《Modern Age Online Book 1》Chapter 28 - Helping the Detectives


With the help of Devron, who was still standing near the slide entrance, Kaleb found an elevator that took him out of Under-Town. The elevator let out through the side of a mausoleum which Kaleb assumed was a fake. He wandered around the cemetery until he found the corner where he parked his car. Getting in he asked Farrah.

“What do you know about the Torero family?” Kaleb wondered why he hadn’t asked before.

Farrah sighed loudly as she answered. “Mostly, my interactions with them was when I was with the SPPD. I found them to be upstanding citizens, except for the Druchuvin.”

Kaleb started the car and went over the little information he had learned. So far all he had figured out was that Charlie Williamson had holed himself up in an alternate dimension since Kaleb knocked him out. He also learned that the Williamson’s did not know about Diana joining the House of Druchuvin. But everyone he spoke to seemed surprised that Diana would resort to putting a hit on someone.

Learning about the Under-town could prove to be a wonderful find. He was sure Deckart could find them both some trouble once he made the Detective aware of its existence. The Quinica K-tech connection would either help him discover what, if anything, was going on with K-tech or be a good connection for secondhand equipment. Last, the Brute Clan was a wonderful find, but he wasn’t sure how helping them would pay off yet.

Farrah interrupted Kaleb’s thoughts. “So that was a manly scream you made when you found the tunnel to Under-Town.”

Kaleb shook his head as he turned south toward his house in Travis Heights. “Wow Farrah, talk about missing the moment.”

“Yeah, maybe. But it needed to be said, and I should remind you: I have it recorded.” Farrah said.

“Noted.” Kaleb said dryly.

The drive back to his house didn’t take long, and he was in The Pit replacing the wiring on his Taser egg within ten minutes of talking to Deckart. The fact that the entrance to Under-Town was so close to his house was a very welcome surprise. He replaced the yellow crystal on his Taser egg and took out the Cybar Pistol.

He used a file and pliers to reshape the housing unit to hold a crystal comfortably. He had to buy a medium grade red crystal, but he took the opportunity to buy two holsters. When he completed his purchase, throwing in a couple more medium crystals, he remembered Rokka’s credit stick.

“Oh yeah, what was with Rokka’s credit stick, Farrah?”

Farrah made a sound of surprise before she answered in an exaggerated tone. “Yeah, about that. Let me say: you are a fantastic friend, Professor and I have always respected you.”

Kaleb smiled. “That much, huh?”

Farrah laughed. “Not really. But for a Rank E Super, especially someone who makes his own equipment, it will come in handy.”

“So how much was it?”

“10,000 credits” Farrah said casually.

Kaleb’s hands froze with a mug of coffee halfway to his lips “What? Why the hell did he drop so much money?!”


Farrah maintained her conversationally tone. “The developers wanted drops to make sense with what or who dropped them. None of that gold coins from a wolf drop stuff. So a hired killer like Rokka would have a lot of money.”

“Wait, how does that make sense with my blueprint drops?” Kaleb wondered

“Well, they would be blueprints related to the enemy you beat so it sort of tracks.”

“So all I have to do if I want money is loot NPCs that would have a lot of money? Gang bosses, a CEO, Sports star… etcetera?” Kaleb asked.

“Yeah, but you're veering into Villain territory.” Farrah sounded worried.

Kaleb’s door bell sounded through his house. He figured it was his delivery, so he opened his door to see Chip standing there with a small box. He signed for the box and chatted politely with Chip for a few minutes. When he finished and went back to his lab, he picked up the conversation with Farrah.

“Don’t freak out, Farrah. I was just spit-balling.” Kaleb said as he worked on the Cybar pistol.

Farrah exhaled through the communicator. “Thought I sparked the birth of a Super Villain for a second there.”

Kaleb chuckled as he set a red crystal into the Cybar Pistol. He had to rework its housing to make it fit but once it was in; he thought it sat nicely. He wired it up and screwed a bent piece of aluminum over it. The silver handle contrasted with black pistol so Kaleb wrapped black electrical tape around the pistol grip. Once he was done, he checked the stats.

*Modified Cybar Mark I Pistol*

Damage: 25 Burning Damage

Shots till vent: 9

Vent speed: 17 seconds

Upgrades: 0/2

Durability: 75/90

Grade: D

Description: A modified Cybar Mark I Pistol. It has been repaired to a workable state with an Elentian power crystal. It packs a more powerful punch but vent speed is slower and shot count is lower. It may not look fancy but it's an impressive repair job.

It had fewer shots than Deckart’s but supposedly it was more powerful. Kaleb put on his new hip holster and adjusted it to hold the large bore pistol. The weight of the gun was something he would have to get used to. It felt heavy on his right hip and he practiced drawing it a few times. He kept catching the barrel on the lip of the holster but he figured after more practice he would stop doing that. He attached a thigh holster to his left leg and holstered his Sun Gun in that one.

A loud knock came from his front door so Kaleb walked through his house trying to ignore the weight of his gun. Checking through his peephole he saw Deckart and Robert standing on his front porch. He let the pair in and set Robert’s permissions for his living room and kitchen. Deckart sat on the couch as Robert stood looking worried.

“Calm down, Rob. It’s just a game. Your brother will be fine.” Deckart said as he nodded at Kaleb.

Kaleb sat in his armchair as he gave Robert a smile. “He’s got a point Robert. Besides what does he’s handler say?”


“Hildy talked to him and told us that Rick was last seen following Diana Torero’s associate. Magical interference seems to have cut off communication and video though.” Deckart explained.

“So we have his last known location?” Kaleb asked.

Robert just nodded still standing.

“And how do we know the interference is Magical?”

Deckart looked perplexed for a second before he slapped his forehead. “We don’t. We assumed since he was tailing a magic user that her associate would be magical too.”

“We still don’t know how Dr. Kane cut off our Comms while we were down in the tunnels remember?” Kaleb pondered out loud.

“Communication interference happens from time to time. Our lines are heavily encrypted so villains and gangs have found other ways to mess with our communications.” Hildy explained.

Kaleb turned to Robert. The younger man was pacing back and forth seemingly in thought. “What was Diana up to today?”

Robert stopped pacing as he answered. “Not much, we tailed her from her downtown apartment. She went into her restaurant, La fiamma ardente, at around seven this morning. She stayed inside for two hours before coming out and driving to another restaurant, The Blue Goblin-”

“Whoa, what?” Kaleb interrupted.

“You know the place?” Deckart asked.

“That is the restaurant I sold the Greater Ifrit to. It’s what started this whole mess. I wouldn’t sell to the arrogant xenophobic Diana Torero.”

Deckart looked incredulous. “You have a price on your head over a restaurant feud?”

Kaleb just nodded as he motioned for Robert to continue.

Robert licked his lips and started again. “She spoke to someone outside the restaurant for thirty minutes before she left again.”

“Any idea who she was talking to?” Kaleb asked.

Robert shook his head. “No, but Rick thought they were involved. Romantically.”

Deckart snorted loudly. “That boy thinks that about every couple he sees. Two people can’t hang out without that idiot thinking they're having sex.”

Robert grimaced and nodded his agreement. Kaleb pondered about the whole situation before he asked another question. “What did the guy look like?”

“A little shorter than you, skinny, black hair, brown eyes.” Robert described.

“So not Mr. Derana or Marco if I remember right.” Kaleb said aloud. “After that?”

“She drove out to a house in Cherrywood and met with an older couple. They must have known she was coming because they met her on the sidewalk. They argued for a few minutes until Ms. Torero seemed to threaten them with her black fire. The old man shielded himself and his wife and yelled for Ms. Torero to leave. She left after making some loud threats.”

“Wow, so she meet with the Williamson family.” Kaleb said seeing Deckart’s questioning look he went on. “Charlie Williamson is Diana Torero’s bodyguard, secretary, and all around aide. At least he was. During my visit I found out he had sequestered himself in a pocket dimension to train.”

“If this Williamson boy serves Diana why did his parents get into a screaming match with his charge?” Deckart asked.

Kaleb pointed a finger at Robert and said. “That black fire she is throwing around seems to be a symbol of the House of Druchuvin. The racist section of the Torero family. When I informed the Williamson's about Ms. Torero new allegiances, they seemed legitimately shocked. It seems they saw the proof of the matter firsthand.”

The room fell silent for a while as they all digested the information. Robert had stopped pacing and was leaning against the arm of Kaleb’s couch. After almost a minute of silence Robert continued his story.

“After that is when she met with the strange person who Rick followed. They were wearing a black robe covering their face we couldn’t see any defining features. They met in an alley out in Hyde Park and talked for forty minutes. Afterward Rick followed the robed person, and I followed Ms. Torero back to her restaurant.” Robert finished.

Deckart picked up the story. “I asked around and found pretty much nothing on the Torero’s they are a stand-up family by all accounts. That Druch-whatever house you mentioned didn’t even come up. I found a mansion out in Chestnut that was paid for by one of the Torero companies. When I visited it seemed to be an orphanage or halfway house.”

“House of The Forgotten.” Kaleb said. “It’s where the Torero family puts the odd Mundane child.”

“Shit, Man. Why did you even ask us to help?” Deckart laughed.

Kaleb laughed along, shaking his head. “All I did was mention The Torero Family, and you jumped at the chance.”

“I figured it would be a crime family. But it’s looking like this is more of a case of racist rich girl paying someone to kill you.”

“I am not sure. She seems like the kind of woman to do things herself.” Kaleb said. Turning to Robert he asked. “Where was Rick last seen?”

“He had just crossed Shoal Creek into Old West Austin.” Robert said standing up and looking worried again.

Kaleb stood as well and stretched out his arms saying. “Well, lets get to it then.”

“Where are we going?” Deckart asked as he got off the couch.

“Well, we could spend the rest of the day searching Old West Austin or we could go right to the problem.” Kaleb checked his equipment and headed toward his front door.

Robert moved out of Kaleb’s way and followed him out the door asking. “What do you mean?”

The trio moved out to Kaleb’s car and got in as Kaleb answered smiling. “We will pay Ms. Torero’s restaurant a visit.”

Robert looked concerned through the metal grate between the front and back seat while Deckart barked out a laugh.

“HA! That is one way to do this.”

“Well, she would be the one to talk to and I promised to pay her a visit.” Kaleb gave the Detective and his nephew a toothy grin as he drove away.

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