《Modern Age Online Book 1》Chapter 16 - Rumble in The Park


*Endurance Skill Max Level*

Stamina increased by 15%


You have two skills at max level. Do you wish to combine them?


Kaleb was on the outskirts of the park when his Endurance skill reached max level. He really meant to figure out the pros and cons of combining skills. Figuring that now was as good a time as any he clicked yes and selected to combine his Endurance and Toughness skills.


You have created the Conditioning Skill. Your Toughness and Endurance skills have been reset to level 1.

Conditioning Lvl 1–Your continuous training of your body has resulted in an increase to both your health and stamina. Combined with lesser skills this skill will allow your body to take heavier punishment. Combinable skill.

Current Health increased by 10%

Current Stamina increased by 10%

Current physical damage decreased by 5%

Kaleb blinked in surprise before checking his Toughness and Endurance skills. Sure enough, it set both skills back to level 1. Overall, his health and stamina took a hit, being taken down to 115 Hp and 120 Stamina. So Kaleb figured he had reset his stats to a higher base level. Raising endurance and toughness again would be painful but overall rewarding.

Kaleb figured one good fight with Postal or Rat-man again and his toughness would jump again. Maybe I should buy a treadmill. Kaleb thought as he made his way deeper into the park. A daily exercise regimen might do my skills good. Kaleb was only a few yards into the park when he noticed the people running in fear.

They were running for the edges of the park away from the middle of the park. Several cars were speeding down Riverside Drive that ran the length of the park. Above the screams and the honking horns of racing cars, Kaleb could hear loud growling. He moved into the parking lot of the old performing arts center when he saw what was terrorizing people.

Four 3-foot tall red imps with flaming hair were being led by a shirtless humanoid with red skin and bright red fire covering his head. The small fiery group was menacing a group of civilians that were taking cover behind a car. The fire demons hadn’t seen him yet, so Kaleb ducked down and approached the group using the cars as cover.

Kaleb sized up the bigger demon, guessing he was in charge. Luckily the thing was standing behind the smaller imps and watching them harass people. Putting his faith in his sneak skill, Kaleb moved behind the demon feeling the heat coming from the demon. Kaleb drew his sword as quietly as possible got as close as he thought was safe and pounced.

His sword sank easily into the back of the creature's neck. It didn’t even scream as it fell backward toward Kaleb. Kaleb thought to catch the thing and ease it to the ground. But it was so hot that he got out of its way instead. Kaleb looked at his sword, checking to see if the thing was melting. Luckily it appeared ok.

The dull thud of the demon’s body hitting the asphalt drew the attention of the smaller imps. Kaleb thought they looked like red goblins with long noses and sharp teeth. They gnashed those teeth at Kaleb, growling and hissing in anger. Kaleb exhaled loudly calming himself, he charged at the imps as a voice came from his wrist.

“You should really get into the habit of scanning your enemies first.” Farrah said.

Kaleb stopped his charge short. He figured it was Farrah’s AI speaking, but she wasn’t wrong. He had the Villain’s Compendium installed in his head-band. He didn’t need to guess at his enemy's strength. Shooting a glance the imps, who seemed to search for the disembodied voice. Kaleb quickly concentrated his vision on one imp.


*Lesser Ifrit*


Rank: F

HP: 25

Mana: 50

Summoned by: Unknown

A lesser variant of Ifrit, these Lesser Ifrit rely on their stronger brethren for leadership. Without guidance the Lesser Ifrit revert to horde tactics, trying to swarm their enemies. The Lesser Ifrit are weak in melee combat, using their Mana to summon fireballs to pelt people from afar. They do not burn as hot as their bigger brothers. We warn Supers to avoid being surrounded.

Reward: 100 credits per

Kaleb refocused his vision back to the Lesser Ifrit and sighed at seeing they had surrounded him. All four Ifrit stood in a square around him and had invoked fireballs. Kaleb deployed Shocky from his arm and circled on the spot hoping watching the small Ifrit. They seemed hesitant to attack and Kaleb didn’t want to rush one for fear of the other three bombarding him with fireballs. Unfortunately, it was a civilian who broke the stalemate.

“DO SOMETHING!” an angry male voice yelled from behind the car the Ifrit had been attacking.

The Ifrit seemed to turn as one to the newly perceived threat. Kaleb, seeing his chance, dashed at the closest creature. He swung down in an overhead chop. He’s sword sank deep in the Ifrit’s skull, killing it instantly. Kaleb yanked his sword free from the Ifrit and ran to the next closest one.

The Ifrits seemed to catch on to what he was doing and threw their fireballs. Kaleb sliced the stomach of a second Ifrit when he felt the heat of at least one fireball approaching fast from behind. He rolled to the side using a car as cover as he came back up. Some instinct he didn’t know he had made him swing his buckler out. He batted an incoming fireball thrown by the injured Ifrit back at toward the creature.

The Ifrit took the fireball to the face seemingly unbothered by the heat. Chalking up the strange instinct to his new levels in Shield Mastery. Kaleb aimed his metal arm at the Ifrit who looked ready to throw another fireball. With a loud sound of pressurized air he sent railroad spike flying. The spike hit the Ifrit in the chest penetrating straight through the small creature. Kaleb heard the other pneumatic piston spin the chamber, loading another spike.

Peeking over the hood of his cover. Kaleb saw one Ifrit was assailing his cover with fireballs and the other was making its way toward the car hiding the civilians. Kaleb grit his teeth and indulged in his bad habit. After he heard a fireball hit his car, he dashed out of cover and aimed his arm at his Ifrit while throwing his sword at the one running toward the civilians.

His sword veered wide colliding with a car as the spike hit the other Ifrit just below his throat. “Shit!” Kaleb swore, suddenly missing his throwing skill. The Ifrit turned and hissed at him as Kaleb charged at it. The Ifrit got a fireball thrown before Kaleb got to it. Kaleb twisted away from the fireball as it hit him in the left shoulder. The fireball burned Kaleb’s lab coat and scorched his metal arm and armor.

Ignoring his lab coat which had caught fire. Kaleb continued forward and grabbed the small head of the Ifrit in his metal hand. Slamming the Ifrit’s head into the asphalt Kaleb flexed his shoulder muscle, firing a spike into the prone creature. The Ifrit gave a short gurgle of surprise then went limp as its flame died.

Kaleb let go of the Ifrit’s head and checked his metal fingers. Other than some minor blackening of the metal it seemed fine. Next Kaleb took off his smoldering lab coat, sighing, and checked were the fireball had hit him. Luckily it seemed his armor and arm had taken the brunt of the attack. Unluckily aluminum had a low melting point. While his arm casing and armor weren’t melting, they were both still hot to the touch.


The people that were hiding behind the car emerged as Kaleb collected his sword. Moving to collect his spikes Kaleb said.

“Y’all probably want to leave as quick as possible.” Kaleb collected two spikes while the third was pinning an Ifrit to the asphalt.

“You’re staying?” A woman that looked like she had been jogging asked.

Kaleb shrugged, trying to be nonchalant. “That is the job. Does anyone know where these things came from.”

The woman looked at him like he was crazy as a man in shorts and a tie-dye tank top pointed toward Palmer Pond in the north. Kaleb gave them a nod of thanks and jogged in the direction the man had indicated. Kaleb opened the two hatches in his arm and slowly reloaded his spikes. It was an onerous task while moving but he managed it.

As he sprinted across the park Kaleb noticed a man and a woman running down a nearby bicycle path. One of the humanoid fire demons was slowly stalking toward them as they ran. Altering his course Kaleb ran straight at the fire demon as he brought up its information.

*Ifrit Soldier*

Greater Minion

Rank: D

HP: 120

Mana: 60

Summoned by: Unknown

A variant of Ifrit, these soldiers along with Lesser Ifrit make up the bulk of the armies of the higher Jinn. Taught an ancient fiery martial art unknown to mortals by their Jinn masters. These soldiers are deadly in Hand-to-Hand combat. Used to keep the Lesser Ifrit in line on the battlefield. They burn slighter hotter than the Lesser Ifrit, but are far less likely to use fire magic. They prefer to rip their opponents apart with their bare hands.

Reward: 300 credits per

Kaleb had drawn his sword and aimed a slice at the side of the Soldier’s neck. The soldier seemed to sense him as it jumped back as Kaleb swung barely nicked at his throat. The Soldier glanced at its prey getting away over Kaleb shoulder before turning an annoyed glance at Kaleb. Kaleb just smiled back at the Soldier, staring into its unnerving stark white pupilless eyes.

“Got to get by me first, baldy.” Kaleb said watching the soldier’s flaming head tilt in curiosity at his words.

The Ifrit Soldier bent his knees and brought his arms into his bare chest. Kaleb realized that aside from its pants, the soldier wore no clothes. Silently thanking the gaming gods for small kindnesses, Kaleb swung a test swing at the Soldier’s torso.

The Soldier step in and blocked Kaleb’s arm with his forearm. The Soldier sent his own test jab at Kaleb forcing him to step back. The pair spun testing each other’s defenses with quick jabs and thrust of the sword. Once Kaleb felt the Soldier was getting complacent, he tried to surprise it by deploying Shocky and using it to block a jab. Kaleb stepped past the Soldier and sliced into its stomach as he moved past.

Spinning around to keep the Ifrit in his sight, Kaleb took a hard kick to his stomach. Kaleb recoiled as the Ifrit, seemingly unbothered from its wound, pressed its advantage. It sent a quick jab at Kaleb which caught him in the cheek. The Soldier followed up by stepping close and sending an elbow right between Kaleb’s eyes. Kaleb stumbled back and swung out wildly with his sword trying to make the Ifrit retreat.

Kaleb felt the Soldier grab his arm and strike his wrist, making Kaleb drop his sword. Feeling its heel connect with his foot Kaleb lost his balance. The Ifrit Soldier lifted Kaleb into a shoulder throw and slammed him into the ground. Kaleb ignored the pain in his back and rolled away. He rose into a crouching position and watched the Soldier who looked smug.

It walked over to where Kaleb had dropped his sword and kicked it over him. The sword skimmed the ground coming to rest in front of Kaleb. Kaleb shook his head and picked his sword, squaring off with the Soldier again.

“Cocky shit.” Kaleb laughed as he used an overhead chop.

The Soldier side-stepped the strike and retaliated with a spinning heel kick. Kaleb ducked the kick. He swung upward with his sword catching the Ifrit across the back. The Ifrit recoiled this time turning and throwing another jab, which Kaleb backed away from. It followed with a right cross. Kaleb batted the punch away with his buckler and sent a chop aiming at the Soldier’s chest. The Ifrit caught Kaleb’s wrist again and smirked at Kaleb. Kaleb jammed his metal hand at the Soldier’s chest and fired a spike.

The Ifrit’s eyes got wide, and it stumbled back staring down at the metal spike in its chest. Kaleb didn’t let it recover. He gripped his sword in both hands and swung at the Soldier's neck. He felt a little resistance before his sword continued through and severed the Soldier’s head. Kaleb exhaled loudly taking a moment to gather himself before he checked his stats.

His stamina was ok at 95, but his Hp had taken a big hit at 74. Sighing loudly Kaleb hoped his toughness and endurance would level up soon. As he jerked his spike out of the Ifrit soldier's chest Kaleb got a welcome notification.


Your constant use of the sword has resulted in you learning the Swordsmanship Skill. Sword trainers will now train you.

*Swordsmanship Lvl 1*

Who cares about modern science? Not you, that's for sure. You’ve learned how to dissect your enemies with brutal efficiency. You know, in the humane way. Way to go!

Damage with swords raised by 2

Stamina use while using swords decreased by 2%

Kaleb smiled wide, the skill would be very helpful, but he felt the system was getting a little judgmental. He reloaded his spike and sheathed his sword. Turning back toward the pond Kaleb continued running. He had just made the tree line surrounding the pond when he heard a nearby scream. Holy crap! Kaleb thought. There are freaking magical fire demons in the park. who stuck around?! He shook his head jogged toward the scream.

The parks and recreation office had carefully spaced the trees so sun shone easily through the overhead canopy. As Kaleb slowly made his way toward the screams he saw the pond come into view. There was a wooden dock jutting out of the sandy beach around the pond. On that dock was an elderly fisherman and a blonde woman. The fisherman looked injured, and the woman was screaming and using a fishing pole trying to fight off 4 Lesser Ifrit.

Kaleb dashed out of the woods and drew his sword. As he stepped onto the dock, he heard the loud rapport of a rifle. Looking at the Ifrit he saw someone had shot one, and it was falling face first into the water sending steam into the air. As Kaleb swung his own weapon into the back of an Ifrit, he saw the dock explode ahead of him.

He thrust his sword through the body of the Lesser Ifrit and stared at the hole that had appeared in the dock. Something had slammed into the dock sending wood and water into the air as it went through it. Kaleb realized the other Ifrit had been standing where whatever it was, had landed.

“Sonofabitch!” said a booming male voice from the hole.

Kaleb approached slowly and waved a hand at the women and the old man. The woman just shook her and pointed at the older man. Kaleb studied the old man, he seemed uninjured. Then Kaleb saw that the old man was grabbing at his chest.

“Shit.” Kaleb said. Speaking into his wrist Kaleb asked. “Farrah are there paramedics in the park?”

“They are on route now, Professor. ETA 3 minutes.” Farrah answered.

“Hey, you a Super out there?” the booming voice asked from the hole.

“Yeah, I’m guessing you are too. They way you cannon-balled yourself into those Lesser Ifrits.” Kaleb said as he moved over to the old man and woman.

“Yeah, Man! That shit was epic.” said the voice as a large slab of a hand reached out the hole and tested the integrity of the dock.


“It was fucking stupid. Is what it was.” Said a third mechanical voice.

Kaleb looked away from the old man looked down the dock at where the voice had come from. Kaleb had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop from laughing. Standing at the end of the dock sauntering toward them was a 5-foot duck with four arms. It had a rifle slung across his back and what looked like a sawed-off shotgun in a hip holster.


“Don’t get up through there. Go around to the beach, dumb-ass.” The duck’s communicator said.

Kaleb had to cover his mouth and pretend to cough. The duck would quack and his communicator would translate for him. Kaleb was trying not to laugh when he felt the dock shake as the Super ignored his friend and leveraged himself out of the pond through the hole. The thing coming out of the hole looked like a massive muscle.

It was a man, but it was like he had spent way too much time at the gym. Easily 8-foot tall the man looked like a stereotypical strongman. He had taken his shirt off and was wringing the water out when the Duck-man slapped two of his hands against big mans leg.


“You could have killed the people we were trying to save, idiot.” Said the duck as he grimaced in pain and rubbed his two hands with his other two.

“Haha! Sorry thought the dock would hold me” said the big man rubbing the back of his head and sticking out his tongue.


“You weigh as much as a semi numb-nuts. It was a crap shoot if you could walk onto this bridge let alone jump on it!” The duck’s robotic voice sounded indignant.

Kaleb left the two to argue as he looked over the old man. The old man was sweating and breathing hard. His eyes were darting around wildly. As Kaleb saw the paramedics break the tree line, he did his best to make the man comfortable.

“Dad always goes fishing on Mondays. He said it gave him something to do since he retired.” Said the woman with tears in her eyes. She was looking at what Kaleb assumed was her dad with worry and sadness.

Kaleb put on his best soothing voice. “and He’ll be back next week. The paramedics are here.” Kaleb’s raspy voice startled the woman for a while before she seemed to hear what he said. She looked up at the paramedics as they ignored the screaming duck and moved to Kaleb.

“We got him.” Said one paramedic as his partner opened a medical case.

Kaleb moved out of their way and walked away when the woman grabbed his arm. She looked to be having difficulty speaking, but she mouthed the words “thank you.” Kaleb nodded and patted her hand before walking away.

He moved passed the duck and the muscle-man, giving them a nod of thanks. The duck tipped an imaginary hat at him and the muscle-man waved excitedly. Kaleb shook his head, wondering briefly if they were players or NPC heroes. Deciding it didn’t matter, Kaleb jogged around the small pond.

Kaleb had made a lap around the pond and didn’t see or hear any sign of the Ifrit. When the paramedics had taken the old man and woman away Kaleb headed for the other pond. He had just cleared a hill west of Palmer pond when he saw and heard a loud fireball explode.

The fireball had come from the woods further west. Kaleb took off at a run wondering when he would get an endurance level up. It didn’t happen till he passed the second pond.

*Endurance Skill level up*

Stamina increased by 11%

Kaleb cheered in his head before he heard a load road and saw that several trees were burnt. The small forest smelled like burnt leaves and wood as he entered.


The trees seemed to shake as another roared came from a little further into the woods. Kaleb took a large calm breathing and walked toward the noise. As he got closer, he heard sounds of people yelling unintelligible words and the roaring of a large beast. When Kaleb finally found what was making the noise, he couldn’t stop his jaw from dropping.

He had been expecting an Ifrit. But this thing looked nothing like the other Ifrit he had seen. It was fourteen feet tall with the face of a lion and a mane of fire. It was swinging its long tail at three people that were shooting spells and shouting curses at the beast. Kaleb spotted Jar-lock summoning a giant ice spear and sending it at the large beast.

The giant spear melted as it got closer to the Ifrit. It was the size of a javelin when Jar-lock threw it but was the size of a dagger when it hit the thing. Kaleb turned his recorded at the Ifrit hoping to get a sense of what he had signed up for. Luckily the Ifrit was ignoring him.

*Greater Ifrit *


Rank: B

HP: 2500

Mana: 1300

Summoned by: Unknown

One step away from an Ifrit Lord, Greater Ifrit are a Lord’s generals. Greater Ifrit are beings of pure Chaos. They stomp around the battlefield not caring about either friend or foe. However, they also involuntarily summon their lesser brethren. So they usually wind up reinforcing the battlefields they are let loose on. It uses its large claws and spiked tail to cut its enemies to shreds. The flames of its body can melt flesh if someone is stupid enough to stand too close for too long. Their horns are excellent crafting material.

Reward: 3000 credits per

As Kaleb looked back at the battle, the Ifrit was slamming its hands on Jar-lock and his friends.

Jar-lock slapped his hands to the ground and shouted. “Terram Ascendere Sursum!” A wall of earth and dirt rose from the ground and blocked the Ifrits attack.

Kaleb nodded in appreciation then studied the fight trying to damage the beast. Kaleb took stock of his weapons and skills and decided on a plan. It was a bad plan, but he thought he could make it work. He took careful aim with his metal arm and fired a spike.

The metal spike flew true and caught the beast just below its eye. To Kaleb’s surprise the spike penetrated the Ifrit’s skin. It reared back and roared, Kaleb thought it sounded more annoyed than hurt. He made his way behind the creature and shouted.

“Hey! You ugly offspring of a dog and tiger. Come get me!” The creature whirled on him turning his back to the group of magic users and taking long strides toward Kaleb.

“Professor!” Jar-lock yelled. Whether in happiness or worry Kaleb couldn’t tell.

Kaleb didn’t respond, he waved his arm trying to indicate that Jar-lock and his group should follow him. He fired another spike at the Ifrit’s head, yelling insults and backing toward the north. Jar-lock joined him as he continued backing up. Jar-lock was sweating in his plain T-shirt and jeans, if Kaleb didn’t know he was a Warlock he looked more like a college football player.

“Hey, Professor. Going to the Colorado?” Jar-lock asked point over their shoulders further north.

Kaleb nodded as he slapped his sword into his Shocky trying to keep the Ifrits attention. Another person from Jar-lock’s group joined them as they backed up. She was in more traditional robes and Kaleb thought he could see a wand. She shot a glance at the icon showing Kaleb’s origin before saying.

“We thought of that. But there’s no way he would willingly get into the water. And we can’t force him too.” She sound exasperated at the situation.

“Not willingly, no. But, I think I have a way to dunk him. No guarantee that kills him though.” Kaleb answered.

“Then what good is it?” A third voice asked from Kaleb’s left. Jar-lock’s third group member reminded Kaleb of Cadian Strickton the Sorcerer who summoned the undead.

Kaleb gave a shrug. “It might let us get close enough to kill him.” Turning to Jar-lock he asked. “I don’t suppose you can do something about the heat?”

Jar-lock answer was a confused look.

“You said you can feel the elements in almost everything right, right?” Jar-lock nodded still looking confused. “Well, can’t you absorb some of that ambient heat and use it?”

Jar-lock shook his head before stopping and seeming to think about it. Kaleb saw the other members of Jar-lock’s group thinking about it too. Kaleb could hear the cars for the nearby road as they got closer. Just past that road was the Colorado river, Kaleb just hoped the Ifrit was more dumb beast than cunning predator.

“Shit, that could work. We can’t hold much but we can try to sap the surrounding heat.” Said Jar-lock’s wizard friend.

The Sorcerer nodded. “Maybe. But he will just create more fire as fast as we can drain it.”

“Not if we have recently dunked him into the Colorado River.” Jar-lock said excitedly patting Kaleb on the shoulder. They had almost reached the street and Kaleb could still hear the cars.

The Cars!

“Shit, the cars! Someone needs to stop traffic while we walk this big bastard across to the river.” Kaleb yelled.

Jar-lock nodded. “Ok, we’ll handle that. You focus on the big bastard.”

“Yay!” Kaleb said sarcastically. “Go team Magic!”

Jar-lock rolled his eyes and said. “Not cool, dude.”

“Hey, you invited me to this party remember?” Kaleb smiled.

Jar-lock shook his head as his group ran ahead. Kaleb focused on the Ifrit, it would take the occasional swipe with its claws or tail. But Kaleb stayed just out of reach. Kaleb weaved through the trees as the sound of screeching tires reached his ears. He stepped down off the curb as he entered the street the Ifrit shoved trees over as it followed him.

The Ifrit seemed to take in the street and Kaleb as it stepped onto the street. It took a single step before it stopped and looked at the Colorado river behind Kaleb. Kaleb could swear the beast looked amused. The Greater Ifrit stopped in the middle of the road and stared at Kaleb. No matter how many spikes he shot at it or how he insulted it, Kaleb could not get it to move.

Kaleb saw Jar-lock’s group move behind the Ifrit. The cars had stopped, and some had even turned around. Kaleb tried to maintain the Beast’s attention as the magical trio got into position. Once the seemed ready Kaleb heard Jar-lock yell another spell.

“Aeris Ictu!” The trio shouted in unison.

Kaleb watched the Ifrit’s face as an invisible force seemed to slam into its back. Its three-toed clawed feet dug into the ground as a sustained blast of air coming from Jar-locks group shoved it toward the river. Kaleb, trying to help, took aim with Shocky and aimed an electric shot.

The ball of electricity slammed into the Ifrit doing no visible damage. Kaleb grunted in annoyance, the stun effect didn’t activate. He fired repeatedly as the Wizard, Warlock, and Sorcerer poured all their combined magic into the back of the thing. Kaleb fired for the 6th time when he saw the Sorcerer collapse.

Jar-lock’s wizard friend looked none better. Sustaining the spell seemed to take a lot out of them. Kaleb fired again, charging the beast hoping proximity would help the stun effect. Kaleb was in its arm's reach of the thing when the Ifrit seemed to lock up.

It slid limply along as the wizard and Jar-lock sustained the air spell. The Wizard exhausted herself as the Ifrit got to the lip of the river. Jar-lock couldn’t maintain the spell alone so he released and looked to be gathering power for something else. Kaleb figured the stun wouldn’t hold long, so he did something stupid again. He shoulder charged the fiery Ifrit.

Kaleb ran across the street and, putting his metal shoulder down, rammed his shoulder into the hindquarters of the Ifrit. Kaleb felt the heat warp his arm as he bounced violently back away from the thing. Kaleb fell on his ass as he watched the Ifrit teeter on the edge. The Ifrit seemed to come back to itself and try to straighten up when a large clump of dirt and stone collided with the middle of its back.

Kaleb looked back to see Jar-lock bent over panting arms hanging limply by his side. The Warlock had used probably the last of his Mana to chuck a giant boulder at the Ifrit. The beast’s arms windmilled comically as it fell face first, into the Colorado River. Kaleb leaned back on his arms and sighed as a wave of steam blew off the surface of the river.

Kaleb could hear the loud snap and hiss as the fire demon sank deeper in the water. The heat of the steam was almost unbearable but Kaleb stayed seated and tried to make out what was going on in the river. Either they had just taken out a Greater Ifrit, or they had just pissed one off. Kaleb watched the water to find out.

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