《Medusa and the blind woman》Chapter 3: Medusa and the idle days
“Good morning Lady Medusa!” Eugenia greeted her at the entrance to her lair.
“I fear sleep now, for when I awaken you change in ever more confounding ways.” Medusa looked down on the girl with exasperation.
“I am the same as always, though?” She didn’t seem to think her actions were odd.
“Why did you call me that?” Medusa sighed. Straightforward was the only way with this human.
“Ah! Now you have a name - and you are the owner of this land - so that makes you the Lady of this isle. Lady Medusa.” Her explanation was to the point.
“Where did that sudden humility come from?” She grinned sardonically.
“How rude! As a priestess I was taught to live a humble and respectful life.” She patted her chest in pride.
“This coming from the impertinent human whose first words to me were childish insults?” Medusa could only scoff.
“Er, that was when I still thought you were just a heartless monster. I didn’t know better.” She was actually ashamed. Somehow this pleased Medusa greatly.
“I am an evil monster.” She replied with a shrug.
“I think you can be so much more than that.” Eugenia replied and then suddenly put a hand on Medusa’s cheek. The Gorgon’s eyes widened in response and she reflexively pulled away.
“What…?” She had to regain her composure from the sudden ‘attack’.
“You are also a slacker and a pessimist!” Eugenia said with a giggle.
“Why you!” A vein popped on Medusa’s face. This girl knew exactly how to anger her. She should have predicted the punchline. Surely she was testing how far she could push the Gorgon before she would devour her.
“Hehehe, I’m sorry. That was the first time I could ‘see’ your face, so I felt a bit mischievous.” Eugenia apologized with a bowed head and a smile. How could she act this way after Medusa put such an evil curse on her mere days ago?
What did she mean by ‘seeing’ her face anyway? All she did was touch her cheek. Her ancient mind was far from slow, so she quickly came to an answer. Did her special hearing react to the vibrations caused by touching the face to reconstruct it in her mind? That was rather impressive. Somehow it made Medusa feel exposed though. She needed to get her mind off that odd sensation.
“Listen human.” She addressed her seriously.
“Can’t you call me by my name?” Eugenia twisted her lips in displeasure.
“You were about to enter my lair, were you not?” Medusa completely ignored her objection.
“Yes. I wanted to clean down there as well.”
“Clean?” Now she noticed the broom standing next to the door. She glanced across the courtyard which had been carefully swiped with said broom. The marks could still be seen. It was ludicrous to think a blind girl did this, although it would explain the unusual patterns. What would compel her to do this in the first place? The temple was far too big to be cleaned by a single human girl.
“As a priestess I cannot allow a temple to be in such disarray.” She claimed with a serious face. There must have been more to it than that, but Medusa did not care enough to pursue the truth.
“Are you also going to rebuild the walls and fix the roof then?”
“Uhm… m-maybe another time.” Eugenia shifted on her feet nervously.
“No matter.” Medusa crossed her arms. “You must never enter my lair, understood?”
“That is the only place that belongs to me alone. It should never be sullied by humans.” She said sternly.
The girl’s face expressed a lack of comprehension. Perhaps she really didn’t understand such boundaries when they were already living on the same cramped island together. It was time to add the threat then.
“If you step in while I slumber, my natural instincts might awaken and I shall kill you as you stand.” It was a grave premonition, but true nonetheless.
“You are worried about me.” Eugenia realized with surprise.
“How did you manage to twist my words in such a self-serving way?” Medusa shook her head and the snakes hissed in discontent. “If I end your life with my own hands I will break my vow. I cannot allow that on my pride as a Gorgon.”
“I see.” Eugenia nodded slowly. “Alright. I promise that I will never enter your lair. Even if I really want to.”
“You should keep that last part to yourself.” Medusa rubbed her forehead and shooed the girl away. Eugenia energetically made her way to the beach. She really loved that place the most out of the entire island.
As she went out of view, Medusa turned around facing her lair. It was deep and dark and cold. A comforting space just for her to stretch and forget the world. Like she would ever allow a human to enter that innermost sanctum.
“And now for you lot.” She suddenly addressed the snakes on top of her head. “If your mistress gets attacked, is it not natural for you to bite that hand?”
The snake hair curled up into a ball of shame.
“I was jesting!” Medusa called up to the roof with a mix of disbelief and annoyance.
“I know! But you were right. Leaving thing like this is just sad.” Eugenia replied from on top of the fallen in roof.
Unbelievable as it may seem, this foolish girl had decided to climb the temple façade and then balance on top of the bow close to the roof. Just when she finally thought that this human was not suicidal anymore, she went and did something death defying as this.
“What are you even attempting to accomplish? You have no tools or materials. Just come back down before you become prey for the vultures.” It was so irritating. Why did she have to be the voice of reason here?
“I will just measure the size of the holes and get a feel for the damage. Then I can make a plan to fix it!” Eugenia balanced along the bow with steady feet and both arms stretched to the sides.
Did she really imagine herself to be some legendary roofer? There were limits to the unnecessary skills a priestess should possess.
“Should you fall you can be certain that I will not catch you.” She said with a deadpan voice. “And I will not nurse you back to health when you break your limbs.”
“Don’t worry so much.” The girl stopped in her tracks as she heard that and then seemed to consider something. She turned her face down to Medusa several times, before finally making a move again. “Oh my, this is sleeker than I thooought!” She suddenly shouted in a very unconvincing tone. Her foot seemed to lose halt and she flailed her arms around.
Medusa stiffened up for a second.
“I might fall!” Eugenia exclaimed and wobbled back and forth. She was definitely listening for Medusa’s reaction now.
This cheeky human… She was actually trying to bait her into responding? How arrogant. She was a hundred years too young to fool a Gorgon.
After putting on her act for a few seconds longer she finally caught herself and stood steady. Medusa could have sworn that she saw the girl click her tongue. That was it. She would not continue to be an audience for this failed theatre performance. Without another look she slithered away from the entrance.
Eugenia listened to her leave and stood there in disappointment. Maybe she was regretting her actions a little as well. For now she would continue her exploration of the rooftop. With a determined step on the marble pillar… she slipped off.
The old marble had crumbled ever so slightly from years of wear and the edge had turned to dust under the girl’s sandals.
“Waahh!” She flailed her arms trying to grab onto the ledge, but it was too late. She was already falling down to the courtyard at alarming speed. Although she could not see the ground closing in on her, the rush of the air past her ears was frightening enough. There was an odd feeling in her stomach as she fell to her doom.
Her body tensed up in preparation for the inevitable impact. From this high up she would break most of her bones, if she was lucky. For some reason her last thoughts were not with the distant temple in Lamia and all the people she had met there, but rather with the one who had trapped her on this tiny island in the middle of nowhere.
“I am sorry Lady Medusa.” She whispered before she hit the ground.
The sound of feathers rustling in the wind, a wingspan that exceeded its limits, the flapping of such great wings. The strong sound broke through all the anxiety and then caught her in the deadly fall. She could feel strong arms hold her up below her back and legs. What manner of bird could carry a girl all on its own?
There was that sound - the sound of twisting scales and hissing. The ever lively ‘hair’ on top of a certain Gorgon’s head. But how could that be?
They landed on the ground and Eugenia shook in Medusa’s arms for a moment. Then she was roughly slammed on the ground. She rubbed her lower back in pain.
“Your foolishness is unbelievable. I should have let you get squashed.” Medusa could barely voice her complaints, that’s how angry she was.
“W-what? H-How did you do that?” She was too confused to mind the anger.
“That is not important right now.” She said with a seething tone.
Eugenia extended her hand and caught a short feeling of feathers. These were undoubtedly wings. Great and powerful wings that could even carry a sizable creature like the Gorgon.
“You had wings?” She was shocked. If there had been wings, surely she would have heard them before, like she did right now. Their subtle flaps and motions were unmistakable, similar to the swans she had once fed in the rivers of Athens.
Medusa acknowledged her curiosity begrudgingly. “I can grow them at will. They are mostly in the way, so I keep them inside.” That explanation was all she was willing to give.
“That is amazing. I thought you were more snake than anything.”
“There is a lot that you do not know.” She retorted. “But that is beside the point. Do you realize that your recklessness almost cost you your life?”
“Yes.” She nodded in regret. It was rather pitiful.
“Typical human. Overestimating your capabilities and then ending up as food for the crows.” She really could not let her get off that easily. “Next time I will not save you. This is not a jest or a careless remark. I am not your protector and do not possess the kindness to remedy your idiocy.”
Eugenia was kneeling and accepted the lecture. Truly, this was reminiscent to temple school for her. The head priestess had also lectured her the same way. How nostalgic.
“Are you smiling?!”
“N-no, Lady Medusa! I apologize for my misconduct and will never do it again!”
“As long as you understand.” Medusa retracted her wings and then closed her eyes to calm down.
“Still, I wish I could grow wings as well.” The girl said with a yearning expression.
“…so you can escape this island on your own?” Medusa glanced at her questioningly.
“So I don’t have to ride boats actually. I get seasick very easily.” She said with a depressed mien.
Medusa sighed softly. The rage had already evaporated.
“I got an idea!” Eugenia suddenly exclaimed. “Let me give you something as thanks for saving me.”
Maybe Medusa’s hearing was getting worse, but she could have sworn that this girl just said she was thankful? That would be the day.
“Here take this one. It is really ripe.” The priestess handed a fat plum to the Gorgon.
“Is this how you want to repay me? With plums?” She regretted getting her hopes up. Not like this foolish human had anything to offer in the first place.
“I took out the seeds already, so it will be much tastier!” She smiled.
“I do not require nutrition.” She reminded her patiently.
“I wondered about that. You don’t need food, but you can still eat it, yes?”
“That is correct.” Naturally, she had a mouth and the organs required to process food. But after so many decades even eating became a hassle. When something served no use, over time it would become tedious and unpleasant.
“Then please eat it. The ones from that tree are very sweet.” She pushed the plum into Medusa’s hands.
“Very well.” Arguing with Eugenia in this state was an exercise in futility. She should show goodwill, as this was supposed to be repayment. Medusa took the plum to her mouth and harshly bit into it. Might as well get it over with quickly.
Eugenia waited with a suspenseful air about her.
“It is sweet.” She nodded in mild surprise. For the first time in ages she chewed on something and it was not an unpleasant sensation at all. The sweetness mixed with a sour note really helped the enjoyment of the process. The plums of this isle had been bitter the last time she had tasted them so many decades ago. It was a wondrous thing that their taste changed in not even a century. She threw the remainder of the plum into her mouth in a carefree way.
“Haha, I knew you would like it.” The girl was nibbling on her own fruits with childish joy.
What a strange feeling. Eating with a human under a tree. There had been a time in Medusa’s life where such a thing could have been possible, but she had no fond memories of those times. In the here and now it wasn’t as bad as she had expected.
“Eating food means processing it, though. Such a hassle.”
“Haht do’yu meahn?” For a well-trained priestess she sure didn’t care about appearances, stuffing her face while talking.
“That reminds me. Where have you been relieving yourself?” Medusa asked while looking at the ocean.
“GAHK?!” Eugenia almost choked on her food and had to hit her chest repeatedly to loosen the piece in her esophagus. “Hrrk… L-Lady Medusa, how could ask something like that while we are eating!?” She was really livid.
“Hm? Is that a problem? Coming in or out, it is the same to me.” She raised a brow and the snakes looked at each other in confusion.
“T-that’s, you know! W-we shouldn’t talk about shameful things like that so openly.”
“?” The Gorgon felt left out of the loop. What was there to be ashamed about with the call of nature? It was the one thing tying all living things together. With the exception of certain creatures like her of course.
“Now I lost my appetite.” Eugenia’s head dangled down.
“Then you can hand me your share.” Medusa grinned a toothy grin.
“No way.” But Eugenia already gathered the remaining fruit and put them into a basket she had brought along. She must have made it from the reed at the bottom of the cliffs. She really had a knack for handicrafts.
It seemed that she had lost her sweet plum rights for speaking carelessly. She didn’t feel it to be much of a loss, as she could just pick them from a tree whenever she wanted, but she had no idea how Eugenia had gotten rid of the seeds without squashing the plum completely.
Silence enveloped the two under the tree and they just listened to the rhythmic sound of the waves. It was all too familiar to islanders and sailors, until it became part of their own heartbeats.
“If you could fly.” Eugenia finally spoke up again, having apparently gotten over her disgust. “Why do you not leave the island?”
“Did those cowardly men really tell you nothing about me?” Each time she broached the topic it seemed even more hopeless. Why would she come along on an expedition to slay a monster she knew nothing about?
“I am sorry.” She apologized as if it was her fault.
“Even if I wanted to do so, I could not.” Medusa leaned back and curled up her tail to sit on it. “I would not be able to pass the barrier of storms.”
“What barrier?”
“Poseidon’s.” She said curtly.
“Why did the great and imposing Poseidon…?” The question was expected, but it didn’t become any less annoying.
“I am cursed to stay on this island. Poseidon keeps up his part of the promise. That is all.” She would not say any more no matter how much the girl would prod her.
“I see.” Surprisingly she didn’t insist on an answer. “Can you breathe underwater?” A rather random tangent. This girl must have thought her capable of anything at this point.
“Yes.” She was correct nonetheless.
“Have you tried going under the barrier then? By diving to the bottom of the sea?” She raised her index finger as if she had a brilliant idea.
“A meaningless endeavor. Poseidon is my gatekeeper, the ocean is his domain.”
“True… Then how about flying to the ceiling of the world?! You could just jump over his barrier!”
“That would not work. My wings would freeze and become unable to move.” She rejected the idea.
“Huh? But warmth of the sun reaches everywhere.” She tilted her head.
“What about the ocean then?”
“That’s water. Water has to be heated with fire.” She smiled as if she was educating a child.
“Rrgh. It is hard to explain to someone who cannot fly, but at a certain altitude the air gets very thin and cold.” She would not let herself be treated clueless by a mere child.
“Is that so?” She was rather accepting of this new information at least. “Well then, why don’t you take me into the sky?”
“Pardon?” Her eyes dulled in response.
“Take me into your arms and let us fly together! I want to know what it feels like.” She was ridiculously excited.
“I will give you another plum?”
This continued for a while. Medusa would not do it, no matter what. The day the proud Gorgon became a mount for a carefree human was the day she would stare into a mirror and petrify herself (whether that would work or not was unclear).
“Fine! Jerk.” Eugenia turned away from her and pouted.
“How did a child like you become a priestess?” She sighed.
“I am not a child.” She retorted.
“How old are you then?”
“I have experienced 16 summers.” She explained. “I can’t really tell the passage of time on this island very well, but it should be the 17th soon.”
“So you actually were of age?” That was a surprise.
“I told you so from the start!”
“Heh. Compared to me you are still no more than an infant, though.” The eternally youthful Gorgon shrugged and enjoyed the stewing irritation of this hopeless girl.
Even meaningless arguments tended to be pleasant to her now. How odd.
Slowly but surely their worlds expanded again. With each discovery the two grew closer to an understanding that they were previously denied.
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