《Fantasy World Epsilon 30-10》5.1 Baby Steps at Breakfast


The fever passed in the night.

When Jon came to, it was due to a particular elf calling ‘Master’ out in the hall.

“Ah fuck Lee, you had one job!”

“It’s 9:30 in the morning! Wake up ya sleepy bitch!”

“What’s the prognosis Doc? Is it cancer?”

“Pretty shit actually, looks like ya gonna grow old, get a pension, and go senile.”

“Wow, that bad, huh?”

“Yeah, some run of the mill viral phage had her way with you last night. Those bitches are a dime a dozen says Medical. Every sewerage pipe and toilet floats its own unique soup. Didn’t even leave her number, looks like. Just check if you have an overnight six-pack or extra muscle definition.”

“Just what I earned I’m afraid.” He glanced anyway to make sure his gains weren’t slipping.

“Aw shit, best you try climbing the walls then. You know, just to be sure, for science an’ all.”

“It was an Elf, not a spider.” He opened the capsule and swung his legs out not feeling much worse for wear.

“Good point that. Check your ears, are they more pointy? Feel any pressing desire to sleep with a bow perhaps?”

“None as such Dr Lee. I assume my blood work is adequately documented?” He stepped out and started to dress.

“Ya fucking got that right. Best get those critters on ice properly sampled too. Got some whitecoats this side chomping at the bit for more genomes.”

“I was gonna get to that before….”

“You sure ya don’t wanna try latching onto the ceiling? Evy’s got the camera ready. If ya fall off, I promise only to laugh a lot.”

“Very considerate of you, Lee. I shall have to decline this time.”

“No worries mate. Got your back all the same.”

There it was, the nugget of gold in all the bullshit. The reason Lee was the best damn Handler this side of the multiverse. Shit talker deluxe, but one hundred per cent heart.

“I know you do, mate.” Jon finished off and composed himself to meet the day and a certain girl who refused to shut up in the hall outside.


In the kitchen, those sharp green eyes narrowed suspiciously at him while he prepared breakfast.

“Are you trying to nail me to the wall with your stare? Jeez, breakfast is coming, chillax.”

“I am no fool, Master,”

“So you keep saying.”

She continued unperturbed, but with an eyebrow raised. Jon was sure to pay for that one later.

“The White Room, discomforting as it is, was evidently built for a singular purpose.”

“Is that so?” He played innocent, “What do you suppose it is?” Chicken salad was today’s menu; he pulled out the cutting board and a knife.

“You are usually not this evasive, Kel-sun. Knowledge is normally dispensed from you like the font of a mountain spring. I will leave the matter for now. You doubtless have your reasons.”

“Very kind of you, Kay. So… you look a kak-ton better since yesterday. How do you feel?”

“You do not already know? If you said mind reading and soothsaying were part of your litany of powers, I would believe without comment.”

“You not commenting would be miraculous! But jokes aside, I’m here for ya. We’ll walk this path together; you have my word on that.”

“Thank you, Master, that is more reassuring than you may know.” Keya sipped her coffee. “I am indeed much recovered since the events of yesterday. At first, there was much fear. The dread of the unknown clutched at my heart. You wrested me from such torments, and rightly so. The shielding of your abode, once irksome, is now a sanctuary. Further, Lee provided wise counsel on venting my vexations at the shooting range.”

“Hear that? I’m wise.”

Jon muted chat and mumbled, “You weren’t kidding about the bow.”

“What was that, Master?”

“Uh, nevermind.”

“As I said, archery and magical impotence were welcome reprieves. Regarding the gifts, might I request racks for bows in my quarters? Also, a bookshelf that I might stow Grandpas tomes along with new ones. Your library is of course more than adequate, but I would have his books close in remembrance.”


“Sure, I’ll get your old shelf from storage.”

“Ah, yes, we absconded with well-nigh all of my household. Slipped my mind.”

“We’ll get your stuff, and sort your room out today.”

“Many thanks, Master. To continue, I did as you bade and read the tome when sufficiently fortified of mind. This power is named Nature Magic by the writer. Ostensibly, not all mages are as… rigid with separation of magics as I believed. It mentions how life shields itself from control. The book was intended to be easily breached by a novice. Your body, however, should have been impossible to pierce for one such as I. And certainly not without your willingness.”

“Life Magic. That’s what we’re calling it. 'Nature' is too broad.”

“The book clearly says-”

“Life Magic. Good talk.”

Kay simply expelled a heavy sigh hanging her head.

“Hmm, we’ll have to do more magical testing and practice it seems.”

“Master, despite my calm, I am hesitant to attempt more. Frankly, it still frightens me. Had I not taken your ‘Red Pill’, I very much doubt I’d have had the strength to regain composure. It likely awakened my powers as well.”

“Riiight, the pill. Bout that Kay. It’s best, we clear up some confusion surrounding the consumption of my magical medicant.” He reached for two white plastic jars in a top cupboard. Unscrewing the lids revealed both red and blue pills in copious supply. Leisurely, he removed one of each colour and knocked them back with a gulp of coffee.

“You took both blue and red together! Is that not dangerous?”

“The pills are identical; they’re just dyed capsules of fish oil. Healthy? Sure. Magical? Not even a little. The magic happens with the ‘belief’ they do something. I have found that giving newcomers the conviction they are protected, that their minds are fortified, helps them handle the culture shock of seeing and experiencing all you have.”

“It did nothing! That cannot be! There is no way I could have handled the maddening trials of mind these past few days without it! I’ve only barely clung to sanity since rising in the airship.”

“And yet, you have. That is the power of placebo. The belief itself is enough to provide real effects when needed, especially of the psychological kind. It’s not a panacea, but for an innocent village girl embarking on a mind-bending adventure, its the perfect solution!”

Kay’s familiar incredulous frown did not subside. “Do you recall how your first portal with the wolves affected me? How could you claim your pill does nothing?”

“Exposure to new ideas and things normalises them over time. Cushioning the initial shock is all that’s required. The mind is a resilient thing; it grows and adapts very quickly if you let it.”

“A complete deception!” Rocking back on her stool aghast. “You are an extremely cunning liar, Master! What other deceptions have you yet to reveal?”

“Well, I did tell you not to believe me blindly.”

“That you did, Master, that you did. Though how could I have anticipated you meant to doubt so far back.” Kay shook her head vigorously.

“You did it through your own power and strength of will. That’s the lesson here. And free thinking is a way of life; it extends all the way back to long before Gavin or I ever met you. The ancient wisdom of your mages is as applicable as anything I say, or you read. No one has the full picture, and everyone makes mistakes.”

“Oh, Master! You make me cry, laugh and everything in between. What is in store for us this day?! Travel to the moon, perhaps? Meeting Merfolk under the sea?”

“Jules Verne, huh?”

“I do not know of whom or what you speak.”

“Of course not. First is chicken salad. Then we’ll get to the fun stuff.”

“I shudder to think, Kel-sun.”

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