《Modern Age Online Book 1》Chapter 38 - Informed Decision


Kaleb stared at the blue window in front of him. He was floating in the black void after passing out from the pain of opening his Mana channels. But what he hadn’t counted on was the game making him pick an archetype. So he stared at his choices, trying his best to make an informed choice. He was trying to remember what Jar-lock had explained to them when they were all walking to the HLO office.

Jar-lock had said Wizards and Sorcerers would spend more time studying but Warlocks were limited in what they could learn. Jar-lock had chosen Warlock because he didn’t want to stay in his Sanctum for long periods. Well, that and the Wizards and Sorcerer representatives they had sent were arrogant pricks, apparently. But, all Kaleb wanted to learn was Enchanting and maybe Shield magic.

Light seeped into the dark void as Kaleb’s avatar was waking up. Kaleb hurriedly closed the blue window, he would make his choice later. For now, he could ask Diana about the bureaucracy of the Sorcerers at least. As his consciousness slipped back into his avatar, another blue window popped into view.


You have not chosen an Archetype. You will be considered a Hedge Mage until you pick an Archetype.

You can not raise your Affinity pass Neutral with the magical communities.

Cost of Magical books will rise by 10%

You can not designate a Sanctum.

You will be limited to one Domain.

Kaleb stared up at the window from his position on the couch. He didn’t think being a Hedge Mage sounded so bad. Sure, not being able to raise his Affinity sucked and books costing more would hurt but all he needed was one Domain anyway and he couldn’t think why he would need a Sanctum. Jar-lock had said Study Points were easier to get in a Sanctum but it couldn’t be too hard to raise Enchanting, could it?

As Kaleb contemplated this new information, he heard voices arguing nearby. Sitting up, he saw a door in the far wall that hadn’t been there before. It was open and two female voices wafted through.

“You could have killed him.” Said one female voice that sounded familiar.

He recognized Diana Torero’s voice as she answered back haughtily. “Bah! He was in no real danger and besides I checked him myself, he has the Gift. We have been getting so many new Sorcerers lately anyway, what’s one more?”

The second voiced sniffed indignantly. “Why are you so sure he’ll join your Society?”

“Like he would choose the Warlock’s? Why would he limit himself? And the Wizards have been scaring off the newbies left and right.” Diana said.

Kaleb was sure the other voice was Araella. He shifted off the couch and walked toward the open door. As he did, he noticed an MP bar was now in his HUD. Checking his status page revealed that he now had 100 Mana to play with. All he needed now where some spells. He peeked out of the doorway to see Diana and Araella standing in a long hallway still discussing the merits of their respective factions. Charlie was standing against the wall slightly behind his Mistress.

Kaleb coughed getting their attention. “Ahem, How are the Wizard’s scaring people off.”

Diana spun toward him surprise on her face while Araella just gave him a beatific smile. Charlie gave Kaleb his usually sneer but also remained silent. Kaleb ambled out into the hall, rubbing his chest his ribs were still sore and he imagined his thrashing around hadn’t helped at all. Diana snapped herself out of her momentary shock when he walked up.


“The Wizards seem to delight in making magic needlessly complex. At least with us Sorcerers and even the Warlocks Magic is Magic. You should see them make something simple like a fireball.” Diana explained. “Why concern yourself with the oxygen levels of the air? Just create fire and throw it.”

Araella nodded her agreement. “They devote themselves more toward the study of magic and less to its practice. Warlocks are Magicians of balance we try to consider how our Magic can help the world and deal with its enemies.”

Diana grunted in derision. “We Sorcerers are people of action. Serve your House faithfully and with loyalty and you can do what you wish.”

“I would have to join a House?” Kaleb asked twisting his head questioningly.

Charlie laughed obnoxiously. “Of course you would.”

“Ssssnt.” Diana hissed a warning at her bodyguard waving her hand. “We require a record of our Magic users. The Houses help with that. We can’t just be lawless thugs like the Warlocks.”

“We have agreed to join your little club here at the Council, have we not?” Araella asked coldly.

Diana rolled her eyes. “And how many Warlocks are even now rampaging across this country unchecked?”

Araella sighed. “Even chaos is part of the balance. Why can’t anyone here understand that? For every Warlock who uses their gifts for evil there is their opposite out in the world. If a Warlock of peace and a Warlock of chaos meet then only one will walk away. If the greater balance is ever in jeopardy than we shall correct it.”

“We should not allow Magic to roam the world unchecked!” Diana shouted.

“Magic is not something that should be leashed like a dog either!” Araella snapped back.

The two women stared angrily at each and Kaleb saw Charlie tense up. He sighed loudly gaining everyone’s attention. He thought over what they both said and honestly the Warlock’s freedom sounded more his speed. But there was no representative for the Wizards in the hall. Looking between the two women he asked.

“Could I talk to someone from the Wizard's side here? If I have to choose an area to study, it would be best to have all the facts.”

Diana just rolled her eyes and huffed loudly as Araella nodded her agreement. “That is a prudent decision.”

“Bah! Why waste time? You’ll realize soon that only the Sorcerers have the numbers and political backing to make them the best choice.” Diana said before she waved a hand at Charlie. “Charles, we are leaving. Professor, I will have the new contract written up and sent to you.”

Kaleb nodded at Diana as she opened a portal and stepped through followed by Charlie. Araella waited patiently until they had gone before she walked down the hall. It surprised Kaleb that they weren’t taking a portal but he followed the female Warlock. As they walked down the hallway Kaleb realized he did not know if they were in a single building or if they had jumped between several throughout the night.

“Where are we anyway?” Kaleb asked.

Araella chuckled lightly as she glanced sideways. “I was wondering if you would ever ask. The Council chambers are in a secret location only known to the most trusted Magic users. We place these side buildings throughout the city. Each of the factions leave a few rooms in their buildings unshielded so that the Council can use them as holding areas.”

Kaleb looked around at the plain brown carpet and the beige walls of the hallway. “This is a Wizard building then?”


“As it happens: Yes. The Austin College of Magic to be specific.” Araella said.

“They own a college?” Kaleb asked shocked.

Araella just nodded as they passed a large window looking out over a quad. The quad was full of trees and various modern art pieces and Kaleb thought he saw the circular glow of a portal. Walking further down the hallway Kaleb say a sign showing they were walking toward the library and classrooms F to H.

“What do they study here?” Kaleb asked.

Araella shrugged. “I honestly do not know. The Wizards have many areas of interest. So anything they can get away with. I recall hearing about a group studying the effect of Magic on marine wildlife. So the Wizard High Council requested funds for a large pool.”

Kaleb nodded as they moved to a large wooden door with the words Library etched above it. Araella moved to the side of the door and waved Kaleb forward. Kaleb twisted his head in question.

“You’re not coming in?” He asked.

Araella shuffled her feet and shook her head. “uhhhh, no. I’ll… Ahem… wait out here.”

Her behavior was strange to Kaleb, but he shook it off and grabbed the doorknob. He tried to twist and open it but the door shook and remained closed. The door knob felt locked and wouldn’t budge. He shook the door a few times before he turned to look at Araella. She gave him a shrug and started to speak when the door burst inward and an unseen force grasped Kaleb and dragged him into the library.

Kaleb slammed to a stop as he heard the wooden door slam close behind him. Almost immediately he was assaulted with the sounds of people shouting. The large multistory library was in disarray with books thrown about, tables overturned, and papers scattered everywhere. Gold and blue lights floated overhead adding to the visual chaos. Kaleb heard the sounds of thundering feet and people yelling approaching fast from his right.

“Grab him!”

“Did someone come in?!”

“Where is he?!”

“He has the ore!”

“Get off my robe!”

Kaleb almost laughed when he looked over and saw a mass of brown-robbed Wizards appear around a stack of books chasing a man barely a foot tall. The short man was wearing a pointy red hat and a green tunic. Kaleb thought he looked like a lawn gnome as the man ran past him cackling loudly carrying a shiny grey metal in his hands. Kaleb had to move out of the way as the mass of Wizard chased after the small gnome screaming and blasting spells from their wands.

Kaleb watched as the group turned into another row of books chasing the gnome. He heard loud panting coming from behind him and turned to see a pale Wizard holding his side and shuffling after the group. Kaleb picked up a chair and waved to the exhausted Wizard.

“Answer a few questions?” Kaleb asked.

The Wizard looked at him curiously before gratefully sitting in the chair and panting loudly. “Thanks.”

“He dropped the ore!”

“Where is he?!”

“On the shelf!”

“Tip it!”

“OFF my robe!”

The Wizards were still shouting as Kaleb looked over the panting youth. He looked to be Roy’s age and was in decent shape. Kaleb guessed the group of Wizards had been chasing the little man for a while. The young man looked up at Kaleb and asked.

“We magically locked the door, How did you get in?”

Kaleb shrugged. “It suddenly opened, and something pulled in me.”

“Damn it, I missed!”

“What is that?!”


“Gloria, why did you have a spray bottle on your desk?!”

“I was studying Magical creatures!”


“Grant! Seriously, off!”

The young Wizard nodded knowingly then looked up to an office on the fourth floor of the library. “The doctor must have let you in.”

“To help your friends?” Kaleb asked as he watched the group Wizards chase the small gnome into another row of books.

“I don’t think so. We were the ones that let him out and Doc is big on solving our own problems.” Said the Wizard.

“Why did you let him out?” Kaleb asked

The Wizard looked up from his chair at Kaleb. “We were studying the flow of magic in miniature humanoids.”

Kaleb twisted his head. “Wouldn’t they use magic like us?”

The youth shook his head. “You would think so but, no. The gnome soaks up magic from around them, Goblins seem to share a communal pool. We, however, generate Magic from our core. That is unless you believe the myth of the Magic Gland.”

“That would be easy to prove wouldn’t it?” Kaleb laughed.

“Nope. Because apparently the gland dissipates to pure Mana when we die.” The Wizard explained not hiding his disbelief.




“Dave! No fire magic!”

“I told him to get off!”

Kaleb laughed as he heard the yelling of the other Wizards. The tired Wizard stood from the chair and nodded toward the screaming.

“I better help them out.” He pointed at the office. “If Doctor Danforth let you in then you better go talk to him.”

Kaleb nodded. “I’ll do that. But, you are sure you don’t need help…” Kaleb trailed off as he realized that he didn’t know the young man’s name.

“Amos,” said the Wizard. “and no thanks. Believe it or not this happens all the time.”

Kaleb didn’t doubt that as he stepped over scattered books walking toward a nearby staircase. He heard the loud crash behind him as he climbed the stairs. The second level was more books but as he passed the third, he saw several worktables full of papers, Bunsen burners, and various test tubes. The fourth floor was the same except for a large square office room hanging over the center of the library.

A narrow bridge of wooden planks floated in mid-air allowing access to the office. Kaleb cautiously tested the stability of the planks with his foot. They seemed as solid as the ground so Kaleb stepped out and quickly walked across to the office door. Trying to be polite Kaleb knocked twice on the door and waited. He saw the flash of a spell below him as he waited for some response to his knock.

“You have permission to enter!” Shouted a male voice imperiously from within the office.

Kaleb sighed as he opened the door and walked into a large office room. Other than a wooden desk and chair though the room was full of books. Kaleb’s eyes were drawn to the large black-furred cat-man standing with his arms crossed behind the desk. The cat-man was wearing slacks, a white shirt, and a tweed jacket. The cat-man adjusted his glasses before he raised both hands in the air shouting.

“I am Doctor Barnabas Danforth! Wizard of the Educational Order! Master of the Sacred Arts! 3rd Dan Black Belt in Karate! Regional champion of last year’s Scrabble Tournament! And you, Young Mage, have been chosen to SAVE THE UNIVERSE!”

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