《The Genesis System》The Past Two Years


Wow - hard to believe it's been two years since I last wrote. So much has happened in that time. In hindsight, it's pretty obvious why I quit writing when I did. Public accounting sucked out my soul and left me a mental wreck. I ended up leaving it after 11 months and moved into data consulting.

It took me about a year to bring myself back to normal but I threw myself head-first into my work and ended up getting a job that I love. I moved, got engaged, and isolated for a year. 2020 was a bit of a whirlwind. If anyone of you are in the data analytics space, shoot me a DM and we can chat.

But I've been finding myself getting back into webnovels in the past 2 months. It might be the need for power-fantasy stories after long stressful days or maybe just that I'm not playing as much D&D. The creative itch is hovering in the back of my brain and some small part of me is wondering - what would it be like to write again?

I want to make it clear, however, by saying - I most likely will never pick up Genesis System again.

I know this might make some of you upset, which is completely reasonable. To me, the Genesis System is a story owned by who I was two years ago. That's not who I am anymore. And, if I'm being completely honest, it's a highly flawed story. The first arc is primarily just monologue and action, with almost non-existent character growth. The second arc didn't have a defined ending when I started writing and it struggles in the middle. My characterization was flawed, I wasn't able to clearly show motivation, dialogue didn't flow in a natural way, and, most importantly, the story is a blatant copy-paste of Ghosthound.


Plus I wrote it in first-person. What on earth was I thinking?

Moving forward, I've been thinking of picking up writing again. It would never be at the same pace that I wrote at before, but it's something that I might want to constently plug away at, perhaps following the example of the Gods are Bastards.

For those of you who are still around and still have notifications turned on for this story, what are some things you'd like to read about? Is the community still largely driven by LitRPG or Apocalypse RPG stories? I'd love to hear from you all and see if it sparks any creative ideas. No promises but lets see where we end up, shall we?

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