《The Pen Is Mightier》Chapter 20.1


Bunty’s information, fortunately, proved correct. Not long after clearing the dead trees, the party sighted the floor’s hub in the distance. They’d have to descend a cliff and work their way through a mangrove forest on their way there, but it was still within sight. Bunty grimaced at the thought of more climbing—the usual soreness had crept in, but he couldn’t wait to find an upgrade station.

The party ate while they walked. Bunty worried about beasts tracking the scent of their rations but relaxed when their path appeared devoid of tracks. Since a tall cliff lay ahead of them, the plant monsters’ victims most likely came from another direction.

Hina and Yukiho didn’t need much help climbing down the rock face. Bunty still held the rope for Mei and Koki. The former didn’t dare use her spirit again. She appeared rather faint already. Once the party was safe, Bunty coiled up the bamboo-mantis rope once again and climbed down free-hand. It surprised him how spry he felt. He expected his body to crumble once he came down from the high of the last fight. Bunty’s body burst with energy, though. He believed it was the plant monster’s golden juices. Some of it had gotten in his mouth. The spicy fluid had burned his tongue, and he’d washed his mouth out with water before starting the journey home.

The swamplands were dark and murky. Koki released his frog spirit to act as a guide. The creature helped them find dry patches to traverse and kept them from losing their way. Bunty found himself tempted to pull out the FTF’s compass, but he didn’t want the Ito-clan members to see the device. Yukiho still gave him a negative vibe. To stay safe, he insisted she and Mei walk ahead of him while he and Hina brought up the rear. After all, they were in the worst shape. Yukiho and Koki got into a hushed argument along the way. Hina tried to eavesdrop and translate but struggled to get most of the conversation over the marsh’s ambient sounds.

It was dark by the time they made it to the hub. They had passed a few large reptiles along the way, but the creatures kept their distance. Bunty couldn’t tell whether it was Koki’s croaking spirit or their numbers, but he was glad that they didn’t have to fight. Despite the energy and lack of soreness, he was terrified of fighting again. The cut on Bunty’s palm had started bleeding during the descent and the skin on his hands still burned from the slime’s digestive enzymes. He wanted to eat, bathe and sleep.


Bunty tried breaking away from the party to visit an upgrade station when Yukiho stopped in. “Can you hand over the Core, please,” she said.

“Excuse me?” Bunty raised an eyebrow.

“As per the employment contract, Koki gets first pick. We’ve been talking, and he can’t afford to pass up on this one.”

“That’s ridiculous,” Bunty protested. He had tried his best to keep it concealed but some part of him had expected such a turn of events. He fought the urge to run to the upgrade station and use it. Yukiho would chase him down using her spirit. Once she flashed the employment contract, people wouldn't bat an eye if she got violent. “The contract was on the basis that we contribute equally to the fights for the loot division terms to apply. I did all the leg work in the last battle. I saved your lives back there Yukiho.”

Koki had an apologetic look on his face. He spoke a few words before diverting his eyes to the ground.

“He’s sorry.” Hina translated his words. “The clan wants him to prioritise their growth over his honour.”

“You wouldn’t have succeeded if not for Mei’s frost fire, Bunty,” Yukiho said. “You know you don’t have a leg to stand on. Going by the contract, we have every right to claim the Core.” She walked up to him and held out her hand. “Koki needs the paralytic effect. It’ll serve him better than you. Besides, this is the third floor. The Cores will only get better as we carry on. We can’t make a claim on the next big Core we find even if it's better than yours.” Yukiho smiled. “It’s your terms that I’m following, Bunty. Don’t make this ugly.”

Bunty sighed. She was right. He did most of the work, but Mei had contributed to the victory. If not for her assistance, they wouldn’t have survived the slime lord or the plant monster. He plucked the Core out of his vest and handed it over.

“Thank you.” Yukiho’s smiled widened. “Let’s move onto the next order of business then.” It wasn’t just Koki that struggled to meet his eye now, but Mei too. “Without your help, Bunty, we wouldn’t have reached the shrine. Mei and I wouldn’t still be alive without your daring axe play either. Thanks to the coincidental information you had, we reached the hub without facing any further dangers too. This is the end of the line, though.”


“What?!” Hina exclaimed.

“We will no longer need your services, Bunty,” Yukiho said, ignoring Hina. “You’ve served us brilliantly, but your skillset will be of no use to us for the rest of the interval. We prefer maintaining a tight group. It’s nothing personal.”

Bunty clenched his fists and exhaled deeply. He regretted stopping and not just rushing to an upgrade station. If Yukiho tried to apprehend him, one of the other Climbers would get in the way. People didn’t stand for violence in the hubs. Bunty felt his veins pulsing on the sides of his head, and all the exhaustion of the day hit him at once. The Ito-clan had used him for his talents and wanted to discard him to keep all future Cores for themselves. Bunty sighed, collecting his thoughts.

“Thank you for the opportunity, Yukiho,” Bunty said, putting on his best smile. “I’ve certainly learnt a lot about your clan. It’s pilgrimage and ethics. Since we’re parting ways here, I’d like to claim payment.” Bunty held out his hand. “Since Koki has made his selection, the mole’s Core is up for grabs.” His words wiped the smug smile off Yukiho’s face. “According to the contract in question, I still have the right to claim it. Isn’t that so?”

“You can’t use it, though,” Yukiho said, gritting her teeth. “In Gaia’s name, how will a mole Core help with a damned fountain pen spirit?”

Bunty shrugged. “I don’t remember the contract’s terms saying it has to be a Core I can use. Perhaps it won’t help at all. I can have a look and perhaps trade it for something else. It looks sufficiently aged, I’m sure I can get a reasonable price on it if everything else fails.” He continued when Yukiho hesitated. “C’mon then. I’m tired after all the legwork I did for your pilgrimage and survival Yukiho. The Ito clan wouldn’t want to go back on its word after I saved their lives. Would they?”

Mei and Koki looked at Yukiho confused. Going by the tone, Bunty guessed they were asking her questions, but got no answers. Yukiho fished the mole’s Core out of her pocket and placed it in Bunty’s palm. She turned around, spoke in Japanese and started walking away. Hina looked between him and then hesitantly before following.

“Hold on a second,” Bunty said. He raised his volume since there was close to twenty feet between them. “Is it okay if I take a moment to say goodbye to my friend, Hina, privately? I don’t know when I’ll see her again if she goes with you. What if she dies if you leave her behind and run? That almost happened to Koki, didn’t it?” Yukiho's pretty face had twisted into a snarl. It looked like she wanted to say something but caught herself seeing other Climbers were looking at Bunty. “I mean you don’t want to interfere in the Ito clan’s pilgrimage. That’s why when Koki fell and almost got taken by the mole creature you kept running. In case the same thing happens with Hina, I’d like to say a proper goodbye.”

Yukiho nodded. Bunty took Hina’s hand and pulled her away from everyone’s earshot. “We’re returning to the primary hub, Hina,” Yukiho called. “Meet us with the claws at the appraiser. I’ll get us some food in the meantime.”

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