《Modern Age Online Book 1》Chapter 36 - Wizard Fight


Kaleb stepped out of the portal into an ornate hall. The walls were green marble with gold trim and Kaleb was sure he could smell pine trees. Araella stood before him smiling beatifically as he took in his surroundings. When he returned his gaze to the tall woman, she tilted her head down the hall toward a large wooden door.

“The rest of the council is waiting.” She said before turning and walking down the hall.

Kaleb nodded as he followed her. They walked through the ornate wooden doors into a circular room that seemed to stretch upward into infinity. The center of the room was a raised dais where Diana and Edward stood in Magical circles. They were facing another large desk with 6 people, 4 men and two women staring down at them. The rest of the circular room was stadium seating for many other magic users.

Kaleb involuntarily gulped as he moved into the center of the room. He could feel every eye on him as he parted with Araella and moved to stand on the center dais between the two restaurateurs. The room fell quiet as Lady Araella walked up to her empty seat in the large desk across from Kaleb. Once she sat down, a man with a chain tattoo on his arm knocked a small wood gavel against his desk.

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

“Ok, we now have a witness to the events between these two members of the Magical community. Professor Pack Rat of the HLO could you please give your account of the events of your first introduction to these two.” The arbiter nodded down at Kaleb.

Kaleb took a glance around before he gulped again, trying to wet his throat that was suddenly dry. The room virtually hummed with power, it was oppressive. Kaleb looked back to the desk of what he assumed were the heads of the Magical Council. He caught eyes with Araella who nodded kindly.

Kaleb took a deep breath and asked. “Before I begin, am I allowed to submit a video of my account.”

“You have such a video?” Asked an elderly woman with a wand tucked behind her ear.

Kaleb grinned toothily. “Of course. Ever since I became a registered Super I have worn this.” Kaleb tapped his headband scanner. “It records everything I’ve seen and done. So it must have the information you are looking for.”

The Council burst into movement as the all leaned in to have a whispered conference. As they talked among themselves it surprised Kaleb that Diana and Edward didn’t speak or move. He looked between the two and realized that they were both magically frozen into position. They didn’t even register his presence, Kaleb waved his hand in front of each of their faces before he shrugged and went back to waiting.

The Council talked among themselves for a few more minutes before they seemed to come to an agreement. The tattooed Warlock banged his gavel a few times before he rendered their decision.

“We will allow this. But can you talk us through the events as they happen?”

Kaleb nodded as he heard a computer beep. “I can do that.”

A hefty looking Sorcerer with a large silver necklace said. “We received the video. Give me a second to remember the proper incantations.”

Kaleb smiled at how fast Farrah had gotten the video ready. The Sorcerer muttered a few words and cast his arms into the air above Kaleb’s dais. A blue mist burst forth from nothing and Kaleb saw himself sitting in his garage working on skinning one of the Ifrit fingers.


“It all started when my friends and I killed a Greater Ifrit…” Kaleb began before he went into detail about how he contacted two restaurants about buying the corpse. He explained why he dismissed Diana Torero and her attitude. He told them how Edward Derana had shown up and inspected the corpse and offered him 1500 for the Ifrit.

Once he explained how much he had made selling the corpse, the room erupted into laughter. Kaleb looked around confused as he watched several Magic users slap their knees and wipe tears from their eyes. Even Lady Araella’s demure face was cracked with a wide smile she tried to hide behind a pale hand.


The head Warlock slammed his gavel into his desk and coughed as he tried to stop laughing. “Ahem, Am I right to assume that you are unaware of the actual value of a Magical creature of this size?”

Kaleb scratched his cheek embarrassed. “Apparently. Can I assume that I got cheated?”

“I’ll say!” A yellow skinned bespectacled member of the council interjected.

Kaleb searched all their faces before Araella put him out of his misery. “Normally a researcher would offer a minimum of 1 million credits for a corpse of such a beast. A restaurant however, a place that could sell food off of that corpse for months would probably triple that price.”

Kaleb felt his jaw fall open as he turned his gaze to the squat restaurateur standing to his left. He would swear the rat-bastard was grinning. He clenched his fists repeatedly as he calmed himself down, glancing around he saw that the Council were all watching his actions closely. Kaleb exhaled slowly before he turned back to the Council.

“I don’t suppose I have any recourse in this matter?” He asked.

He received several pitying looks before the yellow-skinned Alien answered him. “Unfortunately not. The HLO and the regular courts would better equipped to resolve this.”

Kaleb cracked his neck and made a mental note to discuss this with Farrah in depth later. He exhaled loudly again before he continued.

“Where was I? Oh yes, he offered my a pittance for a golden goose.”

Kaleb continued his story bringing up that Derana had promised him all the materials from the Greater Ifrit. He described his first encounter with Diana Torero as the footage played out. Kaleb also was careful to point out, he only reacted to Charlie Williamson’s attack. The Council’s interest seemed to spike when Diana summoned her glamoured fire. But the Council didn’t ask questions, letting him continue his story.

The video jumped to him being notified by Deckart about the price on his head and his discussion of the with the police. After he described his interaction with the police and it played out for all to see a mousy woman on the Council asked.

“Why didn’t you let the police handle this matter? They would seem to be better prepared to deal with such an issue.”

Kaleb nodded before he answered. “True. But I am a new Super and with that comes a certain level of arrogance.” Several people around the room chuckled as he added. “But honestly it was an issue concerning me so I thought it better to handle it myself.”

The mousy women squinted down at him before she nodded and waved for him to continue. Kaleb went over his investigation as it played out. From his tussle with Eustace Williamson to his and Diana conversation at her restaurant. Finally he talked about Diana’s insistence that Derana was behind both her connection to the House of Druchuvin and the price on his head. He ended on the footage of Marco Clifford getting out of the car that had performed a drive-by on La Fiamma Ardente.


“After that Diana said she would contact the Magical Council and my friends and I assaulted Alessandro Torero’s hideout.” Kaleb finished.

“To great success I hear.” Said the tip of a pointy hat sticking up from behind the Council’s desk.

Kaleb stared at the talking hat before he focused his attention back to the head Warlock. He was conferring with the members of the magical council closest to him. After a while He slammed his gavel again and stood.

“The Council will discuss this matter further before we render our decision. We ask that all parties involved remain in the building until we finish conferring.”

Kaleb tried to catch a Council members eye before he gave up and raised his hand. Araella noticed his gesture as her compatriots were rising and moving toward the exit.

“Yes, child?” She asked.

Kaleb exhaled loudly again and pointed his metal hand at Edward Derana. “Can I ask to be placed somewhere away from him. I don’t trust myself around him right now.”

Something his eyes or voice seemed to stop several nearby Magic users. Araella shared a glance with the head warlock before she nodded kindly. “I think we can arrange that.” turning to the circular room she called out. “Conifer!”

Kaleb watched as a small green ball of light appeared from nowhere and raced over to Araella. She whispered something Kaleb could not hear before pointing at him. The tiny green thing raced over to him and floated inches from his nose. Kaleb could barely make out a fairy-like creature that was emitting a bright green light. He continued to study the small magical creature until he saw it raise a tiny hand and snap its fingers.

Kaleb felt the floor give way from under him and suddenly he was falling. Before he could decide on a course of action, he collided with a soft object and fell backward. His head was gently cradled by what he was sure was a pillow. Looking around, he saw that he was lying on a couch in a small square room. The room was bare save for several chairs, his couch, a small coffee table, and a pot of what he was sure smelled like coffee.

He got himself a cup and sat down on the couch sighing loudly. “Farrah, how did you not catch that?”

His Handler humphed in annoyance. “I worked with the police! I didn’t get to sell anything like a giant magical corpse! How was I supposed to know?”

Kaleb chugged his coffee, groaning loudly at the burn before he laid back on the couch. He grunted as pain flared in his chest again reminding him of his bruised ribs. He shifted on the couch until he was comfortable and closed his eyes.

“Hopefully that bastard gets what’s coming to him.” Kaleb grumbled tiredly

He heard Farrah answer as his eyes grew heavy. “He will, Professor.”

“PROFESSOR!” Farrah’s voice yelled out from his hand.

He groggily sat up and glanced around. He was still in the square room and Araella had seated herself on a nearby chair. He coughed awkwardly, wiped his face with his hands and stood ready to apologize. Farrah griped from his wrist before he could get a word out.

“Geez, Professor. You sleep like a damn rock.”

Kaleb just shrugged and smiled at Araella. “Something I can do for you Lady Araella?”

“No. I was just asked to let you know of the Council’s decision. We have granted Diana Torero’s request for a Trial by Magical Combat. Also Derana’s restaurant, The Blue Goblin, will be ordered to honor their deal with you.”

“All right, so when and where are we doing this? Do I have to buy a ticket?” Kaleb said as he stood.

Araella looked shocked before understanding fell across her face. “I apologize, I didn’t think it would interest you in.”

Kaleb shrugged. “He cheated me out of millions and put a price on my head.”

“I realize that now and our leading investigators are working on figuring out who placed a price on your head. As of now there is no hard evidence he had anything to do with the contract on you.” Araella said.

Kaleb just nodded as he looked around the room. He realized for the first time that the room he was in didn’t have a door. Araella stood and grasped onto his wrist.

“Allow me.” She said. “They should be just about to start.”

Kaleb felt the same falling feeling as before but this time his feet slammed down hard on a stone floor. Kaleb took time to get his bearing before he glanced around the room. He was in a large stone arena, standing in the stands for once and he was looking down at a large pit. He could see Derana and Torero both standing facing each other. Both were dressed in what looked like leather armor and they were both unarmed.

They pair seemed to just be staring at each other until a stone platform floated over the center of the arena. The head Warlock from the Magical Council stood in the center and addressed the arena. Kaleb glanced around comparing this arena with the one he saw in Under-Town. Unlike Under-Town no one was cheering here. The atmosphere was more solemn than boisterous.

The head Warlock raised his arms and his voice echoed through the arena. “We have gathered here to oversee the match between Diana Torero and Edward Derana. We have found Derana to be guilty of attempting to slander the good name of the House of Torero. Rather than letting the Council handle this matter, Diana has chosen to settle the dispute with Magical Combat.”

His platform moved off to the side where Kaleb could see a special area for Council seating. Once there, the Warlock continued.

“Combatants, once the gong resounds you shall fight until one of you is dead. May the spirits forgive us.”

The Warlock sat down and a small murmur traveled through the crowds. Kaleb moved over to the railing to get a closer look at the proceedings. Diana was stretching on her side of the pit while Derana was crouched down and staring across at his opponent. Kaleb couldn’t make out the look on Derana’s face but his posture didn’t display confidence.


A gong echoed throughout the arena and Diana exploded into movement. Almost instantly she was halfway across the arena and tossing blue fire from her hands. Derana just watched as the ball of fire came hurtling at him. At the last second the stocky man leapt from his crouched position clearing the center of the arena and landing behind Diana. As he landed Derana created a green blob of magic in his hands before he lobbed it toward his opponent.

Diana dashed sideways narrowly missing the projectile. The blob sailed past her and land solidly on the dirt floor. Kaleb heard Diana shout in pain as some green liquid splashed against her leg. Kaleb smelled something foul in the air as the sound of hissing reached his ears. The attack had been an acid bomb of some type. Kaleb made a mental note to remember acid bomb as Diana retaliated.

The female restaurateur flung her arms out creating two whips of pure fire. She twisted her body in a circle and sent both whips slamming down into where Derana stood one after the other. Kaleb thought he could hear the smug bastard laugh as he took a large step sideways missing the overhead strikes. Diana flicked one of her wrist sending one of her whips sideways into Derana’s leg.

The burning weapon wrapped around Derana’s upper thigh and he screamed in pain. The flames of Diana’s whip ate away at Derana’s leg armor before setting his pants ablaze. Derana ducked the second whip as Diana swung it at his head and reached down with both hand. There was a loud hiss and sudden explosion of steam obscuring both fighters.

Kaleb could just make out Diana’s fire whip. But that soon disappeared and Kaleb heard the female Sorcerer scream in surprise. He held his breath as he waited for something to happen. The seconds seemed to drag on as he watched fog. Occasionally someone would shout or an odd spell would fly out of the dissipating steam.

Two bodies circled each other as the steam finally thinned enough for everyone to see. Both of the Sorcerers were bruised and bleeding but they seemed well enough to fight. Derana stomped a foot and spread his hands and several small spears of ice in front of him. Diana reacted quickly and erected a large wall of blue fire. Derana waved a pudgy hand and sent the icicles through the air right for Diana’s fire shield. At the last moment Derana raised his hand the ice spears spread out and maneuvered around the shield.

Diana quickly canceled her large shield and created several smaller ones she used to intercept the spears. Derana kept his spears whirling around his opponent attacking at every weakness he could see. Suddenly Derana spread his arms and sent his spears to either side of Diana. Diana raised her small shields to each side to defend. But, Derana dropped his icicle spell and leapt forward slamming a fist straight into Diana’s face.

Diana lost concentration and dropped her fire shields falling to the dirt floor. Derana pressed his advantage kicking Diana in the stomach before raising his foot and slamming it into her face. Diana writhed in pain on the ground as she tried to defend herself. When the third kick came, aiming for her face again, Diana caught it and kicked up into Derana’s crotch. Kaleb thought he could hear half of the surrounding crowd hiss as Derana grabbed at his genitals and fell to his knees.

Diana stood quickly and delivered a punch to Derana’s throat. The chubby man raised a hand to his neck trying to inhale. Diana head-butted Derana sending him sprawling onto his back. As her opponent lay spluttering and coughing. Diana raised both hands in the air and summoned a massive ball of fire. She slammed both hands down and the fireball enveloped the prone form of Derana.

Kaleb could just make out the silhouette of Derana as his body was almost instantly vaporized. As the spell continued into the dirt arena floor Kaleb had to shield his eyes and face from the heat. Soon shields of various colors and shapes sprung up around the arena as the various Magic user’s protected themselves. Kaleb just ducked down behind the hip high stone wall he was looking over.

A short while later the heat and red glow from the fire died down and Kaleb stood. Derana had been reduced to a smoldering crater while Diana looked battered herself. But the female restaurateur was standing triumphant in the middle of the arena, both arms raised in celebration. Kaleb shook his head as he replayed the fight in his head trying to come up with countermeasures.

Several shields winked out as Kaleb looked around. That would be the easiest way. Kaleb thought as he looked at the disappearing shields. Probably save on lab coats too. The head Warlock was back on his floating platform looking over the arena. He raised his hands to silence the murmurs and conversations that were taking place.

Once the pit was quiet he spoke. “With this, we have settled the matter between the House’s Torero and Derana. If any reprisals for what happened here today take place against Ms. Torero, know the full might of the Magical Council will come for you. And we will not be kind.”

The threat echoed through the arena before the Warlock continued. “With that said, we are done for today. The Council will reconvene at a later date to deal with the Kersait matter.”

Kaleb ears perked up at the mention of Dr. Kersait and as he wondered at what could mean he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning he saw Araella smiling at him she twitched her head at a nearby portal before she walked off. Kaleb followed eager to ask a bunch of questions about the ‘Kersait matter.’

He stepped through the portal after Araella appearing in a similar room to the one he had napped in earlier. Except this one appeared to have a guest.

“YOU!?” Charles Williamson shouted as he vaulted up from the couch he was sitting on and threw a wild punch.

Kaleb tried to dodge but he barely side-stepped as the blow connected solidly with his jaw. He stumbled backward protecting his ribs and thinking of ways to end this fight quickly when Araella’s voice called out sharply.

“You will cease this at once! He is a guest of your lady!”

“But… but… he.” Charlie argued.

Araella stared down at the shorter man, daring him to question her further. Eventually Charlie growled angrily before returning to his chair and sitting back down. Kaleb couldn’t help himself as his inner-asshole leaked out.

“You should rotate your waist more. Helps you put your weight into a punch.”

Charlie just stared angrily at him as Araella sighed loudly. The council member looked between Kaleb and Charlie before shaking her head and speaking to the room.

“Ms. Torero requested to speak to the Professor after her match with Derana. I have other matters to attend to so…” She paused turning to stare at them both. “I will trust you two to remain civil.”

Kaleb nodded as Charlie gave a grunt of agreement. Araella nodded and waved her hand another portal opening in the room. Before she stepped through Kaleb hurriedly asked.

“What’s the Kersait matter?”

Araella stopped before the portal and without looking back at him said. “It is a matter for the Magical Council. Not one the HLO need worry about.”

Kaleb chuckled to himself replying in a sing-song voice. “You know when you say that all you do is make people worry about it more.”

He heard Araella laugh lightly as she stepped into her portal leaving him alone with an angst-ridden per-adult. Great. No way this won’t be fun. Kaleb thought as he sat across from Charlie.

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