《Modern Age Online Book 1》Chapter 7 - First Patrol


The alleyway was dark, the only light illuminating the various bits of junk and trashcans was a single streetlight that had been on less than an hour. On the roof of a two-story building, silhouetted by the clear night sky, stood a man dressed in black staring down at his latest victim. A young drug dealer lay sprawled across several trash bags his left leg bent at an unnatural angle.

“Who am I?” The dark dressed man’s voice boom through the alley.

“I am the terror of all criminals.”

“I am the night.”

“I am vengeance.”

“I AM -”


Kaleb didn’t think he’d hit his target with Lumpy, the name he’d given to his Bladeling sword. He had thrown it as a Hail Mary, trying to get the vigilante’s attention. Instead, the sword had spun sideways midair and clipped the dark-dressed player in the shoulder sending him falling down into the same trash pile he had dropped the drug dealer into.

“So you have one arm, you’re in a dark alley with a known criminal, and you throw your main weapon away? What kind of sense does that make?” Farrah’s voiced asked from the communicator on Kaleb’s wrist.

Kaleb gave a shrug and said “Hey, you’ve known me since this morning. You should know already, I don’t think things out like I should.” He continued down the alleyway to check on the unregistered player.

Earlier that day

After leaving the HLO Kaleb had hurried home, explaining to his friends he wanted to work on a few things. After using an upgrade slot on his headband to install a WiFi node, he had logged into his HLO account hoping to learn a little more about his handler. But besides finding out she had only been a Super for 8 years before joining the HLO, there wasn’t much of a personnel file he could access. Accepting the transfer of an 800 credit reward from the HLO’s website for the information he had given from Benny’s memory crystal, Kaleb shut off his laptop and switched on his recorder and wrist communicator.

“Hello. Farrah you there?” He asked.

Farrah’s sharp tone emanated from his wrist “Any reason in particular you were looking at my HLO personnel page?” she asked

“Oh you saw that, did you?”

“Fun fact: I have access to your recorder from here. I can’t turn it on, but anything the memory crystal has seen records automatically, even while your device is off.” Farrah explained.

Kaleb grimaced slightly at the implication that she could constantly watch him. “Just professional curiosity, I promise.” He turned his head looking at his garage “Welcome to The Pit, partner. What missions do you have for me?” he asked excitedly.

“Humph,” He heard Farrah give a small snort before she spoke “I have you scheduled for patrol duty from 7 pm to midnight. Until then you’re on your own, I recommend you prepare for tonight… and clean your pit.”

“What’s Patrol duty?” Kaleb asked turning his head sharply away from the mess that was his garage.

“It’s you out at night patrolling an assigned area. It will test your ability to adapt to situations on the fly while providing twofold protection for the area when combined with SPPD patrols. They will assign one of your friends as a partner to watch out for you.”

Kaleb gave a groan at the idea he needed a babysitter and saying “I really don’t need the oversight you know. You and I can do just fine.”


Farrah’s tone became serious as she said “Yes, you do. You are a Mundane which means until you get experience under your belt, they will partner you with one of your friends. Those are the rules accept them. Besides, most patrols are in pairs, anyway.”

Kaleb gave a loud sigh, “All right, but honestly, I’ll be fine.”

Back in the Alley

Kaleb approached the prone form of the vigilante, watching warily as he moved closer. “Hey! You all right dude?” He asked.

The smaller man groaned writhing in pain on top of the trash bags he was lying on. He reached up to his face removing a black balaclava while saying “Dude, what the hell?”

The man had a distinctly northern accent. Which Kaleb found strange, but Texas got all types and there weren’t exactly restrictions on travel in-game. If you could afford a ticket in the Instantaneous Transfer system, you could go anywhere. Shrugging his shoulders Kaleb moved to help the guy up “Sorry man, System says you are my target. The SPPD issued you a warning an hour ago about stopping crime while unregistered.”

“Fuck the cops, man. And fuck your system, I’m gonna play this game how I want.” The man ignored Kaleb trying to help him up and stood up, ready to pounce, his stocky body set low and his arms held up in a boxers stance.

Kaleb sighed backing away two steps “That’s fine, you can do that. But this is just me playing how I want to play. And my way means taking you in.” Kaleb brought his robotic arm up mirroring the dark-dressed man’s stance as best he could. Ready for anything.


Except for a drug dealer with a broken leg and a surprising set of lungs. As Kaleb glanced down at the sound of the noise, the other man dashed forward. Grabbing Kaleb around his waist, the shorter man lifted and charged into the opposite wall. His back slamming into the wall, Kaleb tried to grab onto his assailant’s shirt trying to wrench the man off of him. Getting a firm hold on the back of the man’s shirt Kaleb felt relieved before he felt a boot hit his knee.

With the man’s kick Kaleb went down onto one knee ripping the man’s black shirt with his robotic hand. Trying to use his one arm to gain leverage Kaleb missed the elbow until it collided with the right side of his face. Smashing Kaleb’s head between the man’s elbow and the back wall. Kaleb’s vision swam as he felt the player step away from him and then heard his footsteps running quickly away.

“Professor! Snap out of it! He’s getting away!” Farrah’s voice rang out surprising both the still screaming drug dealer and the run away vigilante.

Shaking his head, trying to rid it of the tiny cartoon birds that Kaleb was sure weren’t there. Kaleb straightened up and dug in his coat pocket for a gadget he had created that afternoon. “I’ve got this.” Kaleb slurred still woozy from the blow to his head.

He pulled out a yellow plastic Easter egg slightly bigger than a standard baseball. Closing one eye, Kaleb lined up his throw at the exposed back of the man just about to turn the corner out of the alleyway. Adjusting his aim slightly Kaleb reared back then threw the oblong egg send it spiraling toward his target. Surprising himself again, his throw almost hit what he was aiming at. Sure, it was the back of the leg instead of the man’s back but Kaleb took the win.


Colliding with the back of the man’s knee the yellow egg broke open sending a tangle of exposed wires springing forth from inside. Tangling in the man’s legs, Kaleb held his breath before there was a sharp hiss then a snap.

“Yowch!” the man screamed as the wires around his legs became rigid and buzzed with an electrical current.


Through your “precise” aim you’ve been awarded the Throwing Mastery skill

Throwing Mastery Beginner Lvl 1–Sometimes you got to throw something. With this you might hit what you’re aiming at.

Throwing Accuracy increased by 2%

“HA! It works!” Kaleb cheered, head finally clear after its intimate visit with the wall.

“Yeah, but what is it?” Abby’s soft voiced asked as she came around the corner the man had been about to flee around. She had her shadow blade out, standing away from the man but keeping her blue eyes locked on his prone form as he writhed on the ground.

Kaleb grinned again as he moved forward, noticing that the drug dealer had stopped screaming and seemed to have passed out again on his pile of trash. “I call it the Taser Egg. You see the wires, without an electric current their wet noodles. But run a current through them and they become more like a Slinky, tough but still flexible.”

“And should I worry about the electricity killing him?” Abby asked again watching the guy carefully.

Kaleb shook his head “I wouldn’t think so, the crystal I used was the weakest I had. It should burn out any -” The buzzing suddenly cut out interrupting Kaleb’s explanation “Ah, see, already off. He should be out for a while… maybe.”

“I alerted the authorities before your… altercation” a crisp male voice spoke from Abby’s communicator.

“Thank you, Ternion.” Abby said.

Kaleb kept his eye on the unconscious vigilante while he collected the wiring and egg pieces shoving them unceremoniously into his torn lab coat’s pockets. I have to buy another lab coat soon, and a backpack Kaleb thought. A short while later the police arrived, it surprised Kaleb to see it was the Super Division. Showing up in a large van the police took their statements along with the vigilante’s blood sample and loaded him into their van while Kaleb asked, “Do they always send the Super Division out to collect vigilantes?”

One officer gave a superior sneer saying “Of course not. This guys a mutant.”

He and his partner finished loading their prep into the van when Abby asked “What’s his Mutation?”

Kaleb was also curious, moving in close as the officer tapped away on his wrist computer answering “Blood test came back. Apparently he can manifest bat wings at will.”

Kaleb nodded, that explained why he hadn’t used his mutation in the alley. Bat wings weren’t exactly useful in a fight. Remembering about the drug dealer Kaleb shouted after the police stopping them from getting in their van. “What about the drug dealer or alleged drug dealer in the alley?”

The Officers looked annoyed at the constant questions and looked ready to say something but Farrah spoke up from Kaleb’s wrist. “The SPPD doesn’t deign to worry themselves with non-powered individuals. I’ve already called an ambulance. We can continue our patrol when they arrive.”

Kaleb nodded his head and went to stand guard in the alley when one cop said, in a surprised tone “Farrah? Is that you? Holy shit, I never thought you’d -”

“YES! Jacob it’s me, I am a Handler with the HLO. Is that a problem?” Farrah’s tone was ice cold and the cop’s eyes went wide at the sound.

“Um, no ma’am, no problem. Just surprised. We’ll… uh, be on our way. Y’all have a nice night.”

The cop, Jacob, hurried into his van with his partner and drove away. Abby seemed alarmed at the exchange and looked ready to ask something but Kaleb waved his hand in a don’t gesture. Trying to keep his head still so Farrah wouldn’t notice the exchange. Sitting on the curb, Kaleb stared up at the sky and checked his health.

With his health already below 100, thanks to his missing limb, he wasn’t optimistic about what the beat down he’d received in the alley had done to him. Sure enough, his health was at 58, the vigilante had some mean moves. He had dropped Kaleb’s health by 36 points with three moves. Silently bemoaning the lack of a battle log in the game, Kaleb jumped slightly when something metal tapped against his right side. It was Lumpy, being held by Abby who was looking down at him.

“Are you all right, he tuned you up pretty good.”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” Kaleb gave a wry smile taking Lumpy and slinging around his right shoulder. “Besides, I gained another skill: Throwing Mastery. Soon my skill list won’t fit on a single page.”

“That’s fast,” Abby said “Did you get any defensive skills? Like Iron Head or something?” She smiled as Kaleb shook his head laughing.

“Not that lucky, but Toughness and Regen should jump up if I keep getting my ass kicked.”

“Could you please refrain from getting your ass kicked, while I am your Handler please.” Farrah said sounding put upon.

Kaleb grinned at her tone, “Thanks Farrah, glad to know you care and it’s not because it probably looks bad if a Handler loses a low rank hero.”

Abby’s eyes got wide as she realized that was probably the reason and Farrah giving a polite cough but ultimately keeping quiet hurt her case more. Kaleb just laughed out loud and laid back on the sidewalk staring up at the darkening sky. He let himself have a rest letting his Regen skill take effect and getting in as much healing as he could before they heard an Ambulance coming down the street.

As the ambulance arrived Kaleb had an idea asking Farrah “Hey, Farrah, you wouldn’t know of any Combat Trainers you could introduce me to, do you?” Watching the medics collect the criminal from the alley, Abby shot him a surprised look before walking away and asking something similar into her own communicator.

“I don’t know why you’d assume that.” Farrah said.

“Don’t give me that Farrah. Look, your business is your own, okay. You were obviously a Super at one point. And from the way people react, probably a bad-ass one. I’m not asking about your past or anything personal, I want info on nearby Trainers. Someone who’s gonna get me in shape to take down some major players or at least help me figure out what my limits are.” Kaleb exhaled and waited for a response as the ambulance pulled away and Abby approached, having finished her own conversation.

Farrah’s voice sounded tired when she finally answered “Ok, I’ll send you the information tomorrow. I know a guy, he normally just trains powered Supers. But, he owes me a favor. You should know though, He won’t hold back. He will hurt you. But if you can survive, you might just make it as a Super.”

“YES!!! Thank you so much Farrah. You will not regret this. I promise.” Kaleb cheered loudly raising his fist into the air and doing victory laps around a lamppost as Abby just stared at his antics.

“Yeah, Yeah calm down, Lizard. We’ve got a noise complaint on Academy Drive, just south of here.” Farrah said backed to her serious tone, but Kaleb thought he could hear a smile her voice.

He and Abby walked south, traveling down the dark streets. Kaleb was still giddy at the thought of getting a trainer and Abby seemed engrossed in her in-game menus as they walked. They walked in silence for several minutes before Abby moved up beside Kaleb asking “Did you create anything else before heading out tonight?”

Kaleb smiled wide saying “First, I spent the 800 credit reward we got on buying a skill book on Weaponsmithing, a couple more crystals, and I put some smaller metal pieces in the smelter hoping to cast it into something useful later. But for tonight… I still have a few surprises.” Kaleb was hoping for enigmatic, but by the look on Abby’s face he had landed on annoying.

Farrah confirmed his suspicions saying “Quit trying to be mysterious and answer the women’s question. I swear, if you inventors don’t get to brag to someone you’d think your tongues would fall out.”

Abby laughed while Kaleb rolled his eyes at Farrah’s words. “Some people can’t respect a good mystery,” He said as he reached in his other lab coat pocket. Pulling out his latest gadget Kaleb held it out flat on his mechanical palm, balancing it as best he could on one hand.

Abby looked disappointed as she studied the gadget saying “A gun? You built a gun? Haven’t you had enough bad luck with guns? And why not just go buy one?” Studying the device, it was little more than a metal barrel attached to a rectangular box with a trigger handle and what looked like a paintball loader. She shook her head and stared up at him eyes begging for an explanation.

Kaleb just chuckled “This,” he explained “Is not just any gun, it’s a miniature rail gun.” He quickly handed the gun to Abby and pointed at the different mechanisms.

“This took most of the day, working with only one hand but it should be worth it. Now you see the paintball hopper?” Kaleb asked, when Abby nodded he continued “That’s loaded with ball bearings, I’ve got a tub full at home, when I pull the trigger it feeds a bearing into the magnetic chamber where electromagnetism powered by an EXPENSIVE yellow crystal propels it through the tube and into whatever I happen to be aiming at.”

Abby looked at him in amazement and with a little worry and asked “You mean like the Rail Rifles the Navy hands out to its special operation teams IRL?”

Kaleb put the weapon back in his pocket and shook his head “No way. I don’t have the equipment to build something like that. This has nowhere near that kind of penetration power. Hell, the only reason this works is because I spent a large chunk of credits on the yellow crystal.”

Abby had another question as they continued walking “Why didn’t you use it against that player back there.”

Kaleb recoiled “I couldn’t do that, this thing would probably maim him, its stats are crazy, and who knows what it’s actually capable-”

“He’s afraid it might blow up.” Farrah interrupted.

“I’m afraid it might blow up.” Kaleb agreed. Nodding his head and looking forward trying to ignore the snort and eventual full on laughter that exploded out of the diminutive mutant. Five minutes later when Abby had caught her breath and assured Kaleb she had finished laughing, they arrived at Academy Drive.

Sighing loudly Kaleb asked “So where was this noise complaint?”

“A hotel further east up the road.” Farrah answered

As they turned to walk east Abby asked her own question “Do we know the nature of the disturbance?”

“Police received a call an hour ago about loud noises behind the hotel. Then again 30 minutes ago.” Farrah answered.

It surprised Kaleb that it was Farrah that answered not Abby’s Handler so he asked “Your Handler doesn’t speak much, does he?”

“Because unlike Ms. Kyneklos, I have other Supers I am the Handler for.” Abby’s Handler answered.

Kaleb grinned “Aww, Farrah, I didn’t know I was your one and only.”

Farrah’s voice turned stern “Keep it up lizard and I’ll ask the Trainer to rip off your other arm.” she sounded serious.

“Yes, ma’am. Sorry, Ma’am. Still kinda hot when you threaten me, Ma’am.” Kaleb shouted stopping and standing at attention.

*snort* a suppressed laugh came from his wrist and Abby shushed him as Kaleb, continued walking seeing the hotel’s neon sign. Approaching the hotel it became immediately plain that something was wrong. Someone had kicked the door to the main office open along with the doors to several rooms. Kaleb could see what he thought was blood seeping across the tiled floor of the office.

“I think I’ve got blood.” Kaleb said.

“You think?” Farrah asked

“It’s red, and it’s wet, I’m not gonna taste it.”

Farrah gave an audible sniff of disdain and said “Notifying police, continue to investigate.”

“Gotcha chief” Kaleb answered looking between the hotels two levels. Something opened several doors on both the bottom and top levels. Turning to Abby he said “I’ll take the second floor if you take the first.”

Abby just nodded and made her way to the first open door on the first floor as Kaleb made his way to the second. Drawing Lumpy, Kaleb moved into the first room and a putrid stench assaulted him along with the low buzzing of insects that pervaded the room. Quickly searching the room he found that it was empty, something that looked like blood was splattered all over the small restroom and the shower was still going. Searching the next room he found mostly the same thing except the blood was on the bed this time. But still no bodies.

Approaching the third room is when he heard it,

*Crunch* *Slurp* *Snap*

Kaleb slid up to the door frame peeking into the room. On top of the bed, sat straddled across the naked chest of person was a moving corpse. Clawing into the body underneath him with its fingers and bringing the torn flesh to its mouth the creature was slowly devouring the corpse of the room’s occupant.

Kaleb quickly pulled his head away from the door whispering into his wrist “Farrah, it’s a fucking Zombie.”

“I saw that. We need to know if it’s Magical, Biological, or Demonic.” Farrah’s voice sounded far too casual for Kalebs liking.

“What the hell does that matter? It’s a damn zombie! Call somebody!” Kaleb had never liked horror movies, but zombies were the worst of the worst for him. Never mind eating people, the smell and the creepy way their flesh was always falling off their bodies as they shambled around. They were gross, just gross. He would have to give this whole scenario a hard pass.

“What the hell do you mean? ‘call someone’ These people called you. Aren’t you a Super?” Farrah’s voice had become incredulous as she whispered at Kaleb through his communicator.

Kaleb for his part was trying to stop himself from hyperventilating and trying to build up his confidence at the same. “You’ve got this! You’ve got this! Who’s the lizard?! I’m the lizard! That’s right I’m the lizard!”


Shouting out what he hoped wouldn’t become his new battle cry, Kaleb charged into the room and after briefly checking were the zombie was, he closed his eyes and back handed the zombie as hard as he could with Lumpy. The zombie barely knew Kaleb was in the room until his sword smacked into the side of its head. Sending it crashing into a nearby wall. Cracking open his eyes Kaleb realized that he had smashed the zombie’s head in and it was no longer moving.

“You’re the lizard?” Farrah asked deadpan.

“Ms. Kyneklos, I humbly request you delete that audio.” Kaleb asked after he had calmed down somewhat.

“I deny your request.” Farrah answered.

“I… demand?” Kaleb tried.

“No, you don’t. Now check the zombie.”

Kaleb moved over to the Zombie which now sat slumped against the wall. Using the lens on his headband he studied the zombies entry in the Villains Compendium.

*Resurrected Human*

HP: 15

Stamina: 35

Magically resurrected by a Necromancer or similarly magically inclined item. Similar to other forms of undead. However unlike biological Zombies they do not transmit a disease that creates other undead. And unlike Demonic undead the magically resurrected are not intelligent enough to talk. Known to catch its victims unawares and deliver a devastating bite. Weak to most forms of attacks and like other undead, Resurrected Humans are more dangerous in groups.

Abilities: Slash, Bite

“Good, they aren’t the biological kind. I’m gonna have the SPPD move and clear the hotel.” Farrah said, having read the information the lens provided.

“Great, can’t wait to get out of here.” Kaleb nodded and quickly made his way out of the room almost bowling over Abby as he did.

“You ready to hunt a Necromancer?” Abby asked excitedly.

Staring blankly at Abby, Kaleb had a sinking feeling in his stomach. Farrah’s next words confirmed his fear. “As I was saying, they have assigned you and Ms. Nightmare the job of finding the Necromancer. Initial reports have the disturbance originating from the woods behind the hotel.”

Kaleb sighed loudly as he followed the far to chipper Abby down the stairs and around the side of the hotel. Police cars had just pulled into the hotel parking lot as Kaleb and Abby approached the tree line. The woods were dense with large trees and plenty of foliage that covered the night sky. As they crunched loudly through the woods Kaleb wondered how Abby seemed to not bump into every other tree like he did.

“Can you see?” asked Kaleb

Abby nodded as she continued forward. Moving deeper into the woods, Kaleb started hear a groaning sound that echo around the woods. Looking around furtively Kaleb tried to discern what was an enemy and what was just a shadow. Turning back to Abby, Kaleb started to ask another question before realizing that his mutant friend was gone. Kaleb stopped in his tracks searching the woods, afraid to call out in case he informed someone other than his friend where he was.

Kaleb spun slowly on the spot trying to find clues to where Abby went. The groaning continued all around him growing louder. Realizing the futility of his search, Kaleb stumbled his way to a tree, placed his back to it and waited. Listening intently for any sound other than the constant groaning, he kept his eyes searching, moving trying to memorize everything in his field of vision. Shuffling his feet among the sticks and leaves he was standing still when he heard the loud snap of someone crushing a stick underfoot coming from his left.

As he turned to see what had made the noise, something collided with his left arm. It sent him slightly off balance but he quickly righted himself looking down at his robot arm to see an undead trying to chew on it. Slamming his arm into the tree, he felt more than saw the undead’s skull crush inward. He heard the body hit the forest floor as he backed up away from the tree. As he stood there he realized, the groaning had stopped.

The woods were quiet now, save for the sound of feet crunching through the underbrush. There would be a rapid movement in the dark then a quiet thump as something hit the forest floor. Kaleb slowly moved to where he heard the movement but as soon as he got close there would be a thump and the sound would appear elsewhere. Finally, after the sound of a few more thumps, a voice shouted in the forest sounding angry and a little out of breath.

“NO! NO! NO! Where the hell are you, damn it!” the voice was male and not one Kaleb recognized it was deep and sounded annoyed.

Suddenly there was a bright flash, and something illuminated the forest as far as Kaleb could see. Looking around he saw Abby, shadow blades deployed from each hand as she ran through the woods slicing at the undead here and there. The undead were everywhere, moving around the forest slowly shuffling after Abby as she continued to dash between them. Every time she swung one of her arms an undead dropped and made a quiet thump as it hit the forest floor. Standing in the middle of the hoard of zombies was an elderly man dressed in red and black robes holding a golden orb up in the air

As the man lowered his hands, the orb continued to hover just above him casting light throughout the woods. As the man caught sight of Kaleb, he smiled manically “Aha! So there were two of you! Now you’ll witness the true power of Cadian Thackle Strickton, greatest Sorcerer of this age!” As the man spent the time to introduce himself Kaleb moved around the zombies approaching the old man and scanning him with his recorder.

*Cadian Strickton*


Rank: F

HP: ??

Mana: ??

Real Name: Theodore Sherman

Arrested 3 times for acts of magical vandalism. Theodore has weak overall skill in magic though he has shown to have an affinity for Air magic. Deemed a low risk by the SPPD, Report any sightings to the standard police department.

Current Bounty: 150 credits for mooning Archimedes Pendragon’s daughter, Minerva.

Kaleb smiled at the Compendium entry. Now here was a villain he could sink his teeth into. Abby cut her way around to where Kaleb was standing coming to a stop next to him and watching the undead carefully. “He has control over them, but he doesn’t seem able to control that many at a time.” she said.

Kaleb just smiled down at Abby “Dude is a Rank F, Abby. I think I can take him. Give me a minute.” Abby seemed about to say something else but Kaleb rushed forward dashing around undead shambling around slowly. Raising Lumpy high above his head Kaleb leapt forward bring his sword down as hard as his robotic arm could.

“Prepare to take your lumps, Teddy!” Kaleb shouted.


Kaleb’s sword stopped a foot away from the Sorcerer’s body, impacting into a soft shimmering bubble that appeared around the older man’s body. Smiling at Kaleb’s shocked expression the old Sorcerer waved his right hand like he was brushing Kaleb away saying “My name… is Cadian!” Kaleb felt his feet leave the ground as an unseen force lifted him up and tossed him into the nearest tree.

Kaleb thought he could hear his spine crack as the impact forced the air out of his lungs and he landed gasping and choking on all fours.

*Toughness Skill level up*

Health increased by 8%

Incoming physical damaged decreased by 4%

*Regen Skill level up*

At rest health regeneration increased by +3

Hey skill level up, yay. Thought Kaleb as he caught his breath and noticed that Abby was standing nearby. She was slicing through the undead as they tried to approach him.

“I’m sorry Abby,” *cough* “you were saying?” Kaleb asked still choking and wheezing.

Sounding particularly exasperated Abby said “I was gonna say: I already tried attacking him. As you saw he has some kind of shield.”

Kaleb nodded inhaling deeply and saying “Yeah and apparently a Rank F Villain with a mild affinity for air means he can toss a six foot lizard with a wave of his hand.”

“No, he is significantly more powerful than his Compendium file would lead you to believe. And we update those daily. Still charging any Villain head on is still stupid Professor.” Farrah said sounding a strange mix of worried and pissed. “The SPPD is moving in now. ETA 5 minutes.”

Cadian laughed from where he stood, around 15 feet away. “I believe the puny police force will find their way blocked.” He raised his hands again pushing outward with both hands together. A new wave of the undead seemed to bleed upward through the ground and charge past Kaleb and Abby heading for the edge of the woods.

Abby stopped hacking at the undead as they ignored her and rushed past toward the outer edges of the woods. Cadian gave another cackle rolling up the sleeves of his robes and staring at Kaleb and Abby. “You two shall have the honor of dying by my hand.” He said giving another sharp wave of his hand.

Abby dove to the side as Kaleb moved away as fast as he could. There was a loud crack as something impacted the tree where they had been standing leaving a large indent in the wood. Looking over at Abby who rolled out of her dive and up to her feet Kaleb saw her shrug her shoulders and prepare to charge the Sorcerer. Well, I don’t have a better idea Kaleb thought as he dropped Lumpy and reached into his coat pocket.

Giving his rail gun a quick once over to check that everything was still in one piece after his involuntary attempt to occupy the same space as the tree. Kaleb moved around to find the best chance to shoot as Abby charged the Sorcerer. As Abby danced around, slashing at the shield and narrowly avoiding the wizard’s various hand waves and gestures; Kaleb circled around trying to aim low with his latest creation. Taking aim at the back of Cadian’s knee Kaleb slowly pulled the trigger, praying that the thing didn’t backfire.


The bearing zoomed out of the rail gun faster than Kaleb could see and collided dead on with the sorcerer’s shield. While the bearing didn’t penetrate the bubble around the Sorcerer, it knocked him forward violently. It looked like the force of the shot had been like a haymaker to Cadian making the Sorcerer stop focusing on Abby and turn his attention to Kaleb.

“You no good miserable little insects!” Cadian shouted clenching his fist and swinging wildly toward Kaleb. Kaleb felt the air shift around him as he dove away from the invisible fist as it crashed into several trees behind him. The tail end of the magical attack caught Kalebs feet sending him end over end.

Kaleb kept on rolling until he saw he was in the shadow of a tree and stood. Peeking around it Kaleb saw that Cadian had to turn his attention back to Abby. The diminutive Mutant was dodging and slashing at the shield. Kaleb watched as Abby’s shadow blades connected with the shield which seemed to shimmer and flicker each time she hit it.

“Does that mean what I think it does?” Kaleb asked Farrah as he took aim again with his rail gun.

Farrah’s voice sounded excited “Yes, it does. Your rail gun must have drained the shield immensely. One more shot and then you can arrest him.”

Kaleb was momentarily incredulous “He’s killed people Farrah!”

Farrah’s voice became serious “And he’ll pay, might even get the death penalty. But that’s not for us to decide. We take them alive and let the system sort them out.”

Groaning loudly Kaleb agreed “Fine” he said pulling the trigger on his rail gun then putting it back into his lab coat pocket and rushing forward.

The small bearing collided with the shield forcing it to flicker violently then disappear completely. As Cadian recoiled from the force of the rail gun hitting his shield Kaleb dove at him for a one armed tackle. Wrestling him to the ground Kaleb tried to pin both his arms down with one hand as the Sorcerer cursed and struggled.

“Release me! You damn lizard! I am the great Sorcerer Cad-”

The old man’s words and his attempts to get free from Kaleb halted. Abby stood above them holding one of her shadow blade’s in Cadian’s face. She had a severe look on her face and like the two men she was breathing hard. Sweating from the exertions of the short, but intense battle Abby moved her face closer to the Sorcerer’s Saying.


Cadian gave an imperceptible nod as Kaleb shuffled around. Keeping his one hand on the other man, Kaleb looked around the woods trying to see any signs of the police. But other than the three of them the forest was quiet.

Farrah’s voice seemed to echo as she said “The Undead are still hindering the police. Either he is still maintaining the spell, or it’s being maintained by his Foci. Look for anything magical on his person.”

Kaleb gave a grunt of acceptance as he gave the Sorcerer a none to gentle pat down. Abby kept her blade on their captive as Kaleb removed a necklace, four rings, and ornate bracelet. After that, Kaleb dug through his pockets. Finding nothing in the left robe pocket Kaleb reached down into the right side pocket and quickly removed his robotic arm.

“Ugh, man, that was gross.” Kaleb said staring between his arm and the old man’s pocket.

“You know you can’t feel anything with that arm, right?” Farrah said.

“I know but something felt slimy, even to my metal arm.”

“Well, suck it up and get back in there, that might be the Foci.” Farrah ordered.

Grimacing in disgust Kaleb jammed his hand into the old man’s pocket. He grasped and removed what he was sure would be a hard clump of snot. In reality, it turned out to be a small gold clasp in the shape of a raven in flight.

Looking at the item Kaleb asked “Do I destroy this?”

Cadian seemed to tense at that and still without moving his head yelled “Don’t you dare! That was a gift to my esteemed personage from the Mad Witch herself.”

Farrah’s voice spoke up, doubtful. “The Mad Witch Korrigan, gave you her Foci?”

“She did, it lay left on the battlefield after her great battle with the SPPD. It called me. If not me then who else was it meant for.” Cadian seemed indignant.

Abby spoke up blade inching closer to the man’s face “I imagine it was calling to every magical person within range.”

Ternion’s voice came from Abby’s wrist “Correct you are Ms. Nightmare, the authorities left it on the field awaiting someone from the Magical Councils to remove it safely. Mr. Sherman must have found it there. How he snuck in and took it though is a mystery.”

“Air magic,” Kaleb said “He didn’t have to be anywhere near the main site and if the police saw him, they probably didn’t take him as a threat.”

Cadian sneered up at the two of them “HA! A mistake they shall never make again. The wind delivered me the weapon to crush my enemies. Soon they shall all perish in the fire of my rev-”

Kaleb wrapped his metal fist around the Foci and punched down into the old man’s face, hard. Kaleb felt Teddy Sherman’s nose crack along with something snapping off the Foci. As he felt the thing snap, a wave of purple energy exploded from the Foci blowing both Abby and himself away with its force. Picking themselves up Kaleb noticed that the woods seemed to have brightened as he looked around.

Farrah’s angry voice screamed out of his wrist “You idiot! That Foci held part of the power of a Rank A villain. If that old Sorcerer hadn’t used a lot of that power to raise and control the dead this entire block could have been a crater!”

Kaleb tried to stutter out a response before he felt something smack into the side of his head. Looking over he saw Abby standing arms crossed and with an angry look on her face. Had she thrown a rock at him?

“I didn’t know?” he explained “How could I have known? Besides, we had to stop the army of undead from holding up our back-up from getting here, right?” Kaleb said.

Farrah’s voice went into what Kaleb was calling her Teacher Mode “The SPPD Wizards were en route and could have had helped safely deal with the Foci. And the standard police were more than capable of mounting a safe defense against the undead.”

Ternion’s clipped voice added “And he struck an individual in custody or will we be leaving that out of the official report, Ms. Kyneklos?”

“We will not be leaving that out of the report, Ternion!” Farrah sounded indignant “We shall report everything and you Professor shall take the deduction to tonight’s rewards.”

“Aargh!” Kaleb growled angrily, flicking his wrist communicator off. He wrenched his headband off, turning it off, and briefly about to throw it into the woods. Eventually he jammed the gadget into his pocket and walked out of the woods. Abby close behind.

The rest of the night was Abby and Kaleb recounting the events of the night. From first entering the hotel to the breaking of the Foci. Many SPPD Wizards reminded Kaleb repeatedly how dangerous breaking a high-level Foci. But, the normal police seemed thankful that he had done it. The undead had them trapped in the various rooms of the hotel and from what Kaleb learned the other units weren’t doing any better.

It was an hour later, when they finally headed home, that Abby finally spoke. “You know she was right, though.”

She gave him a hard gaze daring him to disagree. Kaleb nodded readily saying “I’m know she was, and I couldn’t care less about the deduction. But…” He glanced around making sure the two of them were far enough and alone before continuing. “Remember what Battlehorn said this morning?”

Abby nodded, understanding dawning on her face. “You don’t really think she’s purposefully giving you a hard time, do you?”

Kaleb just shrugged his shoulders and said “Maybe. I don’t know. Everything’s a fight with her. I accept that the Foci thing was my fault, But seriously, how were we supposed to know. I’m a Mundane, I know jack-all about the magical.”

Abby nodded before saying. “Maybe that’s the point. We can’t know everything about the various origins. But, maybe we should learn what we can.”

Kaleb just nodded, turning silent and continuing down the road.

Ternion’s voice echoed in the empty street “If I may interrupt, you are correct Ms. Nightmare. While Ms. Kyneklos was severe in that teachable moment. The point remains: New Supers must realize that they have to learn everything they can about the other Super powered variants out there. I think Ms. Kyneklos’ reaction was more from the thought of losing her first Super.”

Kaleb again nodded as he continued walking. Ternion continued. “As for the other matter, everyone at the HLO knows of Mayor Kennedy and Ozarious’ agreement on how to deal with Mundane Supers. And while some take great joy in making life hell for Mundane Supers. Ms. Kyneklos… Farrah wouldn’t.”

Seeing that Kaleb would not engage with the conversation as he silently walked on Abby asked “Why not?”

“Not really my story to tell. I will just say Ms. Kyneklos loves of rules and order. She would cast aside anything that upset either of those ideals without a second thought.”

The pair made it to Kaleb’s street first, so he waved goodbye to Abby and walked down to his house. Entering his home, Kaleb stopped in at The Pit dropping off his weapons. Checking his laptop he saw that he had two emails from Farrah. She had titled the first one ‘Trainer’, the second, ‘To The Childish Lizard.’

Not feeling up to dealing with anything, Kaleb left the emails untouched and made his way to his bedroom. Switching his heat lamps on and removing his shredded lab coat and laid down. Basking in the heat, Kaleb curled up on his bed and fell asleep.

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