《Modern Age Online Book 1》Chapter 20 - Food Fight!


Kaleb grunted in anger and threw another ruined lab coat to the side. He shook his head and headed out to his driveway. He stepped out into the sun and took a large breath, exhaling slowly. It’s either time to retire the lab coats or create the ultimate one. Kaleb thought as he stood in his driveway with his eyes closed.

The ultimate lab coat. It wouldn’t be that hard, Nanocomposite weave with an STF Kevlar lining. I should definitely make it out of that old stainless cloth. Looks a little shiny, but…

Kaleb got lost in his thoughts as he paced in his driveway. He took a bit to realize someone was shouting his name.

“Professor! You need to move, Roy needs to park.” Jar-lock said.

Kaleb snapped out of his thoughts and glanced up. The grill of Roy’s truck was pointed right at him. He quickly sidestepped out of the way. Roy parked his truck in the driveway and got out saying.

“Damn professor, what were you thinking about so hard?”

“Important matters of church and state!” Kaleb deflected.


“Nothing. Did you get the freezer?” Kaleb asked as he walked up to the bed of Roy’s truck.

In the bed was a large white cooler. It wasn’t overly large, but it could hold the meat from the hand with room to spare. Kaleb and Roy took down the tailgate and removed the freezer.


“Should I get Mass?” D43d–I asked.

Kaleb shook his head. “No, I think the two of us can handle this. It’s empty.”

D43d–I shrugged his shoulders and walked into Kaleb’s house.


“I should get him, anyway. Like I said I need to log off.”

Kaleb nodded then grunted as the freezer tilted down off the truck. Roy pushed as Kaleb slowly lowered the freezer onto the ground. Once they had it on the ground, they pushed it into the grass between the houses. Kaleb searched the side of his house finding a plug. He didn’t want to think what this thing would do to his utilities. But he figured he could unplug it when he wasn’t using it. As Roy and Kaleb finished the work with the freezer the magic trio walked up to Kaleb.

“We have to go too. You don’t need enchanting done right now and we have things to do.” Jar-lock said.

“Yeah that is fair. I’ve got a restaurateur coming to talk about the Ifrit meat. Once I settle all that I can work on taking this thing apart.” Kaleb responded.

Varlin spoke up making intense, almost comfortable, eye contact with Kaleb. “Make sure you contact me when the heart is prepared. I’ll definitely come by to enchant the equipment.”

Vivienne smiled. “I was very helpful on this occasion but thanks for including me, anyway.”

“Just contact me if any of you need an extra pair of hands.” Kaleb said waving off Vivienne’s self-deprecation. “Being a Scientist is expensive.”

Jar-lock laughed and smacked Kaleb’s shoulder. “Yeah, but you get the coolest gear first.”

Kaleb shook his head and rolled his shoulder in pain. “Maybe not the coolest. But what I built is mine, and I’m having fun.”

The group said their goodbyes and D43d–I and Mass exited Kaleb’s house when a giant flatbed truck turned onto Kaleb’s street. The truck sped around the corner so fast Kaleb was sure the thing would tip over. But the driver straightened out fast enough to save the truck. The cab of the truck stopped right in front of Kaleb house and a large tan man in slacks and a cutoff shirt jumped out.


The portly man rushed over speaking quickly as the younger driver hopped out of the cab.

“I’m Edward Derana of the Blue Goblin restaurant. Which one of you is the professor I’d like to get this done with as quick as possible.”

It stunned Kaleb and the others at how fast the large man moved and spoke. Kaleb worried the man would give himself an attack of some kind. As the truck driver joined them Kaleb said.

“Take a breath, man. The body is right there and like I said before there're several things I would like to discuss.”

Mr. Derana moved forward and clasped Kaleb’s hand in both of his shaking vigorously. “Ahh, the great Professor Pack Rat. My contact at the HLO says you're an up and comer. One to watch he said. Judging by your nom de plume, can I assume you're a scientist?”

Kaleb nodded. “Well yes, but I also want to craft a few things out of the bones, skins and anything else useful.”

“It’s as I thought. Excellent, most excellent. My team can carve up this big beasty and have the parts delivered to back to you by tomorrow.” Derana smiled wide as his truck driver’s gaze seemed locked on the street.

“That's great but what is it gonna cost me?” Kaleb asked squinting at the portly restaurant owner.

Derana looked shocked before he laughed. “Cost? Dear boy, we pay you for the meat. The rest we have no use for. We will tear it apart and give the excess to you.”

Kaleb stroked his chin thoughtfully. “How much does one of these go for? My assistant and I also already skinned a hand. Is that a problem?”

For the first time Mr. Derana spoke at a normal speed. “You what?”

“We already skinned a hand.” Kaleb said glancing over at Roy who was leaning against the hood of his truck.

Mr. Derana got a pained look on his face and asked. “Can I see it, please?”

Kaleb shrugged before nodded and waving at Roy to join him in getting the hand. Between the two of them they lifted the finger less, skinless hand. They moved into Kaleb‘s front yard and stood holding the hand while Derana looked it over.

“Hmmmm.” Derana said crouching down and studying the meat. Sighing loudly he continued. “It’s okay, the skinning job is passable.”

Kaleb nodded at Roy. “My assistant was the one who did it.”

Mr. Derana smiled at Roy. “You do good work lad. With a little practice this would have been perfect.”

“So there’s no problem?” Kaleb asked.

“No, absolutely not. I think 1500 credits for the lot will do. Marco can take this off you guys too. Marco!” Derana yelled at his truck driver.

The younger man turned from staring into the street and took the hand from Roy and Kaleb. Grunting with the effort he moved the hand to the flatbed. Kaleb stared down at Mr. Derana. The deal seemed too good to be true. But it would save him time and he would still get the materials. He could probably study those materials for the Research Points. It wouldn’t give him much but he hadn’t built a gadget in a while.

Taking the deal, Kaleb stuck his hand out. “Deal.”

Mr Derana’s smile grew even wider. “Great, then we will just take -”

He was cut off as a black sedan sped around the opposite corner of Kaleb’s block. Marco, Derana’s driver, rushed into the street. The slim man grew two feet larger and his skin turned concrete gray. Large chunks of the asphalt leapt up from the road and adhered to Marco. The rock-man stood in the middle of the street and roared at the oncoming truck.


“Damn it.” Kaleb heard Derana whisper.

The sedan slid horizontal in the road and came to a stop. As the car stopped moving a tall, well dressed, woman gliding out of the back seat. Her driver rushed out of the car and immediately squared off against Marco in the street. He pulled a slim chain from around his waist and ignited it somehow. He slapped the street with his fire whip menacingly. He looked like a ringmaster trying to fight off a giant golem.

The woman sneered at their group. “I knew if I had someone follow the SECOND best restaurateur in Austin, I would find my Ifrit. I didn’t think it would take me to the suburbs of all places.”

Kaleb saw Roy tense up out of the corner of his eye. Addressing the woman Kaleb said. “I assume you are Ms. Torero. I hate to tell you but I’ve already sold MY Ifrit to Mr. Derana. So it’s his, really.”

Ms. Torero smiled pityingly. “I know dear and I forgive your stupidity. You obliviously don’t know who I am.” She struck a pose Kaleb guessed was supposed to be threatening before she continued. “I AM Diana -”

“I don’t care. The deal is done ma’am. You can blame your own poor manners for losing out on the deal.” Kaleb interrupted her.

The woman became livid. “I AM A TORERO! We do not lose. Charles!”

“Yes, Madam.” Her driver said.

The bald driver turned toward Kaleb a charged spinning his fire whip. The charge surprised Kaleb, but he bent his legs and prepared to dodge. But as Charles rushed past Roy’s truck, Roy rushed from the other side of the truck and kicked the back of the taller man’s knee. Charles fell to one knee as Roy held the point of his sword against the bald driver's neck.

Kaleb could hear Ms. Torero sigh loudly before she yelled. “Charles, stupido, how can you not handle a child!”

“Won’t be a moment Ma’am.” Charles grunted as Roy dug the point of his sword into the man’s neck.

Kaleb moved as Charles leaned away from Roy’s sword and kicked backward. The kick caught Roy in the gut and sent him reeling back. Charles spun up to his feet and swung his whip at Roy The whip was inches from the boy’s face when Kaleb shoulder charged the thin man and slammed him into Roy’s truck.

Man, it feels good to be on the other side of that for once. Kaleb thought as he gripped the driver's wrist in his metal hand and squeezed. He squeezed and jerked Charles’ arm until he dropped his weapon. Charles gave Kaleb’s ribs two quick jabs with his free hand. Kaleb grunted but kept his hold on the man’s wrist. Kaleb leaned his head back and slammed his forehead into the thin man's nose. The driver grunted in pain as Kaleb readied another head-butt.

Kaleb slammed his head into the man’s nose again. Hearing a satisfying crunch Kaleb released his hold and jumped back. Charles screamed in pain as blood gushed down his face from his broken nose. Through tears of pain, Charles swung a wild punch at Kaleb. Kaleb blocked it with his metal arm, smiling as he heard driver shout in pain. Kaleb wound back with his right arm and threw an uppercut. Connecting solidly on Charles’ chin Kaleb felt the man crumple against Roy’s truck.

Kaleb gripped the unconscious man by his pants and lifted. Jesus, he is heavy for a thin guy. Kaleb thought as he carried/dragged the man to the end of his driveway. Kaleb looked at Ms. Torero as she stared daggers at him. Kaleb smiled in her face and dropped Charles on the road.

“This is yours. You either go home or watch Mr. Derana pack up HIS Ifrit.” Kaleb turned his back to the woman and walked back to his friends.

The woman audibly seethed. “You don’t know who you are fucking with, lizard.”

Kaleb turned back to look at the pale woman standing in the middle of his street. “You are right, I don’t. But you seem curiously aggressive for a restaurant owner. Perhaps the next time I’m out on Super business I’ll stop by. See what shakes out.”

Ms. Torero’s eyes got wide before she sneered. “See that you do.” She raised her hand as a ball of black flame formed over her palm. “We will treat you to roast lizard.”

Mr. Derana spoke up still standing on Kaleb’s lawn. “Give it a rest Diana. We won this time. Go home to daddy and tell him you failed.”

Ms. Torero turned her sneer to Edward. “You! You and your burger flipping family of rane will suffer for this I guarantee it.”

“Ok. Threats have been made, people have been beaten, and there is still a giant corpse on my front lawn.” Kaleb said smiling at Edward and Diana. “Now, I’ve had a long day, and it’s not even over yet. Ms. Torero please leave, I imagine we will see each other later.”

“Oh, we most definitely will.” She said as she kicked Charles in the side. “Alzati Idiota!”

Charles coughed and wheezed as he stood. He gripped his bloody broken nose in his hand as he glared at Kaleb. Ms. Torero got in her car as Charles went around to the driver side door. Diana Torero’s car tore out of Kaleb‘s neighborhood as Kaleb and the others watched.

Kaleb heard Jar-lock sigh. Turning he saw that Vivienne had her wand out and D43d–I was slinging his rifle across his back in his doorway. The others all seemed to be relaxing from their battle stances.

“Never boring around you, Professor.” Jar-lock said.

“Says the man who summoned a Greater Ifrit this morning.” Kaleb smiled at his Warlock friend.

Jar-lock laughed as Varlin and Vivienne gave pained smiles. “True enough. We have to go though. If you need any help with the scary hot lady, let me know.”

Vivienne smacked Jar-lock on his arm as the trio all waved goodbye and walked down the street. Kaleb turned to D43d–I and Mass as they closed his front door.


“We are out too. Lets us know when the equipment’s done.”

Kaleb nodded as he watched them walk off between the houses. Marco had turned back into a tan, slim human and approached Derana and Kaleb. Roy seemed to have collected himself as well though he was still holding his stomach. Kaleb shook his head and waved at the Greater Ifrit.

“I didn’t think the food industry was that cut-throat.”

Edward Derana grinned. “You are smarter than that, Professor.”

“If I just signed myself up for what I think I did. I wouldn’t be too sure.” Kaleb said as he stared at where Ms. Torero’s car had disappeared.

“Ha! True, few would provoke the Torero family.” Derana laughed.

Kaleb looked at the giant Ifrit and asked. “Did you need and help with this and will you be taking the blood?”

Derana shook his head. “No, to both counts.” He reached over and touched the Ifrit’s body. As he lifted his hand away, the body floated above the ground.

“Marco.” Derana said as he moved back.

Marco nodded and moved to the corpse. He stopped in front of Kaleb and looked into his eyes.

“Peleas bien.” Marco said before moving over to the Ifrit corpse as guiding the floating body to their flatbed.

Kaleb titled his head in curiosity as Derana explained. “He said ‘You fight well’ and I have to agree with him. You have good reflexes and you know where to hit hard. But, skip the theatrics next time.”

“And let him bleed on my driveway?” Kaleb asked faking disgust. “Never.”

Marco strapped the Ifrit’s body to their flatbed truck and Kaleb walked Mr. Derana to the truck's cab. Roy stayed in the driveway staring down at his sword. Kaleb nodded at Marco and shook Mr. Derana’s hand.

“Thanks for taking this big bastard away.” leaning in Kaleb added. “I was hoping to save meat for my own consumption. Would that be possible?”

“Ha! You have started a one man war against Diana Torero. As long as you survive you can eat at the Blue Goblin for free.” Edward Derana laughed.


Your affinity with the Blue Goblin restaurant has increased to friendly.

Kaleb blinked at the message before swiping it away. Hoping he didn’t just become friends with a local crime family Kaleb waved as Marco and Edward took the Greater Ifrit corpse. He sighed as he turned back to Roy and walked over to the young man. Roy had his swords handle in a white knuckle grip and was shaking. Looking up at Kaleb he sighed.

“I’m sorry Professor. I thought I had him.”

Kaleb reached a hand up to Roy’s shoulder before continuing to move his hand and slapping the younger man in the back of the head. “You should be sorry. If something were to happen to you, your mother would kill me.”

Roy smiled as he shook his head. “Maybe I don’t have what it takes.”

“I know I shouldn’t stop you from making sense. But I have spent most of my Super career getting my ass kicked.” Kaleb said patting his young assistant’s shoulder this time. “If one sucker punch is all it takes for you to doubt yourself, then maybe your right.”

Roy nodded as he put his sword back in his truck. “You are right, Doc.”

“Am I? So you don’t want to be a Super anymore?” Kaleb asked, curious.

Roy shook his head. “I do. I meant that you do spend a lot of time injured.”

“Ha ha.” Kaleb laughed sarcastically. “You just volunteered for welding duty again. My arm needs fixing and I would like to armor it with some steel plates we have. Also, I need more railway spikes.” Deciding to leave the bins full of Ifrit blood for later he steered Roy toward the lab.

“Railway spikes?” Roy asked.

Kaleb smiled as he walked back into his lab with Roy. “New toy, I’ll show you here in a minute. We have a long evening ahead of us. I want to rebuild my Taser egg, we need to put that rust remover on the car and I want to get started on what will be my greatest masterpiece.”

Roy laughed as they set about grabbing tools in the lab. “What’s that, Doc?”

Kaleb steepled his fingers and leaned back against his workbench. “An indestructible lab coat.”

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