《Bear Station》6 - Sore


Chapter 6


What am I trying to accomplish? If I go back to Dario, I’m just going to get trounced by Devon again. I could just head to the library, grab a good book, and forget any of this ever happened…

Janus was a lot less enthusiastic as the morning glow of runes began shining through his windows. The pain from his sparring session had kept him awake for most of the night.

I just wanted to be like the people in those books. I wanted to delve into dungeons and fight monsters.

He slipped out of bed and checked the runescribe on his nightstand. There was a message from Dario telling him to head to the Delver’s Guild. Same time as yesterday.

Stars, I feel like I can barely even walk. That healer wasn’t lying when they said some injuries would stick.

The air was uncomfortably cold as Janus headed downstairs. He entered the bathroom, undressed, and pushed a small rune on the shower wall. A warm stream of water quickly washed over him. His sore muscles and bruised flesh rejoiced at the contact with the water.

After his shower, he got dressed in a new set of clothes and returned to his room. He still had a few hours before he needed to leave.

He used those few hours to nurse a raging headache and practice the flash of light trick with [Mana Manipulation]. Once it was finally time to leave, the flashes had gotten noticeably brighter.


Janus could already see Pella and Devon sparring outside the Delver’s Guild, and so he headed straight to the sparring platforms.

“Janus, you’re here. I’ve got something special for you today.” A voice called from behind Janus and he nearly jumped out of his skin.

Dario circled around, holding a piece of paper. Janus could make out a large red stamp in the corner with the emblem of the Delver’s Guild.

Before Janus could ask what Dario meant, the paper was thrust into his hands. Janus scanned the text.

“Pest removal?” Asked Janus, “What is this?”

“That’s what we’re doing today! I’m going to catch you up to the other two.” Replied Dario, clasping Janus by the shoulders.

Ignoring the fresh pain in his shoulders from Dario’s iron grip, Janus looked back down at the paper in his hands.

“You’re taking me into the tunnels?” Janus asked. A shiver went up his spine. The tunnels of the Delver’s guild were rumored to be covered in all kinds of beasts. They were usually used by Delvers to reach existing dungeons or the tunnels were extended to find new ones.

“That’s right. The best way for your skills to level up is through combat. If we get your [Mana Manipulation] and [Str. Enhancement] skills to level up, you might just stand a chance against Pella.” Dario grinned, “And maybe even Devon, with some practice.”

Janus was uncertain. In one way, this was everything he was hoping for. He would be doing the work of a real Delver. The paper in his hand was a Delving Writ detailing work to be done for the Guild. But scenes from the sub-train car flashed through his mind. The [Rail Balor] latching onto its helpless victims.


“It’ll be fine!” Dario clapped Janus on the back as he spoke. “Just use your skills to enhance my attacks. Nothing in these tunnels can threaten me. We aren’t hitting a dungeon. Yet.”

Janus was still catching his breath from Dario’s clap on the back, but his mind was racing.

Doing this will give me a good chance at a class.

“Uh, right. Yeah. The tunnels.” Janus said.

Dario seemed pleased with this response and started walking towards one of the sealed entrances inlaid into the cavern wall. A man was standing outside and Dario showed him the Delver’s Writ. The man pressed a series of runes on the sealed entrance and it slowly creeped open.

Within was pitch black. The tunnel itself was circular and bored directly into the stone. Before stepping inside, Dario turned to Janus and handed him a small stone. Its appearance was not unlike the pearls Janus had seen being sold in the station plaza.

“That’s a [Torchstone]. Direct your will at it and it should start glowing.” Dario said, before stepping into the darkness of the tunnel.

Suddenly, the tunnel lit up. The light was coming from several [Torchstones] inlaid into Dario’s clothing.

Dario was still moving and Janus rushed into the tunnel to keep up. He willed for his [Torchstone] to emit light and his surroundings became much clearer.

“We might have to walk for a couple hours until we run into something interesting. This tunnel is frequented pretty often, so it gets cleared out every few days.” Dario said as they walked.

The tunnel was eery with walls of smooth stone. The ground had been flattened so that travelers could easily find their footing, but the walls were curved. Each time Dario spoke, Janus could hear his words echo down and up the tunnel.

Sometimes, the tunnel split, or there were offshoots heading in other directions. Fortunately, it seemed like Dario knew where to go.


Dario hadn’t lied. A couple of hours must have already passed. It was hard to tell in the tunnels, and Janus didn’t have a clock on him.

His lack of sleep from the night before was really starting the catch up to him. Just as Janus was worried he would fall asleep on his feet, he heard Dario speak from up ahead.

“We’ve got something. It’s not close enough to identify yet, but should be simple enough. Keep your wits about you. When you see the creature, use your skills on me.” Dario said.

Dario still appeared to be calm, but Janus could see a shift in his body language. There was more ambient mana in the air here than back in the stations, and Janus began gathering it, preparing to strengthen Dario.

Suddenly, a massive spider jumped from the gloom ahead. Janus barely had any time to shove the mana into Dario’s fist and cast [Str. Enhancement].

Up ahead, there was a great flash, and Dario’s fist exploded in a fiery wave. Janus could feel the heat from where he was standing. Dario slammed his flaming fist into the spider and Janus watched, slack jawed, as the spider simply disintegrated in front of him.

[Your party has defeated a dangerous enemy: Giant Web Spinner]


[You have gained a level]

[Your Strength Enhancement skill has gained 3 levels]

[Your Mana Manipulation skill has gained 2 levels]

Janus was surprised at the notifications. Everything had happened so quickly.

Dario turned around and eyed Janus. “Good, you’ve already gotten a level. We should be able to get you a few more. There should be more [Giant Web Spinners] ahead.”

Janus nodded. His earlier sleepiness had completely evaporated.


Dario and Janus continued through the tunnels and defeated another seven [Giant Web Spinners]. Most of them attacked in rapid succession.

Janus was already worn out and could feel the effects of mana exhaustion.

“I’m not sure if I can keep casting anything.” Janus said.

“You’re finally out of mana? Honestly, you lasted longer than I expected. You must have high wisdom for your level.” Dario replied and turned around. “You take the front this time, I’ll tell you which tunnels to take.”

Janus was glad, he definitely didn’t want to become spider food. He willed for his recent notification to appear in his mind’s eye.

[Your party has defeated 7 dangerous enemies: Giant Web Spinner]

[You have gained 2 levels]

[Your Bravery skill has gained 1 levels]

[Your Strength Enhancement skill has gained 6 levels]

[Your Mana Manipulation skill has gained 3 levels]

Janus had made more progress today than he had almost his entire life. Sure, most people didn’t care about levels much, but they lead peaceful lives. Not everyone was willing to risk their lives in the tunnels. Until now, that had included Janus.

Of course, he had Dario with him. Janus idly wondered how many levels he would have gained if he could take down those [Giant Web Spinners] himself. He had managed to identify some of the later ones and they were all over level 30.

It’s probably best not to think about tackling something like that on my own for now.

The real gains from this were the levels in his abilities. He could already feel that [Str. Enhancement] was significantly improved. And his control over ambient mana was easier than ever before.

He willed for his status to appear.

Status Name Janus Alamy Class None Level 10 Guild None Life 244 / 244 Mana 15 / 338 Stamina 56 / 268 Stat Total Base Class Skill Item Strength 22 10 0 12 0 Endurance 11 10 0 1 0 Dexterity 10 10 0 0 0 Intelligence 36 10 0 26 0 Wisdom 35 10 0 25 0 Skill Level Bonus Bravery 2 5 Wis / Lvl Writing 8 1 Wis / 5 Lvl Sprinting 7 1 End / 5 Lvl Mana Manipulation 14 1 Int, 1 Wis / Lvl Str. Enhancement

12 1 Int, 1 Str / Lvl Locked --- --- Locked --- --- Locked --- --- Locked --- --- Locked --- ---

The improvement was massive. None of his stats were below 10 now. Janus knew that [Bravery], [Mana Manipulation], and [Str. Enhancement] all gave him above average stats. His stats must be way above average for his level. He called the two abilities to his minds eye to see if their descriptions had changed.

[Mana Manipulation]

Cost: 1 Mana per second

Cooldown: None

Description: You can control your own mana and ambient mana around you. After level 10, your fine control over mana is doubled.

Bonus Stats: 1 Int and 1 Wis per level

[Strength Enhancement]

Cost: 20 Mana

Cooldown: 5 Seconds

Description: You have learned to use ambient mana to increase the power of physical attacks, either for yourself or for an ally. For the next 10 seconds, the first physical attack your target makes will deal [50%] increased physical damage.

Bonus Stats: 1 Int per level, 1 Str per level


Cost: None

Cooldown: Always Active

Description: You have stood against a fearsome creature with a much higher level than your own. You approach dangerous situations more calmly.

Bonus Stats: 5 Wis per level

Both [Str. Enhancement] and [Mana Manipulation] had been improved. Janus could feel the extra strength, too. If he stacked everything up right, he was sure even Devon wouldn’t get back up after a direct hit.

The problem was getting the direct hit to land. Dexterity was a huge weakness. Without a higher dexterity stat, it would be difficult to keep up once he closed the distance with an opponent.

But, those were thoughts for another day.


Janus finally spotted the sealed exit up ahead. His aching muscles were crying out for a break.

Dario pushed ahead of Janus and pressed a sequence of runes on the exit. It slowly swung open.

Runelight. Janus had never been so excited to see the soft glow of Crow Station. He headed straight for the benches, passing Dario who was talking with the man at the exit.

Janus melted onto the bench, his legs crying out in metaphorical relief. The bench was the most comfortable seat Janus had ever deigned to use. He felt movement to his side and turned to see Pella sitting there.

“You look like you’ve been put through the wringer.” She said.

“I’m mostly still sore from that beating I got yesterday. I’ve been pushing my mana to limits, too.” Janus groaned.

“Well you got three levels from that. I would have preferred to come along.” Pella smiled. “But if I had, then I wouldn’t have taken a round off of Devon.” The smile turned to a smirk.

“You won? How?” Janus asked.

“I have a way of working until I get what I want.” Pella replied, “With enough time I can take on anyone.”

Janus hadn’t noticed Devon approaching, but when he looked up, Devon was standing just in front of the bench.

“That was a good round, but you won’t win in the same way twice.” Devon said, looking towards Pella.

“I wouldn’t count on that, firehead. You’re playing it cool now, but I saw how frustrated you were.” Responded Pella.

Devon seemed agitated, but didn’t rise to the bait.

“And you.” Devon said, looking at Janus. “I’m still waiting for you to show me why your skill is so special.”

“Yeah well, I think I’m about to take a week long nap.” Janus replied. Even the bench was starting to feel an awful lot like a bed.

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