《Those Who Aspired to Become Gods : A darker fairy tale novel ©》Chapter 15: Dark Ties


Hey everyone...Sorry for the wait on this chapter but for those who waited I decided to reward you. This chapter I put quite a bit of effort into and added a lot of information I wasn't going to reveal until the next arc....but I guess I can give you each a taste of what's to come. I've even thought up some amazing and powerful characters the MC will meet that are both villains and heroes. I'm also going to make some that are equally as cheat like as our troubled MC.

So the story will only grow bigger. If your wondering why the MC has gotten so lucky well just think about who the god who blessed him is. The mc is a guy who has a god who goes out of his way to make his champion grow as fast and as strong as possible, but he also wants the mc to grow with his own power to learn humility. Loki's really a genius in that he picked the perfect place for the mc to meet good allies and grow stronger quickly.

The story will take twists and turns but like I said before I hope you all stay along for the ride. This is a world where anything is possible so it's not always the end for some things. I've even got emails from people threatening to drop the series if certain things didn't happen. Just wait and hopefully you stick it out because it's going to only get bigger. The mc does still have a long way to go but we're finding out that there's a lot more to him than meets the eye....

Well....hopefully you each enjoy

Chapter 15: Dark Ties

“Mmm that’s more like it. Now drink up!”

I sat down next to Loki and took the first move by taking out one of my pawns. I then took the glass he handed me and took a sip. It felt like an attack was sent to my mind. I felt a rush of wooziness and then it subsided within a few seconds. It had such a rich and lush exterior that the flavors the came from the grapes are just too flavorful.

It was amazing wine, but I’m not sure I can drink something that is so alcoholic. I was never much of a drinker back home.

Loki then started to play the game and talk with me about everything that had happened to me since my time here. He spoke about how upset that he was and worried but his speech was started to come out slurred.....’Is this guy seriously already drunk? You better answer my questions!’

“So....quite the day. Wish to talk about it?”

“Not with you...”

After taking his first pawn with my own I got to ask my first question.

“Why didn’t you bring me into this world close Kaylan?”

“....Experience I believe drives a man Vali. I wished for you to grow stronger in this world, as she is currently doing herself. I didn’t want you to rely too heavily on each other when you got here. Which could stunt your growths...As well as I wanted to give you a different reason to fight.”

“So you reincarnated me in this sick place to learn just how twisted it is here? Putting me into a situation where I was forced to see the cruel acts performed on the woman I call my mother? Where I was forced to kill!? What kind of sick freak are you?”

“....Although that is much more questions than I said I’d allow.....I chose your mother for different reasons than just that. And just so we’re clear....Even though I am a member of the divine, I cannot see the future. So it was impossible to know what was going to happen to you where ever I dropped you. Just like it was impossible to predict any of the things that transpired to you today......though, I am sorry for ...”


“Don’t give me that...”

I gave up and trying to understand his sick reasonings for bringing me here. I’m not sure if the other continents are equally as depraved as this one. This continent though.... I feel like in most stories and movies about this sort of thing I would think I’d be transported to somewhere like the central continent. I’m at least told it has some sort of government structure. This continent’s human settled kingdoms don’t seem to follow any at all. He claims it was all for the experience, to drive me somehow?

He started to pour another glass and look at the large full moon above us. It was much larger than the moon from my world and appeared much closer to this planet. I took another piece.

“Is Kaylan safe?”

“Yes, even though she travels quite a bit I’m sure she’s safe. She’s becoming quite strong in this world.”

“Where is she?”

“Come now Vali you need to take another piece to ask another question. But so you don’t waste it, like I said before I’m really not sure but I assure you as a divine she’s safe.”

“Just like for me right? Does she have someone around to protect her....like Hjokk?”

“......Huh you mean Skuld? Yah well....she’s kind of mean though. Your really not playing along with the rules of this game huh.....Fine...A freebie. “

I moved my knight around and took his bishop.

“What is Abgrund?”

I then pressed him questions on my scythe. Whenever I was using it earlier.....I could have sworn it was talking to me. No it was....breathing? So, it definitely felt alive in some way.

“Oh Malthiel’s weapon hm?”

He then moved one of his chess pieces casually and answered. He seemed to becoming more drunk in his behavior.

“That’s quite the peculiar weapon you got your hands on....VALiiiii. But to answer that question I feel you should rephrase it some. It’ll be much more beneficial to say .....”


“Oh bla bla bla.....Fine. To answer your question you shouldn’t look so much at the weapon but more so at it’s previous wielder.”


“Such an interesting name you decided to give that weapon....Abgrund? Hmhm....What’s the matter, worried that after using the weapon of a monster you’d become one yourself?”

“....just answer the question.”

“Mhmm....You really don’t know just what sort of thing he was, do you?...We’ll I guess you can say beings as old as us have been around for quite a long time. We each have survived a battle royal between all gods, so you can imagine that those who have remained are something to be feared, especially to mortals.....We’ll Malthiel was once considered to be one of the Four Death Kings. Beings so dangerous on the battlefield they were thusly given the Title of Death itself. Each of these beings with the title of Death fought on different sides, but each one was quite powerful. I honestly had to look a lot of this up just recently so the information is still fresh but.....”

He stopped to pour himself another glass. He had the same cheeky smile as before and was humming to himself.....‘Seriously...are all gods like this?’

“Well anyways I have only met one of the Death Kings before but he was something close to that of a Lich. Such a dreary fellow. Really annoying voice too.”

“Isn’t that what Malthiel was?”

“Mm...No not exactly Malthiel is something else entirely. A lich is more like.....an undead king among necromancers. And are more lords over death and bringing back the corpses to do their bidding. Malthiel was in all honestly a being made from death. Once an agent for Hades, but now he appears to have a new master. But they’re nothing compared to the other two King’s of Death I’m told. I never did meet them to be honest.....Well, back to your original question....I’d say in the Universe’s Power Rankings, all beings from mortal, monster, and divine.....Malthiel probably ranked...Oh I don’t know, 400 something. And that weapon of his was his main tool for laying so many to rest. So how’s about you don’t just go flashing it around so much....Some greedy eyes might be watching. I mean...it’s a weapon even capable of passing through my divine barrier.”



I just stared wide eyed at him. I took another sip of the delicious wine. Loki is getting talkative and forgetting his one question rule.

“....Yes, he was quite strong. Strange how a being like that would call someone like Balor master huh? They we’re never allies to begin with. Well Balor was something of a mad god.......he seemed to have even given some special traits of his to that scythe as well. The blade itself is actually made from a rare material known as ‘realm severer’ but it also appears to have a darkness attribute powerful enough to even break my divine barrier.......Truly fearsome mhmhmhm... Well...I guess we’re just lucky Hjokk was there then hmm?”

He just smiled up at me as if pressing me to respond, he’s drunk....‘What do you want you clown?’

“Yah, if she didn’t deliver that finishing blow I would have never survived either.”

“Yes....Well, you must keep in mind that that woman is still quite young for a divine. To you she’s ancient but I was there when big daddy Odin and the others helped create her. She was always made for battle so she never got to experience much else....Don’t do anything stupid like pick a fight with something of Malthiel’s level again, she’s been given strict orders to descend should the need arise.....Which could ultimately change her very long life. And with some of your actions I honestly feel it necessary to warn you as such....and as your....You know big bro god Loki.”

“................ And wouldn’t that be your fault? Just don’t give her the order.”

“...It is...necessary.”

He burped and moved another piece.

“Well...so your saying I could kill god’s with such a weapon.?”

“Wuhahaha.....Ugh you still don’t get it do yo? You don’t comprehend what gods are. “

“Just really old immortal beings.....who can also be annoying. How old are you anyways?”

“Mhmhmhm.....You don’t know the half of it. To even ask our age you clearly don’t understand. I guess even since Malthiel fell, the weapon still contained quite a bit a lot of it’s old power. I guess it could potentially harm a divine though with that added ability....guuupp......Well....To answer that first...illegal question....If you were to take that big bad scythe of yours out and cut my head off what do you think would happen?”

‘What is he saying?’

“Umm I would probably feel some sense of relief and go to bed?”

“Wuahaha....Well let me rephrase the question...Do you think I ‘a god’ can survive even without having my head attached to my body?”


‘Well when he put it that way I guess it wouldn’t seem impossible to think a god could survive without its head. But this thing has the ability to potentially hurt him? Right?’

“...Oh and and f.y.i. that’s where the term ‘mortally wounded’ comes from mhmhmhm. “


I started thinking about all of the information he was telling me. It was a bit to absorb.

“Well, just be careful with that thing is all....”

“What’s the matter Loki....Afraid I’ll become a monster in your world?”

“Mhmhmhm.....Yes monster is such a relative term isn’t it...To something like a bug, a human is a monster. The term hero is also rather relative....To that small girl you care for I’m sure she thinks of you as her savior....while those you yourself have torn apart call you demon......Interesting isn’t it?”

“No....not really. ”

I took another piece with my knight while taking another sip of wine. I could feel my vision start to get blurry again.

“Hm well, the term god is also quite relative....”

“Who is Balor?”

I cut him off and he seeming not to notice started to answer my question.

“Mm....Just an old dark god I thought was dead. But this is how the world is....dead doesn’t always stay dead here.”

“Is he stronger than Malthiel?”

“Mm....Yes I’d say that he is, but then I’d also say that he wasn’t. Even though I wish for you to gain some information about him I don’t wish for you to seek a fight with him if you can avoid it. Even as a fallen....he’s dangerous. Regardless of your traits.....He is something different entirely. Balor isn’t anything like he is portrayed in your myths. He was always depicted as a monster in your stories. Sure his appearance may have looked grim, and his horns are strong enough to kill gods....But he was a god revered for his genius...brilliant really. More of the mad scientist type. He wasn’t always a mad god though. He even used his darkness attributes to create some amazing things.....And now that same dark god appears to be alive again. I guess I should really check my sources more hmmm.”


Loki burped and then continued.

“Mm...Perhaps you can have some of these fellows over here help you in gaining information about what he’s been up to all this time?”

“Eh don’t plan on them being much help. They don’t think things through very well and are too dangerous to be kept alive. I plan on giving them back to their race leaders but I might honestly kill them before we get there. If it wasn’t for this stupid chain attached to my arm I’d have probably already done the wolf in. I suppose I could just kill him but then I’d have to lug this chain around.....”

“Oh yes hahaha. When I heard everything that happened this evening happened while attached to one of Amarok’s children I had a good laugh. Well about the second part....the first part I was truly furious for. “

He moved another piece.

“Well that stuff is adamantine...probably best to wait till you get the key for it.”

“Couldn’t you just loosen them for me?!”

“Possibly....That stuff isn’t man made it’s a material that came off a titan.....Some could even be older than us. No body really knows though....”

‘Loki get’s scatter brained when he drinks. In my world the term for titans were mythological beings that were something of parents to gods. But Loki talks as if they are just really old beings unrelated to them.’

“So your saying god’s would even have trouble with armor made from it?”

“Mmm, it’s durable that’s for sure. But it wouldn’t be enough to stop a divine....”

“And this chain is made from one of those ancient beings fangs? That sounds pretty creepy.”

“Haha...truly....They really were cosmic beings. Well I say were but there are still some of them alive and sealed up today.....Hell your world even has titans in them.”

“Shut up! I think I would have seen it.”

I started to forget my anger towards Loki as the drink he provided was delicious. I didn’t believe the words he was saying entirely but I guess he had no reason to lie. This wine is just so delicious though.

“I’m serious! The damn thing was sealed up at bottom of your atlantic ocean. Your texts said it would be in the pacific but it was much closer to the Bermuda triangle. I was actually going to take some of it’s cells for a base for one of my pet projects but the magical wards and seals surrounding it were too extreme. I couldn’t even get close to it.”

“..... Your saying there’s a titan sealed up in my world?”

“Yeah....I think your people called it....cat something...Ct..hulhu....I don’t know it was definitely a titan though. And to answer your earlier question about removing those chains.....Mmm....no your being rude. But I might consider it if you do me a favor!”

‘Now that I notice how is Adimar attached to me and not pulled into the space with us?’

“And I’d actually prefer it if you didn’t kill those Annunake’s....I believe they can be beneficial to have around....Besides.....I kind of ugh......owe a favor to Amarok so that could totally help with impressing him.”

“......Why should I do something like that for you...These people ripped me apart!”

“Desperation brings out the worst in a person. Truly it is powerful enough to rot the soul. Living an eternity for them in such a hell, the ideas of a hero are nonexistent. But wouldn’t keeping them alive to torment each day for their sins sound a little better than just ending their lives? Come on Val... are you going to let all those scars define you. Or are they simply going to become carvings on your soul...while you march forth to victory!”

He started to speak in a rhythmic tone and sing. Yah...He’s wasted.

“You said that once already!”

“Oh did I? Well anyways Vali, I would just prefer it if you kept them alive for now. If you were to do this for me, it would help to me, it would help me. I mean Amarok is the one who gave Fenrir his blessing......and in return I’ll.....mmm.....Oh, I’ll return all of the things Malthiel dropped.”

“....You bastard! You did take more things.”

“What?...You didn’t even technically kill him anyways so stop complaining. I just feel a little uncomfortable giving someone so young weapons of mass destruction. ...You know what happens when a baby goes out and makes a mess in public...They don’t blame the baby...they blame the parent!”

“Your calling me your baby now? What happened to big bro Loki?”

“I’m both! Now....MMmmmm......I move here!”

He moved his pieces around and I then noticed something....Loki hasn’t taken a single one of my pieces yet. ‘You’d only soon the god of games would be good but he must be too drunk to keep up. My mind has definitely become much sharper due to my increased intellect, but with the added effects of the alcohol...it’s my win.


‘Wait what?’

Loki started laughing as he declared victory and stood up and started stretching....Wait how did he do that. I had just taken his queen moments ago. I had the win. But he simply moved one his only remaining pieces left to trap my king in a box around several of my other pieces.

“....You see...Sometimes it is necessary....to sacrifice a few things to attain victory......Don’t you agree Vali?”

He looked down at me and smiled. He then glanced up at the moon and I didn’t answer him. He just laughed and told me a quote from a book he read in my world known as ‘Of Mice and Men’.

“A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody.....Don’t make difference who the guy is...I tell ya.....a guy gets too lonely....... an’ he starts to get sick.....”

“What are you saying now?”

He started to walk away to the house to look at the flowers. I now see the grass and the terrain has been completely repaired in the space we’re standing in.

“Just saying.....Your not alone anymore Vali. It’s ok to enjoy yourself here. Even if your goal is to reunite with Kaylan and ultimately leave this place. I’m sorry for all that has happened to you in your life, I am sorry for all that has happened to you here since. I take all the blame......But if I can quote a famous biologist from your world.....It is not the strong who survive, nor the smart.....it is those most capable of adapting to their own environments who ultimately survive.....”

He smiled and moved his hand around the flower petals. He wanted me to learn a lesson from my mistakes I’ve made so far and learn from them rather than lose my self in vengeance. I lost control, and I can’t do something like that with

“You’ve chosen to play by the rules in a world that lost the directions.....I think it’s time to create our own rules from now on then shouldn’t we!?”

He looked up at me and then disappeared.

The space we we’re in distorted and came back to real time.

“Woh...look at the ground.”

“The blood’s....all gone?”


They then noticed me and I didn’t say anything to them. Wait....that bastard didn’t break my chains to this wolf!


Suddenly everyone’s figures froze again and I heard giggling. I turned around and there was Loki. He picked up the wine bottle and waved at me before disappearing again....No wait!!!!

“Ughh....he’s so drunk he forgot!”

‘Maybe I should just cut this wolves arm off?’


Right then a loud snap and the chain around me and the wolf broke as if Loki just remembered. I put the chain in the inventory, then walked back into the cabin and told everyone they would be sleeping outside tonight. If they for any reason try to run, attack me or my family, the magic in the bindings would go off and kill them. I activated it as a quick reminder what would happen if they disobey me.

“What we can’t sleep in your house?”

“No I don’t want your fur getting all over the house. We just cleaned....”

I answered Akino while looking right at Adimar. It was true the house was now clean since Loki had been here. His abilities are rather convenient. I guess for all that’s happened that’s the least he could do. Akino and Adimar just looked up at me puzzled. Fenrir ran past me and into the house to lay down on the animal skin couch. They then gave me and even odder look.

“What?.....Now sleep.”

Sting didn’t say much and just sat down in the corner and put his back against the wall. I’ll have Fenrir guard the front door tonight while we get some sleep. His senses are much better than mine. He as well as the other two no longer had weapons. The Annunake’s claws are incredibly sharp but if something happens and they attack again. I’ll kill them with my death magic immediately. I don’t believe they’ll try anything, but I don’t trust any of them. I don’t have the luxury to trust any one in this world.

I walked into the house and pet Fenrir’s head. I guess he’s tired, he’s had a big meal of all those who were standing guard outside. They along with a few of the members inside were already injured by my mother so he took them each down quite easily. Whenever they heard I was inside they didn’t think to turn behind them. I wonder how many abilities he’s absorbed.....Hmm...

I decided I’d wait till tomorrow to eat some of the hearts of those that were inside the house that I killed. Maybe they might have some interesting abilities. I walked towards my mothers room and could hear voices coming from the inside.

“Why!...Why do you trust in him so much! He’s human....the same as the people who killed our whole family!”

“No Noah!....He’s not like the other humans....He’s...He’s nice to me. “


“No Noah!....Whenever I was being chased by bad people he saved me. Whenever I was scared....he’d hold my hand., just like you do.....And whenever I asked him to save you...He...he did it without even asking for anything in return.....I believe can trust him Noah.”


“Yes...It’s ok to be guarded. It’s what has kept you alive for so long Noah. But you needn’t worry about my son. He is genuinely a kind man who enjoys taking care of others....He protected all of us today.”

“Yah...he saved us”

I then could hear my mother and Lily speaking up for me.

“Ok....Ok...I’m sorry. “

“It’s ok Noah....We don’t blame you for your feelings about humans or my son. But in time....I hope you’ll each learn that he is going to continue protecting this cabin and those who live in it.....We cannot just souly rely on my son’s strength forever, but together we can live and grow together......as a family.”

My mother began to console Noah with her words. I could even envision her hugging him just as she does me....She called them family. I guess to her having those around she cares about, anyone who’s left in her life she loves to the extent of family. I want to protect that for her.

“Right...Elyria says we’re all a family.”

I heard Ari’s voice as I started to open the door. I could see everyone was now on the floor in a group hug. My mother had Lily and Noah in her arms while arm was in her lap. Everyone looked up at me and Ari tried to get up. I walked over to her and she stood up. She wobbled a little but she was standing. She had been with us for less than week and already she is able to stand. She can’t walk for very long due to her muscle strength but seeing her healing and rehabilitation warms my heart.

Even with the power of my healing it couldn’t immediately cure her. It’s taken time. Her muscles were repaired like the rest of her body. But it was still to thin to support the rest of her weight. But slowly she’s starting to fill out along with her cheeks and stomach. Even when I was giving her a bath earlier I noticed her ribs weren’t showing like they had been before. Of all the people in this world who should fear me....It’s this girl....After everything that I did in front of her....I really did snap. And yet, she doesn’t judge me in the slightest. She accepts me, just like my mother, just like.....these two have also been coming to do. I would imagine after losing control in front of Ari, she’d not want to stay as close to me. But she just looked up and lifted her hands up to me as if signaling she was about to be picked up....She trusts me.

This girl just....Has a way of healing me. With the loss of my siblings I lost two of my supporting pillars in my life. I also lost two roles that were predominant throughout my whole life. That of a sibling, and almost a parent to brother and sister. They were my whole my life....

‘Loki’s right...I’m not alone anymore. This is much better than searching for Kaylan or my siblings killer...alone.’

I hugged Ari close to me and I could feel she was lightly licking my neck again. As if she was wiping away all past wounds herself.

I looked up and there standing was Noah.

“Tha....Thank you for saving Lily....Thank you for everything!......”

He bowed his head to me and and his ears drooped to the side.

“Alright....stop saying weird things before we’re about to sleep weirdo...”

I looked up and sitting on the bed were my mother and Lily. They both looked up at us with a bright smile and we all got in bed. Between me and my mother was Ari. On the other side of my mother was Lily and then Noah....

And just like that the 5 of us lied down together and shared in each others warmth. It had been an eventful day for all of us....Events all of us wish didn’t happen but they did. We only just started to realize it was safe to fall asleep and share in the warmth and comfort of one another. It was....oddly peaceful. Maybe what mom said was right, this is our odd little family. It isn’t a comfort I’ve felt since sleeping with my family when I was back home.

I looked down at Ari and she whispered good night to me. My mom was already passed out. They each looked to be equally as comfortable. I patted her head and she closed her eyes. If a girl that has been through as much as she has can find still find happiness and peace in this world, why can’t I?

Just like that I got some of the best sleep I’ve ever had, in this world and my old one. I was so comfortable my head found the pillow made from layers of cloth felt like heaven itself. Thoughts of how I could find such comfort after so much has happened only was a grim reminder to myself moments before drifting off into sleep. I glanced at my wrist which once held the chain around it, which once was pealed off right in front of me. Just as my consciousness faded away I heard slight rattling noises. But I was so comfortable I simply drifted asleep.


“Umm...Why of all places would you want to come here?”

“I need information on a few things....Besides this trip has multiple purposes to it. Also I thought I told you to stop talking. “

Sting started to question my plans. His surprise wasn’t wrong. Currently the image of the Aldain kingdom was in our sites.

When I woke up this morning there was a lot on my mind. It’s already been such an eventful day and it’s still just starting. First I woke up early to the wonderful site of those I fell asleep with didn’t have any trouble sleeping. Even myself, I feel somehow refreshed today. I guess letting out some of that anger may have helped.

I then started the morning with a light workout and training while Fenrir stood by and watched. I would have liked to eat the hearts of all those who came here to get a large assortment of skills but.....Fenrir ate them all.....Everything! I was slightly annoyed and walked past the three who were asleep on the porch.

The three that I currently have bound by Gleipnir didn’t talk much this morning. In fact even now, Adimar and Akino haven’t said more than a few words to me. After the images they saw last night....of Fenrir....of me. I think they’re growing to learn to fear me. Which is best.

During my workout I even had Adimar come and spar with me. He wasn’t nearly as strong as he was in the dungeon. Nor was he as strong as he fought last night. In fact the separation of the two is like night and day. He’s sluggish. It’s as if the toll of his wounds are finally starting to show. The beating I gave him was to the extent of several broken ribs and a shattered shin bone. His movements as an alpha was still exceptional. He just couldn’t keep up with me now that I was free of those chains. Along with the extent of his wounds he took a real a beating. Never once did he complain or stop though. I feel as though I’m becoming a bully. But they won’t receive any mercy from me. Their lives belong to me now. In a world without government, why should I play by the rules.

‘Loki was right.’

We continued to walk closer to the gates of the Aldain kingdom. There was a long line waiting to get into the city and I could see even from this distance it would take forever to get in.

I eventually had to heal Adimar of his wounds from training with me. The scars that Hjokk had left on him looked like they were done roasting and started to fester. He could’ve just as easily died from that. It’s not as kindness from me, I’m simply prolonging his life. Loki wants me to spare these people but I can’t say I’ve come around to agreeing with him. Regardless of being chained by Gleipnir, they’re dangerous.

I let out enough steam last night but I felt my blood was just starting to boil when I saw these three again. After letting a bit of repressed anger on them I calmed down. I healed Adimar of his wounds and the open gash had started to seal up and repair like new. I had to extend a bit of extra magic into this ability but the affects of my healing magic now as an area of affect are tremendous. I’m not sure though if this is possible on this skill level yet. I’ll need to ask that from the king later. Everything other than Adimar’s eye that had been completely destroyed was still missing. The eye I delivered a Lord’s Earth Shattering Smash towards must have came out of his skull. I can’t reattach limbs so he continued to keep the bandages covering his eye. The wound from Hjokk left on his chest however remained. It looked like a dark skar that extended diagonally across his chest and abdomen. Even with my healing ability it didn’t heal everything entirely so it remained as just a scar. He kept scars from the two of us.

I ended up cooking everyone a meal after that. Ari and Lily helped and they even made extra for the 3. I guess I didn’t mind it. I learned quite a bit from Sting though. Once he started talking I swear he wouldn’t shut up. My mother asked him things about his life and he was getting oddly close to her.

I activated dark pressure with him as the soul target. He eventually gave up but didn’t give up on talking. He is apparently an intermediate level adventurer in the central continent and was hired as an ‘escort’ of sorts to help in bringing in new ‘talent’ to certain kingdoms there. He was hired by a kingdom off the coast of the central continent to come help the Elliot family seek out and speak with me. When they heard of what happened in Aldain the Elliot’s were sent by that same kingdom to only talk to me, but due to their arrogance the whole meeting turned into a massacre.

He also said that Laxus psycho was the brother of an incredibly powerful mage in the central continent. I do seem to recall him going off about his brother being a god or something, but maybe that was just a title. Well it seems I might have more people gunning for me now.

I pressed him more later for information but he seem to preoccupied with eating his meal that I made. I don’t think he realizes the situation he’s in at all.

After breakfast Hjokk arrived with a small chest of items. The amount of things in this small storage container was too much to count and most of it looked like ingredients to things that I want no part of. They were the collection of items that Loki had taken from Malthiel. Their were several books that seemed interesting and even items that looked cursed. But there was a lot of jewelry and magical items in there as well. I still couldn’t view most of the stats for them as I didn’t have a skill to. ‘ Is it really that hard to obtain a skill to observe items in this world? In the game that skill came with every character, but in this world I can’t even view all the stats on Abgrund. I feel that the only reason I can see so much is due to me being regarded as the current wielder.

I could only view certain things of each item as it was too high class to know just what they were exactly. I however did see two items of which I put on immediately. From the few words I gathered from them they each came with abilities I couldn’t resist.

Midnight Gauntlet (Divine Item) (Unknown Maker)

Magic Null

-Usable Skill: Dark Aura Duration: 10 Minutes Cool Down Time: 13 Hours

Absorb the darkness around you to to erect a wall of darkness for you and your allies. Dark Aura will provide a barrier of darkness that absorbs all incoming damage. Max number of individuals can be used on: 6

-Option Skill: Midnight Aura Duration: Only available during the night Cool Down Time: 24 Hours

Use the gift of the night to increase the power of Dark Aura. Allows darkness to absorb more damage and last longer

Infinity Ring (Celestial Item) (Unknown Maker)

High Magic Recovery

Status Hide (Higher Tier)

- Usable Skill: Mana Bomb Skill Cost: 50% of Mana Cool Down Time: 10 minutes

Fire a bomb of concentrated magic at your enemies. 50% of total damage will then be converted back into your own magic

‘Yah....these are cheat items. If I had these whenever I got surrounded, they wouldn’t have stood a chance. This looks like the same ability Malthiel used to absorb all of mine and Hjokk’s attack......YES!’

Walking closer to the crowded line, I looked closer at the amazing items that boss monster dropped. Well calling him a boss I feel now is an understatement. He was a very old, very powerful being...’..And currently I’m wearing some of his equipment! If I use this gauntlet ability, for 10 minutes I could become unstoppable. If it was at night.....even longer. Then there’s this other ring that looks to be equally as interesting.

‘Heh...with this I really am going to look like the villain.....Well like Loki said, it’s all relative. To Ari she looks up at me like a hero....to this city.......I am going to be the demon who killed them all.’

But I need to do this correctly. I’ve already seemed to have gained several enemies as is. After killing that Elliot clansman last night I’m aware now that there are people looking for me. Even a kingdom I’ve never heard of before. After killing Laxus I may even wind up with a few new enemies on my hands. I would have never left the house today if my Hjokk didn’t also bring a peculiar item back from Asgard. She said it was something she had been working on and it was an item that looked like a vase. Lily and Ari eventually put flowers into it but it’s actually an item that has a peculiar barrier magic intact. When Hjokk activated it, it extended almost a mile around the house.

That barrier is suppose to make it impossible now to find this house. The only way in now is if I use spatial magic. Anyone can exit, but it is now impossible to enter without Hjokk’s access. Well she did give the item to me so I guess anyone in the house can use the item to let someone through the barrier. But everyone’s been warned about it. I left Fenrir there just incase. I’m still not comfortable leaving that house right now but Hjokk insured me other than being the Valkyrie of storms she is a master of barrier magic. It is her job as a bodyguard to the gods to be adept in such.

Well right now it’s the three soon to be dead companions, Hjokk and myself. Adimar and Akino still haven’t said much. Even when he was taking that beating he just stood and took it as if trying to atone for what he did. It didn’t move me in the slightest. Akino however made some angry faces towards me. She didn’t however say anything.

When we got to the line there was a carriage and wagon with merchants and groups of people trying to sell things while waiting in line.It didn’t take long to get here. I made Adimar carry Sting and Akino ran behind me. Even though Sting is is higher level than me his agility is only 2600. His stamina is even less than that. Speaking of the stats of Adimar and Akino were somewhere close to my own stats. They were much higher level than me but my strength was slightly higher than their’s. Their speed though were each higher than mine. I still don’t get though how if I’m much stronger than them Adimar managed to take me down and hold me to the ground for so long. He showed to be much stronger than the rest of that pack.

Sting said he was considered an intermediate level adventurer but his stats were just ridiculously too low compared to mine. He only laughed and said ‘well yah, I’m not a hero or some blessed being.’ I then heard him mumble something like me being a monster after that but I didn’t listen.

He says his strengths are in poison and fighting with a spear. That’s how he put my mother and Noah out before they could get hurt any worse. He also hit me with a poison attack I had to heal with a magic stone just to get rid of it.....He was smart though. The way he fought, he could think so clearly with all that was happening so quickly around him. Regardless if his stats are low, he thinks quite quickly on his feet. I’ve thought about just killing him here but I’ve decided I’m going to give him an opportunity. I’m going to see what kind of people these three are. In my mind their lives are dangling by a very thin thread.

“Sting...does anyone in this kingdom know you?”

Thinking of this man maybe thinking of trying something I ask him. My family said he wasn’t like the other’s in the house but I can’t just put my trust in him, regardless if he has that binding around his neck.

“No....We met the Elliot’s in another kingdom. Though there were members of Aldain who met with us as well, most of them you and your dog killed.”

“He’s a wolf actually.”

“That thing is a monster....”


I remember what happened last night. I kicked Sting through my cabin wall. He must have flown outside to where Fenrir was eating all those outside....I did however tell him to eat anything that ran outside. I wonder why he didn’t eat this guy.

“Hey....Hey boy!”

I turned around tot he sound of some arrogant person yelling in my direction. I turned around and a big heavy set fellow walked up to me.

“You....How much you want for that demi human girl behind you? I’ve never seen such a beautiful and fit slave.”



Adimar behind me started to growl towards the on comer which made the man and several people behind him only became startled at his appearance. I mean, he is roughly 7 feet tall. Regardless of his bandages, he could easily tear these people apart. Hell....I bet me and these three could probably kill this whole small kingdom here if I wanted to. But I can’t do that. It needs to be handled better than that or other kingdoms are going to just think I’m so psychopath and come to this kingdom to find and kill me.

“Hey....What kind of demi human is that!....It just growled at me! “

Everyone in the surroundings looked at Adimar with anger and some with fear. I looked at him to calm down as if not to draw too much attention to ourselves.

“Yes....sorry he can be quite a pain sometimes......Not too worry though he has a leash.”

I then activated the shock and they saw him howl in pain for a couple seconds. He looked up at me and I ushered him to play his role.

“And anyways....sorry but I won’t be selling these slaves. I’ve worked quite hard at raising them you see....”

“Oh yes, yes I can see that. Your clearly quite the slaver! Well if you ever change your mind come find me...I’ll pay you 2 gold for the wolf and 4 gold for the woman.....What do ya say? Sure I can’t change your mind?”


I waved him off and he seemed kind of annoyed by my display. I looked past him and saw that the line was slowly dwindling down. The kingdom of Aldain is honestly a disgusting place. Even the wall they’ve erected is made of wood and tree branches roped together.

Looking forward I see something that catches my eye. There standing in the distance are stakes driven into the ground, and resting on these stakes, are corpses. There nailed to the stakes look like deformed bodies that have been mutilated before

The bodies were skinned....

There had to be at least, 20 bodies all skinned and nailed to the stakes. What city puts this in front of their gates?

“What sort of place is this Vali?”

Akino looking where my eyes were drawn gave a voice of disgust. Adimar and Sting too seemed to think the site was also unpleasant. Looking through the bodies it was hard to tell, men/women it was impossible to know, they looked like elves though.

Blood was still dripping down their legs but what was even more odd is no one else in the line seemed to be distracted by it. You could even see kids in the distance running around and playing not a few feet away form them. Is it really that normal for kids to not be bothered by it here?

“This is the city I wanted to show you both....”

They then turned and looked at me with an odd face. I wasn’t lying. Even if I wasn’t sure about killing each of them yet, I wanted them to see the state the world was in. They haven’t been outside that dungeon in their entire lives. After somehow killing Balor, those people won’t be able to just leave and settle on this continent without more problems. If we aren’t united, then we may end up in the same state as my mothers tribe. I want these two to report back what they’ve seen. They’ll at least listen to this wolf, he is or was their alpha at one point.


Akino then looked at the last two corpses on the line. They were small and tiny. They’re bodies looked much different than that of a humans and it was obvious that it was a demi human species. The bones didn’t match up to a humans. They were.....they were children.

I clenched my fist seeing this site....This city. This whole city will pay for what it’s done.

I started to walk away and have them all follow me. I needed to take a breather. I feel I was going to lose control again.

This damn kingdom!

“I guess that is what happens when just any guild is allowed to run a kingdom.”

“Wait what?”

Sting just said a ludicrous comment. Their not royalties?

I then learned from Sting that this entire kingdom is actually a kingdom that is currently being run and operated by a guild. The man who calls himself the King of Aldain is not a royalty but someone who was a guild master on the continent and became an Earl for one of the kingdoms in this continent. He then defeated a famous dungeon and became a king over a small area. This is one of the areas the king controls.

I still need to find out all the information of Aldain that I can from the king tonight. If it’s possible, I need to figure out all allied nations and groups of this kingdom and their nobility. Those in charge of this place need to be sent to hell. I need to know all who would take up arms should this city be destroyed. My mother was always the christian woman. When I read certain stories from the bible researching demons I came across a city that was said to be so evil God himself rained down fire to burn it. Killing an entire city.....would it really be so evil?

“The only reason I brought you along was to see this place with your own eyes. “

This is the reason I wanted to make your people my allies, but due to your stupidity. I’m probably going to have to grovel to another kingdom just to protect my family. I’m not going to trust these so called Asher’s but due to these circumstances I need strong connections and authority right now. If I have a strong figure backing me I can probably gain rights to land in this place, since I’m human.

Though...I may have to become a sort of vassal type figure for their kingdom. The princess wanted me to become her knight? I guess a vassal is a sort of knight in it’s own right. A vassal in olden times were men and women who swore fealty to a lord and promised to defend them in exchange for land or power. This world’s social structure I believe may work that way with the royalties and nobility. I’d assume from what that Elliot and Laxus guy were implying is that my weapon and my power is coveted. The idea of an overly strong individual with an army of powerful demi humans promising to take up arms to defend them in exchange for some land and a little authority. I’d assume a king in such a world would want strong allies.

I don’t plan on becoming a conqueror for them, but hopefully the king of Asher is a different man than the one of Aldain. I don’t plan on pledging allegiance to any king here, but maybe with this princess I can somehow gain some allies in this world. I may need to show off a little....hmm but how. I need to make them want to become my ally and never to cross me.....

We continued walking until we walked around the side of the wall. It extended far past into the woods miles into the distance. I’m told this isn’t a large kingdom but it looks like a decently large city. Ugh...I guess I have to go wait back in line now huh. I wish I could just....wait why don’t I just move into a space inside the city............

‘Damn! I wasted money when I came here the first time!.......This city shall face my wrath!’

“Damn this CITY!”

“Yah....disgusting really.”

Sting then interjected. Ugh he’s been talking a lot today.

When we stopped at the halfway marker by where we first met Lily he tried talking the whole time. I don’t think Adimar and Akino understand him though. I keep forgetting that there’s language barriers in this world. I just don’t always notice it. Just like I don’t notice I have an ability that warps me through space at will and I don’t even use it to skip lines and gate fees at will. It’s really not that hard. After talking with Hjokk about the barrier I used my spatial magic in a way that set certain locations to move to. I got the idea from her strange tether ability from before. I just make a set space my own and whenever I want to go to that location I open it up and place it over the open space. I set the locations at my cabin and the place where we met Lily. It is a location quite close to where we will meet the King later.

I told each of them to hold hands and then activated my spatial magic to warm inside the gate of Aldain.


“Woh that was cool!”


Akino, Sting and Adimar each gave their own odd facial expression at moving through space through the first time. Or well first for all but Adimar.

We started to walk through the city and through the streets spread with merchants and customers. Some one stop and stair and Adimar and Akino. Voices would clamor at seeing such a large and strong looking demi human, while others would clamor at the beauty of Akino. If what sting says is true....the majority of this city is basically an entire guild that calls this place their kingdom. The nobles here, such as the Tyrule’s are nothing more than financial backers for them. Running a kingdom I assume can gain individuals a lot of money but this kingdom is rotten.

The city streets are dirty. Though there are sites of kids running and playing. People buying weapons, armor, and clothing. There were some stalls that sold food but the quality all looked bad. The entire place just looked dirty. But maybe this is my own convictions about the place.

We continued walking through the crowd and Sting nor the other two tried to run away or run away from me. Not that they would survive long but, just surprised they haven’t tried anything at all.

I walked into a store that wasn’t open the first time I came here. It was a larger building than that red haired man’s shack but but was roughly the size of my house. Not my cabin, but my house in the old world. It had a large assortment of weapons, shields, and armors. After getting clawed at I’ve been meaning to think of getting some form of armor to protect my body but none of this looks to be of great quality According to what I’m told this armor wouldn’t do anything anyways. I then went to the clothing section and picked out a few sets of shorts and shirts for everyone else back at the cabin. I got sizes for everyone and enough spare cloth for mom to make something for everyone should she wish it. She has a knack for being very creative with the things she makes. I also got everyone things like underwear and shoes, some of them have never even wore any.

It’s not a skill, she’s just a very resourceful woman. I got a few extra outfits for Ari because I can remember my siblings when they started to hit their growth spirts. They grew out of clothes so quickly it just, became expensive so maybe I can grab some items should these kids start growing as well.

I then walked over to a wall that looked to sell magical items. There was a ring with a small blue ruby. Mana Recovery 20 per Minute. A green dagger that has added poison damage. ‘Hmm everything here is crap.’

The prices are insane. 2 Gold....10 gold? It’s in a case as if it’s important?

I then walked over to a shelf that had several small crystals. They looked like......What magical cores!

There was 4 magical cores. 2 blue, 1 yellow, 1 red.

Yellow is the same level that gave Tanin his fire ability and they even have a red one in there. The amount of skills he got just from absorbing one was amazing. I grabbed the four stones and collected them as well. They didn’t have a price tag for them. I then grabbed a few other water stones that are magical items that have water stored in them and when you release it you can use it as drinking water.

I went to the front and the cost for everything was 97 gold....I used negotiation to see if it worked. But he said the magic stones are too valuable and he would lose profit. He lowered it to 80 gold coins but he wouldn’t go lower. I then activated dark pressure and tried it again and I got him to go for 47. He also appeared to have wet himself. I turned around and saw that Sting was looking at women’s clothing. No....children’s clothing?

“What are you doing?...Don’t tell me your one of those guys.”

I then realized I had just purchased several articles of women and children’s clothing. But what’s he thinking, I practically own him right now.

He then laughed and commented on what I had just bought and I had no response. We each left the store and the store owner and those in the store wouldn’t stop staring at the 5 of us.

I guess we do look like an odd group. I even have a purple bird on my shoulder eating something. She said she was going to be more strict with me from now on which I don’t even know what that means. I guess she figured it was partially my fault what happened in the dungeon. I walked into that trap. I can’t be stupid anymore but I have no idea what level of threat that is by being more strict? She’s just been eating on my shoulder all day.

Well...I guess it’s not like she can do too much to me without being in risk of descending. I wonder how she was allowed to kill someone like Malthiel without descending. Maybe it depends on the conditions, like if he attacked her first?

I continued thinking of this as we left the store. We walked through a large crowd and we could hear a a man yelling over the crowd.

“Who will give me 60 silver for this demi human child. Strong enough to do work. Very docile!”

“Eh...here I’ll give you 60.”

“I’ll give you 60 and 1 large copper!”

Crowds started to bid on a young demi human child. I was simply a head taller than everyone else so I could see through the crowds. There roughly 30 people ahead a young girl was pulled from a black iron cage and yanked away from another. She had grey short hair and appeared to be around Lily’s age. She was small, she was more feminine then Lily. The girl look terrified....

“61 silver!”

“Ah! I’ll have her work my farms 70 Silver!”


The young neko girl continued holding onto a ribbon in her hand that fell as she screamed for someone else. She reached for the ribbon and picked it up only to have her tailed pulled once she grabbed it.

“Alright sold!”

The little girl was then drug away as she started to shed tears down her face. She was shaking and being ushered down a small staircase towards a man and peculiar dog. It had dark brown fur and a large head. It wasn’t any bread I’ve seen in my world. Perhaps it’s a monster?

It started barking and glaring it’s teeth at the small girl as she walked down the steps. She continued to shake and cry to where words she was saying didn’t make since anymore.


Akino behind me started to show tears in her eyes as I could hear Adimar starting to breath louder. I can’t have them act up here. But I too can’t continue to watch this.



I used my spatial magic to warp the space the dog was in towards a peculiarly rich fellow a few meters away.

“AHh what! Kill this wretched thing at once!”

The men surrounding the man stabbed and swung swords down at the dog and severed it’s head. The man standing next to it then turned around and noticed his pet was now killed and I guess in anger didn’t realize that magic was just used.

He started screaming and yelling at the nobleman and it was at this time I snapped my fingers again. This time I warped the space of the small girl who was still standing at the foot of the staircase confused.



I ducked and wrapped Malthiel’s cloak around her just like I had for Lily. I hid her and let her stand behind the large body of Adimar. We continued to stand there as we watched the men fight and argue. The man on the small wooden stage then started to talk again.

“And now we got a rare find today! A rare Fuchs race! Who here will give me 3 gold!”

“Ugh...shut this kill this idiot old man. I’ll give you 3 gold right here!”

I could slightly hear the sounds of the background people yelling. None of them seemed to care about the small girl disapearing and the man who just bought her was just murdered. They just cut him down in public as if it was nothing. The guards and everyone around didn’t even move to stop it from happening. The man’s head then fell to the ground. I looked down at the small neko girl to quiet her down. I told her it was all going to be alright now. She looked up at me with her mouth open and didn’t know how to respond she just continued to hold onto the ribbon in her hands. Tears were still falling down her dirty face and falling onto her bruised up hands. Her foot was purple and looked to have been from twisting her ankle pretty bad if not from the shackles around her legs. I put my hands on top of her head and her ears drooped to the side. She flenched and clenched her ribbon but she didn’t run away. She was as if accepting whatever was coming to her abuse or.....

A small light pressed from my fingers and onto her head. She made a slight nya sound and she really did resemble a cat. It wasn’t just the ears or the tail even her mannerisms by how she brings her hands to her chin and wiggles her body.

“Ok so 5 gold can anybody here give 5 gold!....Rare Fuchs race!”


The small neko girl then started to shake and cry she couldn’t see over the crowd but she must have been talking about her friend. Wait...Fuchs race!

I looked up and there standing was....a girl who resembled my mother. She looked to be around 14 or 15. Her hair was short brown with orange bangs. She was wearing the same rags as this small girl below me but she looked to be much cleaner.

“10 gold!”

I bid on her. I was stood up and had Akino hold onto the girl behind Adimar.

“WHAT!....YOU!.....11 gold!”

The same nobleman from before looked at me with cold eyes and tried to outbid me.

“...15 gold.”

He then gave me a look of shock...I don’t know how much 15 gold is yet in this world. The magic items in that shop were way over priced it seems. I think to the conversion rate 5,000 gold should be able to buy you a castle. But this kingdom doesn’t appear to have a very rich economy. This guy here doesn’t belong.

“What are you doing?”

Hjokk then whispered into my ears.

“You can’t save the whole world Vali? Listen I know you want to play the hero route but you can’t just keep rescuing every stranger in trouble you see.”

“No....but I can at least save two girls.”

He then tried to bid 20 but I activated darkness pressure. I made it towards him and him alone. I’m not sure if other’s can see if a skill is being performed but if it only shows to the person it’s used on then this could be used to my advantage.

“15 Gold!....Anyone else.........Ok sold 15 gold to the white haired gentleman there. “

I walked up closer and I saw it was the same man from before. The guy who tried to buy Akino. So....he’s a slaver. I guess that’s why his manners were nonexistent. He is a dirty man. I went up and gave the man 15 gold and he gave me some odd certificate and took the chains off the girl.

“Alright.....let’s go.”

She came up to about my shoulder. I can’t make a habit of saving slaves. I wouldn’t have bought this girl if she wasn’t a Fuchs. I can’t just spend gold to free all the slaves. But I feel that what’s coming to this kingdom anyways won’t matter. They can have their gold I’ve given them. I’ll take much more from them later. And with this girl I can maybe bring my mother some more happiness. She may be from my mothers tribe. She may even know where Iris is.

I grabbed her hand and started walking through the crowd. We got back to where Adimar and the rest of the group was and continued to walk through the town. The small neko girl was still in a hood and was being hidden behind Adimar so the two couldn’t reunite just yet. I didn’t want them to see me with the slave I hadn’t bought. Who knows if someone saw?

We walked around a building and I handed the girl some clothes to change into. She gave me a dirty look and I told her to just change while no one was looking. It was between two stores and with the added presence of Adimar it’s hard to see around him. I turned around and didn’t let the two reunite yet. She changed rather quickly but continued to give me the same dead eyes. We just left the dirty cloth on the road.

We then walked into a building nearby. It looked to be a large tavern. There were large groups of adventurers and groups of people sitting at tables having a drink. Many were eating and sitting around tables having a laugh. We entered into the tavern and walked through to sit at a table. Eyes continued to look at us. I don’t know how rare something like Adimar is. But maybe coming here was a bad idea. They do keep looking at Akino though. Maybe a bar wasn’t the best place.

“Why hello adventurers! I’m Seagan! What can I get for each of you! Might I get you our soup special? Granny’s soup is a world delicacy!”

I ordered us each a bowl of soup and Sting tried to order a bear so I backhanded him. He seems to forget I took all of his items besides what he’s wearing. I made him empty his inventory for now and have placed it all in a folder with his name on it. I haven’t decided what to do with it. He seemed surprised when I told him I was currently holding everyones stuff and all that I’ve bought. I think a blessed being has some advantages over regular people.


The small girl finally took off her cloak and crawled over me and Adimar to get to her.


The two then continued to hug and cry together.

“I’m sorry...I’m sorry!...I’m sorry I fell and made us get caught!”

“No Tierra....No...It’s not your fault...I don’t blame you!”

Sasha then looked up and gave me a confused look. It was about that time that our waitress came over and delivered several bowls of soup and drinks. The aroma from the soup was actually quite plain. Their was meat and very few spices in there. I took a bite because I was actually curious about the culinary of this world.

It was........Amazing!

I continued to dig in to the bowls and it was truly delicious. This soup! It’s I don’t know why but it tastes similar to the old man back at the diner could do. No....it’s better. I don’t know what this ingredient is but the chef is world class.

I looked up and everyone was looking at me. The small cat girl made a garggled noise. She started to look at the meal in front of her with envious eyes.

“You two should eat up. We’re leaving soon. Oh by the way....I’m Vali. What’s yours?”

Sasha looked up at me with the same dead eyes as before and introduced herself.

“Yes, I am Sasha, master! “

“Ugh!....and I am Neko, master!”

The two bowed their heads but the small cat girl continued to stare at the food awkwardly.

“Well it’s nice to meet you both....Eat up. I ordered that for each of you. “


The small cat girl continued to look at me strangely. Why won’t she eat. I ushered her to eat up but she just looked back at me scared. She really was a scaredy cat.

“Listen eat up, you must be starved. It’s ok, you better hurry up or this bird on my shoulder may eat through her share and eat yours...”

I smiled and she looked up at me oddly. She smiled and then started eating....But it was how she was eating......

She stuck her face down into the food. And started eating with her face. Does she not know how to eat with tableware?

“Um! Master...May Neko please eat with her hands?”

Now Sasha is saying something weird?



Something interrupted our meal and a loud yell resounded over the tavern.

The same man from before in luxurious clothing started walking straight towards our table. He had 10 men with him each holding weapons.

“How dare you!...Purchase something that already belongs to me!”

Sasha then started to tense up and hold onto Tierra’s hand. They both stopped eating and looked up at the man in front of me. Do they know this person?

“Sorry but I already have the paperwork to prove that’s false...”

“Well I....I purchased her before and they ran away! I found you! You’ll never get away from me girl! I was going to wait till you were legal to become a sex slave but lucky me this kingdom doesn’t have those kinds of laws!....I’ll show yuahhh”

I activated Dark pressure again...Not just on him....On everyone in that diner. I made sure everyone present was aware not to start a fight with me. I can’t do this. Not here. If I go off and start killing people things will only get difficult. But maybe I can make an example here. Dark pressure appears to be a skill not many people have defenses against. Other than those in the dungeon, the only other two who have gotten out of it were Laxus and this odd green haired man beside me.

I stood up to face the nobleman. He was now looking at me as if I were a monster. I’m not sure the effects of Dark Pressure but it apparently uses your stats as a way of sending terror to your opponents. If they physically can’t compete with you......they can’t handle the pressure.


I landed a punch into his gut while holding his weight down. I whispered in his ear that if trash like him were to ever cross my site I would kill him.

“If I see you again.....That’ll be it for you little man.”

“YOU!....Don’t start fights in my taverrrrnnnn!”


I turned around and standing there was a large burly woman, she looked old. Wait....how is she handling my dark pressure?

“I said....Take your fights outside right now boy!”

She then walked up to Seagan and tried to calm her down but I guess she must be the chef. I laughed at the oddly strong people in this world and put 3 gold on the table as a tip for the great meal. I gave her my regards and thanked her for the meal. An old granny that can somehow handled my dark pressure....something this noble trash couldn’t even do. Such an interesting world. I then threw the man into his men and we each left and walked over him.

We left the tavern and started to walk quickly through the crowds. We need to get out of here. We haven’t been here long and already were making enemies. This whole city is garbage. We rounded a corner and my hands holding the two girls hands. I didn’t want to get separated from either of them, they may try to flee.

I activated presence sense and could now see a group of dots following us through the crowds. It was the same nobleman and his men. I then gripped them tight and walked in a dark alleyway between two buildings. We started to walk into the alleyways a bit and I was going to activate my spatial magic.


‘Ugh geez’

A country hick walked up and started clamoring about how I stole his slave too. ‘Could he be talking about neko?’

He must have saw her face in the crowd and chased us here.

“That girl my brother just bought to work our farms....She’s ours! The last one died from getting eating by a monster so I won’t let you take her! Now give it over or I’m turning you into the guards! I have the paperwork right here nnya!”

Just then the nobleman and his followers came into the narrow alley and trapped us in the alleyway.

They each drew their swords and the nobleman grinned. The two girls who were holding my hands continued to shake. They were terrified of this man.

“Hahaha! I don’t know how you keep doing that but you aren’t going to be able to do that again! I’m going to kill wahh!

Only noises of him making sounds of astonishment as I warped the entire space of the alleyway to a point I had made earlier. We had appeared at the same location I had met Lily. I brought myself, Hjokk, the 2 slave girls.....and every other person in that alley way.

“Wah....How did....Where are we just now.”

The nobleman and armed men behind him started to scatter and clamor with concern. They still had their swords drawn but continued to figure out where they were. The 2 slaves below me who were closing their eyes now opened them and seemed amazed at the new surroundings. They almost forgot we were outnumbered.

“.....Mmm.....Far away from where anyone can hear now.”

I grinned and looked at the men. This man was apparently ok with having sex with children. Though in this world I’m sure that might be something that could happen. Woman were just considered adults at a much earlier age back then, and this world seems to share some of those world views from back in my world’s past. He however said it was a law....a law that he was ok breaking just to torment this girl.....Sex slaves. Just the idea of it makes me nash my teeth at this man. He came here to buy here for just that purpose.....What is wrong with the world? A man who calls himself a noble would say stuff like that in public and act like he’d get away with it. Back home every surrounding spectator who heard such idiotic words would group up and probably beat the man close to death.

I let go of the girls hands and appeared in front of the man he swung his sword at my neck and it collided with my cheek.


‘Yah....this man is no warrior. He doesn’t have nearly enough strength to stop my defense. I have the flesh of a boss monster after all.’



Sting behind me clamored and showed disbelief. While Akino and Adimar showed no acknowledgement at all. They already knew what I was capable of. Sting didn’t get to see just how much. I guess a human who shows abilities such as these are rare, to the Annunake they even thought I was a monster based on how I fought. I guess I can consider it a compliment in it’s own right.

The men started to back away but I was holding the nobleman’s sword so he couldn’t escape with them. I put my hands on his cheek and activated Abysmal Mist.


His skin started to melt off and decay. It surrounded his whole body and started to eat him away. I then appeared in front of the hick farmer. He said a slave of his had just died working his farms....and he was willing to make this child go do the same. I then sunk my arms into his chest and tore his heart out....

“A farming ability will be useful....”

He just looked up at me with dead eyes as I put his heart into my inventory. I’m sure he stayed alive for around a minute....slowly faded away into darkness, forever.


I man lunged at me with his sword from my right flank.



The site of a silver flash passed my vision and the image of a small wolf dog tearing a man’s arm off could be seen. It was Fenrir. He then changed into his large black wolf by using the skill he got off a Fomorian. I need to to think about going Fomorian hunting tomorrow. Though I have much more to think about once I enter that dungeon.

It didn’t even take a minute for the rest of the men to be mercilessly ripped apart by Fenrir. What are you doing here!

Hjokk then whispered in my ear that it was ok due to her barrier being strong enough to protect them, she swore on it.


I walked back to the group and could see the decaying corpse of the nobleman I had melted. He hadn’t quite died yet....

“All because......You just couldn’t walk away...”

I then did exactly what I said to him and walked away. I left him to die an agonizing death. The Abysmal Mist didn’t kill him. But it left him in such a state where death is certain. Shouldn’t take long now. Blood began gushing out of the open holes that have been created throughout his face and body. His death throws would have sounded horrific but the damage of my mist seems to have destroyed his throat, he’s having trouble breathing.

I walked back to the group and Fenrir had ran up beside me. The two girls just looked over at the man who was dying. They didn’t say anything. They just held each others hands and watched the man die.....

I ushered em that we should leave and I went to a small river by the tree that Lily and I had first met. I don’t know why I chose this place as a location for spatial magic. I guess it’s just a good halfway point to set up operations. It’s surrounded by a lush forest with decently strong monsters for the surrounding kingdoms. Which is pointless for me because I think the Lord of a Forest skill may pertain to all forests. But I’ll never know until I meet another titled lord.

I had Fenrir go hunt up some horned rabbit and I made the two girls some soup with it’s meet. It was more of a meat broth and wasn’t anything spectacular....Nothing like that delicious soup that granny made.

I wound up making enough for everybody so even Adimar, Akino and even Sting got some.

“MMMmmm! I say Vali you yourself could be a famous chef!”

Sting started to compliment me while Akino and Adimar remained quiet. Tierra and Sasha when I gave them their food they each bowed and thank me. But it was Tierra that gave me the strangest look.

“Wh...why....Why are you so nice to Neko.”

The girl called Tierra asked while referring to herself I guess to Neko. Didn’t Sasha call her Tierra?

“Isn’t your name Tierra?”

“Uh...no master! Master said Tierra was a disgusting name so he said neko was easier.”

“Hm...Well I kind of like Tierra...Mind if I call you that? And here it’s ok just eat up. Use this spoon this time”

“Ugh...but...no master...cuz if I don’t eat it off the floor...I’ll get spanked....”

This little scared girl has seen some rough times. What she must think of humans? She continually backs away when I make any movements at all in her direction. She honestly resembles a frightened animal.

Earlier she ate the food without utensils, this must have been why. Her old master would make this one eat off the ground. But Sasha’s treatment seems to be completely different, I assumed they both were owned by that same man. Maybe his treatment of them was much different. I could definitely see some scratches on her back through the slave cloth they made her wear. But right now she’s still wearing the cloak over her. Those wounds should be gone now.

“Who’s going to spank you......”

To my question she just looked up at me cautiously. She didn’t answer.

I then grabbed some utensils for her and showed her how to eat it. I sat down on the grass next to her and ate my soup with her. Whenever I would dip my spoon in I would bring it to her to show her how to use it. Believe it or not some kids don’t just learn by observation. You need to show them certain actions are ok, especially those who have been abused.

She looked up at me and ate silently and but seemed to be happy. Her ears would twitch and her tail would curl around in circles. She looked to be a very feminine little girl. She was still dirty from the meal so I got a bucket and a wet wash cloth and had her wash her face and hands.

She played her hands through the water and splashed it on her face. For part cat she doesn’t seem to have any problems with water though. She does make that nya nya noise a lot however. Sasha just keeps staying quiet while she eats her food.

“Crazy how we use to think you were a monster....If only we weren’t so blind before.”

Adimar then spoke up as he looked at the scene in front of him. I wasn’t going to disagree with him. He was right, if they may have stopped to think they wouldn’t be in a place where their life hangs in the balance. They let a woman carve into me and probably have damaged my already broken psyche.

Akino then looked over at us and smiled. Sting was oddly quiet now. Whenever he eats food he likes he finally shuts up.

“Well....Can’t change things now. What’s done is done.”

“Mmm....indeed. A cruel fact that I myself have learned all too well.”

Adimar then started to lean back into a tree and look up at the moon. It looked the same as the moon from my world but it was much bigger. In the distant of the horizon their appears to be another moon but it’s hard to see from where we’re sitting.

The moonlight glistened down and made Adimar and Akino almost shine. Their white hair started to glow in a peculiar white shine and they each were drawn to the moons beauty.

“I’m guessing the moonlight holds some strange power for your race?”

“Hmm.....Oh well...Yes. It gives us boosts to our abilities and grants us it’s power. It is a blessing from the god wolf Amarok.”

He seemed distracted by the moon to stay in the conversation but he eventually breathed a deep sigh and looked back towards me. Is that a tear in his eyes?

‘But what he said now answers some questions. I was wondering how he was so strong killing each of those Baum’s from before or could manage to hold me down for so long. But there was no moonlight in that dungeon.’

“Is that how you managed to get such a surge of power during our 1 on 1?”

“....No....that came from something else.”

It was then that I saw him rubbing his large hands together. There on his ring finger was.....A bright platinum ring. I don’t know why I never saw it before. Could that be an item? Or is it a wedding ring?

“What’s that ring you got there.....Don’t tell me the big bad wolf is married? Is she hideous?”

I don’t know why I continued to talk with Adimar but he hasn’t given me much trouble since he found out I’m human. I guess it’s just hard being mean to someone who stays docile towards me all the time. I guess he can’t hurt me even if his abilities are raised right now.

“I don’t know what married means....but if you are implying if she was my mate....Then no. I was given this ring by my the man who was to become my brother in law.”

‘So they don’t have the idea of marriage but the have the ideas of brother’s by law?’

“So your wearing the ring of another man? Hmm....Let me see it....Don’t forget you offered your life to me.”

Once I figured out it wasn’t some symbol of marriage I took the item from him. I took all items from each of them for a reason. Something these people may have collected in this world could potentially hurt me. He rubbed his hands together and sighed before handing me the ring. Akino looked at him disapprovingly but she didn’t interfere. She still hasn’t talked much to me today and I haven’t figured out why. I’m assuming the treatment I’ve given her she doesn’t approve of but she too hasn’t voiced any complaints towards me. She did however look moved by what she saw in the city. When she saw those dead children. Adimar gave her a disapproving grunt and now she’s just sitting down with the two slave children and eating with them. I guess she decided to let us both talk.

I then looked at Adimar’s ring.

Annunake Alpha Ring Ancient Class

Stamina boost (Medium)

Mind attack protection (Medium)

Usable Skill: Mana Absorption Duration: Infinite

Take in all the magic absorbed by the pack and convert it to various stats or infuse your claws with high powered magic attacks


This ring is yet another unbelievable find. It was the ring of the alpha, and now that this alpha’s life has been offered to me. I’m going to make use of him and his things. It really is an amazing item.

“This ring is amazing! So this is how you received such an explosion of power.”

“Yes....The one who made it was a genius. And where did you think all your mana was going in the first place?“

He was right. All my mana was being cut and cleaned away and being sent right back to him. This small item gave this wolf the power to overpower the strength of demonic awakening for a short while. I maybe have beat him but the Annunake are quite difficult to deal with as a race. If they are more wolf like this guy, you don’t have to just watch out for their claws or weapons....you have to watch out for their fangs as well. It’s like fighting a person with an extra arm. Quite the fearsome race.

He continued to look back up at the moon above his head and now I was sure he was crying. Only one of his eyes were showing through the bandages, but he was definitely crying. His silver eyes shimmered in the night but the tears running down his face did as well.

“What...the site of that moon really that special for ya?”

I don’t know why I asked but I oddly wanted to know more about this wolf. He hasn’t attempted to struggle or fight me once since he saw my status. In fact he even got on his knees and told me he’d give me his life if it meant I’d save those back in the dungeon. Just what kind of person is he. I know life in such a place is hell, but that doesn’t become an excuse for the sins you commit.

“Ha...it is. A site I promised I would see one day with another. And yet....here I am, and here she is not.”

“Oh what was she like?”


Adimar sighed and made a short grin. He looked up at the moon as if remembering happier times.

“She was a warm hand in a cold world.....Mmm.. A bright light that shined over such a dark place. Her skin was soft as spiders silk, her hair was golden and smelled of flowers.. And her horns were a majestic force that calmed all those who were near.”

“Wait horns?”

“Yes....ahaha.....You didn’t think my mate was another Annunake. No....she was a member of the Elkia race.”

When I gave him an odd look he just laughed and looked away.

“I know what your thinking, wolves and elk wouldn’t normally get along.....Well that problem never existed between the Annunake and the Elkia.....In fact. We were born for the soul purpose of protecting the Elkia race....”

“Oh....Why’s that?”

“Centuries ago in a far away place the god wolf Amarok would hunt and kill all who was ever unlucky enough to be drawn in his mighty gaze. He hunted indiscriminately and he hunted alone. He was always feared even by the gods. A war that engulfed the universe broke out and somehow the god wolf was injured. Due to being a lone wolf he became strong by relying on himself but he collapsed.....Just before he thought he was about to face death after a long life a female Elkia came and saved his life. When Amarok had asked why such an action would come from someone he himself had devoured many from their own race. She smiled to the god wolf and told him he may have eaten the good, but he also ate the bad. He kept the lands they lived in for centuries safe and as such she thought of him as a vital existence to their race.”


I stayed quiet as I listened to the histories of the Annunakes.

“Amarok was moved but such an act of generosity and offered a blessing to all of the Elkia race for that. He fell in love with the Elkia maiden and provided their race gentle and healing race with one to protect them....Thus our race was born, to protect those who always stood at our backs with their warm hands.”

“So the Annunake’s and the Elkia were always close due to you all still fulfilling your duty from Amarok.”

“....We just......got along them and us. They were our teachers, our healers. They were our reason for existing.....and now they're gone.”

Adimar finally shed that tear that refused to fall up until this point. I guess I never would have guessed the mate he was talking about was an Elkia race. That means, his mate is now deceased, he did say was when describing her.

“I’m sorry to hear about your loss....”

“Mm.....don’t be. This world is a cruel one to us all. Even outside of that prison this world is still rotten. I guess there was no paradise outside that place after all.....”

“Yah, I choose to see it as every race has their good and bad. So, living on floor one must have been hard.”

He then turned his head and sighed while looking back up at the moon. I didn’t mind talking to this wolf. He had clearly been through some horrible times.

“Indeed....and living on floor one was actually much more peaceful than what I’m use to. The stench of death is overpowering, Balor’s choice of decorations was a grim reminder of my failures. It’s not a great life, but it’s been much more quiet.”

It almost sounded like he had given up.

“So after that....accident that happened with the Elkia, you all just decided to call it quits on getting out of there?”

“.......I’m just.......Tired.”

He looked down at the ground in front of him. He was a war torn individual from a legendary race, who made it to the Alpha of his entire race at one point....A race of individuals who are masters of conquering dungeon floors and killing monsters, and these were the ones who stood on the front lines. And here he is....done.

“Fomorians are just that strong?”

“Mm....Yes they are truly frightening.....But there are equally more terrors that lurk in Dark Eden....Things that should only exist in nightmares....”

“Like what?”

“....Soul Devourers.”

Akino then came and sat beside Adimar. She leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes while joining the conversation. I remember monsters called Soul Eaters in the game, they were an odd race of monster that had a complete resistance to physical attacks. They could only be killed with using magic. They shot out their tentacles at you and if you couldn’t get away in time all of your life would be gone, but they weren’t very strong at all from my memory.

“Soul Devourers....Quite the ominous name.”

“Yes well.....the name is rightly suited......”

He looked away while answering me. He clenched his fists and twitched his jaw.

“I take it...”

“If you were going to ask if a Soul Devourer killed my mate or not.......then I’d tell you....”

He looked up at me and made eye contact with the one eye was using.

“It’s none of your fucking business......”

He then turned his wolf head to gaze back up at the moon with Akino.

“So...after we die. Do you intend on helping all those back in the dungeon?”

Akino then asked.

“Well I hate to break it to ya....But you don’t get to kick the bucket just yet. Not till I say so. Your life belongs to me now....but I was already planning on going back there.”

“Mmm...Yes I suppose your right. What do you plan on doing with us by the way...not that it matters.”

“Well I was originally planning to eat your heart...Well I still do. But for now I’m going to see what Malfius wants to do with you. “

I didn’t tell him about Loki. He’s now seen Hjokk but I still haven’t revealed I’m a blessed person to anyone other than Malfius. I’m told that just isn’t something you do.

“Haha.....I see. Well.....should be an interesting fate for an old wolf then.”

He didn’t argue with me at all. Maybe he really is just tired. I don’t know if he’s planning something. Just looking at him it doesn’t look like it. He just continued to look into the moonlight. Thinking of past memories...

“So then...Why are staying here then?”

“I plan on having a meeting here with the King of a country soon. Hopefully I can get him to want to be my ally...I just don’t know how I’m going to do it.”

I then looked over and saw Sting was trying to get Tierra to pet Fenrir. It was a weird site and I was originally going to react but he wasn’t being aggressive. Tierra was originally afraid of Fenrir but she was even more scared of sting. He did look to be kind of creepy figure. Sasha then jumped out in front as if protecting her.

I told em all to calm down and eventually Tierra did end up petting Fenrir. He is playful in his pup form. She started to slowly approach and run her hands through his fur. She smiled and looked over to Sasha who was standing there. The fox girl then made a warm face and then looked away. Tierra then ran over wearing the same Malthiel cloak that is now fitting her body and I could hear them whispering.

“But...Sasha they seem nice. He let me wear nice things. He even feeds Neko.”

“Listen...I know it’s hard to explain. But some humans like to pretend to be nice only to watch your pain when they abruptly take it away.......We need to run away tonight.”

Hearing that I figured it was time to go over. When I approached each of them jumped and became startled.

“Calm down....Listen I’ll make a deal with you.”

They each looked at me and froze they didn’t know what I was going to do.


“Sorry master yes what is it?”

“.......First off just call me Vali. Secondly....You aren’t my slaves. I didn’t buy you to be my slaves. Honestly I only bought you to gain some information. If you give me some of that information I’ll grant you each your freedom. In fact I’ll even give you money and send you off. But you have to promise to at least visit my house before you decide to leave. If you run away....there are dangerous monsters around as well. So wait till then.”

They each gave me an odd face. Even Sting and the others didn’t know how to respond.

“Now....Do you happen to know a woman named Elyria.”

I directed that question the girl Sasha and one of her large fox ears twitched. But she only shook her head no.

“...How about Iris?”

She then looked at the ground for a moment and just shook her head.

I don’t know if she is afraid to answer or she in all honestly doesn’t know. I’m told the Fuchs race is rare. ‘Hmmm....’

“WOW! ..... Look at him. He looks amazing! And so does she! Hi Vali! We’re here!”

I then heard the voice ring out from a familiar princess. She didn’t act proper for a royalty and seems distracted. But then again most nobleman I’ve met so far just wear the fancy clothes. They may be educated but most are trash.

This girl however.....She seems different.

Cassandra POV:

Tonight is a big night. Currently myself and a small select guard ordered to escort his highness and princess Lucy to the meeting place of that man.

Vali, I’m not sure what he has been up to since last we met but a lot has happened in the kingdom of Asher. We are currently on the brink of war with other kingdoms.

The kingdom of Myro who is currently at war with the elves is the strongest kingdom in the continent. They are a bordering country that is connected to one of the strongest empires in the central continent. One of the Vassal’s of the king in Myro is also a blessed being who wields the legendary weapon the Spear of Lugh. Rumor has it the blessed being, Adel, is blessed by the god Lugh himself. The spear is so powerful it is said to bring the wielder absolute victory in battle. I’ve seen the weapon once....It constantly dripped blood. It was so hot, it even needed to be kept in water when not in use.

This kingdom is our enemy. They along with the kingdom of Aldain have seen us as weak.I originally thought the king of Aldain was furious with our refusal in attempting to apprehend Vali. So they went to war. Over such a ludicrous reason.

His highness believes it was inevitable regardless of the reason. Those that choose to fight for such reasons obviously had more in it than just that. They want to take command of our troops. The war with the Elves have been difficult for them and they’ve lost many, but they had attained victory in taking down one of their blessed beings recently. However that is also one of the slaves Vali helped escape. We didn’t receive that intel until after we met with him. Now the kingdom of Myro had a reason to hunt for Vali. Their is now even a new king in Aldain. A coup recently occurred and the king who was once a guild master was assinated. Now the kingdom of Aldain is under control of the kingdom of Myro and are prepared for war with Asher. Honestly between Adel and Vali....I’m not sure who’s stronger.

Believe it or not. With Ponchius and Aldus gone, a war will be difficult. The kings guard are some of the strongest in the kingdom. Some even stronger than Aldus. But none as strong as Vali.

This person who fell into our backyard may have been a blessing in disguise. His enemy, just happens to be ours. War hasn’t started yet but our intel in other kingdoms have gathered this much. War is coming...

We had planned the meeting to go professionally. His highness was even planning on offering the man gold and a title. He was going to do pretty much anything to see if we could become allies. The enemy of my enemy is my friend as the queen says.

She too is with us. She insisted she be here. I forget that she was a powerful adventurer once as well.

When we arrived at the meeting spot it was nothing like we had imagined. He didn’t even care to wear anything decent to meet the king. He was wearing the same apron from before. There were several new demi humans I have never seen before and a shady character who was getting growled at by.....that same wolf. That monster is here too?

The King however did not hesitate and greeting Vali without missing a beat. He remained in his proper demeanor even at this ludicrous site in front of him and introduced himself.

“Ah...You must be sir Vali? I am King Asher. Lucy’s father...This is my wife Liriana.”

Watch it there your highness. He doesn’t really treat royalty very well.

“It is a pleasure to meet you your highness. I am Vali.”

He bowed his head and made the pleasantries as if he were educated in etiquette.

“My that’s such a lovely bird, and I like that apron you have there sir Vali. “

“Why thank your highness....This is Hjokk, and my mother made this for me. I like it.”

Queen Liriana then complimented him on the apron he wore the day he slaughtered all those from Aldain as if it was a nice outfit. He then said he was just using it to cook a meal and offered all of us there a meal.

‘What is going on?’

He then made dishes for everyone, including the kings guard. The 11 royal knights then smiled and also ate up once the King ushered it was alright.

It was delicious. Just like the first meal he made for us. The queen thanked him then the rest of us did as well. We didn’t dig straight into business. Maybe Vali is looking for a way to start this conversation as well. Only sounds of the crackling fire and people enjoying their food could be heard. Lucy who had been sitting next to the large white wolf who was now here then interrupted the quiet.

“So Vali......I was hoping you could come to Asher soon. And we could all hangout and play! Adimar is so cool! So how’s about it will you become my knight?!”

Cough Cough!

Everyone then started coughing up their food as this was not what was agreed on how we would handle trying to bring over Vali. We couldn’t act like we were begging him to come to our side. We did however want to entice him into coming to our kingdom after he warmed up to the idea of joining the kingdom. We weren’t the strongest kingdoms but our continent has always had good ties with the central colonies. We also don’t involve ourselves in the war with the elves. The war with the elves and the humans has been going on for so long we simply have stayed out of it. Sure there are still a lot of bad blood there, but we don’t see the need a needless war with them. They have left us alone so their is no reason for war. My father once was friends with the elves. But alas they don’t take too kindly to other humans so I never got to meet one

“We even gathered all the information you wanted from Aldain. Like their noble families, how they have a new king, all their businesses.”


Her parents then yelled and it cut her off.

“You said they have a new king?”

Each of them then noticed Vali’s question and the queen then answered him.

“Why yes. A coup occurred recently. The new king there now is a nobleman of the house Tyrule.”

“No shit!...I mean...excuse me umm really. So Tyrule is now the king..Funny how things work out.”

Vali then apologized for his poor choice of words in front of the queen but she seemed to not mind. She simply smiled and went back to eating the meal out of the finely carved wooden bowl. Everyone has these bowls and table wear. They’re not crudely made like I would assume from someone who eats outside under the stars.

Vali and the king then started to talk for a while about the king in his past days as a military man and now is running a kingdom. He was the third son in line but somehow attained the crown due to his power but he was later injured in battle. He has now been living his days happily with his wife and family. Vali seemed to also be interested in the conversation. It’s not an attitude I had assumed from our first meetings with him.

“Well you see Vali...We as the king and queen of Asher would like to...”


Fenrir’s ears twitched and he jumped up and started looking into the distance. Then the large wolf man and demi human woman also stood up and started growling.

“What is it?”

“.......Something’s coming.”

“It’s more than something. I’m picking up the scent of a large number of humans.”

Vali asked what was up and the two answered while looking into the distance. They’re senses were that of an animals. Fenrir too seems to have picked up on a sent of something.

I looked around and one of the knights already had her katana drawn. She had an ancient class weapon Baku. It was said to have been made from the bone of a sea war beast. It can sever several humans away with one swing.

She along with the other 9 royal knights also picked up something I hadn’t.

“Protect his highness!”

The royal knight Sumei screamed in attention and everyone surrounded the king and queen at her commands.


Vali then said an odd thing to the situation and put down his bowl of soup. He then took off his apron, then stood up and said to follow him.

“What are you...”

“Cassandra....Tell them.”

Vali then looked at me and spoke for the first time. Just who does he think he is he can address me so casually without even acknowledging my presence until now!....Ugh but I can’t get frustrated with him right now. He’s right I need to assure them that regardless of how many enemies their are....I honestly don’t know if they would be to kill such a man.

“Your highness, I believe that it will be alright.”

We followed Vali and his companions. He even brought along two young children with us. Regardless of my confidence in his strength. I too had my weapon drawn. We followed him through the dark woods away from the light of the fire. The ground was dark, only light from the moon came through the trees above and lit up the dark woods.

We walked for a short ways and then entered into a clearing when we saw a small army. It looked like a legion of at least 300 men. All in armor from Aldain, did they know of the meeting?

“Hahaha....So you come out of the safety of the woods......Quite valiant of you. Foolish....But valiant.”

“I am his highness King Asher. What is it you are doing here?”

The king addressed the leader who was riding a horse. He wore a different color armor than anyone else. His armor was black and sleek. It was smooth and shiny and had three spikes coming out of his right shoulder. He wore a dark red cape. He had long brown hair and I believe I’ve seen him before......I think he’s a high ranking officer in Myro army. He’s said to have crossed into the expert stages of spear mastery. His level was over 100 but I couldn’t be sure by how much. He however wielded an ancient class trident that was once used by a legendary boss monster that would kill and eat dragons.

This person was powerful. Is this an assassination attempt?

“Well isn’t that obvious your highness? We’re going to kill you here at your little meeting. Kill the freaky white haired guy over there. And take your army and lands for ourselves!”

The man with long hair just said his intentions as if it didn’t matter telling us at all.

“Are you from Aldain? Cause you got the same cocky attitude as all those from Aldain do.”

Vali then stepped forward past the king and called out to the man on the horse. What is he thinking? I know he and his wolf are strong but against so many opponents....There’s going to be casualties.

I turned around and saw Lucy by my side. The royal knights stood around the queen while Sumei stood guard at king Asher’s side.

Vali then stepped forward and faced grinned. What was he planning.

“Oh...So your the first challenger. Another duel again why not? I guess I should have some fun while off running errands for Adel.”


He didn’t say anything Vali just continued to look at the knight in front of him.

“Well then..... I am general Lestat Valentine. Knight of the kingdom of Myro and one of Lord Adel’s Four Horseman.”


“Well....Aren’t you going to announce yourself and title, that is what they do in this sort of thing..... What are you just shocked speechless at my awesomeness!”

The man Lestat then swayed his hair. One of the female soldiers standing next to him fawned when he did that. He’s not that attractive. Sure he is something of a pretty boy but he’s clearly too into himself. And he’s here to kill all of us.

“No just trying not to laugh at such an intro....Four horseman huh.....Well I guess I should just pick a title then.....mmm.....I’m Vali...Slayer of Death.”

“Wah...hahaha! I see your confident. I’ll clearly beat that out of you with this. WAhhh!”

“Mmm kill them lord Lestat!”

Lestat laughed at Vali’s odd duel introduction and swung his trident high in the air. A crimson light came from the black trident that resembled his cape. Warning appeared in my mind as everyone around me started to tense up. Sumei then stood in front of the king. She too feared the incoming blast. Lestat then shot a crimson beam of light from out of the trident that looked like a comet. A bright red light surrounded it and was large enough to kill everyone here. The heat started to already reach me from here. It then came into contact with the ground in front of us and a large explosion erupted over the forest.

A bright explosion came crashing towards us. We each tried to run but there in front of us stood Vali. He didn’t move an inch.

“Midnight Aura!”

A dark aura began to surround Vali and he stood in front of the oncoming attack. There I saw through the flames something that amazed me. It amazed the king, Sumei and everyone there. Vali put on a strange looking gauntlet. It was silver with red and gold jewels imbedded into them. It glowed in a....almost dark light?

I had never seen light that reflects black. It was different than his scythe. This item looked to be enchanted. He even had several other items that had a faint glow to them too.

There standing in the brilliantly bright flames and devastation from the attack was Vali and his wolves. They each had a dark aura surrounding them....Wait it appears the king and everyone here does as well.

“Interesting.....If it was daytime it may have not sustained all of that attack for everyone. Well....This aura will act as a defensive barrier for everyone. It will absorb any and all damage coming towards you while the skill is active.”


Everyone stopped their clamoring when they heard what impossible thing had been said. What is this magic? It’s enough to protect himself and all of us at the same time? We’ve seen mages before but this is something quite powerful to absorb an attack like that with no damage to anyone at all!

I looked and there in the flames surrounding us everyone was unharmed. Lucy standing behind me was also not harmed at all by the flames that surrounded us.

“How are you doing this?....”

Sumei then interjected to the impossible outcome to this. She too knew of the power of one of the Four Horseman of Myro’s army.

“Well..this skill will only let me use it on 6 people during the daytime. It acts as a barrier that absorbs a set amount of damage.....But when it’s night. The barrier recovers itself with the darkness surrounding it. So..”

“What the HOW!”

Lestat then screamed when viewing that no one was harmed by his finisher move.

“How did you manage to survive my Grand Comet!”

“You clearly have a ton of fancy things and titles, but you just picked the wrong place to come to at the wrong time. I’m guessing your each looking for me...”

“Who...ah so your the masked monster those Elliot’s have been clamoring on and on about....My you are strong....Good, I love a challenge!”

Lestat then road forward and everyone started advancing behind him. He treats war as if it’s a game....Maybe this guy is just in all honesty that strong.

The purple bird then flew over to the two young girls and Vali took out that same weapon he did the first day I saw him.....That weapon.

A tingling sensation that attacked my skin when I saw it didn’t happen this time. I guess whatever ominous miasma that leaks off that thing is bad for the body.

“Dark Sever.....”


Vali swung his scythe downward and a loud screaming cry pierced my eardrums. It sent shivers down my spine it felt as if something dark and tortured from the underworld had just been unleashed. I bent over since the sound was so loud. I and Lucy both ducked and held onto our ears. We looked up....



A loud noise happened and the earth started to shake. There standing only a league away was Lestat riding his horse. The image of them both then split in half and toppled to the ground. The blood from their corpses sprayed onto the desolated, charcoaled earth as their organs began to spill out.

Looking up there was even more destruction. Of the remaining 300 soldiers only around half remained. When they saw the attack some lifted their swords in anger while others were paralyzed with fear. I too stood there in shock. Never before had I seen an attack like that.......with one swing.

Behind Lestat those that were caught in the wake of the attack along with the earth surrounding it were gone. The forest behind them, all that was left was a black desolated battlefield. No...his execution grounds.

After that happened he ushered the wolves to go out and fight beside him. Within only a few minutes....Every single man of that elite legion.....Were mercilessly slaughtered. Their white hair each flowed through the wind and shined from the light of the moon. They looked like divine beings...

He ran past Lestat’s corpse and started swinging his scythe at those attacking. Any weapon that collided with him or the wolves couldn’t penetrate past the dark barrier surrounding them. Those that came and attacked Sumei have also been unable to cause any harm at all to her. Though she seems to be cutting them down with ease. Fenrir then grew into his beast form and then jumped on those trying to escape.

The two white demi humans each jumped into oncoming warriors and would rip the opposing knights armor with their claws. They would go for the weak points in the armor then tear at their necks. The wolfman would even use his fangs to bite one of the knights heads off. These we’re all monsters. I have never seen those fight so ruthlessly.

He defeated a powerful enemy as if it were nothing and treated as trivial. That’s sadly how this world is though, death happens quickly on the battlefield. The strong die everyday.

After everyone of them had died he came back to greet the king. Everyone was speechless at this point. Vali was the most powerful man I had ever seen. My mind felt paralyzed by what I had sees from him......


He then deactivated black aura surrounding us and gave us a proposition.

“...Seems your kingdom is about to go to war with Aldain......Hm...How’s about we help each other. “

He then proposed that he would become something of a vassal for the kingdom of Asher. In return for land and some authority, he would come to defend Asher in times of crisis. He would however never conquer for them. He then had two other additions to the deal if we were to become allies.

“Now I think you should talk more politely to his highness!”

Sumei angrily glared at him but she did not try to provoke him. I don’t think she wants to anger him at this point.

“Now, now it’s fine. He has an interesting proposal dear. I believe we could possibly accept such an offer.”

“Yes, we could be willing to do that......Though taking Vali in as one of our retainers would be difficult. The masked man welding a scythe is known by the Elliots. They could spread word of this to the inner kingdoms.”

“Then we’ll simply lie to them is all dear....We’ll tell them Vali is a nobleman. Whenever the need arises then he brings that big bad weapon out. I personally favor him over trying to reason with those of Aldain or Myro. “

“....Yes that could work.”

The king and queen began discussing this with one another in front of Vali which appeared to annoy him. The king and queen can be odd if your ever around them. Their not like normal royalties, they will get in arguments about needless things in front of guests at banquets and events. Though they love each other and are loved by their kingdom.

“Well you guys do whatever you want with coming up with lies. However these two additions to the agreement are absolute. If you do not adhere to them.......I will terminate our partnership.”

Lucy then rushed over to hug his leg. She had assumed it was already set in stone that Vali would be coming to the Asher kingdom. Vali however didn’t seem to mind it.

He then told us what the two additions would be...One was doable....the other.....impossible. But the queen still agreed. The knights all looked at the queen who answered for the king and Vali then smiled and shook her hand. She laughed at the gesture and shook his hand back. He then shook the kings and said goodbye to Lucy.

“Goodbye to you as well Cassandra...Thanks for earlier.”

He brought out his arm to shake my hand but I only awkwardly shook it back. I was still stunned from seeing the extent of his power. Men this strong don’t act like he does.

He then waved goodbye and and made everyone in his group hold hands Fenrir then jumped up into his arms who was now in his small puppy form. The same purple bird sat on top his shoulder and a group of demi humans and one shady character surrounded him. A bright light appeared and each of them vanished.


Every one didn’t know what to say at everything we had witnessed tonight. Never did we assume this would be how the meeting would go.

Lucy then started giggled to her mother holding her hand.

“See......Told you he’s strong hehehe!”

Vali POV

‘Ugh...it’s time to take these bastards back to the dungeon.’

I’m walking right now back to the dungeon. Last night couldn’t have gone more perfect. A group of idiots showed up to the meeting and gave me the opportunity to show my worth to the royalties of Asher. Well I guess in this world there are idiots everywhere in this continent. That guy was oddly casual in a battle though. Maybe he was actually really strong, but you wouldn’t know with what I had done. In the daytime he may have been a decent opponent, but at nighttime the power of a divine weapon cannot be ignored. According to Hjokk human’s don’t possess items such as these to her knowledge, if someone did then she would have probably heard about it considering items such as this are so powerful.

That attack had a large impact and exploded the ground when coming into contact with the dark barrier. It was enough to probably kill most of those there. But due to the divine item, during the night I’m practically un killable in this state. I can use it on only 6 people during the day but a larger amount during the night. It uses the darkness around it to erect a barrier that absorbs all incoming attacks. During the day it has a set time and won’t absorb as high of a set amount of damage. Though at night the barrier continues to become replenished by the night so regardless of how much damage it takes, it wasn’t enough to destroy that barrier.

The pretty boy knight Lestat died a horrible death, but it was a death he chose. He came to assassinate a king, he must have been prepared for what would happen if his plan failed. He just seemed casual, as if battle was normal to him. Well, he was dumb. I can’t blame him I’ve made some pretty big mistakes too....

We continued to walk towards the dungeon entrance. I even brought along Sting with me. I don’t want him staying at the house, and I’m still trying to decide whether he is a decent person or not. I still can’t be sure about trusting him.

He wined about wanting to stay and rest today but eventually got up whenever I activated his collar.

He got plenty of rest tonight....Hell he even got to sleep inside. Everyone got to sleep inside including Adimar and Akino. Whenever we got home yesterday the site of Elyria made my mother moved to tears.....It was a site that even now brings me joy.

Apparently Sasha is my mother’s niece. Whenever Sasha figured out that I was Elyria’s son she didn’t understand but Elyria said it was all true. She just kept hugging onto Elyria. She finally started to smile.

As for Tierra, well....she’s still a scaredy cat. When we got home it was dark so I ushered her to originally come inside but she looked up at me like I was lying to her.


“Yes now come on....”


She slowly started to take each step towards the front door when Ari started running towards the door.


She never stops trying to run when I get home. She ends up always falling on her butt. But now she wobbles up and can stand. She looks up at me and lifted her arms up signaling me to pick her up. She’s just accepted that I’m always going to do it. I guess it reminds me of getting to hold my siblings whenever.....Ari has a way of missing my old life just a little less.

When I picked her up Tierra looked up at me oddly and then Ari.

“Hi...I’m Ari.”

“......I’m nek.....I’m Ti..erra.”

She looked up at me each time she was about to speak but I only smiled back. Tierra then got closer and the two locked hands as if trying to say hello. Tierra appeared to be able to speak human language and the two can understand each other quite well. Ari still small enough to fit over my arm smiled and clasped her hand and shook it. Tierra then smiled and slowly came with us inside.

“Oh Vali, I um....Uh...made you...this.”

Ari was acting shy and then pulled a small object out of from under her shirt. It was......


“Do you like it?”

“I....love it.”

This little girl had made me a small necklace. It had several tree branches bent around with string and resembled the same cross necklace my mother had gave me. The same necklace I had lost.

“I noticed your necklace was gone and you seemed sad....so I made you another one.”

I patted Ari’s head and she just looked up at me with her rosey red cheeks. The act from this girl had almost brought tears to my eyes. She had noticed that my mother’s necklace was gone and went out of her way to make me a new one so I’d feel better...Children have a way of bringing light to the darkest of places. My siblings are what made me get through life when I was back home, and now this girl is trying to do the same....‘Such a sweet little girl.’

I put on the necklace and she smiled up at me.

Due to the new house guests, Sasha and Tierra wound up sleeping along with my mom. I slept in the other bed and Ari slept curled in a ball next to me. Lily and Noah slept in my bed as well.

“I can...sleep inside?”

“Of course! Vali wouldn’t make anyone sleep outside.

Tierra asked and Ari wound up answering for me. Well....Whatever

The other three got the couch and the floor.


“What happened here.....”

“If you can believe it the bird on my shoulder did it.....”

I then answered Sting and continued to walk towards the entrance of Balor’s dungeon.

We continued past the entrance and once we entered Sting started to talk more and more. It was rather loud. We walked down the cliff wall and I pointed to sting where the city these people have lived in reside. As I point though I see something that catches my eyes in the distance. It sticks out in front of the floating land masses and is hanging from the ceiling.

Their bodies....Their hanging from a chain that looks to be coming out of the orange sky....Are three bodies. They have each been mutilated beyond recognition and are impossible to tell who they are. I thought the dead in the dungeon are first buried on the floor, then the walls and ceiling were only because of space?

We continued down the rock face and started walking towards the forest towards the gated wall. There however was something on my presence sense monitor. I had finally managed to advance it to it’s second stage and I can now see much farther and perceive more things. I can now sense heartbeats, body temperature, killing intent, and magic flow. With eclipse view I can even see a person’s life force I suppose.

I then saw a small dot advancing on our location faster and faster....

‘Are we being attacked?’


A small yellow blur flew past and crashed into me. It was Daisy. She was one of the pixies I healed on floor one. I know after being healed they may have moved to another floor. She along with the other pixies were sent to get stronger on floor one but I have no idea what she’s doing up here on floor 52. Daisy was also not much of a fighter if I remember. She was someone who said she likes to stay in back and shoot off what they call their ‘spark’. It’s a small form of light magic but it doesn’t do a whole lot of damage to the monsters down here.

She continued to hug me and tears fell from her eyes. I guess she may have heard some things about what happened.

“I was so worried about you!....They’ve said such horrible things!”

“Calm down Daisy...As you can see I’m fine....Now what’s happened.”

“He....He....killed her....He killed them!”

She then started to cry and ball her eyes out in my chest. Who? Who did they kill?

“Who killed who?”

As I tried to get Daisy to start talking Adimar and Akino too were interested in what she had to say. Hjokk continued to stare pearched on my shoulders.

“Ba...Balor came down to this floor and said he wan.....wanted t..o warn us about trying to escape.......He came down here with an army of Fomorians and he....he killed Cosmia, and Malfius!!!!”

Right then Akino and Adimar made a gasp and looked up into the sky. There I too followed their line of site....

Their dangling from the ceiling here on floor 52 of a dark god’s dungeon, were the mutilated and chained corpses of those that had once believed in me.

End of Chapter!

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As always thanks for reading!.....

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