《Modern Age Online Book 1》Chapter 41 - Explanations and Road Trips


Kaleb’s group of friends ate and drank, celebrating their successful raid. All together they pulled in 2500 credits a piece from loots drops along with several Foci. Varlin said the magical Foci were low tier artifacts. So they divvied them up amongst the group from them to sell. Kaleb figured he could study a few Foci and take the rest to Under-Town.

He talked about the different experiences Varlin, Vivienne, and Jar-lock had with their respective factions. But mostly it was like Kaleb figured. The Warlock’s were extremely hands off with no meetings or oversight. Their Houses ruled the Sorcerers with strict rules on what a House studied and meetings every other month. Wizards were a mix between the two with meetings every 6 months and very little oversight.

Their methodologies differed as well. The Warlocks were prone to becoming Supers or Villains. With their lone wolf attitudes they mostly discovered new magics through trial and error. Wizards joined together in large communal study programs and they had little time for adventuring or Super work. Sorcerers were secretive, their Houses kept their studies in the Magical arts to themselves. Usually a House specialized in one or two Domains and studied in groups of two or three. Hero work wasn’t frowned on but he had to get it accepted by the House.

According to Varlin, plenty of players had made the wrong choice in House and found themselves under the thumb of tyrannical leaders. Varlin himself was in the House of Ainsley, a house popular with players for its hands off approach to its members. All the NPCs in the house seemed secretive and quiet; content in the growth of their house. Apparently the House was famous in-game for being the house of wayward Sorcerers.

Vivienne was a zoologist in the real world so she joined a group of wizards studying non-sentient magical creatures. Her research group composed of 20 Wizards in Austin and hundreds more across the country. She was finding less and less time to work for the HLO but she didn’t want to stop her Super work because she was still having fun playing the game. Her study group was planning a trip to the magical realm in a few weeks.

Jar-lock equated his time as a Warlock to being a Ronin in feudal Japan or a Knight without a lord. He said when he had met a few players they were nice enough. But, when he ran into a Warlock NPC there was always this tense moment where they would study him intensely. Like a fighter sizing you up for a fight, but when they saw he was friendly they would immediately relax. They were constantly on the look-out for their evil counterparts.

“Aside from all that,” Jar-lock finished. “it’s not so bad. I have total freedom to do what I want. Studying can be a drag but I’ve gotten by so far and I gain enough SP just using my spells.”

Kaleb nodded and sipped his beer as he looked at the three magic users. They were facing him and watching his reactions to the information they had given him. Daivor was still asleep on the arm of his chair, snoring gently and Kaleb worried that damn gnome would be up all night. Bringing his thoughts back around to the Magical Factions, Kaleb was still undecided.

That’s not true Kaleb thought to himself. You have already chosen; you are just looking for reasons not to do it. Kaleb sighed as he downed the last of his beer and tossed it into a nearby trash can Jar-lock had brought outside. He looked back toward the eager faces of his magical friends.


“It's got to be Wizard.” He said.

“Ha!” Vivienne laughed, clapping her hands together.


“Come on!”

Kaleb shrugged his shoulders at the Sorcerer and Warlock. “Sorry guys, but going Warlock locks me out of the Summoning Domain. While the Sorcerers are far too overbearing for my liking.”

Varlin pointed a shaky finger toward Kaleb, the drunk debuff messing with his vision. “Not my House, We accept all comers.”

“And you don’t find that sketchy?” Kaleb asked.

Varlin blinked rapidly surprised. “What do ya mean?”

Kaleb exhaled deeply and explained what he suspected. “Maybe I am just worried for nothing. But, a single House is accepting all or most of the player sorcerers? That just seems fishy. You didn’t sign anything, did you?”

“No! Of course not. You’re being paranoid.” Varlin said shaking his head.

Jar-lock chuckled to himself. “Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean that they aren’t out to get you.”

Kaleb smiled as he grabbed another beer from a nearby cooler. They had killed two cases already and D43d–I had taken his car to buy more. Two Gun had joked that the duck would waste all his earning on beer. D43d–I quacked angrily and drove off. Mass had logged off after eating, apparently he had a meeting to get to. Roy had gone home as well with a promise to return tomorrow. Kaleb saw movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to see Vivienne waving to get his attention.

“What are you gonna study? There are several study groups around here. Maybe I can ask around for you.” She asked excitedly.

Kaleb shook his head, smiling. “Haven’t decided yet. Maybe the effects of Magic on biochemistry and technology. I have the Genetics Skill which I haven’t used at all, maybe test Magical Strengthen on my own DNA.”

“Nerds.” Jar-lock coughed behind his hand shooting a grin at Varlin.

Vivienne slammed her elbow into his side before saying. “I didn’t think about that. Your in-game physiology would make that interesting. Didn’t Dr. Danforth warn you off Technomancy, though?”

“Not so much. He gave me a lot of hearsay and a vague warning it would upset people. But, he didn’t say the Archmages forbid it.” Kaleb pointed out.

Vivienne nodded as she finished her own beer. The rest of the night went similarly, with the four of them discussing Magical theory while the others drifted in and out of their own discussion. Soon Claire and Two Gun bid them all good night and logged off followed by Abby. Daivor awoke shortly thereafter, angry that he had missed most of the party. He quickly made up for it by chugging several bottles of beer. Jar-lock bowed out just as the tiny gnome was challenging people to fist fights. D43d–I logged off as well shaking his head at the tiny gnome.

Vivienne and Varlin logged off together as the gnome was just about to start a one gnome dance off on a stool. Kaleb had moved the impromptu stage and the rest of his chairs back inside with no help from the gnome. As Kaleb herded Daivor into his house and locked up the gnome asked.

“So… Boss *burp* Wher’s xactly is or werkship?”

Kaleb shook his head at the rosy-cheeked gnome and pointed down the hall. “Garage.”

Daivor pulled his pants up to his chest and marched toward the front of Kaleb’s house. “Well letsh see itsh.”


Kaleb sighed loudly as he followed the gnome down the hall. He wanted to sleep. It had been a long day, and he had a trip to plan tomorrow. As he turned the corner to his kitchen, he caught the tail-end of his gnome Familiar disappearing into his dark garage.

"Oi! Ther’s nuffin in ‘ear!" The gnome yelled indignantly.

Kaleb leaned into the garage and flicked on the light. Causing the gnome to yelp slightly and rub his eyes. Kaleb, himself, squinted against the light as he moved inside. He saw that whatever Roy was working on was still laid out on his workbench. Daivor burped loudly before he finished his rubbing his eyes.

“Oh, thass bedder.” Said the gnome as he looked around.

Kaleb moved over to the workbench and looked over Roy’s work. The Boy had finished his own set of armor; it looked similar to Kaleb’s if only a little smaller. He also created his own spike launcher out of several pieces of metal. It was a square box with straps on it that could attach to an arm. The casing was heavy as hell but the mechanism looked similar to Kaleb’s own design. He noticed that his laptop on the corner of the workbench and thought about checking the raid report when he heard a crunching sound behind him. Turning he saw Daivor climbing into a green tub full of mechanical parts.

“I’ve seent worsh.” Daivor slurred as he laid down amongst the parts.

Kaleb was about to grab the little gnome when he got a notification.


A Builder Gnome has taken up residence in your Lab.

The gnome increases the quality of anything it helps build.

The Builder Gnome has increased your building speed.

Learn the Summoning Domain to increase the gnomes abilities.

Build a Gnome Home to increase Affinity with your Builder Gnome.

Several Blueprints have been unlocked on your workbench’s interface.

Kaleb closed the window and stared at the snoring gnome. Daivor burped in his sleep and dragged several mechanical bits to cover himself. Shaking his head Kaleb moved back to his laptop opening his email account. Sure enough, he had an HLO briefing in his email but he also had another email from ADMIN. Hesitating for a few moments Kaleb opened the email hoping he hadn’t broken his NDA somehow.

Dear player,

If you remember a while back you were the first player to activate the Nemesis System. At the time we had not yet activated the award system for the first players to activated that system. We instructed the game AI to find a suitable award for you and deliver it in-game. In case you were wondering the Builder Gnome appears to be this award. Therefore, all debts have been paid and we apologize again for not foreseeing such an event. We hope you enjoy and make use of your new Familiar. Management has also instructed us to remind you that until the first major game Event, your are still under NDA. Any mention of the HLO Handlers being Beta testers will result in the immediate deletion of your account and a fine of 10,000 New Republic credits. Please enjoy your time in Modern Age Online and we thank you for your patronage.

Kaleb sucked in a breath as he read over the email. That explained why he seemed to stumble upon the perfect Familiar for his play style. He glanced back at Daivor and smiled; it was a decent reward and would probably be a big help. Kaleb jumped as Farrah whistled from his wrist.

“Wow, that is a pleasant way to send a threat.” She said.

Kaleb rubbed a hand over his face before he replied. “Jeez Farrah, shouldn’t you be asleep or at least logged off by now?”

Farrah snorted a laugh. “Ha! You think you and your friends were only the people to celebrate. All the handlers had our own little party to celebrate your win.”

“Any credit penalties for me dying?”

“Yeah, you get a 150 credit fee for the HLO teleporting you out.” Farrah answered.

Kaleb sighed in relief as he opened his HLO debrief. “That’s not too bad.”

“If you die again within 48 hours, it increases to 300 credits. If you keep dying repeatedly, then the credits cost will keep doubling.”

“Wow, that sucks. But, it doesn’t matter, I will take it easy for a bit. Going to visit Obadiah Nova in Galveston.” Kaleb explained.

Farrah sucked in air between her teeth. “Eeeesh, didn’t he say he would test you? What if he decides on the old Trial By Fire?”

Kaleb nodded. “That’s why I got the book on Magical shielding hopefully I can study it on the ride over.”

“You’re not taking the Teleporter?” Farrah asked, surprised.

“Nope, Abby made a case for the bullet train and I agreed.” Kaleb answered.

Farrah laughed bemusedly. “Oooooooh, So all she has to do is flash those green eyes at you and you turn to putty?”

The comment caught Kaleb off guard and he coughed loudly as he swallowed wrong in surprise. Daivor groaned and swore behind him as Kaleb spoke into his wrist. “Uh, I’m a lizard.”

“I’ve heard of weirder online fetishes.” Farrah said still chuckling.

Kaleb shook his head. “Whatever. Do you know how much a ticket cost?”

“Changing the subject, huh? Ok. It should be 75 credits to Galveston one way.” Farrah answered.

Kaleb nodded as he closed out his laptop and began taking off his equipment. He would have to replace all the equipment he had lost when he got back. He plugged in his Sun Gun and reloaded his spike launcher. He hesitated in placing his Cybar pistol on the bench before he decided to take it to his bedroom. He took off his headband and twisted it around.

“Good night, Farrah.”

“Night, Professor. Don’t go having any weird dreams about defenseless human girls.” Farrah laughed.

Kaleb just shook his head and placed the headband on the workbench. He finished taking off his gear and went back into his home. He left the door to his garage open so the stove light would shine into the garage. He trudged to his room and turned on his heat lamps. He lied down and tried to decompress from all that happened. It had been a whirlwind the past few days, a nice slow train ride was exactly what he needed.

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