《Modern Age Online Book 1》Chapter 34 - Rage in The Cage


Kaleb raised his pistol and his Spike Launcher and circled strafe the giant demon. Thankfully, his spikes penetrated the thing’s skin. Black blood dripped from the wounds he made in its chest and arms as Kaleb’s group all spread out and attacked. As Kaleb fired a blast from his energy pistol, he realized a major problem with their group. They didn’t have a Tank.

Glancing over he saw that Jar-lock and Deckart had noticed it too. He would classify Abby and Robert as Assassins in a fantasy game while he and Deckart would be DPS. The beast took a swing at Abby as she tried to get close. The small woman weaved between its ankles slashing with her shadow blades before darting away. The lumbering demon turned as he swatted blindly at her.


“Argh!” Abby shouted in pain.

The back of the demon’s large hand had clipped her thigh sending the small woman cartwheeling into a dirt wall. Kaleb fired two shots from his spike launcher at the demon’s face before his he heard the mechanism in his arm thunk empty. One spike went wide while the other collided with its cheek.

“RARGH!” The demon shouted in pain before turning and lumbering toward Kaleb.

Kaleb fired his blaster into the demon's chest as he dashed forward trying to replicate Abby’s move between its legs. The demon was ready for him though and it kicked out with one of its goat like feet. Kaleb felt the hoof slam into his chest as it launched him into a nearby dirt wall. Kaleb vision darkened at the edges for a second before he snapped out of it. He noticed that Abby was back up and rushing the Demon as a window obscured his vision.

*Conditioning Skill level up*

Health increased by 11%

Stamina increased by 11%

Incoming physical damage decreased by 5%

Jar-lock and Deckart got the thing's attention as they pelted the large beast with blaster fire and icicles. Kaleb took a second to check his HP after he had taken that kick which was 92/127. Kaleb sighed as it wasn’t too bad but it had still hurt like hell. Kaleb focused his attention to his headbands eyepiece, maybe the villains compendium could show him what they were dealing with.

*Rick Deckart (Possessed: Rage Demon)*

Data Access Blocked

“Uh… guys?” Kaleb said as he stared at the demon

Jar-lock dodged a swipe from the Rage Demon’s claws before shouting. “Little busy here.”

Kaleb nodded as he explained. “Yeah, but I think we have a problem. My scouter is saying that this thing is still Rick. But a demon has possessed him though.”


“So what does that mean?” Abby asked as she and Robert dashed in attacked the thing's legs again.

“I don’t know, but aren’t we supposed to be here to save him?” Kaleb asked as he vented his pistol and took aim.

“So what do you suggest? An exorcism?!” Deckart asked as he rolled away from a kick.

“Well, if Rick’s still in there maybe we can–GAH!” Robert started before a clawed hand swatted him away hard.

Robert slammed into the wall bleeding from multiple cuts in his chest. But the younger twin got back to his feet and was coughing as he tried to finish his sentence. Kaleb rushed over as the Rage Demon focused on Abby as she continued to slice his ankles. He checked over Robert as the younger twin stared at his demon possessed brother.

“Can we talk him down?!” Robert asked. His voice echoing in the room.

Kaleb shrugged as he fired into the back of the Demon. “No clue. Jar-lock?”

The Warlock sent a large rock into the Demon’s knee before he answered. “I have read a little on possession or demons. But, if I were to guess: Rick is inside that thing either asleep or unable to move. How that works in-game I don’t know.”

Kaleb fired off another shot with his pistol and spoke to Robert. “Is there a good way to wake your brother up?”

Robert looked stricken. “Don’t try before noon, that's all I know. Usually he will stumble out of his room to get something to eat then stumble back.”

Kaleb and the others had slowed their attacks waiting to decide a course of action. The Rage Demon seemed confused at the cessation of combat. It lumbered menacingly toward Abby, who backed away. Then it stomped over to Kaleb and Robert split apart and ran. The beast seemed annoyed sending an echoing roar through the cavern.


The Rage Demon spun around searching for someone to attack. Kaleb watched as the wounds on the creatures lower legs were slowly healing. He clenched his teeth and fired another shot yelling.

“If we stop attacking the damn thing will heal itself!”

“So what are we doing? Killing him?” Asked Abby as she dove back in slicing at the creature’s legs.

“Ahem!” Farrah coughed from Kaleb’s wrist. “If only you all had a people you could talk to. People with a wealth of experience that could help.”

Kaleb rolled his eyes as he ducked a swipe from the demon. “Hilarious, mistress Farrah. How about you share that wisdom with the rest of us?”


“Well, if you don’t want to kill him and you can’t talk him down. What do you think you should do?” Farrah asked in her teacher tone again.

Kaleb was getting annoyed at her but Jar-lock seemed to get it as he shouted. “Knock him out!”

“How the hell do we do that?!” Deckart yelled back.

The Warlock stayed silent as he looked up to the ceiling and thrust both hands palm downwards. A large flat stalactite jutted down from the ceiling. Jar-lock seemed to gather himself before he did it again and again. Creating a forest of inverted brown trees above them.

Kaleb backed away and aimed his pistol up firing at the column trying to dislodge one. As he fired upward, he missed the Rage Demon‘s charge and for the second time it sent Kaleb crashing into a nearby wall. The Demon had taken a running kick and punted him away. He felt his chest burn and pain flared throughout his torso. He looked down to see his armor with a huge dent in it.

*HP: 58/127*

Kaleb sat up against the wall and tried to stand but his legs weren’t having it. He watched as Jar-lock and Deckart tried to drop the stalactites onto Rick. But, the Demon was moving around too much swatting at Robert and Abby who were cutting at his ankles trying to slow him down. Kaleb felt the pain in his chest subside a little as he took a few deep breaths. He figured his ribs were cursing his name as he stood.

What the hell am I doing? Kaleb thought as he deployed Shocky and took out his Taser Egg. I have gadgets for this. Kaleb jogged toward the Demons hoofed feet as he tossed his Taser Egg up at its face. Not bothering to check his throw he slammed into the Rage Demon’s ankle with his shield and switched on its stun feature.

*Gadget Mastery Skill Level Up*

Current Gadget failure rate decreased by 2%

Current Blueprint Drop Rate increased to 4%

Kaleb quickly closed out the window as the creature froze and jerked with the sound of snapping electricity filling the air. He tried to dash away as fast as he could with his chest pounding in pain. He heard the sounds of crashing stalactites behind him as he leaned against a nearby rock breathing heavily. He turned to look at the Rage Demon as a dark shadow loomed over him.

“Professor!” Shouted Deckart as the Demon’s hand wrapped around Kaleb.

Kaleb didn’t even have time to deploy his heel spikes as it lifted him off the ground and brought him up to the Demon’s face. He saw large chunks of dirt and rock on its head and shoulder from where the stalactites hit the Rage Demon’s head. He smiled as he noticed his Taser Egg wrapped Demon Rick’s horns and head.


The Beast roared in Kaleb’s face sending hot air and bad breath straight into his face. The hand around Kaleb clenched hard, and he tried to scream as he heard something in his chest crack audibly. Tears blurred his vision and his hearing muffled as breathing became hard. He noticed a dark smokey spear pierce into the Demon’s chest as a blast of energy hit its face.


You now have the status: Broken Ribs. Breathing will become difficult you will slowly lose health until someone heals you.

Kaleb stared at the face of the Rage Demon as the thing continued squeeze him. He thrashed wildly in its grasp as his friends continued to shoot and yell at the thing. Kaleb clenched his thumb down on the switch in his stun glove as he tried to catch his breath. He felt a wave of electricity course through his body as he saw the large red beast lock up. He retched as the Demon’s hand convulsed around him clenching and releasing before the Demon went stiff.


You now have the status: Pierced lung. You are bleeding internally and will die without immediate medical attention.

Kaleb’s vision darkened as he saw a dark brown blob slam into Rick’s head. Suddenly, he felt himself floating in the air and winced in pain as his back hit something hard. He coughed, feeling something warm and wet drip along his chin and cheek. The darkness crept further into his vision as he heard people shouting from far away. Sonofabitch killed me. Kaleb thought as his breathing was becoming harder and harder before his vision went black and his breathing stopped.

As he floated in a black void, a bright blue window box appeared in front of him confirming what he already knew.

*You Have Died*

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