《Modern Age Online Book 1》Chapter 23 - Social Call


Kaleb found it easy to go to sleep once he discovered how Rokka and the other intruders had cut power to his house. Turns out, it wasn’t just his house. They had damaged the power boxes at the end of block. One phone call to the city later and the back up solar generator for the block was turned on. It would provide minimal power for the time it took the city to fix the power boxes.

He woke up a short time later. The bedside clock said it was 8 a.m. Groaning he walked groggily to his closet and changed. He smiled as he put on his new lab coat. The self-repairing plastic covered the few bullet holes that had not penetrated the Kevlar. He dressed and moved into his kitchen for his morning coffee. He went into his lab and put on his equipment while he waited for the coffee.

When he put his headband on Farrah’s voice assaulted his ears. Gone was the worry she usually had. Now, she sounded excited.

“So, I hear you had visitors last night.”

Kaleb jerked his head in surprise. He hadn’t expected to hear from her so early. “Geez, Farrah. Let a lizard get coffee.”

Farrah scoffed bemusedly. “Come on, Professor. Few players get to experience a solo event such as a break-in.”

“Lucky me.” Kaleb said dryly.

“So tell me, what happened? There’s no recording of the event because someone forgot his fancy headgear.”

Kaleb got himself equipped and put his Taser egg in his lab coat pocket. The sun gun went into another pocket for now. Grabbing coffee he gave Farrah a quick run-down about his early morning intruders.

He heard Farrah clacking away on a keyboard when he finished. “What did the gecko call himself, again?”

“A… Ciliaton. I think.” Kaleb responded curious.

Farrah typed away before saying. “Whew. These guys are supposedly decent jungle hunters. Very tribal and very dangerous.”

Kaleb made a sour expression as he thought about Rokka’s promise to escape. “I don’t suppose you can keep an ear out in case he escapes.”

“Scared of the tiny gecko?” Farrah teased.

“Laugh if you want but the dude rung my bell pretty hard.” Kaleb said rubbing the back of his head. A thought occurred to him so he asked. “Can you look up my species?”

Farrah sighed loudly. “You didn’t read the information panel when you selected your race?”

Kaleb got defensive. “Who reads those things? Besides, I selected everything piece by piece.”

“If that’s the case you are probably a variant of a known race.” Farrah said thoughtfully.

“I’ve been called a Basilinoid a few times now.” Kaleb informed her.

He heard her typing away again. As she looked up his information, Kaleb finished his coffee and went outside. Locking his door and walking to the curb Kaleb stopped short when he noticed his car. He and Roy had let the rust remover sit on his car overnight. The remover had hardened and flaked off. Where once was a red and brown rust bucket. Now there was a decent looking brown car. It needed a new coat of paint but it looked serviceable.

“Nice old car, gramps.” Farrah said. “I found out about Basilinoids for you.”

Kaleb ignored her jab and got in the driver seat of the car. “So what did you learn?”

Farrah adopted her teacher's tone. “Basilinoids where one race that helped build the spaceship that brought the aliens to Earth. Before arriving here they were a Technocracy, with a few of the lesser clans in the roles of bodyguards. When the U.N. accepted Aliens as citizens of Earth the ruling clans voted to cut the lesser clans loose.”


“Why the hell would they do that?” Kaleb asked as he tried to figure out his new car. The thing had three pedals and two weird shafts on either side of the steering wheel.

“You should activate assisted mode until you get the driving skill.” Farrah said before answering his question. “They decided that they weren’t needed. They also wanted to prioritize taking a care of the bigger clans. The elders apparently always looked down on the Brute clans. That’s what the Basilinoid elders called the fighting caste. Now your species rely on political maneuvering and trade deals for protection. They arm and own stock in several Super PMCs.”

“Damn.” Kaleb said half-listening as he searched his menus for the assisted mode Farrah had mentioned. He found it on a tab under his status page named ‘personal vehicle.’ Turning the assisted mode on he followed the guided hands to start his car. He almost slammed into his garage door before he found reverse but he was getting the hang out it.

“Going to the Williamson house?” Farrah asked.

Kaleb nodded asking. “Yeah could you get me his address?”

He heard her typing away again before she said. “You know you promised Roy could drive first. Its 1480 Concordia avenue.”

“That was before there was a price on my head.” Kaleb mentally apologized to his assistant and continued to drive his car slowly toward downtown Austin.

He didn’t want to know how he looked while driving. He would occasionally jerk and stop before he caught up with the assisted mode. He mostly had the hang of it by the time he made it to the bridge into downtown Austin. When the engine would rev, he would have to move one of the stick’s on the steering wheel into a new position. Farrah helped by looking up the whole process and talking him through it.

By the time he turned on to Concordia avenue the system had awarded him the Driving Skill. He still had the odd stop and start but luckily the system had implanted the basics. He drove to the far end of the block before he found 1480.

Kaleb thought he would have to talk to Roy about the definition of estate. Kaleb had been expecting a mansion or something. But the building that sat on the corner of Concordia avenue was a small two-story house. A nice house, but a house nonetheless. Kaleb parked across the street and got out of his car.

“Parking break!” screamed Farrah.

Then he got back into his car and engaged the parking brake. Luckily he wasn’t on a steep incline so the car didn’t drift too far back. But it had been rolling backward before Kaleb jumped back in. Looking around to make sure no one had seen his moment of idiocy, someone reminded him he was never alone.

“Don’t worry, Professor. I have it all recorded so you and your friends can enjoy it forever.” Farrah laughed from his communicator.

Kaleb grimaced. “I think I liked you better when I thought you were an NPC.”

Laughter was her only response as Kaleb walked across the street to the tiny picket fence surrounding the house. As he got close to the fence, he felt of a wave of heat buffet his body and his vision went blurry. He stepped back blinking rapidly and expecting an attack. When none came he looked around. He gaped up at the mansion now standing where the small two-story home had been.

The three-story brownstone mansion sitting on the corner of Concordia avenue was more what Kaleb had in mind when Roy had mention an estate. Farrah jolted Kaleb from his wonderment.


“Huh, a glamour. Fine work.” She sounded only mildly surprised. “They probably have alarm wards too.”

Kaleb shook off his surprise. “So they know I’m here?”

The intercom to the right of the large wrought-iron gate that had replaced the picket fence interrupted Farrah response. “May we help you, sir?”

The voice was male and sounded like a more refined Charles. Kaleb approached the intercom and spoke.

“Yes sir. My name is Professor Pack Rat. Hero Rank E. I’m here to talk to a Charles Williamson.” Kaleb tried to stay professional.

There was no response from the voice for several seconds before the male voice asked. “And what may I tell him it is pertaining to?”

Kaleb smiled wide at the camera above the intercom. “A bounty being placed on my life.”

The silence was now palpable as Kaleb waited outside the gate. Kaleb guessed he had hit the nail on the head before there was a loud buzzing noise. The buzzing seemed to come from the gate as the voice from the intercom said.

“Please enter, sir.”

Kaleb nodded to the camera and pushed the gate open. He entered a large front yard complete with a white gazebo to one side and a small pond to the left. He approached the front door and knocked. As his hand hit the door, it slid open revealing a wide empty foyer.

“That’s not ominous at all.” Farrah joked sarcastically.

Kaleb silently agreed, so he reached into his lab coat pocket as he entered the house. However, as soon as he crossed the threshold into the house, he felt a band of energy wind tightly across upper arms and chest. The energy coalesced into a bright yellow ring and Kaleb felt his feet leave the ground.

Magnetic Boots, that is my next invention for damn sure. This being lifted off the ground shit needs to stop. Kaleb thought idly as he floated to the center of the lobby. Kaleb surveyed the entrance as he grasped the Taser egg in his metal hand. He caught a movement on the second-floor balcony moving toward the stairs leading into the foyer.

As the man stepped into the light, he held one hand raised at Kaleb, presumably to maintain the spell. Kaleb studied the man’s face as he walked down the stairs to where Kaleb hovered. Kaleb guessed the old man was related to Charlie. They shared the same build, the same bald head and the same European features.

“You will forgive the assault on your person. However, I will not allow some HLO sanctioned buffoon to injure my son.” Said the old man as he stepped off the final step and stood before Kaleb.

“I will not forgive the assault. But I understand it.” Kaleb said smiling. “I must say though: you are too late. I injured your boy yesterday. Hence the price on my head.”

The old man looked affronted as the band of energy around Kaleb’s chest tightened. “Preposterous! My son wouldn’t resort to such plebeian uses of money to solve an issue of honor.”

Kaleb nodded placating. “And Ms. Diana Torero? Would he resort to such means if she asked him to?”

The energy band got even tighter as the old man’s face got red with anger. “NEVER! I will thank you to not insult the house of Torero within these walls. They are an honorable family which this house has served for hundreds of years. Thousands before the arrival of your kind.”

Kaleb felt like his guts were about to leave through his throat. He couldn’t breathe let alone respond. Aiming as best he could he tossed the Taser egg into the older man’s face. The old man’s eyes widened in annoyance before the egg cracked open and wires tangled about his head and neck.

*Hisssssssssss* * snap*

Electricity coursed through the wires snapping them rigid about the man’s head. Kaleb watched the older man’s face contort into several funny faces before his eyes rolled up into his head and he collapsed. Kaleb dropped to the lobby floor breathing hard.

“EUSTACE!” a female voice screamed from nearby.

Kaleb felt a weak wind hit him in his side as he stood. He coughed rubbing his chest as he looked around. An older female with blonde curls and a fierce expression was standing over the older man hands out toward Kaleb.

“He was crushing my inside.” Kaleb tried to explain but the older women just pulled her hands back and shoved forward again.

A weak breeze blew into Kaleb. The older woman, who Kaleb assumed was Charles’ mom seemed to be a weak magic user. Kaleb took a small step forward palms out still trying to diffuse the situation.

“It was only a small shock he’ll be fine in a few minutes.”

“A few minutes!? He is an old man. Do you know what that kind of shock can do to someone his age?!” The older woman admonished Kaleb.

Kaleb felt momentarily ashamed before he steeled his resolve. “He knew the risk when he assaulted me. All I wanted was to have a conversation with the Charlie Williamson. If I had wanted to hurt the boy, I would have done it yesterday when HE was stupid enough to attack me!”

The woman looked stunned at Kaleb’s outburst. But, she rallied her own expression and was about to retort when Eustace coughed from the floor behind her.

“Eustace are you ok.” The woman said over her shoulder. still keeping Kaleb in her sights.

The fact that the old man was moving at all stunned Kaleb. That shock had knocked out that Man-bat mutant guy unconscious for longer. Eustace coughed again and got to his hands and knees.


“I am fine Deborah. I activated a healing charm as it electrocuted me.” Eustace wheezed from the floor.

Deborah looked torn between checking on her husband and keeping an eye on Kaleb. Still trying to diffuse the situation Kaleb backed up to the front door and stood there. Deborah turned around and check over her husband. She wrenched the wires from around his head and tossed them in Kaleb’s general direction. Kaleb was about to go collect his egg before he thought better of it.

Deborah helped Eustace to his feet and the older pair looked over at Kaleb. Kaleb stood his ground intent on not apologizing for defending himself. Eustace stared hard at Kaleb for several seconds before pointing to an arched doorway.

“Please join me in the living room, Professor.” Eustace said breathing hard.

“Eustace!” Deborah said reproachfully.

Eustace patted his wife’s hand. “It's fine dear. Just the friendly thrust and riposte of two gentlemen getting to know each other.”

“Eustace Williamson! There are better ways to get to know someone.” Deborah seemed ready to either strangle or hug her husband.

Kaleb left them to bicker as he seated himself in their ornate living room. Kaleb was sure the lamps in this room could buy his house. Kaleb sat on what he dubbed the worlds most uncomfortable arm chair as he waited for Eustace. Eustace entered moments later alone and sat across from Kaleb.

Kaleb noticed that Eustace held his Taser egg carefully in his hands. The old man placed Kaleb’s gadget carefully on the coffee table between them. Kaleb picked up the wires and plastic egg and placed them in his pocket. Eustace watched the device disappear before he spoke.

“I haven’t felt a jolt like that since I was training. My grandfather sent a bolt of lightening into my side to make sure I was paying attention.” Eustace said.

Kaleb was unsure how to respond so he nodded awkwardly. Eustace smiled continuing. “Is that little device how you defeated my son?”

“Sorry to say that was more a contest of martial skill.” Kaleb said honestly.

Eustace grunted in annoyance. “What the hell was he doing in a fistfight with a great big lizard like you?”

“I sold a Greater Ifrit corpse to a restaurant that appears to compete with Ms. Torero’s. She took exception to me not selling to her. So she asked Charlie to attack.” Kaleb explained.

“Damn fool.” Eustace whispered to himself. Looking back up at Kaleb he asked. “After he attacked?”

Kaleb shrugged. “I knocked him out and dumped him in the street. Ms. Torero and I exchanged threats and then they both left.”

Deborah walked into the living with a pitcher of water and some glasses. Staring daggers at Kaleb she poured herself and her husband a glass of water and sat next to her husband. Eustace nodded at his wife and addressed Kaleb again.

“That is why you assume my son was the one who placed a price on your head?” Eustace asked as his wife snorted in derision.

“Either him or Ms. Torero.” Kaleb said ignoring Mrs. Williamson. “They are the only two people who have threatened me who aren’t dead or in prison. Plus, they are also the only two with the money to place the hit.”

Eustace nodded. “Fair points, but I can’t believe either would have anything to do placing a bounty on someone's head. They would rather attack you themselves, the both of them.”

Deborah nodded emphatically. “Not to mention Charles couldn’t have placed a bounty.”

She sounded so sure that Kaleb couldn’t help but ask. “What makes you so sure?”

She stared coldly at Kaleb and explained. “Ever since he came back from serving Ms. Torero yesterday he has been in that pocket dimension of his training.”

Eustace smiled wistfully. “Yeah, I had thought he had finally developed a sense of a work ethic. Turns out he had his ass handed to him.” He roared in laughter before continuing. “If I knew that is all it would take I would have paid someone to whoop his ass earlier.”

“Eustace!” Deborah admonished prodding her husband in his side.

Eustace cackled happily as Deborah looked annoyed. Kaleb decided that he had the information he needed. Plus, he didn’t want to wait for Charlie to come out of wherever he was and attack him. He would discuss things with Deckert and see where to go from there. He stood abruptly from the couch and nodded to Mr. and Mrs. Williamson.

“I thank you both for your… hospitality. I think it's time for me to go.” Kaleb said. Moving to leave.

“It is Past time.” Deborah muttered just loud enough for him to hear.

As Kaleb reached the door to the foyer he remembered something. “Oh, um, Just so you know I have it on good authority that Diana Torero has joined the House of Druchuvin.”

Both of the elder Williamson’s jumped up in surprise. Both having similar reactions.

“Oh god, no.” Said Deborah.

“Bullshit!” Yelled Eustace.

Kaleb shrugged his shoulders. “That is what Tony Torero from the Austin Police force said after he saw footage of her threatening me.”

“The Black Flame.” Eustace exclaimed. “She wields the Black Flame of Druchuvin?”

Kaleb nodded. “Even if she didn’t post a bounty on me. I feel that the House of Druchuvin isn’t something normal people want to be associated with.”

Eustace nodded as both he and his wife remained silent. Kaleb watched them for a few more seconds before he walked to the front door and left the house. He felt warm air being sucked back toward the house as he passed through the glamour again. Glancing back, he saw the small unassuming white house was back. He shook his head and entered his car.

Farrah spoke up once his car door was closed. “You think they were telling the truth?”

Kaleb shrugged. “I think their response to the House of Druchuvin was genuine. That they weren’t aware Ms. Torero had joined them.”

“They could be fantastic actors.” Farrah warned.

“Maybe but my gut says they were being honest.” Kaleb said as he started his car.

Farrah sighed. “Your gut isn’t a lie detector.”

Kaleb laughed. “No. But if I am wrong all I can do is blame myself for trusting myself.”

Kaleb thought he could hear Farrah shaking her head. “So where are we heading next?” She asked as Kaleb turned south.

“You wouldn’t know of a Basilinoid community in downtown Austin, would you?” Kaleb asked.

Farrah grunted annoyed. “I may have been a beta tester, but that doesn’t mean I know everything.”

Kaleb rolled his eyes. “Nothing on that fancy computer you are always typing on?”

“No, that is mostly lore and general information. The bigger clans are out in Arizona and the Brute clans spread themselves out around the world.”

Kaleb sighed. “Well, I got an address from Rokka I want to check out.”

“Oh, that reminds me. We got the news while you were talking to the Williamson’s.” Farrah said sounding excited.

“Rokka escaped, didn’t he?”

“Yes, he did.”

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