《The Abyssal Dungeon》Rok Chapter: The Big Day


Rok sat before the council, one that had finally managed to convene, and after only two months and a week too. They were at a traditional meeting area, along a rocky shoreline with a rather steep drop-off into the water. They used areas like this to show that both branches held respect and considered the other as an equal, or some terms along those lines.

Rok was very sure, however, that they did not in fact see each other as equals. The six very grumpy people that made up the rest of this meetings participants made him reasonably sure of that. There were three on each side, the branch manager of the southern Hynix Archipelago for the adventurers, and the branch leader of the northwestern Hynix Reef, the two areas of the guild with “jurisdiction” over the information Rok would be sharing.

Once everyone had finished their pleasant introductions, consisting of scowls and insulting word-games typical to these meetings, they proceeded to their arrangements. The branch leaders sat beside each other, one in the water, one on the land, and their accompaniments took their places behind them. They looked at Rok, and the adventurers guild manager, an old bear kin, spoke.

“A+ rank Amphibian Rok. We have heard your request for an audience, and are anticipating what information you have that requires a meeting as such.” He practically spat that last part, clearly displeased by having to attend such a meeting. He obviously felt that he had better things to be doing, and that sentiment was shared by the bulky Selkie who lead the local Atlantians. He simply waved a hand, motioning for Rok to speak.

“I have requested both branch heads attendance today for something that I feel you must know, something that must be shared with as few people as possible.” He spoke in as formal a way as possible, something he detested.

“I have found a dungeon, and-” he began.

“And you felt this concerned the Atlantians because…” The Adventurer spoke, with the stoic Selkie taking an equally agitated look.

“As I was stating, leaders. It is in the Reef, near the Barrier in fact. The Island of Gil is the closest land to it, and the closest Reef Town, that of Fins Rest.”


He put the information forth succinctly, condensing the important facts to merely a sentence. This was important, he had hardly finished speaking when the Selkie gave him an incredulous look, and then asking a simple phrase. “What?” The adventurer wasn’t so subdued, shooting to his feet.

“Do you know what you’re saying! You would have us believe that you have encountered a dungeon underwater?”

The four attendants of these larger than life figures simply gave various degrees of shock, amusement, scorn, and disbelief.

Rok sighed, waiting for the six to calm down some, before he continued. “Indeed I am, I found it after I memorialized two Divers that lost their life in the area. I found a curious pit in the Reef floor, and went down. At the bottom, I witnessed three kobolds and a creature mid-evolution to become a lesser wyvern.”

The two leaders wore conflicted expressions. This was unprecedented, and if it turned out to be true, it could make them both obscene profits. The attendants of both guilds were mumbling and talking between each other in low tones, debating if this were true or not.

“As I was saying, I’m sure both guilds are at least partially aware of my history with dungeons, and I’d hope the adventurer’s branch leader especially hasn’t forgotten me so soon.” He said. “I may not have set foot in one in decades, but the experience still remains. Beyond witnessing kobolds, out a few hours swim from the nearest shore, in a mana reef, and seeing a Dungeon evolution in progress, the mana density within the caves was enormous, and it was pure-water.”

By this point, everyone had calmed down, and each was listening intently. Despite how unbelievable his claim sounded, he hadn’t been bragging when he mentioned his reputation. He was well known for subduing both numerous Rogue Dungeons, and even participating in subjugating a Wild Trench. Very few make such a name for themselves.

He could be considered experienced with the phenomenon that is a dungeon, therefore, and he also had his reputation at risk, despite how little that mattered to him at this point.


The Selkie jumped straight to the point. “What do we do now?”

The bear was equally as eager, asking “You still remember where it is?”

Rok was surprised, this was the point where the guilds were supposed to be at each other’s throats, trying to claim the dungeon for themselves, or some such farce. The fact that they seemed almost amiable was welcome, but at the same time, worrying.

“I do remember, and I also remember the rough layout of the first five floors I went through, and the creatures present. Of course, by now, that information is likely outdated, and it was already more than five floors at the time, anyways.”

The leaders both shared looks of realization, it would do no good to wander into a dungeon blind, even a team meant for first exploration would try and gather every scrap of knowledge they could about the dungeon and the surrounding area.

Rok then continued, “I’d also like to not take part in the evaluation team that you two come up with, if at all possible.”

"Is there any reason you request that? I'd think there would be no one better for its First Exploration" started the bear-kin, before Rok raised his hand to stop him.

“I already lost hearing in one ear down there, and I’d like to not lose the rest. Plus, its boss managed to fracture my arms before I caught it off guard, and I’m sure I won't be getting that chance again.” He stated, much to the surprise of his audience. The bear-kin spoke up. “The dungeon has developed enough to be a threat even to you? Is it rogue?”

“No, it isn’t rogue. The mana was purely water, and nothing had left the halls. I can’t say for certain how far it’s developed beyond the fifth floor, only that the boss on the fifth floor is about B rank, some type of starfish I’ve never seen. It was big, and hit hard. The floor itself makes it even worse to fight, no light on the floor with a pitch black boss. As for losing my hearing, it was some type of pistol shrimp that caught me by surprise right by my ear.”

Rok gave his report, something that he had done many times in the past, and the leaders nodded with contemplative gazes. The adventurer’s leader spoke “So you’re saying it is no higher than a B rank dungeon based off of creatures, but can combat even you due to environmental factors?” The Selkie also seemed curious, wanting to learn more about this dungeon, and supplement his knowledge on dungeons at large if at all possible.

Rok was relieved at the discussion. Despite the tension at the start of the meeting, and the outburst of that rabbit, both sides seemed to be amiable enough. He’d come here expecting much worse, honestly. He still had suspicions that it would get there, too, but as long as it didn’t involve him, he didn’t mind.

“Another question, Rok. From what you said, the dungeon seems intelligently designed. Could it have been a dungeon Fae?”

Rok hadn’t even considered that could be the case, but dismissed it after a moment of thought.

“No, you know that Fae would get the Burn the second they entered the waters of the Reef, they just aren’t capable of reaching the dungeon from what we know about them.”

Everyone nodded their heads at what Rok said, surface Fae, and therefore dungeon Fae, are too magically inclined to enter these mana charged waters. They constantly draw in the surrounding mana and use it as a means of sustenance. Even being around the berserk mana of the Reef can and has Burned unfortunate Fae, without even touching the waters once.

“So, that brings us to the biggest question of them all, then. Who owns the dungeon.”

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