《Modern Age Online Book 1》Chapter 12 - Vs. Rat-Man


Deckart moved first, He rushed down the tunnel. “Professor, You and Robert take the one on the left. Rick and I will take the other one.”

Kaleb didn’t respond, he charged the other rat as Robert seemed to hesitate before running after him. The rats knew of their group but seemed disoriented from Deckart and the twin’s flashlights. Kaleb used that to his advantage; He charged in and jammed his bone dagger deep into the side of the rat’s neck. The rat gave an alarmed screech and fell to all fours before bucking in pain.

The rat’s body slammed into Kaleb throwing him back. Kaleb reached into his coat pocket for another dagger. Robert dashed around Kaleb and jumped on the rat's back jamming both of his daggers into its neck. The rat continued to buck and writhe as Robert held on for dear life. Kaleb rushed the rat again trying to avoid the rat’s renewed jerking and spinning. Waiting for the right moment Kaleb dashed in a left another dagger in the rat's neck.

Kaleb stepped back as the rat slowed. Panting loudly the rat gave a pitiful squeak as it fell to its side. Robert stabbed down a couple more times with his daggers before he hopped off. Kaleb gave the younger twin a toothy grin.

“I don’t have a watch, so I’m not sure if that was the full 8 seconds. But, hell, I’d give you the trophy.” Kaleb said.

Robert smiled wide before he moved beyond Kaleb to where Deckart and Rick still fought their rat. The other group’s rat seemed to be on its last legs. It had several daggers sticking out of its side. The rat was standing up taking swipes at Rick who was dodging and stabbing into its chest. Deckart was dashing in and stabbing the rat in the back and then backing off.

Kaleb and Robert slammed into the side of the rat jamming their daggers in its flank. The rat screeched and spun to face Kaleb and Robert. Rick used the opportunity to leap onto its back and jam his dagger repeatedly into its neck. It spun trying to dislodge Rick. Slamming into a wall the rat seemed to lose all of its energy. It slumped into a fetal position as Rick continued to stab it.

Deckart said. “It’s dead, Rick.”

Rick looked up panting hard before he nodded. Wrenching his dagger out of the rat's body he moved away. The group collected their daggers and started back down the tunnel. On high alert for more rats, the group had come to an unspoken agreement to remain quiet. Kaleb guessed they had been walking for twenty minutes when Deckart moved to a side tunnel on the left-hand side of their tunnel. Deckart seemed to study the tunnel when Kaleb approached.

“Down this tunnel is our cell I think.” Deckart whispered.

“So can you find Kane’s lab from here?” Kaleb asked quietly.

Deckart just gave a shrug before saying. “I don‘t think it is that far but I can’t say for sure. The question is: do we wanna risk it?”

Kaleb nodded. “Yes, we need our equipment back at least. And I bet that doctor has a way out of the tunnels.”

Deckart looked at Rick and Robert silently asking for their opinion. Robert looked uneasy, but Rick surprised Kaleb.

“The lizard is right, getting our equipment back would help us get out. Plus, if this dungeon has a boss I want to take him down.” Rick said.

Kaleb wasn’t about to correct Rick’s assumption but Deckart ruined it. He explained about their theory that Dr. Kane was the mid-boss while the mutated rat would be the actual dungeon boss. This information just seemed to excite the older twin.


Deckart sighed clearly thinking this was a bad idea before he waved the group forward. They followed behind for almost a half-hour, Deckart kept second guessing where he should turn.

Before long they spotted light coming from ahead of them. It was brighter than their flashlights and was coming from accompanied by a low electric hum. As they moved closer Kaleb heard what sounded like Kane talking to somebody.

“And I’ve told you Miss Kyneklos: I do not know who you are talking about.” Kane’s voice was saying.

Kaleb gently tugged Deckart away from the door and took his place just in time to hear Farrah’s voice. She sounded pissed.

“And I don’t believe you Rat King. Once we find were you are, we have teams of supers on standby ready to raid your underground lair. Just give up our Supers and you won’t have to lose your friends.” Farrah said.

Kane sounded genuinely incredulous. “Underground lair? Really? I am a geneticist, I work down here to be close to my test subjects. I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Farrah seemed to get angrier yelling. “You lost your Doctors license for conducting experiments on unwilling subjects! You shouldn’t even be anywhere near the equipment I can see in your lab. Even if our Super weren’t down there with you, we would still mount a raid to arrest you on breaking a court order!”

Kaleb glanced around the opening into Kane’s lab and saw the large domed room he had been in a few hours earlier. Kane was moving around the room clearing off the tables looking for something. Several lab tables obscured Kaleb’s view.

“And once I find the device you are looking through, I will be on my way again. Beside those hacks on the medical board can’t take my license. They claimed a jury of my peers had tried me. BUT, I HAVE NO PEERS! A bunch of slovenly blue-collared nitwits can’t possibly understand my work! My patients should feel honored that I used their DNA to advance medical science.” Kane said.

Kane cleared off another table and moved to another. Kaleb saw his recorder head band on the lower shelf of one of the lab tables. Kane was getting closer to it. Kaleb gestured at Deckart and the others to stay put. Keeping his eyes on Kane’s back, Kaleb crept into the room. He used the tables as cover traveling in a wide arc.


Keeping your head down and not just charging in like a brave person has awarded you with the Sneak Skill.

Sneak–Beginner Lvl 1

You are one with the shadows. Moving quietly and dispatching your foes with precision. You’ve never looked cooler. Sneak is a combinable skill.

Noise reduction while crouched increased by 2%

Kaleb swiped the notification away after quickly scanning its contents. Smiling, he moved closer weaving his way around the tables. When he got close enough for his head band to see he raised a metal finger to his lips hoping Farrah would see.

“There it is.” Kane’s voice didn’t surprise Kaleb. But, the Doctor reaching down under the table Kaleb was looking at did. Kane grabbed Kaleb’s head band studying it for a few seconds. “Quaint.” He said in derision. He placed the gadget on top of the table and reached for a nearby microscope to smash it.

Kaleb didn’t think about it, he burst around the table he was behind and rushed Kane. Kane turned at the commotion. Kaleb kicked out at the back of the thinner man’s knee. Reaching around Kane’s neck, Kaleb held the tip of his bone dagger under Kane’s chin.


“Don’t even move Doctor.” Kaleb hissed into Kane’s ear. He heard Deckart and the others moving into the room.

“Wouldn’t dream of it Mr. Rat.” Kane said raising his hands in surrender.

“Professor!” Farrah sounded elated. Kaleb saw his communicator lying on a metal tray nearby.

“Hi Farrah.” Kaleb said. Turning back to Kane he ordered. “Move.” He towed the geneticist toward the pivoting table that was still embedded in the wall. Seeing what he was doing Robert moved to help as Deckart and Rick searched the room. Robert strapped Dr. Kane to the table as Kaleb kept his dagger against Kane’s throat.

Once Robert finished strapping Kane down, Kaleb roared in Kane’s face. Trying his damnedest to be menacing. “Where’s our stuff?!”

Kane seemed unfazed. He jerked his head at a side tunnel saying. “That way. But they won’t help you. He won’t let you leave.” Kane looked disturbingly calm.

“Where are you?” Farrah asked as Deckart and the twins rushed to the tunnel Kane had showed held their stuff.

“Can’t you Geosync our location? You got the communicator working.” Kaleb asked, still staring at Kane.

Kane snorted as Farrah answered. “We didn’t fix the communicators, the interference that was stopping us disappeared suddenly.”

Kane shook his head. “He destroyed the equipment I was using to hide our location. He claimed it kept him awake.” Kane laughed before continuing. “Know where he sleeps? Near the generator I am using to power my lab. Says he likes the warmth”

Kane gave another manic laugh as Robert came out of the tunnel wearing his communicator and holding a short sword. Rick followed his brother holding a large sledgehammer. Deckart returned and moved over to Kaleb and Kane. Giving Deckart a nod Kaleb moved around the lab to grab up his own equipment. He found his sword, head band, backpack, and communicator. But, he couldn’t find his rail pistol.

Kaleb heard a loud rattle. Looking up, he saw Deckart wave his Rail pistol. Looking chagrined the Detective said. “It was with my stuff.”

He held out the pistol, but Kaleb shook his head. “You keep it for now, I can’t use it with one hand. I’ll make due with the sword and Shocky.”

Kane snorted loudly again. “You aren’t going anywhere. He collapsed the other tunnels and is waiting in the last exit to the surface. He has been waiting there since he met the lizard.”

“Why in the hell would he do that?” Kaleb asked.

Kane shook his head. “He is intent on killing you, he wanted to wait till tomorrow. But then he decided that if you escaped, he would give you only one way to go.”

That surprised Kaleb, he hadn’t thought the Rat-man would be that smart. Staring back at Kane he asked. “You gave him that little idea didn’t you?”

Kane just smiled and gave a shrug of his shoulders. Kaleb sighed and look at Deckart ready to ask his opinion when Farrah spoke up.

“Who is ‘He’?” She asked.

“He is a rat that has mutated into a human, he has super-strength seems to work with Dr. Kane.” Kaleb explained.

“No, that’s not right. The Rat King has always worked alone. He has used his hordes of rats to terror the city then retreat to his network of tunnels. He has been doing it for years.” Farrah sounded confused at the whole situation.

Deckart stared at Kane before asking. “You’ve never been down here though have you?”

Hildy answered from Deckart’s wrist. “No. No team of supers has ever made it down to the Rat King’s lair.”

“Hi, Hildy.” Deckart said.

“Glad to hear rats haven’t eaten you, Detective.” Hildy answered.

“The nights young.” Kaleb said dryly, drawing a dirty look from Deckart.

Deckart rolled his eyes at Kaleb continuing. “My point is: No one has seen the dynamic between the Man-rat and Dr. Kane.”

“Rat-man.” Kaleb interjected.

“Does it matter?” Rick asked from where he sat on a lab table.

“It sounds better.” Kaleb shrugged.

“Whatever!” Deckart said. “The real Rat King has been hiding down here. While Kane has been strengthening the rats down here, using them to get him equipment and test them.”

Kane gave another shrug of his shoulders saying. “Maybe, but really, does it matter? You're all going to die and whoever is or isn’t King of the rats won’t make a difference.”

Kaleb sighed. “I hate to say it but he’s right. Looks like to get out of here we have to stomp on a giant rat.”

Kaleb watched his little group. Deckart looked resigned, Robert looked worried and Rick looked excited. Kaleb was about to ask Kane which way the exit was when Farrah spoke.

“No, you are to wait for back-up. If you are to have any chance to make it out of there, you’ll need back-up.” Farrah said.

Kaleb shook his head. “The four of us can handle it.”

Farrah shouted out of his communicator sounding exasperated. “No, you can’t! Just stay put and let the real heroes…”

Kaleb stopped in his tracks and quiet anger filled his voice as he asked. “The REAL Heroes?”

“Professor that’s not what I Meant. I -” Farrah started before Kaleb switched his communicator off. He exhaled loudly trying to calm himself down. He looked at the twins then at Deckart. Taking another deep breath Kaleb spoke.

“Honestly, I’m sick and tired of being underestimated. If any of you wanna wait for the powered heroes to come save us, you’re free to wait here. But I plan on marching down one of these tunnels and shoving my metal fist down that rat bastard’s throat.” He took off his headband and twisted it to record his face before he continued. “And I will record every second. Maybe then the HLO will understand, just how dangerous a mundane can be.”

Kaleb put his head band back on and looked at the family of mundanes. It was Rick who spoke up first, shrugging his shoulders he said. “If you weren’t going to do it, I would.” He flicked off his own communicator.

Robert clicked his own communicator off nodding at Kaleb. Deckart looked worried, but he did the same after a while saying. “This is a bad idea.”

Kaleb smiled. “Maybe but those are the fun kind.”

“HA HA HA HA HA.” Kane was laughing his head off, staring at the four men like it was the greatest joke he had ever seen.

“You are all going to die.” Kane laughed as tears collected in the corner of his eyes. Kaleb walked over until he was right in the Doctor's face.

Speaking low Kaleb asked. “Are there any other prisoners down here?”

Kane looked bemused asking. “Why should I tell you?”

Kaleb smiled. “Because…” He turned to the older twin. “Rick, you see that machine right there?” Kaleb asked pointing to a small square machine sitting on a lab table.

When the Rick nodded Kaleb continued. “That is a Microplate Reader. It is very expensive.”

Realization dawned in Rick’s eyes, smiling wickedly he raised his sledgehammer over the machine.

“Wait. No. Don’t-”


The loud noise cut off Kane’s words as Rick used his hammer to reduce the Microplate reader to pieces. Kaleb turned back to Kane asking. “Answer your question?”

Kane stared daggers at Kaleb before answering. “There are no other prisoners.” He said sounding petulant. Kaleb was starting to point at another machine when Kane shouted. “I swear, there are no other people here. Just you and the rats. He is down that tunnel there. Hurry and go get yourself killed.”

Kaleb nodded. “I believe you.”

He moved around the room looking for Dr. Kane’s tablet once he found it he rummaged for something else in the small lab. It didn’t take him long to find a crystal reader. Kane, seeing what he was up to screamed and rocked the table they had strapped him to.

“NO! Don’t fucking touch that! You will not take credit for my work!” Kane shouted as Kaleb took his green crystal out of his headband and put it in the crystal reader.

Kaleb attached the reader to Kane’s tablet and said. “Don’t worry doctor, you’ll get full credit. But I imagine this will be helpful to the SPPD.”

Kaleb transferred all of Dr. Kane’s notes onto his crystal. He saw that he still had plenty of space on his crystal before detaching it and putting it back in his headband. Kane still struggled futilely against the table restraints. Glancing at the others Kaleb nodded at the tunnel Kane had said held the Rat-man.

“Shall we, gentlemen?”

Deckart, Robert and Rick all gave sounds of agreement and started down the tunnel. Kaleb followed them as Kane continued to rant and rave behind him. Kaleb caught up with the group just in time to hear Deckart finish talking.

“… Just make sure to dodge. Guy probably hits like a Mack truck.” The Detective was saying.

Kaleb nodded. “Agreed, we don’t know how strong he is. But it's best not to find out.”

Rick held his sledgehammer across his shoulders as he walked, arms held up like he was in an old-fashioned stockade. “Any Adds?” He asked.

“How are we supposed to know? It's not like this game has standard quest we can read up on. They generate everything according to the decisions of either a player or an AI.” Deckart said.

Rick got annoyed. “Then best guess?”

“Best to assume we’ll be fighting a bunch of rats along with Rat-man.” Kaleb said.

Robert asked. “What makes you think that?”

Kaleb shrugged. “It means if we don’t have to fight a bunch of rats it will be a welcome surprise.”

“Hope for the best prepare for the worse.” Deckart laughed.

“Pretty much.” Kaleb nodded.

There was a light shining from the end of their tunnel. As the group approached Rick groaned at the sound of rats chittering. As they got to the tunnel exit Kaleb laughed quietly as Deckart sighed loudly. Dozens of rats were moving about on dozens of 'stands’ around a recessed circular indent in the floor.

“Hey, Deckart. Guess what that is.” Kaleb asked smugly.

Deckart shook his head. “It’s an arena.”

Kaleb laughed. The rats were all on different levels going down divided by size. The smaller rats where higher while the larger rats where closer to ground floor. The Rat-man was lying down in the center of the arena. When their group entered, he stared at Kaleb.

“ENEMY. CAME.” The giant rat shouted using its telepathy.

It glanced at Deckart and his nephews. It scrunched up its face in a weird expression before saying.

“CHILDREN. KILL. OTHERS.” He turned his gaze back to Kaleb. “ENEMY. MINE.”

Rick tsked loudly. “Why do you get the boss?”

Kaleb gave the red-headed little shit an incredulous look. “Are you serious? Wanna trade places?”

Rick shrugged as the top-tier of small rats moved toward them. “Sure, you can fight of a room full of rats.”

Deckart gave Kaleb an apologetic look. “Sorry, professor. We’ll try to help when we can.”

Kaleb just nodded as he started down toward Rat-man. Too afraid to attack the other rats unless they all rushed his group at once. So far only the first layer of rats was moving to attack the others. The rats parted as Kaleb moved down. He could hear the sounds of the others fighting from behind him. Deckart’s pistol fired, Rick yelled and Robert grunted as they fought through a veritable army of rats.

Kaleb jumped the last few stairs to stand in front of Rat-man. Rat-man rose from its prone position. Its rat face seemed to smile grotesquely.


Kaleb smiled as he drew his sword saying. “Let’s find out if you taste as good as your children.”

Rat-man roared as it charged human-shaped hands curled into claws. Kaleb waited until it was in range before side-stepping as fast as he could swing his sword. He felt his sword dig into the creature's furry chest as he rushed forward and spun around. Rat-man grabbed at his chest, Kaleb had drawn blood but the sword didn’t cut deep.

The creature dashed forward and swiped wide with one of its hands. Kaleb ducked the blow feeling confident. Until he saw Rat-man’s other clawed hand swinging in a wild uppercut. Kaleb tried to backpedal but he could see he wouldn’t make it. He deployed Shocky as fast as he could. He felt the buckler crumble along with part of his arm as the punch sent him flying into the stands.

Kaleb collided with a dog-sized rat in the middle tier. The rat seemed to cushion the impact, but he knew he’d have a bruised back. Kaleb spat blood as he checked his Hp. That one punch had taken half of his health, leaving him with 53 health left.

*Toughness Skill Max level*

Health increased by 10%

Incoming physical damage decreased by 5%

Well, that raises my health a little. Kaleb thought as he stared down at the giant rat who seemed to laugh. Something sparked in his metal arm, looking down he was just in time to see Shocky fall away from his arm. Part of the arms metal frame was bent slightly. He tested his arm as he descended back down to the Rat-man. it worked fine, but Kaleb had lost his only defense.

Kaleb got to the floor of the arena again, pretending to limp as he moved toward Rat-man. The rat looked to be smiling again. It dashed in and out of Kaleb’s range, toying with him. Kaleb limped forward until the creature got in range. When it dashed in so did Kaleb swiping low. Rat-man gave a pained screech and Kaleb felt his sword stick in the thigh muscle of the Rat-man’s leg.

He couldn’t hold on to the sword with one hand. He felt it twist out of his grip as he ran past the creature. Now Rat-man was the one with the limp, it turned to Kaleb giving another roar. Kaleb reached into his pocket and pulled out a Rat Dagger. The small weapon seemed to amuse the creature as it stalked forward. It swung wildly again. Kaleb afraid of being baited again backed off and circle-strafed to Rat-man’s side.

Rat-man grabbed wildly with its other hand as Kaleb dashed underneath it reach. Behind the creature, Kaleb leapt up and wrapped his legs around the Rat-man’s human-like torso. Stabbing down Kaleb tried to dig his dagger as deep as he could into the base of the creature's neck. The creature's skin was tough but Kaleb stabbed repeatedly until its blood flowed freely.

Rat-man screamed in pain again. It fell to one knee and reached back with one hand. Grabbing Kaleb by his collar, the giant rat threw him into the stand again. Kaleb collided with another rat and he’s vision swam. His ears rang and his limbs didn’t seem to obey his commands. He saw rats swarming everywhere and a rat-faced man walk across the ceiling toward him.




Kaleb snapped awake as Deckart shouted his name. He and his nephews had fought their way to the dog-sized rats. They looked worse for wear. They were bleeding from scratches and dirt covered their arms. Kaleb tried to pick himself up only to realize he was upside down in a curved crater, he belatedly checked his Hp again. 20 Hp left.

He tumbled out of the crater in the stands. Landing on his face he looked up in time to see Rat-man standing above him and reaching down. The creature grabbed Kaleb around the neck with its clawed hand. Lifting him up Kaleb’s felt his feet leave the ground. He could still breathe but just barely.

“NOW! YOU! FOOD!” Rat-man screamed, triumphant, in Kaleb’s mind.

Kaleb scrambled in his pocket, trying desperately to grab another bone dagger. Rat-man brought his snout toward Kaleb, mouth open wide.


Kaleb heard his rail pistol and saw a flash of silver smack into the side of the creature’s head. Rat-man twisted its head and glared up at Deckart. It snarled and turned back to Kaleb mouth opening wide again. Kaleb found a Rat Dagger and lifted it high before jamming it into the creature’s eye.

Rat-man recoiled, dropping Kaleb and screeching. It fell to its knees and grasped the dagger with both hands wrenching it free. Kaleb leaped up clumsily and charged at the Rat-man. He swung a wild haymaker that threw him off-balance. Kaleb felt his fist connect with the creature’s face as he stumbled into a crouching position.

The giant rat fell prone next to Kaleb. Kaleb shook his head, trying to steady his vision. Bending his arm, Kaleb aimed his elbow at Rat-man’s throat and fell over. Connecting solidly, he heard the rat gurgle and choke. Kaleb twisted his metal arm around the Rat’s neck and jammed his partially regrown arm against the back of its head. Holding Rat-man in a weird choke-hold, Kaleb held on for dear life.

Kaleb felt the giant buck and claw at his metal arm. But its strength seemed to have left it. Kaleb held on as hard as he could until he felt Rat-man stop kicking. Letting go Kaleb lay there panting. He didn’t know how long he lay there or whether he passed out. But a short while later he felt someone nudge his right side.

Kaleb reacted wildly jumping up and swinging his arm in an arc. It took a second for him to realize that it was Deckart.

“Easy, killer.” Deckart said smiling widely. The detective was covered in dirt and blood. He looked like his clothes had been put in a shredder.

Standing nearby was Rick and Robert both smiling. They looked eerily similar when Rick didn’t have his customary sneer. They didn’t look any better off than their uncle.

“Rats?” Kaleb asked, still woozy.

“Gone. When you killed the big one, they all took off.” Deckart explained.

Kaleb was about to explain when Rick yelled. “Holy shit, it's not dead!” Rick raised his Sledgehammer ready to slam it down on the Rat-man’s head.

“NO!” Kaleb shouted, finally getting his triple-vision to align into one solid image. “We’re Supers. This thing is no better than an animal. It was acting on instinct and whatever bullshit Dr. Kane fed it.”

Saying the Doctor’s name reminded Kaleb of Kane still being strapped to a table in his lab. He looked down that tunnel as Robert answered his unspoken question.

“That Kane guy is gone. Looked like something chewed through the straps on the table.” Robert explained.

Rick looked miffed at not being able to kill the big rat. But he set his sledgehammer down and said. “Fine, your take-down, your choice. But I want that recording man. That was epic!”

Kaleb wandered around the empty arena, picking up his sword. Deckart noticed he wasn’t picking up the daggers that had fallen from his pocket when Rat-man had thrown him.

“You don’t want the Daggers?” Deckart asked.

Kaleb just shook his head as he made his way to where Shocky had fallen off his arm. He stared down at the crumbled bits of slim metal. He knew he shouldn’t feel anything, but he couldn’t help but feel a little sad. It was one of the first things he built with his own hands in-game. He shook off his melancholy and shoved Shocky’s remains into his backpack.

Moving over to the group again Kaleb gestured at the exit. “Let's get going.” He said moving over to Rat-man and grabbing its leg. Straining, Kaleb drug the unconscious giant rat through the dirt. Deckart gave him a weird look before understanding flashed in his eyes. He grabbed the other leg and they drug the body up the steep incline.

Rick and Robert kept watch on the rat in case it showed signs of movement. But, the group made it up the tunnel into another subway platform without incident. They drug the body up the stairs and out into the evening air. The dirt covered four-some all breathed deep. The fresh air tasted good after so long underground.

The sun looked like it had just set. Casting an orange glow in the western sky. They had come up in downtown Austin. Just as Kaleb was about to ask about what they would do next. He heard the loud siren of a police car. An orange humanoid Kaleb recognized as a Rapidian rounded the car with his hand on his holster. His partner stayed in the car and was calling them in.

“You gentlemen have ID?” The Rapidian asked.

Deckart moved forward first, tapping a few buttons on his communicator. He brought up a holographic display showing his Hero license. Kaleb didn’t know they could do that. Seeing that Deckart had everything in hand Kaleb dropped the leg he was holding and started for the curb. The move seemed to startle the Rapidian.

“Sir! I’m going to need you stop moving until you show me some ID.” The Rapidian ordered his hand staying on his holstered gun.

Kaleb laughed. The raspy sound surprised the Rapidian. “After the day I’ve just had.” Kaleb said. “Shoot me. I dare you.” Kaleb tried to put all of his tiredness and annoyance into the glare he sent the smaller Alien.

The Rapidian, Kaleb saw his last name was Corlinder, seemed to recoil in fear from the look in Kaleb’s eye before rallying and getting pissed. “Listen here, you shit. Until I know what’s going on here. You WILL do as I say. Or I may take you up on that offer to shoot you.”

Kaleb just spread his arms wide and waited staring straight at Officer Corlinder. The officer seemed ready to make good on his threat when his partner got out of the car. The Warlock, judging from the tattoos, ran over and said. “They are the lost Super. Control says to secure the scene and hold them here until an HLO rep comes over to debrief them.”

Officer Corlinder grunted and removed his hand from his holster. Gesturing at the Rat-man he asked. “And what about him?”

Deckart cleared his throat trying to remain professionally while his nephews were taking selfie screenshots with the unconscious Rat-man. “That’s a super powered Mutant rat we discovered. It was working with Dr. Rafelos Kane building an army of giant rats.”

The Rapidian nodded as if he heard a sentence like that every day. Kaleb sat down on the curb placing his head against a nearby lamp-post. The cool metal felt good on his skin. He heard Deckart explaining things to the two officers, wheeling and dealing like the professional he was. Kaleb noticed a yellow exclamation mark in the corner of his vision, clicking on it he received several notifications.


Your toughness skill has reached the maximum rank. Toughness is a combinable skill. Would you like to combine it with another maxed out skill or transform it into an Intermediate Lvl 1 skill?



You have your first combinable skill. A combinable skill is a skill that the player can combine with other skills to create new ones. Once a skill has been combined you lose all current ranks in both skills but gain the benefits from your new skill. The old skills can be leveled up again. Instead of combining a skill a player can move the skill up to its next ranking. The different rankings are Beginner, Intermediate, Expert, and Master. Ranking a skill up levels up as normal. You can’t combine skills higher than Beginner.

*Dodge Skill Level up*

Movement speed while dodging increased 2%

*Dodge Skill Level up*

Movement speed while dodging increased 3%

Kaleb read through the text twice before deciding to sleep on it. The dodge level ups were welcome, but he wanted to deal with it later. Kaleb must have passed out because the next thing he knew there were more cop cars in the street and a soft male voice was asking him a question.

“Anything I can get you Professor?” the voice asked.

Kaleb looked up blearily. He saw a younger man in glasses and a tailored suit standing next to him and smiling.

Kaleb yawned and said jokingly. “Coffee, three sugars, and a little of cream?”

The bespectacled young man waved his hand in the air. A golden bracelet on his wrist caught the light as the man muttered something under his breath. He reached into thin air and pulled out a blue coffee mug. Then man smiled down at Kaleb and held out the still steaming coffee. Kaleb stood and took the coffee.

“Handy trick.” Kaleb said taking a sip of the coffee.

“It has its uses.” The man said. “My name is Elias Kane, I am from the HLO downtown division. I heard you met my older brother.”

Kaleb swallowed his mouthful of hot coffee. He surprised himself with his restraint; he had almost spit the coffee all over the street. Looking at the man, he saw the resemblance. They had a similar build, the same soft voice, and the same facial structure. Kaleb shook off his surprise and snapped out his memory crystal.

“That has your brother’s research. Along with all my conversations with him. Kane took my equipment but my Handler told me the crystal will still record.” Kaleb said passing his crystal to Elias.

“Thank you very much.” Elias said reaching into the air again and removing a crystal reader and tablet.

Kaleb drank he’s coffee and looked around. Deckart and the twins were speaking with other men in suits. Probably more HLO thought Kaleb. They parked several cop cars around the subway entrance with heavily armed officers going down into the subway. They cuffed rat-man with large metal cuffs that covered his hands and attached to a neck collar, keeping his hands held to the center of his chest.

Rat-man was staring daggers at Kaleb. Kaleb just stared back meeting the rats glare.


The creature’s telepathic voice sounded far away. He’s voice was weak. Kaleb looked away to see Elias staring at Rat-man too. He seemed to be looking at the air around the rat.

“That is amazing. Such a powerful Telepath. I understand he has super-strength?” Elias said returning his gaze to Kaleb.

Kaleb was about to answer when he got another notification.

*Nemesis System Activated*

You have gained a Nemesis. A Nemesis’ Goal is to make your life difficult. You will receive greater rewards when you defeat a nemesis and your skills will level up quicker while you are on a mission to capture a Nemesis. However, you will also incur harsher punishments if you die at the hands of your Nemesis. If your Nemesis kills you, they will grow stronger.

Your Nemesis: Man-Rat.

“Really? Man-Rat? Stupid system.” Kaleb thought. Kaleb looked up to see Elias staring at him and waiting for an answer.

Kaleb swiped the notification away and said. “Yeah, your brother filled its head with delusions of grandeur. But I don’t know which one was really in charge. Rat-man had greater control over the rats, but your brother was the brains. Together they were both the entity the HLO called: The Rat King.”

Elias nodded as Kaleb finished. “Yeah my brother is an interesting mix of a coward and a mastermind.”

Elias said as he returned Kaleb’s crystal and put the tablet and crystal reader back into the air-pocket-thing.

Kaleb watched them load Man-Rat into an SPPD van and drive away. Turning his attention back to Elias he said. “Did you need anything else from me? I’d like to head home.”

Elias gave him a wide smile and said. “We have a car ready to take you and your friends home. The HLO will go over the footage and pay you accordingly. If we have any more questions will contact you.”

Kaleb nodded his thanks and moved toward the car Elias had pointed to. As he walked, he felt an intense itching sensation coming from his partially regrown arm. Kaleb looked down at his arm feeling the sensation become almost unbearable followed by a sharp stinging pain as a new hand shot out of his forearm. Kaleb stared down in amazement at his regrown hand. It was a lighter green than the rest of him other than that it looked just like his old one.

“You would have come in handy earlier” Kaleb thought as he got into the back of the HLO car and waited to be taken home.

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