《Modern Age Online Book 1》Chapter 27 - Rokka Round 2


Kaleb crouch walked around the arena to his corner as Rokka waited out in the open. He collected his sword from where it lay in the stone ring and took a glance at what Rokka was doing. The Gecko appeared to be waiting for him. Rokka confirmed his suspicions when he shouted.

“Are you coming out, Basilinoid?”

Kaleb suppressed a laugh as he sheathed his sword and kept low moving to another stone ring for cover. He moved to the far end of the ring again and peered out around the corner. Rokka was staring at his last known position with his rifle at the ready. Kaleb kept hidden and tried to circle around Rokka.

“You going to continue to hide like a coward?” Rokka yelled as he searched around.

Kaleb had to bite his tongue at that. The damn gecko was trying to bait him. He circled around to the far side of the sparring area and was staring at Rokka’s back. Kaleb reached into his pocket and removed his Sun Gun. Setting the gun to kill he stepped out into the open and crouched walk closer to Rokka. Hoping his Stealth Skill would keep him hidden until he got into range, Kaleb moved as quickly as he could.

*Sneak Skill level up*

Noise reduction while crouched increased by 3%

Kaleb stopped as the window obscured his vision and he quickly closed it. Rokka was slowly spinning, holding his rifle ready to fire. Kaleb raised his pistol and moved forward as Rokka was about to turn and see him. Kaleb ran as he came into Rokka’s field of view. He saw the gecko’s eyes widen and his rifle came up as he pulled the trigger on his own gun.

A blast of reddish orange energy slammed into Rokka’s chest as he reflexively pulled his trigger. Kaleb watched as Rokka went down with his black coat catching fire. Rokka’s shots went wide as he fell to the floor writhing in pain. Kaleb continued forward and kicked the gecko’s rifle away as he aimed another shot at Rokka’s head. Before he completed the trigger pull, he felt something yank his legs out from under him. His Sun Gun clattered out of his hand and across the dirt floor as Rokka’s tail released his legs and slammed into his stomach.

Kaleb’s breath flew from his lungs as he tried to grab at Rokka’s tail. The tail seemed to slip out of away from him and his hands came away greasy. Shit. Kaleb thought as he caught his breath and rolled away. The damn gecko had coated his tail with something making it difficult to grab. Kaleb backed away and drew his sword. Rokka rolled out of his leather jacket and stood up, licking his eyes with his long tongue.

Rokka’s held his tail off the ground and Kaleb saw it gleamed with whatever the gecko had covered it with. Kaleb brandished his sword in front of him and waited for the shorter lizard to make his move. Rokka’s held his hands out, small claws at the ready and charged forward. Kaleb leaned back and batted at Rokka’s arms as they swiped past his chest. Rokka turned his missed attack into a full on spin and slapped Kaleb in the face with his tail.

Kaleb was more disgusted than hurt. The grease or oil Rokka had smeared on his tail came off on Kaleb’s cheek. Kaleb had no time to wipe his face as Rokka leapt forward and tried to plant his claws into Kaleb’s chest. Luckily Kaleb’s armor didn’t allow the gecko to pierce his skin. Kaleb punched forward with his left hand as Rokka scratched at his armor. His metal hand slammed into Rokka’s stomach sending the smaller lizard coughing to the floor.


Rokka rolled backward and swung out with his tail forcing Kaleb to back up again. Kaleb pressed forward feinting a stab at Rokka’s face before slashing down across his chest instead. He caught Rokka in the shoulder before the gecko backed off sent a wild attack with his tail. Kaleb swiped at the tail with his sword as it tried to slam into him.


Rokka shrieked in pain as blood splashed onto Kaleb’s face and lab coat. Rokka yanked his tail away from Kaleb and checked it. Kaleb’s sword had cut a gouge into the meatier part of Rokka’s tail. The tail dripped blood into the dirt floor as Rokka looked at it in horror.

“BASTARD!” Yelled Rokka.

The small lizard dropped his tail and pounced on Kaleb’s chest sending them both to the ground. Rokka’s small claws ripped into Kaleb’s face as he tried to defend himself. Kaleb gave up defending himself and stabbed into Rokka’s side with his sword. Rokka jerked up in pain as the sword sank into his gut. Rokka looked down at the sword then up to Kaleb’s face. Kaleb saw the resolution in the gecko’s face: if he was dying he would take Kaleb with him.

Kaleb struggled to wrench his sword out of Rokka’s side. Rokka grabbed a hold of Kaleb’s wrist and sank the claws of his other hand into Kaleb’s face. Pain exploded across Kaleb’s cheek and forehead as Rokka thrust his claws deeper into his skin. Kaleb tried to use his metal arm to wrench Rokka hand away from his face, but the smaller gecko had a death grip on his face.

Kaleb jammed his metal hand into Rokka’s face. He could see the wild look in Rokka’s eyes as he fired his spike launcher. The launcher on the underside of his arm gave a loud THUNK noise as the spike fired up and through Rokka’s throat. Rokka choked on his own blood as it cascaded down his front and onto Kaleb. Rokka stopped pushing down as his strength left him, but his claws were still embedded in Kalebs face.

Rokka gave a final death rattle as he fell sideways off of Kaleb’s chest. With the gecko’s claws still inside his face Kaleb had to twist onto his side or the claws would rip wider scars into his face. Rokka and Kaleb laid side by side, Kaleb stared at the dead gecko’s face for a second before he tried to pry the claws out of his face. The claws wouldn’t budge though, Rokka was proving to be a pain in the ass even in death.

Kaleb thought about his options before he looted Rokka’s corpse. He placed his hand on the dead body and clicked yes on the loot notification. Kaleb squinted as Rokka’s body lit up in a bright white light. He felt the claws vanish from his face as he took a large breath and checked the drop. Laying where Rokka’s body had been, was the rifle he had used, a silver credit stick, and a vial of red liquid.

Kaleb didn’t even check his stats, he laid on the dirt floor and let the adrenaline drain from his body. As he lay on the ground resting, he heard Farrah speak up from his wrist.

“You all right there, Professor?”

Kaleb groaned loudly before answering. “Yeah, but that hurt like hell.”

“You were doing ok there until he lost his shit.” Farrah said.

“Tell me about it. Little bastard went ape shit.”

As Kaleb spoke he heard feet approaching. He tried to look lift his head to see who was coming but his everything hurt. Kaleb heard the voice of Rokka’s clan mate as he laid on the ground.


“It seems you have won. The Clan Groak shall honor our word and not seek any reprisals. But know this: The Clan shall keep an eye on you.”

Kaleb just closed his eyes and nodded as he heard the footsteps walk away. Just what he needed, a whole clan of pissed off geckos watching his every move. He heard more footsteps as he lay there; he was feeling better but his face still burned with pain. He heard several raspy voices gasp in shock before the sped to his side.

“Are you ok, young one?” he heard Pacrath ask.

Kaleb started to answer before Farrah did it for him. “He is alive, despite what his face looks like.”

Kaleb cracked an eye and looked around to see Aqwen and her team staring down at him. They all had a mix of surprise and disgust on their faces. Kaleb wondered what had them all shocked before pain flared in his face again. Rokka had clawed the shit out of his face, so he probably looked like hell.

He heard Aqwen speak next. “We need to get him to Wulkun.”

The others all gave noises of agreement. Kaleb lifted a hand and pointed at his loot from Rokka’s corpse. Titus seemed to notice the items and moved to pick up the rifle with a goofy grin on his face. Dorigar moved to grab the items as well, shooting a Titus a disapproving look. Titus shrugged his shoulders sheepishly and started back toward their camp.

Kaleb tried to rise, but he felt like he still had no strength. He finally checked his health.

Health: 13/115

Current status effect: Bleeding.

Shit. Kaleb eyes bulged as he realized he was bleeding out. He sluggishly dug into his pockets, he couldn’t remember if he had grabbed his half-bottle of health potion but he hoped he had. Aqwen saw what he was doing and reached into his pocket.


An NPC is trying to access your inventory. Set Permissions?


Kaleb mentally slapped yes as he asked Farrah a question. “What happens if I die?”

Farrah’s voice was calm compared to the urgency he felt. “The system will transport you to the nearest hospital. All your gear will lose durability, you’ll lose your latest skill levels and any loot you earned in the past 30 minutes.”

Kaleb grimaced as Aqwen searched through his pockets. He hoped the angry female lizard didn’t hate him enough to let me bleed to death. Aqwen seemed to find something as she pulled out the small round bottle. Her eyes widened in surprise as she quickly uncorked the bottle and tipped its contents into Kaleb’s mouth.

Not all of it! Kaleb thought as he swallowed the potion. He didn’t want to spit it back up and waste the precious potion. But, he swore he felt tears travel down his cheeks at the loss of the precious potion. Once he had drunk the whole potion Aqwen threw the bottle away and stared down at Kaleb’s face.

Damn it, don’t these damn lizards know how to save anything?! Kaleb thought as he felt his face heal. His eyes tracked the arc of the round bottle as it shattered on the hard floor. Kaleb sighed internally as he felt energy course through his body. He sat up and smiled politely at the nearby Brute Clan members. He still felt drained, but he had enough energy to stand up.

Pacrath helped him to his feet as Dorigar held out the vial of red liquid and credit stick. Titus gripped the energy rifle possessively until Aqwen shot him a dirty look. Sighing, the big lizard handed the rifle to Kaleb. Kaleb slung the rifle around his shoulder as he tapped the credit stick to his communicator.

Farrah gave a gasp of surprise as she said. “Jeez!”

“What?” Kaleb asked concerned.

“I’ll tell you later. The transfer is complete.” Farrah sounded a little choked up but Kaleb just shrugged.

Kaleb pocketed the vial, pretty sure he knew what it was. The group walked toward the Brute Clan camp. Kaleb noticed that the arena team seemed to encircle him as they walked. Staring up at the others it was Aqwen who whispered to him.

“You have proven your strength to them. So they honor you with their protection.”

Kaleb looked at her curiously as she seemed to guard his right side. “Just them?” Kaleb whispered back.

Aqwen stared straight ahead and didn’t answer as she walked lock step with her teammates. Kaleb just grinned wide as they turned the corner around the arena and saw the camp. The camp was the same but there seemed to be more lizards on guard. As they approached Wulkun moved to meet them. When Dorigar and Titus moved to allow Kaleb to move into the camp, the old lizard grinned widely in surprise.

“What the hell did you do, boy?” Wulkun asked staring at Kaleb’s guard.

“That Ciliaton, Rokka, found me.” Kaleb said as he moved into the camp. Aqwen and her team dispersed themselves around the camp.

Wulkun looked shocked but before he could ask, Pacrath spoke up. “He bested the bastard in an honor duel.”

Kaleb shook his head as he sat in front of the campfire. “Little shit scratched up my face though.”

“You don’t look too bad though.” Wulkun said sitting next to him and studying his face.

Aqwen walked over holding two bottles of water, handing one to Kaleb she said. “He had a health potion. Fixed his face right up.”

Wulkun watched Aqwen curiously before he said. “Sounds like you had more luck than I.”

“You couldn’t find me a trainer?” Kaleb asked worried.

“I know where he is supposed to be, but he went above ground. His family doesn’t know when he will be back though.” Wulkun explained.

Kaleb nodded as he sipped at his bottled water. He glanced around realizing that several of the Brute Clan were watching him closely. It was then he got a notification.


Your affinity with the Brute Clan has risen to Neutral.

Kaleb smiled as he read the notice. He relaxed by the fire for a while discussing the state of the camp and what he could do to help the Brute Clan. Wulkun seemed happy to accept any help Kaleb would offer, but he was worried about what the Brute Clan could help Kaleb with. Kaleb shrugged it off as a Clan-less helping others in a similar situation. He had spent another a little less than an hour with the Brute Clan when Farrah spoke up.

“Detective Deckart is attempting to contact you, Professor.”

“Put him through, please.” Kaleb asked as he wondered what the Detective had dug up on Diana Torero.

Deckart’s voice sounded dazed. “Professor I need your help. Rick has gone missing.”

“Diana?” Kaleb asked as he rose to his feet.

“We don’t know. He and Robert were tailing her, but she met with someone so the boys split up. Robert followed her and Rick followed her friend.” Deckart explained.

“I’ll meet you at my place and then we can search for him together, okay?” Kaleb said.

Deckart blew out a loud breath before agreeing. “Ok, we will meet you there. Robert can show us where they split up.”

Kaleb nodded. “Sounds good. See you there.”

“See ya.” Deckart signed off.

Kaleb looked at Wulkun and apologized. “Sorry Wulkun, seems that duty calls.”

Wulkun grinned at Kaleb. “You really aren’t like the rest of the Elder Clans, are you?”

Kaleb shrugged his shoulders. “Why do you think I am Clan-less?”

Wulkun looked around the camp before suddenly standing up and saying. “Not anymore, consider yourself a member of our Brute Clan.”

Kaleb heard the camp go quiet and looked around. The others of the Clan had stopped what they were doing and were watching Wulkun and Kaleb. Kaleb assumed someone would oppose the old lizard, but no one disagreed. At least no one wanted to argue with Wulkun. Kaleb didn’t know what to say, so he smiled up at the larger Wulkun.

Wulkun looked like he had been ready for people to argue when no one did he coughed awkwardly. “Ahem, well that settles that. No sense in any pomp and circumstance. You are one of us Professor. If you need anything, don’t be afraid to ask.”

Kaleb nodded saying. “Same to all of you. If there is something I can do for the Clan. Let me know.”

Wulkun just smiled as Kaleb made his way out of the camp. Kaleb pushed his way through the throngs of people wondering how he would climb his way back up a dark slide.

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