《Modern Age Online Book 1》Chapter 21 - The Torero Family


Roy looked stunned before laughing hard and shaking his head. He pointed at the claws and Ifrit leather.

“Are we gonna use that?” He asked.

Kaleb put his arms on his hips and stared down at the collection of leather and claws. Altogether they had 2 large pieces of leather from the hand, 10 smaller leather pieces from the fingers, and 5 claws. At most Kaleb figured he could make a vest. Trouble was he didn’t know the first thing about leather working, but he was sure they had to treat it somehow first.

Kaleb asked. “Do you know anything about leather working?”

Roy shook his head. “Not really.”

“Me either, but I’m sure we need to do something to it and the claws are long but I don’t know what to use them for right now.” Kaleb rubbed his chin in thought before moving to his laptop. “To the internet!”

Kaleb searched methods and tools needed for leather working. He also checked his credits. The HLO rewarded him 4,590 credits for the battle in the park and he had a recent payment of 1,500 from the Blue Goblin restaurant, just over 6,000 credits. Deciding to try something Kaleb bought a leatherworking skill book, a sewing machine, and several tools and chemicals for leather. He also bought a lap coat sewing pattern, more STF infused Kevlar, and stainless white cloth. Finally he paid his tab with Hank Nova.

Once he had finished his buying spree, his account was down to 2,440 credits. He sighed as he pressed the buy button and rose. He briefly wondered if he would get a fleet of speedsters running to his door or one running back and forth.

“We have equipment incoming. See if you can free up space, we don’t need much. I think we should keep the leatherworking stuff in the backyard.” Kaleb said to Roy as he walked into his kitchen. “You want coffee?”

“No thanks, Doc.” Roy answered. “I’ll see what I can do in here.”

Kaleb prepared coffee and waited a beat for his doorbell to ring. Sure enough, his doorbell rang as soon as he finished preparing his coffee. He moved to his front door and opened to see Chip holding two large boxes. Kaleb knew everything he ordered couldn’t fit in the two boxes and he tilted his head questioningly at Chip.

The speedster was catching his breath as he said. “More… coming.”

Kaleb looked over the speedster worriedly. “Need a drink, Chip?” He asked as he took the boxes.

His knees almost gave way under the surprising weight of the boxes. Catching himself he moved inside as he saw Chip nod and place a hand on his side. Kaleb placed the boxes on his kitchen table and got Chip a glass of water.

Chip took it gratefully, drinking the water quickly but not gulping it down. “Ahhhh, thanks for that professor. I thought it best to get the heavy stuff out of the way first. The rest of your stuff is nowhere near this heavy.”

Kaleb nodded. “It’s fine, I’ll leave the door unlocked and you can just place the stuff on the couch. Feel free to get a drink too.” Kaleb took the glass back from Chip and waved as the speedster ran off.

Kaleb closed his door and went into his kitchen opening the boxes he found his sewing machine in the first one. Along with the sewing pattern and stainless cloth. Kaleb set up the machine in his kitchen so he left the sewing stuff in the box and opened the second box. That one held pieces of the wooden sawhorse and the Leatherworking skill book and a few chemicals.


This box he brought into his garage and placed it on the floor. Grabbing the Leatherworking skill book he turned to Roy.

“Ready to learn about leatherworking?” Kaleb asked as he smiled at his assistant.

Roy looked hesitant. “I don’t know, Doc. I didn’t really wanna be build equipment.” He added quickly “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

“What about when you’re working by yourself?” Kaleb asked.

“Well, I thought you would…”

Kaleb sighed and shook his head at the young man. “We are not your grandpa and Dr. Kersait. We are not even partners. If that is something you're interested in we can discuss it later. But even if we were, I’m not gonna stay in the lab and build the equipment while you fight crime. Partners, Roy. Partners share the work. ALL the work.”

Roy stared at the ground. “So I can’t be your partner unless I build stuff.?”

“No, Roy. You can’t be a Super unless you build stuff.” Kaleb explained. “We are Mundanes, we have to prepare for anything. We have no powers so we have to create our own.”

Roy nodded as he pointed at the book. “And leatherworking will give me powers?”

“Nope.” Kaleb said. “But it’s gonna help you make armor that helps you stay in the fight.”

Roy nodded again as another thought came to Kaleb. “Of course, you could build a sap or a leather whip for a weapon but unless you can light it on fire. I wouldn’t go that route.”

Roy grinned as he reached for the book. “You make good arguments, Doc and you never know. A whip may be a great weapon, especially if we can get you to use it on Charles Williamson.”

Roy said the name with not a small level of anger and disgust. Kaleb was about to ask his young assistant what he knew of Charles when Chip spoke up from his kitchen.

“Professor? All the stuff is on the couch.”

Kaleb walked into his kitchen and thanked Chip. He offered Chip another glass of water but the speedster declined then sped off out his front door. Kaleb locked his door and gathered up his boxes. Entering his lab again he opened his packages and separated out the leatherworking supplies as Roy watched.

“The book, Doc?” Roy asked.

Kaleb looked up from the roll Kevlar he was staring at with glee. “Huh? Oh, yeah.”

Kaleb got up and handed the book to Roy as the young man reached for it the world seemed to slow down and turn grey as a notification popped up.


You are about to teach a companion a skill using a Skill Book. Doing so will consume the Skill Book. Teach your companion Leatherworking level 1?


Kaleb selected yes and watched as Roy took the book and read it at an enhanced speed. It was like the game was fast forwarding. Roy flipped through pages as his eyes scanned through the text. When he finished, the book disappeared and color returned to the game.

Kaleb stared at Roy as the young man seemed to shake himself out of a daze. Roy looked at Kaleb and smiled.

“You were saying you wanted me to work the leather, Doc?”

Kaleb caught on quickly, nodding. “Yes, yes, I did. Why don’t you take everything you need from here and set yourself up in the backyard?”

He smiled at his assistant as Roy grabbed up the leatherworking tools and chemicals and left the garage. Kaleb put on a clean lab coat and worked on making the Neo-lab coat version 1.0. First, he took the stainless fabric and cut it in the shape of his lab coat using the sewing design. Once he was done he moved to his sewing machine.


He had wanted to get a graphene fabric, but that was prohibitively expensive for him. The stuff was strong as steel and super flexible. It was also super expensive. He sewed the Kevlar lining into the stainless fabric. The fabric was his second choice; it was a chemical mixture of self-healing plastics and stainless fabric. The downside was it was shiny white and looked somewhat waxy.

Kaleb finished with the Kevlar lining and sewed pockets. The sewing design called for three pockets but Kaleb gave himself a couple more just for the inventory space. As he finished, he held the coat out in front of him.


You are the first lizard seamstress. Beyond the pen and sword is the needle. The art is as old as humanity. Never forget the day you learned the Sewing Skill.

Sewing–Beginner Lvl 1

You can use sewing designs to create and repair clothing and other small items. You can also upgrade your current clothing.

Repair speed increased by 2%

Chance to increase durability of design increased to 2%

Kaleb smiled as he looked over his new coat. The stark bright white coat seemed to shine in his kitchen. He didn’t realize how bright the cloth would be. Kaleb figured he would have to dye it later. The Kevlar would have to be removed and he would need a suitable dye. He thought about going for a completely black look, but he decided against it. That could be just as bad as all white, really. He liked the look of Deckart’s tan coat.

“Eh, I can play with colors later for now I think I am finished.” Kaleb said aloud as he looked at the lab coats stats.

*DIY Lab coat*

Defense: +3 +2(DIY Armorer)

Upgrades: 1/1

Durability: 24/24

Grade: D

Description: Bright white and shining, this is lab coat has been customized with increased carrying capacity and Kevlar lining. This lab coat is coated in self repairing plastics and stainless cloth giving it its bright shine. For the scientist who doesn’t care who sees them coming.

Kaleb nearly whooped in happiness. With all his gear his defense value would be 33 if he equipped this new coat. He quickly took off his lab coat and put on the new one. Immediately he felt the weight of the Kevlar weighing him down. It wasn’t oppressive, but it was noticeable. He sighed as he moved in his lab coat and armor getting a feel for how heavy he was now. He got coffee and checked on Roy.

Roy was walking into the garage the same time as Kaleb. Roy choked back a laugh as he covered his eyes.

“Gee, Doc. Were you hoping to blind the Torero family?” Roy put his hand out pretending to shield his eyes from the blinding light. At least Kaleb hoped he was pretending.

“Hilarious, smart-ass.” Kaleb said making a mental note to buy dyes later. “Did you get the leather set up?”

Roy nodded lowering his hand. “Yeah, the leather is soaking right now. Your neighbors won't thank you for the smell though.”

Kaleb just nodded not mentioning Roy’s grandfather’s offer. “Good, then you can help me with my arm and tell me about the Torero family. Are they a crime family?”

Kaleb took his metal arm off and place it on the workbench. He then grabbed the steel and aluminum plates they would need to repair and upgrade his arm. Roy moved over to the workbench and measured while answering Kaleb’s question.

“Nothing like that. At least that anyone can prove. They are one of the biggest magical families in Austin and one of the most pure.” Roy put extra emphasizes on the word ‘pure.’

“How pure?” Kaleb asked prepared to be disgusted.

Roy barked a laugh at Kaleb’s tone as he cut the rivets out of Kaleb’s arm to remove the damaged aluminum. “Nothing like that. They just ensure that no one in their family marries a non-magical individual. So naturally, they are also xenophobes.”


Roy shrugged. “That’s the thing. They are so large no one knows which rumors are true and which branch of the family is up to what. Diana’s uncle Frank Torero is an aide to the mayor while another of her other uncles Claudio is in prison for magical arson. It’s hard to tell who is innocent and who is guilty in the Torero family.”

“How big can they be?” Kaleb asked as he watched Roy rivet on a new section of aluminum.

“The patriarch of the Torero family, Diana’s great-great-grandfather, Had 12 children. Since him though the family has kept it under 5 kids per family.” Roy finished riveting and cut the steel plates.

“They really stop having kids after having 5?” Kaleb was incredulous.

“They older generation makes sure. At least that’s the rumor. Either way, that is over one thousand people in the Torero family alone and from what grandpa said they all hate each other.”

“Why?” Kaleb watched Roy weld the first section of steel to his metal arm. Once he was finished he answered.

“When you have a family that big, arguments are gonna happen. Some of them don’t like their elders restrictive criteria for marriages, others think they should redefine what is pure, more think they should go to war with Aliens. It’s all a big mess.”

Kaleb flipped his metal arm over so Roy could weld the next piece. “What about Diana‘s family?”

Roy shrugged taking off his gloves and heading into Kaleb’s kitchen. “Water.” He said. After getting a glass he continued. “No idea, I know her driver though, Charlie Williamson. I go to school with his little brother Paul. Their family works as valets and bodyguards for the Torero family. Apparently it's a big deal in the magical society.”

“Stuck-up?” Kaleb asked.

“Those bastards have gone so far from stuck-up they have landed just this side of being a criminal.” Roy said with an angry look on his face.

Kaleb didn’t know if he could trust Roy’s emotions on the subject. The boy clearly had issues with Charlie maybe Paul too. But, then again he couldn’t think of a reason for Roy to lie. They made their way back to the workbench as Kaleb tried to think of a way to get information on Diana Torero.

As Roy was finishing the last Steel plate and Kaleb was telling him about Man-rat and the battle with the Ifrits. Kaleb received a call from Jericho Deckart.

“Hey detective, what's going on?” Kaleb asked once he had Farrah put the call through.

“Who did you piss off now, Professor?!” Deckart sounded excited and in a little awe.

“Why?” Kaleb asked fearing he knew the answer.

“Because according to Toni and my Police contact. Someone just placed a 5,000 credit bounty on your head.” Deckart answered almost laughing.

“I guess that explains what side of the family she is on.” Kaleb said to Roy.

Roy, however, shook his head. “Not necessarily, You did just lay out Charlie Williamson not to mention embarrass him in front of his charge.”

“He has the money for a hit?” Kaleb asked.

Roy shrugged. “I wouldn’t doubt it.”

Deckart was quiet as they spoke but when they finished he exclaimed. “Sounds like you could use the services of a Detective, my friend.”

Kaleb shook his head before he thought better of it. “You know what Deckart, you can do something for me: Look into the Torero family. Mainly just Diana Torero, see if she is into anything shady.”

Deckart seemed to get way more excited as he asked. “A crime family!?”

Kaleb was taken aback my Deckart’s excitement. “Maybe, but we are not sure. Apparently the Torero family are a big deal in the magical community. It could just be that she is a snobby rich girl mad I didn’t listen to her.”

“Don’t crush my dreams, Professor. What kind of hard-boiled PI wouldn’t jump at the chance to take down a crime family?” Deckart nearly cheered through the communicator.

“Calm down, dude. You and your nephews look into the Torero family and I’ll check the Williamson boy. But if it leads to anything we let the other know. Agreed?” Kaleb asked shaking his head at the older man’s excitement.

“Agreed, Professor Dream-Smasher.” Deckart said before he closed out the call.

Kaleb sighed loudly as Roy said. “At least he is excited.”

Kaleb nodded as he said. “A little too excited. You know where I can find Charlie?”

Roy got a nasty look on his face as he answered. “With his lips attached firmly to Diana Torero’s ass?” Kaleb was about to say that was not an answer but Roy continued. “But when he isn’t tossing roses in front of her feet, his family has an estate in Cherrywood.”

“Good, I’ll check them out tomorrow.” Kaleb watched as Roy finished up his welding job.

Kaleb attached his arm and give it some test movements. He couldn’t really feel its weight. But, it was good to see his arm gleaming in hard steel. Moving to his laptop Kaleb bought dyes for his lab coat and then waved Roy outside to the driveway.

“Let's get that rust remover on the car then you can go home.”

Roy looked downcast as they stared at the rust-covered car. “You sure, Doc? I can stay it’s not even six yet. Let me help you out a little more.”

Kaleb shrugged. “Ok, but if you’re late for school in the morning, you can’t blame me and you must stop your mother from blaming me at all cost.”

“Promise, Doc.”

“Good, then lets get to work.” Kaleb said as he opened the 5-gallon bucket of rust remover and looked for something to spread it on his car.

Remembering he had a set of Spackle knives on his peg board he had Roy go back in and grab them. The pair set about spreading the remover on the rustier spots of the car. Chip showed up a minute late with Kaleb’s dye. Leaving Roy to continue with the rust remover he went inside to dye his bright white lab coat. He had to remove the Kevlar, which was a pain in the ass but he didn’t want to chance putting Kevlar in the dye mixture. After he got the dye set up, he dunked his coat in it and prepared to wait when Roy called out from the driveway.

“Police are here.”

Kaleb left his coat to soak in the black dye and went out to his driveway to see a police cruiser parked out in front of his house. The officers were approaching his front door when Kaleb asked.

“Can I help you, officers?”

The two human police officers jumped at Kaleb raspy voice and turned to look at him. The dark-haired one introduced himself and his partner.

“I am Officer Vargas and this is Officer Torero.” Kaleb eyes widened as he looked up at the sandy blond-haired young officer. He shared only a passing resemblance with Diana.

Officer Vargas caught the rather obvious stare before saying. “We were informed of a bounty being placed on your life. We came over to inform you and ask if you had any idea who would want to kill you.”

Kaleb snapped his attention back to Vargas and gave his Hero Rank and explained about the Ifrit corpse and his run in with both Charlie Williamson and Diana Torero. When he showed the pair of officers, the recording on his memory crystal Officer Torero sighed loudly.

“Oh Diana, what have you done?” He whispered.

Both Kaleb and Vargas shot him intense stares until he answered. “That’s the Black Flame of Druchuvin.”

Vargas nodded sagely as Kaleb just continued to stare. Vargas answered for his partner.

“The Druchuvin Order is the xenophobic… chapter? Section? What would be the right word, Tony?”

His partner Tony Torero answered. “House, I think.”

Kaleb stared at Tony. “And your house would be?”

“Hey!” Vargas said angrily

“It’s fine, Rico. After meeting Diana anyone would be on their toes.” Tony said. After a long sigh he continued. “I am a mundane. Which, in the Torero family, means they shunt you into a lesser house of the Torero family. They do not count us in their records and they do not allow us at any family gatherings. For all intents and purposes we are a separate family. But we hear things.”

“Such as?” Kaleb asked.

“Hold on now this is a police matter. You can leave this to the professionals and go back to hunt magical creatures in the park.” Vargas said annoyed.

Kaleb showed Officer Vargas a toothy smile. “Since the professionals warned me almost 30 minutes AFTER I already knew, I think I would like to deal with this matter myself.”

Vargas put his arms on his waist and stared at Kaleb. “That’s fine but you can do it without police help or intelligence.”

“Looks like will have that last part in common then.” Kaleb said.

Vargas huffed and jerked his head at their police cruiser. “Let's go Tony.”

Tony looked like he didn’t want to go before Vargas shouted. “Come on, Torero!”

“Diana’s not a bad person, believe me. She used to visit us in the House of The Forgotten all the time.” Tony shouted as he got into his police cruiser and drove off.

Kaleb turned over his words as he headed back to his lab. Roy approached him having finished applying the rust remover, and the pair walked into the Pit silently.

“You think he was being truthful?” Roy asked.

Kaleb began to answer before stopping and asking. “What do you think?”

Roy shrugged noncommittally. “I don’t know.”

“What’s your gut say Roy?”

“My gut says he has had a hard life and was probably being honest.” Roy answered after thinking about it.

“Good. Mine says the same thing. Trust your gut kid. It will get you in trouble as much as it saves you but either way it will be your fault.” Kaleb said as he opened the hatch in his left arm and loaded rail spikes into his arm. He had explained the hatch and the rail spike launcher to Roy as he was welding the steel plate into place.

As Roy watched him load the spikes he asked. “Hey do you think one of these could fit?” He lifted one of the Ifrit claws.

Kaleb shook his head. “Those claws are way too big and the base is too wide.”

The black claws were over 10-inches long and where the connected to the finger was wide and flat. Kaleb wracked his brain on what to use them for. He could probably continue his trend of making daggers, but he felt that would not be very creative.

Roy picked up two of the larger claws before something seemed to flash in his eyes. Roy grabbed up another claw and worked on something. Kaleb stood by and watched his young assistant create his first weapon.

Roy attached a claw to the top of a slim piece of metal using bolts. Next he cut a piece of rebar down to the size of his palm. He attached the rebar to the piece of metal using hose clamps. In the end he had a long curved claw sitting on top of his hand while he held the piece of rebar and swung his arm. The younger Nova had given himself claws.

Kaleb smiled at Roy as he took practice swings with his new weapon. “I like it. But I have notes.” Kaleb said jokingly.

Roy started in surprise apparently forgetting all about Kaleb. “Huh? Oh yeah, Doc. Whatever you can add.”

“It’s your project, Roy. I thought that the way it sits now makes it awkward to grab things. I would create a housing for the claw and use the rebar handle as a lever to deploy it. Then you have a hidden claw that can up a sleeve.”

Roy stared at the claw doubtful. “The housing would be bulky, doc. Not sure it would fit in a sleeve.”

“Then you reshape the claw, you can take the curve out and still have a good-sized dagger. It’s basically a punch dagger hidden along the top of your arm.” Kaleb smiled as Roy set to work.

*Your Companion, Roy Nova’s Weaponsmithing skill leveled up*

Kaleb set about reloading his Taser egg. He enjoyed this invention it was both comical and effective. But, reloading the wires into the plastic egg was time consuming and boring. When he finished some time later, he retrieved his Lab coat from its dye. He rinsed it out in his kitchen sink and unfurled the completed coat.

Just like he thought the stark black was as bad as the blinding white. Maybe some blue accents or something. He thought as he sewed the Kevlar back into the lining of his lab coat. When he finished, he realized the blue Kevlar looked better against the dyed black fabric. It ultimately didn’t matter, but he figured if he was going to fight crime he might as well do it in style. Hanging the coat up in his room he slapped his hands against his face.

Okay, no more Fashion Age. Time to make weapons. He thought as he walked into the Pit.

He double-checked his research points. He had 35 remaining which he figured should make for a good gadget. He had two gadget slots open representing what he could hold in his hands. So his sword could probably count as a gadget if he could do something with it. That would be the lethal option what about Non-lethal? He stewed over a few ideas as Roy worked nearby.

He realized that he was thinking in terms of a fantasy game. He could make guns here. He walked to his workbench and designed a gun. He used photovoltaic cells to along the barrel to charge a battery housed in the grip. When he fired the built up energy, it would stun or burn depending on the setting. To avoid using electricity again he used a red crystal as the battery. He had to buy the cells and a medium grade red crystal but the cost wasn’t too bad.

Using assisted mode he followed guiding light as it built the frame and battery housing. The gun used aluminum making the gun lightweight and since it was an energy weapon; he didn’t need to add rifling to the barrel. He used 20 RP and got a solar-powered gun he named the Sun Gun.

*Sun Gun*

Damage: 0–35

Stun chance: 55%

Upgrades: 0/1


Shots: 35/35

Grade: D

Description: A low grade energy weapon powered by the sun. It has two settings kill or stun. It recharges in thirty minutes while in direct sunlight. Takes hours while not in the sun. Can not charge in total darkness. Not as powerful as most other energy weapons but if it's in daylight, you’ll never be without a weapon. Unless you lose it.

He sighed as he leaned back in his chair and stretched. He yawned as he checked the clock seeing it was 8. Roy was nearby drinking coffee and looking at his own creation. The pair had spent over two hours in complete silence as they built their weapons. Walking over Kaleb held out his gun as he stuck out his hand for Roy’s weapon.

Roy smiled as he handed over his weapon. Kaleb looked it over and saw it worked pretty much like they discussed. The rebar worked liked a lever when he tilted his wrist down the thin blade deployed and when he pulled back it retracted. The blade was thin but tough he figured Roy could get good use out of the weapon once he became a super.

Roy was looking over his weapon with interest. So Kaleb explained. “I wanted a better stun weapon, I can’t always cut the neck off of my enemies and I figure if I have to go up against human opponents it's better to knock them unconscious.”

Roy nodded looking at his own weapon in Kaleb’s hand. “Well, that has to be my next project then. A non-lethal option.”

Kaleb smiled. “You were using a bat the first time I saw you. Maybe modify one of those.”

Roy yawned wide. “Maybe.”

“You should head home. We both need to crash and you have school in the morning.” Kaleb said.

Roy nodded looking annoyed. “You’re right.”

“You only have a couple days left, kid. Then you get to join the workforce or make the smarter choice and go to college.” Kaleb laughed.

“I will register as soon as possible, Doc. You know that.” Roy said as he moved out to his truck.

“I know, but if your mom asks: I tried.” Kaleb said.

He waved Roy off and went inside. He wiped his memory crystal and took off his equipment. He shut and locked up his garage and settled in for the night. He tried to think what he would say Charlie Williamson as he fell asleep.

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