been given to Dario. He’ll contact you with further information.

Pella stood in the doorway, stunned, as her instructor stepped inside and began class.

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