《Bear Station》8 - Classic


Chapter 8


The air around Devon’s blade shimmered, casting green and blue light in every direction. It connected against the spider with a resounding crack! Several of the spider’s legs were broken off by the strike.

Before Janus could celebrate, however, he noticed that the legs were rapidly growing back. He never saw any of the spiders regenerate the day before. They had never survived more than a moment against Dario.

Devon noticed the regeneration, too, and didn’t let up. Janus continued to cast [Str. Enhancement] while keeping the mana in Devon’s sword stable. It took most of his focus, so it surprised him when Pella appeared at his side, throwing another knife.

The spider was slowly gaining ground, and Devon was being pushed back. Each of Devon’s strikes that landed appeared to damage the spider, but the damage was simply being regenerated as fast as it was being dealt.

Pella moved from Janus’ side and pushed in with her own short sword. She got a quick strike in, but it simply bounced off of the spiders carapace. The spider had been distracted, however. Devon moved in, sliding on his knees and beneath the spider. His sword sliced along the bottom as he went.

The spider collapsed onto the ground, its jaws opening wide as an anguished screech resounded through the cavern.

Janus took his chance and began concentrating mana within the spider’s open jaws. Using the same method from that morning, the clusters of mana detonated. A blinding light erupted outward.

[Your party has defeated a dangerous enemy: Giant Web Spinner]

[You have gained 2 levels]

[Your Strength Enhancement skill has gained 3 levels]

[Your Mana Manipulation skill has gained 2 levels]

[New class option available: Enhancer]

Once the light cleared, Janus could see that the spider’s entire head was missing.

Janus was overjoyed and was about to tell Dario before he looked on the other side of the spider’s corpse.

Devon was standing on the other end and looked towards Janus. He began stepping around the corpse, but stumbled. There was a tear in his leggings near the ankle. He had made it almost half way to Janus and Dario before falling to his knees.

Pella looked at Dario and shouted, “Help him! He was hurt.”

Dario made his way to Devon, taking a small metal flask from a pouch on his waist. He poured the fluid over the wound. As Janus approached, he could see the gash was already beginning to mend itself.

“These spiders have some nasty poison. The wound shouldn’t have been this serious.” Dario said. “I used a potion on the wound, but it doesn’t work like a healer.”

Devon groaned and slowly got to his feet.

“Your leg is gonna be stiff for the rest of the night, at least. We’re heading back.” Dario continued.

Devon struggled to make it back up the sloped cavern wall to the tunnel they had come from. Janus helped him gain leverage from below, and Pella rushed to the tunnel and grabbed Devon’s hand from above.

They were moving slower on the way back on account of Devon’s leg, but they could finally see the exit in the distance.

“Gather close and watch carefully.” Dario said. “I’m going to show you the sequence to open these doors.”

Dario pressed on three runes, making certain the others could see as he did it.


“The sequence is simple, but it’s good enough to keep monsters out. If something sentient enough to crack the code shows up, the seal probably isn’t going to matter much anyway.” Dario said as the door swung open.

There were a few tables for delvers to sit at outside on this side of the guild and Dario motioned for the others to follow him to one.

Finally feeling at ease, Janus checked his status

Status Name Janus Alamy Class None Level 14 Guild None Life 300 Max Life 300 Mana 56 Max Mana 408 Stamina 240 Max Stam 327 Stat Total Base Class Skill Item Strength 30 14 0 16 0 Endurance 15 14 0 1 0 Dexterity 14 14 0 0 0 Intelligence 47 14 0 33 0 Wisdom 42 14 0 28 0 Skill Level Bonus Bravery 2 5 Wis / Lvl Writing 8 1 Wis / 5 Lvl Sprinting 7 1 End / 5 Lvl Mana Manipulation 17 1 Int, 1 Wis / Lvl Str. Enhancement 16 1 Int, 1 Str / Lvl Locked --- --- Locked --- --- Locked --- --- Locked --- --- Locked --- ---

He had read about selecting classes, but wasn’t completely sure on the process. He focused on his class and willed for information to appear in his mind’s eye.

[New class option available: Enhancer]


Description: An Enhancer is a mage that focuses on enhancement magic. They can improve those nearby or even themselves with an arsenal of spells.

Skills: Classes allow the user to unlock unique skills and learn related skills much more quickly than normal. For example, [Power Enhancement] is a unique skill available to Enhancers and their evolved classes. In addition to these perks, most classes allow you to learn up to 10 skills, instead of 5.

Perks: Enhancers can sense enhancement magic and identify it in most cases.

Bonus Stats: 1 Wis, 2 Int per level

I will finally have the other five skill slots unlocked. Enhancers are pretty rare. Even with a low level, I could potentially join a delving party.

As they were settling in at the table Janus spoke up, “Dario, I think I got my class.”

“Is it [Enhancer]? If so, you should take it. Otherwise we can keep trying until you get the option.” Dario replied.

“No, it is [Enhancer].” Janus said. “How do I accept it?”

“Just focus on the class, uh, affirmatively? The System pretty much knows what you want.” Dario answered.

Janus did just that.

[New Class Selected: Enhancer]

Suddenly, the world lit up. Janus could see anything that had been reinforced with magic, including the walls of the Delver’s Guild and all the tunnel entrances.

He closed his eyes and willed for the effect to stop. His eyes slowly opened and everything had stopped glowing.

He checked his status again.

Status Name Janus Alamy Class Enhancer Level 14 Guild None Life 300 Max Life 300 Mana 56 Max Mana 464 Stamina 240 Max Stam 341 Stat Total Base Class Skill Item Strength 30 14 0 16 0 Endurance 15 14 0 1 0 Dexterity 14 14 0 0 0 Intelligence 75 14 28 33 0 Wisdom 56 14 14 28 0 Skill Level Bonus Bravery 2 5 Wis / Lvl Writing 8 1 Wis / 5 Lvl Sprinting 7 1 End / 5 Lvl Mana Manipulation 17 1 Int, 1 Wis / Lvl Str. Enhancement 16 1 Int, 1 Str / Lvl Empty --- --- Empty --- --- Empty --- --- Empty --- --- Empty --- ---


“I can already see it when I identify you.” Dario said. “Now I wanted to talk about what we’re going to do from here on out.”

Janus was distracted. He was too busy considering his options from the new class. Figuring out ways to learn new skills as quickly as possible on his mind.

Dario nudged him on the should and said, “Snap out of it, Janus. You will have some time to look into your new class tonight. We will pick up sparring again the day after tomorrow, Janus included.”

Devon looked pleased. At least as pleased as Janus had ever seen him. Which wasn’t saying a lot.

“You guys are gaining levels quickly for now, but it’s gonna slow down. A lot.” Dario said. “Levels aren’t everything, though. A sword skill may make you a better sword fighter quickly, but you can’t just ignore the fundamentals of fighting. There is a lot more to consider like, position, footwork, reading your opponent, and more.”

Janus was surprised to see that Pella had a smile on her face. He knew that her class had some effect on skills and that she must rely on them.

“Making you a fully competent warrior isn’t something that the System is capable of. You still need training.” Dario continued, “For now you guys will be working as a unit, but don’t expect to always have others around. Independence will be a big focus in this curriculum.”

Dario reached into the same pouch he had taken a potion from earlier. In his hands was a folded piece of paper. He unfolded the paper onto the table. To Janus it just looked like a bunch of intersecting lines.

“This is a delver map. It should fairly accurately represent the tunnels that they’ve dug.” Dario motioned towards the tunnels they just returned from. “We will be going back into these tunnels a number of times. Pella and Janus, you guys have been improving rapidly. However, I want you to be prepared to enter a real dungeon by next month.”

Janus was at a loss for words. A month to prepare? That seemed like suicide. Even Devon could have been taken out by a single spider, and that was with support from himself and Pella.

“I’ll be ready.” Pella said.

Janus wasn’t so sure.


They had talked for a while later. The next month was already looking like a sprint through hell. Janus still hadn’t recovered from his sparring with Devon.

Dario ensured him that they would pace things out. And, surely, with Janus’ new class and improved skills the sparring sessions wouldn’t be so one sided.

Janus knew that his [Mana Manipulation] skill was much more potent. After seeing the remains of the spider earlier, he was almost worried to use the technique on Devon.

The man hadn’t been very kind since they met, but he did stand between Janus and a massive spider. That had to count for something.

Janus’ home was still empty when he arrived. Dario had told him there would be no instruction tomorrow and it was like music to Janus’ ears.

He fully intended to sleep in. Maybe even sleep the whole next day away.


Janus had woken up feeling refreshed. His headache from the day before was completely gone. Better yet, he had the entire day ahead of him to try and get a new skill. His class was supposed to make the effort easier, but he wasn’t too sure how to go about it.

In a lot of cases, just doing something enough was all you needed for the system to give you a skill for it. That’s how Janus had gotten his [Writing] and [Mathematics] skills. Not to mention [Sprinting] from the time he spent on the Crow Station track team in high school.

So, Janus tried something new. He condensed ambient mana from around him into a ball and attempted to cast [Str. Enhancement] on the ball. As far as Janus knew, it was technically possible to perform a physical attack with the mana. It was the same concept he had used to push that piece of paper around on his nightstand.

Janus could feel the mana cost of [Str. Enhancement], meaning that it must have been at least partially successful.

[New skill obtained: Mana Reinforcement]

Cost: 50 Mana

Cooldown: None

Description: You can reinforce any mana under your control. Doing so causes the mana to manifest physical properties.

Bonus Stats: 1 End per level

Janus thrust his fist into the air in triumph and suddenly a violent explosion erupted from the condensed mana in front of him. A wave of heat washed over Janus and papers from his desk were spread across the room.

Janus wasn’t sure exactly what happened, but knew it must be a result of his new skill. He decided it would be best to practice outside.


He hadn’t expected to be at the Delver’s Guild today, but it was the only place where he wouldn’t be questioned after creating several explosions. Maybe.

After playing around with [Mana Reinforcement] he had discovered what must have happened earlier. When he had reinforced the condensed mana, he wasn’t able to reinforce all of it at once. This meant there was only a small shell of reinforced mana surrounding the rest of the condensed mana inside.

The mana could usually freely expand outward, but the new shell created an obstacle. Pressure built up and the resulting explosion was much more powerful than the ones Janus could create before.

Janus continued to test his new skill. He could condense small pellets of mana and even hold them in his hand. They were like blue pearls.

Going even further he attempted to create another explosive ball of mana. Being very careful to not lose his concentration, he snatched the ball out of the air. The reinforced outer shell was strong enough for him to hold it in his hand. Finally, he gave it a small toss and used [Mana Manipulation] to release the condensed mana inside.

It took a large part of his mana reserves, but the explosion seemed to be effective. Janus had been pushed back by the rush of air and heat even where he was standing, nearly 10 meters away.

Janus grinned. He had something ready for his sparring matches tomorrow.

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