《Fantasy World Epsilon 30-10》3.8 Goblins!


The sensor balloon’s use was twofold. Mapping and network extension were its primary functions. However, as it rose, it could trailblaze the airship’s ascent and at lower elevations could extend the sensor sweep of the area. Thus, at about four minutes after release, aside from wildlife, around twenty red pings appeared on Jon’s HUD Map. He sighted down his rifle in their direction, but vegetation and landscape made direct confirmation impossible. They were about one kilometre away, making a descent down a nearby hill towards the grassland.

“Lee, what did the balloon pick up?” Video feed directly to his eyes of every camera in the field would very quickly obscure his vision. Lee sat in a room full of screens; data collation and assessment fell under his purview.

“Thermals aren’t great with resolution, but it looks like we got a group of 21 short humanoids. And I mean like 1st grader short, all about 100cm tall. Bipedal with primitive tools: clubs and spears, probably”

“Can you crop a good profile of one and send it to us? Keya may be able to ID.”

In the meantime, transposed pings flared on AR for convenience.

“Kel-sun what are those red dots I see far off?”

“Lee’s getting us a close up now, just sit tight. You’ll see an image appear in the lower left of your vision.” Jon started shifting back to the HAS.

“Understood, Master.”

A few minutes later, the mottled and blurred image of a thermal silhouette appeared in their vision. It had a bulbous head, spindly arms and a slightly distended stomach. Keya took a sharp breath and spat.


“Oh?” Her apparent disdain was unsurprising, but jarring from someone otherwise so prim.

“A hunting troupe no doubt. Am I to assume one dot for each cretin?”


“Yeah, 21 Tangos, and they appear to be moving closer,” Jon said.

“That is not an insignificant number, were you any other man I would suggest rapid retreat. Goblins are a cowardly bunch, but no less ruthless and cunning in large numbers. Beware their weapons are dirty, and many a good adventurer succumbs to blood poisoning with only the minutest of cuts.”

“Do they know we’re here?”

“Their sense of smell is keen, and their vision at night close to that of Dwarves. If we are upwind of them, I have no doubt they have caught our scent. Your magical ship is also massive.”

Jon glanced at the airship. “You say the nicest things!” It would still be an hour at least, and then there were preflight checks; stuff he could not rush if he wanted a reliable bulbous bird in the sky. They would have to dig in and rout this group if and when they approached.

“I wish I had my shortbow.”

“Smashed by goblins right?”

“Yes. I am not at all acquainted with swords; this blade is next to useless on my belt. I would not wish to close with any foe. I hope you have a plan Kel-sun, I doubt my second capture will be quite so fortunate. Can I assume we will not abandon the ‘Airship’?”

“That you can. Our perimeter already has defensive deterrents, and the envelope's inflated enough to activate point defences. Twenty kids approaching without cover will not have a good time.”

“I do not see the comparison with baby goats but very well. Do you at least have a weapon for me?”

“I got stuff in the warehouse, but it’s not readily accessible at the moment. I’ll sort you out when we get back. You’re not trained to handle a firearm, and may well be more dangerous than the goblins if I give you one. So I’m gonna have to ask you to sit back. If retreat is necessary, I’ll activate the gondola Rift.”


“I have yet to truly see you in combat, Master. I sincerely hope this ‘Sai-ens’ magic of yours is as formidable as you have claimed.”

“Your confidence is always reassuring, Kay. I’ll likely have nothing to do either.”

Jon heard soft maniacal laughter, “So you claim we will win without either of us having to fight?” She shuffled away, slumping on a mound of cut grass near the HAS.

“Oh, yea of little faith. One more question, how intelligent are goblins? Can they be negotiated with? Do they trade and barter?”

“Goblins are the lowest of sub-races, few would consider them more than vermin. Little interests them beyond eating and ploughing anything with a hole. Their numbers can proliferate if they are not regularly culled or thoroughly exterminated from an area.”

“They can’t breed with other races, can they?”

“Thank heavens no, but that doesn’t stop them from playing with their food before eating it.”

“Thank you for keeping it PG. All the same, I will have to give them a warning before we engage. Altercations with new species require I try to broker for peace according to protocol.”

“Do whatever rituals you need, either they or we die tonight.” She drooped her head in finality.

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