《Modern Age Online Book 1》Chapter 35 - Penalties


*You Have Died*

The skills Conditioning, Gadget Mastery, and Sneak have all lost a level.

The durability of your equipment has been halved (Can not go below 1) .

All loot gained in the past 30 minutes has been dropped.

Skill Experience gain will be slowed for 3 in-game days. (24 hours real world)

Kaleb closed the window and checked his surroundings. His ribs still hurt like hell and breathing was still rough. As he looked around he saw the school off in the distance. Someone had put him on a cot under a fly tent and he was alone except for the sound of the medical equipment. Nearby he could hear police sirens and the clamor of people.

He shook his head and laid back down wondering what was going on with the others. He ran through his status page checking what was missing from his inventory. He had lost the Taser Egg, the vial of jellyfish sludge, and the money he had collected from the House of Druchuvin members they had defeated. The rest of his things were accounted for; including his communicator.

“Farrah? You are there?”

He heard his handler sigh. “Yeah, just filling out the paperwork for this mess.”

“How are the others doing?” Kaleb asked as he tapped on his current status debuff.

*Bruised Ribs*

Increased stamina usage for the next two weeks or until healed.

Slowed movement for two weeks or until healed.

Dodge skill disabled for two weeks or until healed.

Kaleb rubbed a hand over his face as Farrah answered. “Actually, they knocked the Demon out right before you died. The HLO are getting a Porter to create a gate near their position.”

“That’s conveNIENT!” Kaleb said as a sudden pain flared in his chest.

“OK. Should we go over what you did wrong?” Farrah asked as she sighed again.

Kaleb rolled his eyes but said. “Yeah, sure.”

“You ran out of ammo, you rushed in while injured, and more importantly: you didn’t take any healing items!” Farrah said exasperatedly.

“Oh, come on, Farrah. Until a few days ago I didn’t even know healing potions were a thing.” Kaleb defended.

“Not just health potions! There are many items designed to keep a Super healthy. Hell, the first thing your friends did was slap a K-tech Heal Patch on you to heal you.” Farrah explained.

Kaleb grimaced. “Didn’t know that was a thing either.”

Farrah seemed to growl. “Gragh! That’s the point. You have a laptop and workbench with access to an online shop. You could have found something. You could have asked someone!”

Kaleb sighed as he agreed. “That’s fair. But Farrah remember: it’s only been like four days in-game. This shit’s been coming at me full force.”

“It’s been the same for everyone. I suggest you take a few days and stop running at every quest that comes your way.” Farrah griped.

“No promises.” Kaleb said.

The both fell silent as Kaleb lay there. He waited a few minutes before he tried to sit up again. The pain in his chest was slightly less than before but it still hurt. He sat up and tried to twist his legs off the bed. As he did a quest completion window appeared.

*Quest Completed: Assault the School*

Rewards: 2,500 credits, 1 Magical Foci, 1 health potion, 1 Mana potion. Elementary school Lair unlocked.

All raid participants will be allowed to purchase this Lair location at a reduced price.

This Lair location will go on sell in two in-game days.

Player: Rick Deckart was saved but is now possessed by a Rage Demon


All raid participants affinity with the House of Druchuvin changed to Hated.

Kaleb sighed as he read over the rewards. “What will happen to Rick?”

“He’ll either become a hybrid or get the demon exercised if he wants to stay a Mundane.” Farrah explained.

“Hybrid?” Kaleb asked.

He could almost hear Farrah’s smile. “Either a Mutant hybrid or a Magical one. Imagine if he can get that demon under control? It’s one of the best things about being a Mundane: Hybridization is easier. If he had been anything else, the possession might not have taken.”

Kaleb nodded as he opened his inventory. “That’s probably why they took him.”

Farrah gave a grunt of agreement as Kaleb took out his new health potion and chugged it down. He smiled as warmth permeated throughout his body. He stepped off his cot and stood before a harsh pain once again flared through his chest. He quickly sat back down coughing.

“What the hell?!”

Farrah gave a long-suffering sigh. “Did you check the grade of that potion? At best, you took a week off your recovery time. At worse, maybe a few days.”

Kaleb slapped the side of his head. “That makes sense. I should have thought of that.”

“Yes, you should have.”

“So can I keep taking potions until I’m healed?” Kaleb asked.

Farrah made a noncommittal noise. “Eh, kinda. You’ll get diminishing returns and only the first potion of the day counts toward your recovery time.”

Kaleb groaned as he rubbed his chest. "I will have to step up my game. Especially if I keep fighting giant bastards."

He checked his status page and smiled when he saw that he had taken a week off his recovery time. He stood slower this time and made his way out of the fly tent. He heard a large commotion off to his left as he ambled out of the tent. Looking over he saw the large red chest of Rick’s demon form and nearby were the others.

He made eye contact with Jar-lock as the big Warlock was talking to one of the police officers. As he got closer his wrist communicator came alive with their raid chat. He smiled as he hard Two Gun and the others discussing their rewards and who wanted an elementary school as a hideout.

“Wow!” Kaleb said into his communicator. “A guy dies and you lot don’t even bat an eye. Someone had to miss me, right?”


“Not at all.”

“Who are you?”

“New communicator. Who dis?”

Kaleb smiled as a chorus of smart-ass responses resounded from his wrist. He could barely make out who was talking, but they all said the same thing. He shook his head as we made his way toward the group around the Rage Demon. But, after a few steps he heard the sounds of a crowd of people asking questions and a smooth voice responding.

“Of course, the fact that the only injury in this incident was a Mundane speaks volumes about why we should either limit or eliminate that branch of the HLO.” said the smooth voice.

Kaleb turned in time to see a green reporter with antennae ask. “But wouldn’t that just encourage Mundane children to try to give themselves powers? Playing with nuclear batteries and such?”

A slim blue man with large insect-like eyes in a black suit smiled before he answered. His voice echoed over the throng of reporters. “That is a concern. But there are already such children attempting that very thing. Causing lab explosions in the hope they get super powers.”


He said, rolling his eyes, a few in the crowd chuckled before he continued.

“But that is a separate issue and one more akin to child negligence. The issue here is allowing the unpowered attempt to do what those more qualified are already handling.”

Kaleb clenched his teeth as he changed course and walked up behind the blue man. As he did, he heard Farrah hiss from his wrist.

“Stop! Don’t even think about it. That’s Ozarious, he is the head of the HLO. He can make your life a living hell. Stop!”

Kaleb ignored her as he took a deep breath and tried not to show how much pain he was in. He didn’t see any bodyguards around Ozarious so he walked over and wrapped his lizard arm around the blue man’s shoulders.

Interrupting the head of the HLO Kaleb spoke up finding that his voice also echoed out to the reporters. “Of course, we shouldn’t forget that two of the people responsible for pacifying the Rage Demon were Mundanes and their contributions were no less than any other members of the group.”

Kaleb felt Ozarious tried to wiggle free, but he held on while he continued. “And while I was in fact injured, I am still standing and ready to help defend this city! Thank you.”

The group of reporters stared at Kaleb with shocked looks on their faces before they all burst into a chorus of questions. Kaleb just smiled and released Ozarious. He had to stop himself from stun glove-ing the jerk before he nodded at the crowd and made his way back toward his friends. Farrah sighed loudly from his wrist before she spoke up.

“Was that necessary? This Raid could have gotten your Hero Rank raised to D. I doubt Ozarious will sign off on that after your little show back there.”

Kaleb just shrugged as he took a deep breath, wincing in pain. “The game is no fun if it’s easy. Besides, I have every intention of showing that NPC bastard what a Mundane can do.”

Farrah just sighed again as Kaleb pushed past a few police around Demon-Rick’s prone body. Abby was standing in the shadows of a large truck while Jar-lock leaned up against it watching everyone. Robert and Deckart were talking to an old man in a robe near Rick’s horned head. Two other wizards stood around the Demon’s head wands extended.

Green and blue tendrils of magic shot slithered out from their wands and wrapped around the Demon from his head down to his body. Kaleb gave Jar-lock and Abby a wave as he overheard the old man answer a question from Deckart.

“… that will be up to him.” The Wizard was saying.

Robert nodded his head before he asked. “So he will become magical creature?”

The old Wizard bopped his head from side to side. “Of a fashion. Again only if he wishes and only if he can tame the savage demon once we seal it within him.”

“But you can help him with that, right?” Deckart asked as he looked at his Demon possessed nephew.

“They Magical council will surely try our best. But be prepared: Even if he tames the beast, he may adopt some of its more colorful qualities.” The Wizard said as he put a comforting hand on Deckart’s shoulder.

Kaleb couldn’t help himself. “Oh great, Rick with the attitude of a Rage Demon. That can’t end badly.”

Robert and Deckart shot him understanding smiles while the old Wizard looked confused. He heard Abby snicker as Jar-lock walked over and patted his shoulder.

“Don’t worry, Professor. We won’t let him get you.”

“Too late.” Kaleb said good-naturedly.

The others smiled at him apologetically but he shook them off. “Don’t worry about it. I gotta deal with some bruised ribs for a week so maybe I’ll focus on crafting for a while. Who wants to buy the school Lair?”

Robert and Deckart continued talking to the Wizard while Jar-lock lead him over to Abby saying. “No one yet, I think Varlin is interested though.”

“Mass and D43d–I too.” Abby said she listened to her communicator.

Kaleb held his communicator up to his ear and heard the others of their group.

“What would you even do with a Magical school?” Varlin asked.

“Teach British children Magic! What does it matter?” Said D43d–I’s mechanical voice.

Varlin huffed loudly. “Be serious! This school practically hums with magical power I could use that. What would you do here?”

D43d–I answered calmly. “This school sits just outside downtown Austin. It is the perfect staging area if we want to do jobs downtown.”

“Can you share it?” Vivienne asked over the communicator.

Silence was her answer as Kaleb looked at Abby and Jar-lock. His friends shrugged their shoulders as a new voice spoke in their raid chat. “Actually, Miss Vivienne, you all can share a Lair. You would just need to form a Super Group.”

“Super Group?” Kaleb asked at the same time as several others.

Farrah answered. “It’s a group of registered Supers who share quests and resources. Surprisingly, Austin hasn’t had a registered Super Group yet. Although Texas itself has, the Texan All-Stars.”

“How do we become a Super Group?” Two Gun asked.

Another voice answered, Kaleb assumed it was Two Gun Handler. “Purchase a Lair and have a minimum of 7 members. Maximum number of members for a level 1 Super Group is 20. Once you have those you need to pay the registration fee at City Hall.”

Jar-lock asked the next question. “How much is the registration cost?”

“15k, my man.” Jar-lock’s Handler, Curtis, answered.

“Wha… Ha… That’s on top of the Lair cost?” Varlin spluttered.

“Yep, yep.” His Handler answered. Kaleb almost laughed at how happy-go-lucky Varlin’s Handler sounded.

He noticed the others grinning, and he asked. “What are the benefits of forming a Super Group?”

“Larger Jobs direct from city hall, plus pooling resources can help find and create better equipment, and being the first Super Group in Austin would make your group famous. With all that entails.”

Kaleb nodded. “So better Affinity gains but harsher Affinity penalties.”

“But the cost!” Varlin complained.

“And I can’t say the prospect of jamming us all in this school is something I look forward too.” Claire spoke up.

“Actually,” Kaleb said remembering the Email from Roy’s grandfather. “I think I know of a way for us to negate the cost on a different Lair.”

His communicator fell silent for a few seconds before several voices shouted.



“Tell us!”

“OP Lizard!”

Kaleb smiled as he explained about Obadiah Nova’s offer of a Hideout location for 20k or Kaleb could pay him a visit in Galveston. The others all voiced their interest as Robert and Deckart finished talking to the old Wizard.

“Well, I would have to see the location but that sounds like a good idea.” Varlin said.

Jar-lock was explaining everything to Deckart and Robert as Rick’s Demon body was suddenly enveloped in light before it vanished. Kaleb shot Deckart a worried look but the Detective just smiled and gave him the ok sign.

“Well, I’ll pay him a visit in the coming days. Does anyone know how much a transport ticket cost?” Kaleb asked.

Abby spoke up into her own communicator so everyone could hear her. “Depends on the distance but an in-state trip like that. You would probably be better off taking the Bullet.”

Kaleb grimaced. “How is a train faster than a Teleporter?”

Abby shook her head. “Not faster, cheaper. People are always using the Teleporter anyway so the line is always crazy. Think about it: a cheap ticket and a 30 or 40-minute ride in a train or an hour long wait for a Teleporter that will be double the cost.”

Kaleb had to agree with her logic. “All good points I guess I’ll see about making the trip tomorrow.”

As the others continued talking about their plans for a group headquarters Kaleb was wondering how Diana Torero was doing with her Duel against Edward Derana. As the thought crossed his mind Farrah spoke up from his wrist.

“I have Lady Araella from the Magical Council trying to get in touch with you.”

That’s creepy timing. Kaleb thought as he said. “Put her through.”

A soft melodious voice spoke from his wrist. “Is this a Mr… uh Rat?”

“Professor is fine.” Kaleb said questioning his own naming sense. “What can I do for you, Lady Araella.”

“We have a matter between two of the Magical Society. A Ms. Diana Torero and Edward Derana. During the proceedings they both brought your name up. Would you be willing to come and give your own account of what has taken place between the two parties?” Lady Araella asked.

Kaleb looked around at the police and the mass of reporters. “Sure, where do I need to go?”

Lady Araella laughed. “Don’t worry about it, dear. Just have your Handler give me your coordinates and I will have a Gate opened to our location.”

Kaleb shrugged. “Farrah?”

His Handler didn’t answer him, but a short while later a large Portal Gate with a white border opened a few feet away. Everyone nearby shouted in alarm before a tall pale woman with pointed ears walked out. She cast her dark blue eyes around before she spotted Kaleb and smiled wide displaying her dazzling white teeth. She strode imperiously toward him ignoring the stares and grumbles of several police officers complaining about protocols. When she stood before Kaleb she put her right hand to her left shoulder and bowed.

“I am Lady Araella of the Magical Council. It is a pleasure to meet you. Shall we go?”

Kaleb nodded slowly before he remembered about his car. He reached into his pocket and threw his keys to Jar-lock. His keys bounced off the Warlock’s chest as Jar-lock was too busy staring, mouth agape, at Araella. Kaleb clapped loudly trying to get his friend's attention.

“HEY! Could you drop my car off at my place? I have to handle something.”

Jar-lock remained catatonic as Deckart bent down and picked up Kaleb’s keys. The detective gave Kaleb a nod and snapped his fingers in front of Jar-lock’s face. Lady Araella Didn’t acknowledge the stares so Kaleb just waved a hand at the portal.

“Ladies first?”

Lady Araella bowed again. “Thank you kindly.”

As she stepped through the portal Kaleb turned and shook his head at his Warlock friend. Jar-lock seemed to have snapped out of his stupor. He flipped Kaleb the bird as Kaleb walked up to the portal. Hopefully, this goes better than the last portal. Kaleb thought as he stepped through.

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