《Fantasy World Epsilon 30-10》12.7 A Trip with Altitude


Keya was blindfolded as she was led out by Master’s, firm and assuring, hands gripping hers. The chilly breeze hit her as she tentatively stepped forth from the Rift Room to gods-knew-where. Rustling leaves and distant town bustle met her ears. Carefully sitting down on a hard angled surface, she listened to her comrades’ banter. Being blindfolded, she had not much else to do but hug her knees and wait. She was not look until explicitly permitted. Her magic returned as she crossed the threshold, so that narrowed the possible destinations.

Keya furtively reached forth with her aura to appraise the surroundings.

“Hey! No cheating, Kay! I can feel you groping about.”

“Forgive me, Master.” Though she was not truly contrite, she would need to find better methods to shroud her movements in future. Master’s magical omniscience was a frustrating advantage she wished to quash.

Jon returned to his previous discourse with Ster-sun. “You’re sure, Ril?”

“I stake my ‘completely’ legitimate medical expertise on it, I swear. Where the hell did you get it?”

“I keep my secrets close, and my dealers even closer Ms van Ster.”

“It’s from that Luren herb lady, isn’t it. How did you even find it amongst all those dried leaves? We were in the store for less than five minutes.”

“Well child, you will learn in time that I have an eye for these things. I’m just grateful the magical malady isn’t originally from America.”

“I was wondering why you didn’t usually take American jobs.”

“Plenty Italian ones though.” Master’s voice turned and called in her direction, “Alright, Kay; you can look now.”

She pulled the silk wraps from her face. Very comfortable, and rather decadent for a simple blindfold. Passing it back to Rilian, Keya looked around.


“Master! Why are we on top of the Spire?! Heights are not my strong suit.” The four gargantuan trees that pillared the Spire extended well past the building’s structure, tapering further up to form Elgelica’s lofty canopy. The trees gave her some comfort, but seeing only infinite leaves, branches, and sky with no ground in sight was unnerving.

Ril floated above the roof via metal plates attached to her harness. Pocketing the cloth, she skipped and levitated back to Jon.

The justification for this elaborate secrecy involved something about her first ‘trip’ needing to be ‘special’. Even sitting a safe distance from the roof edge, and being able to fly at any time, the sudden realisation of her location startled her.

Jon asked, “A Wood Elf in an Elven forest and you’re still freaking? We sit in the HAS like every day.”

“The HAS is a detached sight, too far down to conceive of as more than a pretty picture. This is…”

“Alright, alright, if you get too scared, just jump back through the Rift. We’re really just starting the trip here. Ril and I have ordered a special munchies menu tailored to your likes and a few other surprises.”

“It is a celebration for me? My day of birth is yet a few months off.”

“Ril roll. Show me what ya got.”

“Like I haven’t rolled a million spliffs, Kel.”

“It’s a ‘thank you’ for saving my life,” replied Master.

“He’s lying Kay,” said Ster-sun. “Kel needs little to no excuse to get high. But he is trying to accommodate you. It’s kind of an unwritten rule to assist first-timers, and Kel has an outstanding trip personality if I do say so myself. I’m rather excited to be physically with him for once.”


“That is the highest praise I have ever heard from you, Star Girl. I am touched! Truly, ya got me right here in the feels.” Master patted his chest in faux ingenuity.

“I’ll show you where you can get me tonight. Hold one back for that, in fact.”

“Uhhh…,” floundered Jon.

“Focus, Master! What are we doing here?”

“We’re getting high, that’s what.”


“We are going to puff on a magical herb and go magical places.” He gestured in the manner of a smoking pipe. “Now, I’m not sure how fast the THC will burn through your enhanced system, nor how fast it will engage. So, just to be safe, you’re going first, and I’ve got the camera ready. Trust me; it’s for science!”

“Now I feel even less assured. ‘For science’ is a very worrisome phrase, I have learned.”

“Feel no peer pressure; you only hurt me deeply if you refuse. I will recover in a year or two. An apprentice spurning her Master is a common theme.”

“Having that kind of power over you does put my mind at ease, Thank you. What am I supposed to refuse?”

“This.” He presented the white paper stick to her. “We light the one end and breathe the smoke in on the other.”

“A herbal fire then? The medicinal herbs you bought are inside?”

“Wow, you got it so quickly. My, how you have matured, my student!”

“I am not sick; why would I need such herbs.”

Ril spoke up. “Convince Bron to part with his ale using that logic. I’d like to see you try.”

“So these herbs intoxicate then?”

“Much better than intoxication, and best enjoyed with feasting and friends.”

“And fucking, Kel, you will not forget my fucking, do you hear!”

Master spoke almost to himself. “Now I just need to get her high enough so that she forgets. Fingers crossed.”

“What was that?” said Ril.

“Hmm, nothing dear. So are you in, Kay?”

Either she would deeply regret this, or it would shatter her wildest expectations. Correction, the later was almost certainly true, but it did not negate the former. Regardless it was time she would spend with him; time she might never have had. Be it good or bad; it was precious.

“Very well, Master. I am trusting you.”

“Music to my ears. Ril, deploy the Cam Flies, we can’t take any chances!”

“Got it, Boss.”

It turned out to be the best non-birthday present she ever had. And there was video to prove it.

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