《Yora Chronicles》[Arc 0 Chapter 6B] - New Journeys, New Beginnings


The night before the start of their journey to the Holy Land of Ecclisa, Yuelei had a strange dream. Walking through an obscuring white fog, she felt someone’s eyes upon her. She turned around trying to pinpoint the source, only to catch a glimpse of purple fabric and a condescending chuckle. The mist swirled around and started to condense into a humanoid shape. Just as the figure of a girl was about to finish forming, a hand suddenly reached out and blocked Yuelei’s vision.

“Begone, whoever you are. Whatever your intentions, you are not wanted here.” Lin’s voice echoed, and the world began to shake and tremble. And then, Yuelei woke up.

“Yuelei, are you alright?” Silfy asked, concern evident in her voice. “We kept calling out to you, but you wouldn’t wake up.”

“I… am fine. I think.” Yuelei replied, the dream quickly fragmenting and fading away like grains of sand in the wind. In a few moments she had already forgotten about it. “I just feel a bit tired, that’s all.”

“You did drink a bit last night.” Silfy nodded.

“Did I?”

“You don’t remember anything I see. After some coercing from Lumnieve, she went and transported all of Lin’s hidden alcohol casks to the Frost Palace. We were ‘offered’ some as samples. ”

“I remember now,” Yuelei groaned. The alcohol content in the drinks were extremely high, and Lumnieve was constantly nagging her to try some. “What happened afterwards?”

“The magical beasts, Lin, and Lumnieve went through roughly nine casks….You and Father were carried to the sleeping chambers.”

“….Lumi didn’t try anything, right?” Yuelei sighed.

“….No? What possibly do you mean?” Silfy cocked her head to the side, confused.

“Never mind, I don’t even want to know.” Yuelei shook her head in denial.

“So uh… you’d best dress yourself.” Silfy handed over a silk robe, not unlike that of Lin’s.

“...Isn’t this Lin’s?”

“He said it’s for you. We’ll be leaving in half an hour, so you’d best say your goodbyes.”


“Yuuuuu~liiii~” A familiar voice and weight tackled Yuelei from behind as soon as she went to find Liur. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay with me?”

“I’m quite sure.” Yuelei sighed, but made no attempt to push Lumnieve off her. She had long realized it was a futile struggle. “Lumi, please behave yourself.”

“!” Shocked, Lumnieve reeled back at the unexpected change in Yuelei’s attitude. “Awww~ Yuli, are you worried about me?”

“Well, for someone that is several thousand times older than I am, you act like a child.” Yuelei pointed out.

“Ah, you humans and your concepts of time and maturity.” Lumnieve let go of Yuelei’s back and started floating in the air. She placed a hand on Yuelei’s shoulder and pushed her back gently.

“Do take care of yourself, Yuelei. In several millennium, there are only few creatures with our mutation. If you are in need of help, even if we must bathe the world in frost and bring forth an ice age, just ask.” Lumnieve caressed Yuelei’s face carefully as she studied her.

“...I’ll be fine, Lumi. I’ve had two- no three, insane teachers.” Yuelei replied.

Lumnieve didn’t reply at first, instead staring intensely at Yuelei, who couldn’t help but fidget under the piercing gaze. In a few moments, she finally looked away and pointed to the ground. Yuelei watched in amazement as an ice carving of her in perfect likeness emerged from the ground. At the same time she felt a tugging sensation on her heart where the butterfly sigil was, but it quickly vanished.


“I suppose, I’ll put this one next to that one of Liur’s.” Lumnieve nodded.

“Was this done through magic?” Try as she might, Yuelei could not begin to imagine how to create such a complex spell.

“True magic is creation.” Lumnieve waved her hands and the statue gently floated away, presumably to be added to a collection of like-typed figurines elsewhere.

“Take care, Yuelei, and if need be, we shall meet again.”

“Hello Drak, Korrbin, Telif!” Yuelei greeted the Azure Drake, Sheive Bear, and Dire Wolf. “Where are the others?”

They’ve already left, Child of man. Telif, the great wolf, replied. And soon, so will you. The lady will be downcast for a time.

Drak snorted. Lady Lumi is whimsical. I just pray that she does not suddenly get an urge to visit Yuelei. We would draw way too much attention to ourselves.

...That is true. Take care young wolf.

Nonsense, she’s more a young cub than a wolf. Korrbin interjected

But she can fly, if anything, she should be a dragon. Drak commented.

Before long, the three magical beasts started to bicker among themselves as usual. Yuelei couldn’t help but chuckle as the conversation grew more and more absurd. As she was leaving them to it, the three of them bid her goodbye in unison.

Farewell, young phoenix. Yuelei felt a lump form in her throat, as she turned and waved.

“You’re late, Yuelei.” Lin grumbled, when she finally made her way to the grand hall, where they had a feast the night before. Several of the dishes still remained on the table, albeit covered in frost, perhaps unintended but still an efficient method of preservation.

“Sorry teacher, I was saying my farewells.” Yuelei quickly thanked Lin, who had packed up her things in a neat bundle for her. She waved to Silfy and Arfled, who was standing off to the side.

“Hmph, all paths eventually converge if both parties will it.“ Lin brushed aside. “You will meet again with certainty.”

“If you say so...” Yuelei nodded quickly, praying that Lin would not start on one of his rambling lectures. Although they were full of wisdom and provided insight to many of life’s lessons, Yuelei was too young to bother comprehending them.

“Well then, let us go.” Lin clapped his hands loudly and shouldered his alchemist’s backpack, a strange cabinet with tens of small drawers.

“Why are we walking there instead of flying?” Yuelei quickly asked, as they started walking on the hallway leading to the grand entrance. “And don’t we have to wait for Liur?”

“Because, what is important is the journey, not the destination. Plus, four people flying into town will bound to draw unwanted attention. As for Liur…” Lin halted momentarily, and closed his eyes. “She’ll be coming soon.”

Nobody said a word as the party of four stood in front of the frozen gates. With the sound of cracking ice, the gates slowly slid apart, and they were greeted by the sight of Liur descending off a nearby branch.

It has been some time since we last traveled together. Let us pray for a safe journey.

“It has.” Yuelei agreed, as Liur attempted to perch herself on her shoulder. Due her grown size, Liur had difficulty getting both feet on one shoulder without her wings getting in the way, and eventually settled on settling on top of her head.

...I think I can pick you up, Yuelei.

“You probably can.” Yuelei laughed, and then seeing the shocked look on Silfy and Arfled’s faces, went and introduced Liur to them.


“This is Liur, my… companion, nest-mate, sister among other things.”

“I’ve been wondering for a while but…. Is that really a phoenix?” Silfy admired the glossy feathers.

“She is.” Yuelei reached up and scratched Liur’s beak, in return Liur pretended to be annoyed and poked at her hair.

“Excuse me if I am correct but… are you somehow communicating with her?”

“We have a… bond. I can communicate with any creature of the ice element due to my affinity.” Yuelei explained. Then suddenly, a thought struck her and she turned to Lin.

“Teacher, that was how you explained me being able to communicate with the others, but how do you manage to do the same?”

“A time long ago, there existed a tongue created by magical beast to communicate with humans.“ Lin answered ambiguously. “I just so happen to speak it.”

Arfled’s eyes couldn’t help but grow wide in shock.

Before Silfy could open her mouth and ask another question, the ice beneath their feet began to shake and rumble. Other than Lin and Liur who acted unconcerned, the others stared in awe as thick slabs of ice rose from the ground in front of them. A faint butterfly sigil glowed briefly on the slabs, and ice figures of armor-clad knights stepped out of the blocks. Before long, an entire company of blue knights of frost stood in front of them. The one standing in front, an officer with a great helm, turned and saluted Lin. The rest under his command quickly followed suit. Lin nodded in response.

“…What in Ecclisa's name...” Arfled stared in shock as the Frost Knights took up a diamond formation with them in the center. There was not a single wasted action in their movements, and as soon as they were in position, they stood still and awaited for them to move. “Are these knights? But their apparel and stance is so much different from ours...”

“They’re part of the Snow Princess’s repertoire of spells. I suppose you can say these are the ‘soldiers’ that garrison the Frost Palace. At will, she can instantly raise several armies to do her bidding. She had insisted that she would send a battalion or two to escort us to the road, but I had to convince her otherwise.” Lin sighed.

Arfled started to have cold sweat running down his back as he realized the implications of this. Several armies at will. Several centuries-old magical beasts well above rank nine. A moving fortress of ice. And above all, a being with abilities who can fight on par with Priestess Geisla. How did such a powerful force escape their notice so close to their borders?

“Arfled, you seem pale. Are you alright?” Lin asked.

“No, no. I was just studying their armor. Despite our differences, they are knights like me.” Arfled half-lied. It was true that he was interested in them.

“I wouldn’t bother. Despite appearances, each of the Frost Knights only act upon Lumnieve’s will.” As soon as Lin said this, one of the knights started doing a tap dance, while another started miming Lin’s gestures “...And she seems to take great joy in having them do strange things.”

Like this, the group of four, as well as the small brigade of Frost Knights, made their way towards the main road. At one point or another, some of the knight pulled out instruments and started playing a jolly tune while the rest danced along. Silfy and Yuelei had smiles at the antics while Lin had simply shook his head at the entire ordeal. When they arrived at the main road, the Frost Knights saluted them, except for one which decided to blow a kiss in Yuelei’s direction, and then transformed into snow that was picked up by the wind.

“Well then, Sir Knight, if you would so kindly lead the way.” Lin passed over the baton to Arfled. “The roads likely have changed since I last walked them.”

Arfled nodded and pointed the path trailing northwards. “If we are fortunate, we could hail a wagon. Otherwise it’s roughly three days at a march or seven days of casual travel.”

It would only take one day by flight. Liur commented, relaying some thoughts to Yuelei.

“Liur says it’s one day by flight.” Yuelei repeated. “But she scouted the area beforehand and there’s a few places where we can take shelter for the night.”

“Good. Good. Since someone decided to sleep till late noon, we can travel till dusk and then Liur can guide us towards the shelter.” Lin confirmed his intentions

You slept till noon, Yuelei? Liur curled downwards until she was facing her, albeit upside down. ...Since when did you become so lax?

“...Let’s not talk about it.” Yuelei’s face twisted in a scowl.

Silfy could not help but laugh at the annoyance-filled expression on Yuelei’s face. “Yuli, that’s not befitting of a lady!”

“Pssh, why do I care of what others think.” Yuelei brushed aside. “Lin said-”

“People think more about themselves than others. They are also much crueler to themselves.” Lin finished for her. “One needs to learn to accept and forgive themselves.”

“Sire… I’ve wondered this for a while but, have you gone through scriptures as a monk?” Arfled asked abruptly, breaking his brooding silence.

“I was a monk at a time in a temple far, far to the wast.” Lin confirmed. “Although I cannot say I had reached enlightenment, I believe there I… matured a bit.”

“Erm, I’m not sure mature is the word you’re looking for.” Yuelei interjected.

“Perhaps not. The temple was under the ocean, so if anything, I was pickled in salt water for a while.” Lin admitted, before turning around and forging ahead of the group.

“...Did he just say ‘under the ocean’?” Silfy repeated.

“He did… I think.” Yuelei said, still not sure if she heard him correctly.

“So he went and learned… philosophy from what? Mermaids?”

Yuelei and Silfy went quiet as they tried to picture Lin meditating with mermaids. For some reason, it wasn’t too hard to imagine him seated crossed head on a rock beneath the ocean, and sirens and mermaids swimming around him.

“For some reason, I can actually picture it really well...”

“Me too.” Yuelei admitted in agreement.

For a while, Yuelei and Silfy made casual conversation as they traveled. Lin would often forge ahead, and Arfled kept near the rear and as was quiet as ever, but his hand was always near his sword in case of danger. At one point, Liur had fallen asleep and curled up atop Yuelei’s head. At last, Lin raised a hand to signal the others, and they quickly ran over to where he was.

“The shelter is over here, let’s rest for tonight.”

“So I went and told my subordinate John that the day he would be given knighthood is the day he masters proper etiquette. All you have to do is shut your mouth.” Arfled recalled. The four of them were sitting around a small campfire as night was falling. After some time passed, Silfy pestered her father to share some stories about the knighthood to expose Yuelei to what being in the Royal Knight Academy would be like.

“And well, I’ll be damned. The man went and literally upped and refused to say a word. We finally had some quiet at the barracks… until the Knight-Commander was making his rounds. Normally when you see him, you would step aside, salute him and bid him good day. Now, the Knight-Commander of the castle that day was busy reviewing some documents regarding the food supply while walking down the hallway. John who saw him from far away, quickly stepped aside and saluted, but did not utter a word. The Knight Commander did not even notice him as he was engrossed in his work, but suddenly tripped and dropped his documents. As John wasn’t told to stand down, he had keep saluting and was forced to watch as the Knight Commander pick up the documents, the last one right next to his feet. It was then the Knight Commander suddenly realized John was there.”

“So what happened?” Yuelei asked.

“John was given latrine duty for a month. And now whenever a superior officer comes walking, he would scream the greeting at the top of his lungs.”

“Pfft.” Silfy stifled a laugh. “Fret not Yuelei. Unless you want to, there’s no real need for you to go under service or missions, and the female knights are much more understanding.”

“Although it’s a solid way to go up in the rankings.” Arfled added. “What matters is not your skill, but rather your merits. Of course, you can always request a formal duel, or win a tournament.”

“What good are the rankings?” Yuelei asked.

Silfy and Arfled exchanged a look. After some time Silfy broke the silence.

“Normally we cannot speak to you about this, but after the insane feats of magic we have seen, it is not really worth hiding.” Silfy confessed.

“The Holy Church of Ecclisa is essentially a giant magical storage unit. Every time a prayer is sent in Ecclisa’s name, so is a small portion of magical power. Some of that power goes towards your own private reserves, but a bit over half goes towards a general pool. In your time of need, you can call upon Ecclisa to grant you the power from your reserves, and if need be, from the general pool.” Arfled explained.

“And the higher ranked you are, the more power you can draw from the general pool.” Silfy added. “It’s one of the greatest assets of the Church, and makes the Church’s leader, extremely powerful in battle.”

Yuelei thought back to her sparring matches with Silfy, who would imbue her weapons with holy light, and sometimes have a second wind despite Yuelei being sure that the battle was over. And the same happened to Arfled, who had hurled countless Spears of Heavenly Light during the night of the ceremony.

“I… don’t think I will make use of it.” Yuelei said after contemplating a while. Besides the fact that she was not fond of borrowing power from others, she did not wish to be bound to any affiliations or groups yet.

“Are you sure, Yuelei? With the proper procedures, you can become several times stronger.”

“I am sure.” Yuelei insisted. “I only wish to learn to use water and wind magic.”

“A wise choice.” Lin said quietly, so quiet that if not for Yuelei’s slightly enhanced hearing, nobody else would have heard it. “For all light, there is a shadow. And this particular one….” Yuelei could not make out the rest as Lin suddenly changed languages.

“But enough of that. Lin, how about you tell us a story?” Silfy changed the topic. “I’m sure with all your travels, you’ve probably have heard and seen many things.”

“...The next night then. It is growing late and we should rest.” Lin pointed out. “Liur was kind enough to offer being the watcher tonight.”

The next day, they had to travel uphill ascending a small mountain. There was no available shelter that could fit four individuals, so Lin and Yuelei worked together to create a makeshift igloo. After some probing and coercing from Silfy, Lin started to tell a strange story.

“This is a true story told to me by my mentor ” Lin started, but his tone of voice made it obvious that it was merely a way to start the story.

“A long, long time in the past, there was a religious group called the Omyos. They were a peaceful group of monks and often kept to themselves in a monastery above the mountains. Any travelers that came by would be offered food and shelter without asking anything in return. However, that is not to say they were weak. They were absurdly strong in physical combat due their elemental heritage of darkness and light. Instead of channeling their power into offensive blasts or spells, they honed their power within themselves, obtaining insane strength and regeneration. It was said a master Omyo could regenerate the rest of their body as long as their heart and head were intact and even manipulate one’s lifespan and give it to another.”

“However, they refrained from doing battle except to defend themselves against the occasional bandits. Due to their peaceful nature, they managed to befriend the neighboring magical beasts. However, the neighboring country which followed the God of Light, Sunkint, detested them. In their religion, they believed the Omyos methods of manipulating life through both darkness and light was an abomination to life. More and more people were making patronage to the Omyo Monastery instead of their Citadel of Light. And thus, under the name of a Holy Crusade, they attacked the Omyo Monastery. No… instead of attack, the word should be ‘massacre’. They came in the night, posing as weary travelers seeking refuge. The Omyos were gracious, they fed and made sure they were comfortable for the night, and in return, they poisoned their drinks and slaughtered them in their sleep.

“Only one child survived, a monk in training who had went out to seek herbs to heal a wounded White Pegasus. As he returned the Pegasus reared up, sensing the blood within and dragged the boy away, but not before the boy realized what had happened. The next day, he returned to see his mentor’s heads plastered on pikes, their bodies nailed to walls, and their organs sprawled about like a cat’s toy. Who knows what thoughts the child had as he buried his mentor and fathers?”

“...That’s horrible.” Silfy was covering her eyes and Arfled was gripping his sword until his hand turned white. Yuelei just sat patiently, waiting for the story to continue.

“And thus our hero.. or villain was born. For years he trained in the ruins of the monastery accompanied only by magical beasts. He delved deep into the dark arts of taking and giving away life. Diseases, afflictions, necromancy… went hand in hand with blessings, healing, and regeneration. “

“When the attacks began, it was an absolute nightmare. People from the Church of Light would be infected by various diseases, and put in a state of near death and endless starvation. They would feast on their own kind, and the disease would spread. When the Church of Light finally got it under control by quarantine and slaughtering the suspected infected, shadowy figures of the slaughtered would stalk them through the night. Before, the infected could be killed with either steel or sorcery, but now… their march was endless.”

“For fourteen days and fourteen nights, the accursed assaulted the Citadel of Light, who had no choice but the keep the fires lit to keep the darkness at bay. And that was when our villain made his appearance, descending from the skies with white wings he took from the Pegasus that saved him. A single wave of his hand would cause the clergy to fall, their life drained from them. Nobody was spared, not even the innocent. Such was the depths of his rage and grief, ruminated over the years.”

“Yet as he stood in the rain, atop the masses of corpses and ruins of the once noble Citadel, he finally realized what he had done. His revenge was complete, but the dark creations and curses he created still roamed the lands. To stop them, he sealed them within himself, gaining flesh like some monstrosity, enduring the pain and constantly healing his decaying body. The energy he gave off attracted the shadows and purged the undead to ash. As he used his own soul as a sacrifice, he managed to halt the spread of the curse.”

“Today, it is said that somewhere, deep within the ground, the body of this man still lives, a writhing, growing, mass of flesh infused with both death and life.”

As Lin finished his story, all of the other three were preoccupied with their thoughts.

“...Could it be that the shadows in the story… are what we call the Shadowless?” Silfy wondered aloud.

“This… is a revelation.” Arfled mumbled.

“Teacher, is such a thing even possible? Fragmenting one’s soul to create beings of darkness?” Yuelei asked.

“I am not familiar with them, but the Dark and Light elements are the most complex, and at the same time, the closest elements to the human soul. The other four elements make up the human body.” Lin replied. “But you should not take the story for granted. It has been several centuries since.”

“It’d be best if we go to sleep. Perhaps such a bleak story was not suitable.” Lin quickly added seeing the faces on Arfled and Silfy’s faces.

As the group slept and Liur kept watch outside, Arfled was wide awake, thinking back to Lin’s story. He could not help but recall the way Silfy’s mother had acted a several weeks before she took her own life.

The next day...

“Sire, if I may have a word...” Arfled sped up his pace and caught up to Lin. He shot a glance behind him and sure enough, Yuelei and Silfy were engaged in conversation and paying them no mind.

“Is there something bothering you?” Lin asked, surveying Arfled. “If you’re worried about danger, worry not, nothing can approach us without my knowledge.”

“Ah, no, it’s actually something else.” Arfled admitted. “That story last night, the part about the afflicted would constantly feel ravenous. Where there other symptoms?”

“Inability to sleep. Black dots along the spinal column. Painful aches and joints. Periodic breaks in memory. Changes in personality. The list goes on.” Lin recited, then narrowed his eyes. “Why do you ask?”

“My wife- she- Glorie, had similar symptoms.” Arfled said quietly.

“As I suspected.” Lin nodded. “She died soon after childbirth, no?”

“You...How do you know that?” Arfled was shocked.

“I found out about it when I was searching for the cure for your daughter.” Lin said quietly.

“I- What?” Arfled was rather confused. “I thought you knew how to cure her from the start?”

“Partially, but the curse would still have remained.” Lin nodded. “The curse was passed on from mother to child, but greatly weakened, Hence the reason why it only manifested itself recently. It was neither poison nor some unnamed disease. My real question is, why did such a curse befell your lady?”

“I… Glorie was sent on an expedition to the north of our lands under the Church’s order. I was told that besides some magical beast encounters, the expedition was relatively successful.”

“North huh?” Lin stared into the distance, the same direction in which they were walking. “It seems like my next destination has been given to me.”

Arfled did not know what to say. Finally Lin broke the silence after a few minutes of silent walking.

“Your lady, Glorie was it? Somehow or another, as she was carrying the child, she tried her utmost to make sure the curse did not affect the baby. Whether if it was a stroke of fate, or a mother’s love for her daughter, she is the reason that your daughter is alive today.” Lin said quietly.

Arfled slipped his hand beneath his chest plate and grasped a pendant, a gift Glorie had given him after their first date. He stopped walking, and Yuelei and Silfy eventually caught up and stopped next to him with concern. It was then he made up his mind and turned over to Silfy.

“Silfy, I want you to have this.” Arfled placed the pendant in Silfy’s hand. “This belonged to your mother..”

“I..” Silfy hesitantly accepted the pendant given to her out of the blue. Before she could open her mouth to ask why, Arfled turned and left, a hand moving to cover his eyes.

“That’s… a rather peculiar pendant.” Yuelei commented. The chain was made from linked rings connecting and from it dangled a strange ornament in a bizarre shape.

“These sort of pendants are rather popular in the women's portion of the Knight Academy.” Silfy used a finger to trace the symbol made from a glowing silver. “This one means ‘I pray we shall meet again’ “

“Do you remember your mother, Sil?”

“No… I heard she died when I was young, but I heard she was a beautiful and just person. She was one of the few titled ‘flowers’ during her time at the academy.”

“Flowers?” Yuelei asked.

“Yes, it is a bit of a tradition to name certain sword-maidens after a flower, in hopes they shall follow the path of the Rose Knight. Mother was titled the ‘White Heather’.”

“The language of flowers… I am not familiar with them.” Yuelei admitted, “except for their alchemical uses.”

“White Heather stands for protection. The title is given to one who always raises their blade to protect others, and grant their wishes.” Silfy explained quietly.

“...Your mother must have been quite an individual.” Yuelei said politely.

“I wish that I could have met her.” Silfy unhooked the chain and placed the pendant beneath her clothes, protected from the elements. “What’s your mother like, Yuelei?”

“She also died when I was young. My father at the time refused to talk about it. The only thing I know is that my father and mother went away for a few months, and only my father returned, along with me and my brother. My mentor said that he had become a changed man, exactly the same when his friends and family were murdered. We hardly ever saw him while growing up, except for the occasional return where he would show his face, pat us on our heads, before leaving again.”

“It seems that the both of us are similar when it comes to our parents.” Silfy took Yuelei’s hand in her own. “When the time comes, you’re going to investigate and figure out the truth, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know.” Yuelei said quietly, she had no clue what had happened to Macha and only remembered that they were fleeing from someone. She had initially thought of simply storming up the palace and asking, but Lin’s teaching advised her otherwise.

“I see.” Silfy nodded. “Only when time leads you to the truth will you know which path to take.”

“...You’re starting to sound like Lin now.” Yuelei faked a sigh.

“I am not! It’s one of the quotes from the scriptures!” Silfy argued.

The conversation changed from the heavy mood from before to a much lighter tone from then on.

“Yuelei, it’s your turn to tell a story.” Silfy pestered. They had just finished their meal of hare that Lin had caught, along with some fruits that Yuelei procured. Silfy had pestered Yuelei to remove the grease from both their hands with magic, and she had complied.

“Fine, fine...” Yuelei grumbled. “Just know that I’m not used to telling stories at all.”

Yuelei fumbled through her mind, searching for a particular memory.

“Back during the Whitefrost, me and Liur were shacked up in the roost with naught to do besides eat, sleep, and practice, I was bored out of my mind since we couldn’t practice any dangerous magic without risking the integrity of the shelter. So I was complaining to Liur about the lack of things to do.”

“Well, the next day when I woke up, Liur had set up a square board, along with ice figurines of mages, knights and warriors. She said that she had been working on the spell since the Whitefrost began as a means to occupy her mind. She then proceeded to teach me to play the game known as ‘King’s Court’, although I never won, not even once. Liur was always ten-eleven steps ahead. Over the nights we would play after exhausting ourselves through training. To this day, I have yet to beat Liur.”

“King’s Court? Isn’t that the board game at Lin’s house?” Silfy asked when Yuelei stopped to catch her breath.

“It is.” Lin acknowledged. “Gallienoir was also a talented player, and it seems Liur has inherited her meticulousness. Coincidentally, Lumnieve also enjoys the game, although her board comprises of Frost Knights. Do continue Yuelei.”

“Well, after my consecutive losses to Liur, I was getting quite frustrated. During one game I simply stopped considering my moves and went with intuition. I had simply concede to end the game earlier, but as time dragged on and Liur had not taken my king, I realized that she was struggling against my moves. It was that day, through pure strokes of luck, that I managed to defeat Liur.”

That was no victory. Liur’s voice sound hurt as she relayed the message through. You sacrificed nearly every piece just to assassinate my king.

“ In the end I only had a knight, a mage, and a catapult left.” Yuelei confessed.

“A King’s Gambit, is it?” Lin commented. “The way that you won with.”

“Is that the name for it it?” Yuelei shrugged. “I just followed my instincts.”

“That’s rather amazing in it’s own way.” Silfy added. “You give yourself too little credit.”

“Speaking of which, shall we have a game?” Lin placed his hand on the ground and a board made from earth and rock sprang up. “I am quite interested...”

“Ah. I suppose one match won’t hurt...” Yuelei said, and then ten minutes later Lin already had the upper hand and was close to checkmate. Yuelei stared at the board trying to figure out her next move.

White mage to O-8. Liur’s voice offered, and Yuelei followed suit.

For the next ten moves, Liur would guide Yuelei’s hand, and then finally the game ended in a draw with mutual destruction of their Kings.

“Well played.” Lin nodded in satisfaction. “Although you had a bit of help, I believe.”

“Liur helped me out.” Yuelei admitted. “She is a better strategist than I am.”

“You’re a decent strategist, but you just don’t see things on a board.” Silfy interjected. “You’re quite cunning when it comes to combat.” Lin nodded in affirmation.

“If you’d like, Yuelei each time you manage to beat me without assistance, then I shall answer any one of your questions.” Lin nodded. “And I swear by the spirits to answer to your satisfaction. Think of it as an incentive to get better.”

After saying that, Lin wrapped his enchanter’s cloak around him and went to sleep.

Silfy and Yuelei looked at each other, thinking that Lin was rather peculiar.

“Yuelei, I’ve been thinking.” Silfy poked Yuelei in the back to get her attention.

“About?” Yuelei slowed down her pace to let Silfy catch up beside her. As usual, Liur was flying above them, Lin was foraging ahead, and Arfled was at the rear behind them.

“Your mentor, Lin.” Silfy mumbled quietly. “He’s going to leave after we arrive in the Holy Land of Ecclisa and set you up in the Knight’s Academy, right?”

“I believe those were his words.” Yuelei nodded. “Why do you ask?”

“I have a friend I would like him to have a look at.” Silfy said. “And seeing as he’s spent so much effort in saving my life, I feel a bit awkward asking...”

Yuelei nodded, she had experienced the same sort of guilt before. However, Silfy did not quite understand the way Lin operates. She sucked in a big breath, and then shouted at the top of her lungs.

“TEACHER!” Silfy jumped backwards at the sudden outburst.

“What is it Yuelei?” Lin shouted back without even turning around. “Must you shout?”

“Silfy has a friend who is sick! She wants to ask you to have a look at her and is too shy to ask!” Yuelei shouted back, enjoying the flabbergasted look at Silfy’s face.

Before Silfy could yell at Yuelei for spilling the beans, Lin had appeared next to her, and tapped her shoulder. He had her recite a list of symptoms, dates, and other miscellaneous details.

“A similar situation is it?” Lin nodded after learning of Silfy’s friend who was unable to walk. “And she uses wind magic to get around, despite her legs not having any known issues...”

“Yes,” Silfy nodded. “The priests say that she is perfectly fine, but when she tries to stand on her own, she suffers great pain and would fall.”

“I see. Has anyone checked her soul arteries?”

“Her… what?” Silfy blinked at the unfamiliar term.

“Never mind.” Lin shook his head. “I have a general idea of what the cause is, take me to her when we arrive and I will treat her.” After stating that, he returned to his position fifty meters ahead of them.

“…Your teacher is amazing.” Silfy touched her cheek with a hand after he went away. “Does he always go out of his way to help others?”

‘Although I cannot save everyone in the world, that will not stop me from helping those that cross my path and are in need.’ Yuelei quoted, recalling the words Lin had said when she asked him the meaning of being an alchemist. ‘You cannot save everyone, but there never harm in trying.’

“Lin said that? That sound like something a priest would say.” Silfy nodded.

Priest. Monk. Bishop. Warrior. Assassin. Mercenary. King. Lover. Pact-maker. Wanderer. Liur mumbled the words into Yuelei’s mind. That man is many things. If not for his own efforts, he would have been hailed as a hero once.

The words startled Yuelei. Liur, you know of his past?

Only just a little. And most of it in fragments from pieces of memories.

“Yuli?” Silfy tugged her sleeves. “Are you alright? You suddenly stopped talking.”

“...I was just thinking that Teacher is indeed amazing.” Yuelei said quietly, and the two of them stared at Lin’s back.

“So then, tonight I’ll tell a story!” Silfy clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. Tonight’s meal was a fragrant soup made with flour, bone stock, and wild edibles that Lin had gathered. “Since tomorrow we’ll be arriving home and it’s going to be busy!”

“So one time, I was close to advancing to rank one hundred and eighty, and decided to do a simple mission. Coincidentally, there was a one very simple request on the board, yet nobody would take it. The reason I assume, was because it was a week long mission, and the reward was, and I quote ‘the meaning of the journey’. Of course, I was interested.”

“After asking around, I could not find the one who posted the request. There was no name written. Yet either way I decided to take the journey. The task was to deliver a single Forget-me-not, to a church near the border of our lands. It was not a hard or dangerous journey. For a week I traveled according to the map written on the back of the request notice. At last, I arrived at the ruins of a temple, who knows how old it was.”

“The note to said to place the flower on the altar, but search as I might, I could not find anything resembling an altar. As the night fell, I took refuge under a statue of an angel. And in the dream I had, a strangely garbed man, with a curled headband and clothes that resembled that of a priest’s robes, waved at me and took out a stone shaped like an arrow. He tossed it into the air.”

“And the next moment, it was already morning, and there was the arrow-stone pointing me north west. And under Ecclisa’s guidance, I followed it and found the ruined altar. It was a slab of stone facing what was left of a stained window glass. And there was a skeleton kneeling at the altar, hands clasped in prayer. In front of her was an ancient and brittle scroll, of which the words I could not make out. I left the Forget-me-not and then began the journey home to unravel the secret of the scroll.”

“On the way back, I was attacked by the Shadowless. There were quite many, but nothing that couldn’t be handled. However, right before they attacked, the sound of wind being sliced and a shout was heard, and they all vanished. The next few nights were quiet, as if I was being watched over by a guardian angel.”

“When I finally returned to the Knight’s Academy, the first thing I did, besides a hot bath, was getting the scroll translated. It was a simple note. ‘Wait for me at the temple. I shall return one day.’ “

Silfy finished her story and smiled. “Whether it was fate, Ecclisa’s will, or the act of a ghost, I admit that the request was quite the adventure.”

Lin appeared deep in thought, but Yuelei commented before he could speak. “That’s quite the tale.”

“What? You don’t believe me, Yuli? I thought we were friends!” Silfy pelted Yuelei with playful pokes.

“Silfy, why have I not heard of this?” Arfled grumbled.

“Because if I’ve told you, you would have forbid me from ever taking other missions!” Silfy protested. “But it’s okay now. If I ever go on a mission, I’ll take Yuelei with me.”

“...When did I ever say-”

“It’ll be fun. Promise.” Silfy interjected and cut Yuelei off. Arfled simply shook his head and said nothing about his strong willed and stubborn daughter.

“It’s best if we sleep.” Lin concluded. “Tomorrow will be a busy day, I’m sure.”

As the others drifted to sleep, Lin whispered quietly in the darkness.

“Shall we investigate, Eir? It has been a while since we’ve met one of your kind….”

He paused for a moment. “I don’t think that’s wise, but as you wish.”

“Sir!” A couple of knights, along with a few that appeared to be trainees saluted Arfled as they approached the border post. “Please state your names and ranks!”

“Arfled Justinia. Rank Forty-first of the Silver Guard, Heavenly Sonata.” Arfled returned the salute.

“Silfy Justinia. Rank Eight of the Knight Academy Cadets, Heavenly Sonata.” Silfy gave a slight bow.

“These two are my esteemed guests.” Arfled waved towards Yuelei and Lin.

“Understood!” One of the knights gave Arfled a nod and turned to face them. “Guests from a different land, please state your name for the record.”

“Lin Merylis. A mere wanderer.” Lin clasped his hand together in an eastern greeting.

“Yuelei….” Yuelei hesitated for a moment before finishing her words. “Alia. Lin’s student.”

“Thank you!” The leading officer handed the quill and paper he was using to record their names to one of the cadets. “Open the gates!”

As the party of four left, the excitement at the guard post was abuzz for quite some time. The cadet trainees were talking among themselves.

“Did you see the clothes that those two travelers were wearing? Where do you reckon they come from?”

“Who cares about the two travelers, Did you see her? Lady Silfy? The White Azalea?”

“I guess the rumors about her being sick and dying wasn’t true at all.”

“It’s not everyday that you get to meet one of the esteemed flowers…”

“Give it up, man. You’ve no chance against someone that is among the top ten cadets.”

“The girl next to her, Yuelei was it? She was really pretty as well.”

“Eh. Really? I didn’t catch sight of her face because of her hood.”

“...Really. I might be in love.”

“That’s what you always say when you meet a pretty girl.”

“I do not...I think.”

Meanwhile the Knights were also speaking among themselves.

“Isn’t Sir Arfled the one that reportedly went missing for a while?”

“No you fool! Did you not hear he was part of the Silver Guard? That which serves directly under Priestess Geisla?”

“I hear it’s pretty lax actually, as long as the Priestess doesn’t have a mission for them, they can act as they please.”

“Didn’t you hear? Most of the Silver Guard was dispatched north to fight against the sudden rise in Shadowless.”

“...I’ll take fighting in Ecclisa’s name over this blasted guard duty any day.”

“Now don’t say that. We’re the first line of defense. What if an army suddenly appears at our doorstep?”

“That wanderer though, he’s strange.”

“How so?”

“That backpack...cabinet...chest thing on his back. I’ve never seen it’s like before.”

“Eh, maybe he’s a merchant and that is his merchandise.”

“He’s no merchant that’s for sure. Did you not see the look in his eyes?”

“Your last name is, Alia? Huh, that’s a strange last name.” Silfy wrapped an arm through Yuelei’s as they followed Arfled, Lin trailing behind them.

I suppose we are sisters in name now too. Liur’s voice teased Yuelei.

I was panicking! Yuelei quickly shot back.

This one does not mind. Liur replied quietly.

“Talking with Liur again are you? How dare you ignore me~” Silfy poked Yuelei’s cheek with a finger.

“Alia just happens to be Liur’s last name as well.” Yuelei explained. “Where are we going now?”

“Why, to our manor, of course!” Silfy pointed in the distance where a small triangle could be seen above the evergreen trees. “Father’s leading us, so don’t worry.”

“What are these… pillars?” Yuelei pointed to the rods with a strange crescent half-sphere that adorned the sides of the road. “They’re not signs, and they don’t appear to be lanterns either...”

“Oh, just give it a moment, they should be activating anytime now.” As soon as Silfy finished speaking, the triangles on top of the metallic poles started floating and emitting pale white light, illuminating the growing darkness.

“They’re made from certain stones that absorb magical energy and remitted it during the night. Acolytes, cadets, priests, and knights are all given a series of lamps a day to maintain.”

“To keep the Shadowless away, I presume.” Lin added.

“Of course. Look over there.” Silfy pointed towards their right, where Yuelei’s eyes caught the slightest trace of movement in the darkness. The next instant, the pole glow briefly and a flash of light shot from the crystal towards its direction, disintegrating the creature. “Impressive isn’t it?”

“The ancient Lu’dal had similar devices designed as a ward against enemies. It would create a stationary totem...device, that shot projectiles at the enemy. Truly a marvel.” Lin said quietly and only Yuelei could hear his mumblings.

Yuelei could not help but take note, since it could be a potential idea of a new spell. “It can definitely use some improvements.”

“Improvements?” Silfy asked.

“Ah don’t mind me, just talking to myself...” Yuelei replied. “Are we there yet?”

“We’re already on our estate. There’s the manor.”

“Arfled, welcome back.” An aged man in a gray tailor coat with a rapier at his waist bowed deeply as he opened the door. “And… Lady Silfy? Is that truly you?” The butler slowly walked forward in shock as he glanced Silfy all over, making sure it was truly her and not a ghost.

“Hello Galvin. I have returned.” Silfy starting raising a hand to give an awkward wave, but instead Galvin grasped her hand and started to break down into tears.

“Praise Ecclisa….My prayers have been answered! Welcome home, dear Silfy.“ The man called Galvin, started to break down and crouch on the ground, with Silfy patting his back. Even Arfled could not resist covering his face with a gauntlet and turning the other way.

“Remember this scene, Yuelei.” Lin placed a hand on Yuelei’s shoulder and gripped gently. “This is what it means to be a healer. Remember this feeling.”

“Your rooms are over here, Sir Lin and Lady Yuelei.” Galvin opened two doors facing each other in the hallway, exposing the lavish furnishing within. After a luxurious dinner of quail, winter squash, monster jerky, and rice with milk pudding, Silfy had excused herself and Arfled said they’ll discuss the formal process of enrollment tomorrow.

“Before I bid you goodnight, allow me to thank you for all you have done. Silfy, she- I have watched her grow up, and treated her as my own child. Thank you.” Galvin bowed deeply and closed their rooms’ door.

How was dinner, Yuelei? Did you save some for me? Liur flew in from the open window.

“It was a change of pace, also dinner is on the table. Galvin prepared it.”

Liur nodded and flew over to mahogany table, using her beak to delicately lift the cover dome and move it aside. She tore into the meal as Yuelei plopped herself into a soft, warm bed for the first time in a long time.

How should we go about this, Yuelei? Liur glided over to where she was and laid down besides her. From what presences I can detect, it is uncommon for the people here to have magical beasts.

“It’s fine, Liur. I’ll just introduce you as it is and say that we have a pact. There’s no reason for me to hide it anyway.”

...As you say, Yuelei. I am confident in my ability to defeat most foes.

“About that, any of the formal academy stuff, please do not interfere unless it’s necessary.” Yuelei said. “I came here to learn and improve myself, and like Gallienoir said, one has to depend on themselves first before they can depend on others.”

I will respect your wishes, Yuelei, but if I feel you are ever in danger. I will not hesitate to act. Liur replied quietly. And if need be. I will contact Lumnieve.

“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that...” Yuelei sleepily replied, before dozing off.

After staring at Yuelei’s face for a few moments. Liur used a talon to pull a blanket over here, and curled up next to her.

“The Headmaster will see you now.” a pair of guards in silver armor wielding large halberds announced. Arfled, who was dressed similarly, gave a nod to Lin and they stood up from their seats and followed the guards in. As passing a series of doors, they finally arrived at the Headmaster’s office.

“Sir!” The two guards saluted the ancient man behind the armchair and left the two of them, closing the doors behind them.

“Arfled Justinia. Forty-first of the Silver Guard, Heavenly Sonata.” Arfled saluted.

“Can we drop the formalities, Arfled?” The old man behind the chair sighed. “Come now, your father and I fought on many battlefields together.”

“As you wish, Sir.” Arfled replied without batting an eye.

“How is your daughter, Silfy?” Quintel asked, giving up on Arfled’s stubborn nature.

“...She is well, the man standing before you was the one that healed her.”

“Lin Merylis. A simple wanderer.” Lin clasped both hands in greeting. “Can we get down to business? There’s a patient who needs attending to.”

“A man of few words, I see.” Quintel clapped his hands and two chairs slide from across the room. “Have a seat. What can I help you two gentlemen with?”

“I have a student who would like to enroll in the Knight’s Academy.” Lin said, getting straight to the point.

“We usually don’t accept outsiders or commoners, and it’s a bit late for the school year. But Arfled vouched for you and was quite insistent it be done.” Quintel pointed out. “I trust that you know that there is a combat test that must be passed for both mentor and student due to late enrollment?”

“So I’ve been told.” Lin nodded. “As for tuition and expenses-”

“I will be handling it.” Arfled withdrew a small pouch of gold coins, a miniscule amount compared to what Lin had given him, and placed it on the table.

“I trust that is enough?” Lin asked as Quintel poured out the coins on the table.

“More than enough. There’s no need for you to pay this much-”

“Think of it as an advance payment for anything that needs addressing, such as materials, another year of schooling, or so have you.” Lin waved him off.

“Hmm. Very well then.” Quintel swept the coins back into the bag and deposited the bag into a drawer, before pulling out a large record book and putting on a pair of spectacles. “Now I’ll need to address a few things and we’ll be done. Your disciple’s name?”

“Yuelei Cas-, Alia. Yuelei Alia.” Lin replied.

“And am I safe to assume that Arfled would be labeled as her knight mentor?”

“No. I will be.” Lin replied, which prompted Quintel to put down his quill and stare at Lin.

“Excuse me if I come off as offensive, but are you a titled Knight?” Quintel asked.

“Probably not within your books.” Lin said, reaching into his pockets and pulling out the Rose Knight’s Crest and placed it on the table. “But I was told this would remedy that.”

Without a word Quintel gently touched the crest, and the smell of seared skin instantly filled the room. He leaned back in his chair and stared at Lin, who promptly picked up the crest and placed it away. The wound quickly faded away and the burnt smell in the air vanished with a wave of Quintel’s hand.

“It does. I have many questions but I am afraid I rather not find out the answers.” Quintel leaned back into his chair. “However, I am sorry to say that… your competition tomorrow will be consist of multiple people.”

“Quintel, that was not-” Arfled started to complain but Lin raised a hand to stop him.

“Send as many as you wish.” Lin replied.

“My apologies, Sire. But I have to announce that you are the owner of the Rose Knight’s Crest to put you down as a valid knight, and there are going to be many, many families that will be curious. Luckily however, only a cadet or two can challenge your disciple.”

“I am not worried about Yuelei.” And then in barely a whisper. “The one who should worry is you.”

“I’m sorry?” Quintel asked, not quite sure what he heard.

“Was that all?”

“...Yes. Come back here tomorrow noon for your tests. Please be prepared.”

Lin and Arfled stood up and bid Quintel goodbye, with Arfled glaring at Quintel the entire time. As he watched the door close behind them, Quintel sighed and pulled out sheets of parchment.

“One letter to the Heavenly Sonata, one to the Templar Order, and another to the Devout Guild.” Quintel sighed as he started writing. “I hope this doesn’t disturb the delicate peace that we are already struggling to maintain.”

Meanwhile, all thoughts of the upcoming battles were not on Lin’s mind. Instead, Silfy and Yuelei had met up with them, and Arfled gave them the run down before excusing himself to attend some business.

“Silfy, let us have a look at this friend of yours.” Lin instructed after receiving his alchemist’s backpack from Yuelei. “If my assumption is correct, this will be a quick and fast remedy.”


“What’s with all the people?” Silfy commented as the four of them walked towards the Knight Academy’s training grounds, a huge four-acre field, with several fenced-off subsections.

“Arfled, you’d best take Silfy away from us.” Lin said quietly. “I don’t think all of them plan to be spectators today.” Lin had the Rose Knight’s Crest on display across his chest, dangling from a pendant. Arfled briefly glanced at the sea of people and nodded.

“Take care, Sire and young lady.” Arfled pulled Silfy away.

“Good luck, Yuelei. Don’t hold back.” Silfy gave Yuelei a thumbs up. “If anyone bullies you, let me know.” The two of them vanished into the crowd.

“Yuelei, is Liur on standby?” Lin said quietly as they continued forward.

“Yes, she’s right above us. Why?”

“Think of it as a precaution, as your battle is first. Magical beasts are allowed in battle, and this is your time to send a message.”

“I plan to.” Yuelei said quietly.

“Ah, welcome gentlemen.” Quintel greeted the two as they finally reached the main sparring field. “And this beautiful young lady, is Yuelei Alia, your disciple I presume.”

“Quite the commotion you have here.” Lin pointed a thumb to the people behind him.

“Apologies, many were… interested.” He leaned in and gave Lin a pat on the shoulder, leaning in and whispering into Lin’s ear. “Some of the families fund this school, I can’t really go against them, so please, please take care. The Heavenly Sonata said they will try to help, but the Guild of Devout and Templar Order are not… pleased.”

Lin was surprised at the honesty in Quintel’s words. He gave the briefest of nods and proclaimed loudly. “So this is how the Knights of the Holy Land of Ecclisa operate.” Lin turned to face the helmeted eyes. “Utter. Cowards.”

An angry wave of discontentment rippled through the masses, but some turned their covered faces downwards in shame.. “Shall we begin?”

“Erm. Alright. Yuelei, if you would so please, step into the field. There will be three opponents, do you have your weapons?”Quintel asked.

“Yes.” came her brief reply, she stared down at the field where a young man was standing.

“My name is Belian Solas! Rank Twenty of the Knight Academy Cadets, House Holyflame of the Templar Order!” Belian drew a longsword and clasped the hilt, saluting Yuelei. “A pleasure to be sparring with you.”

“Yuelei Alia. Unaffiliated. Likewise.” Yuelei repeated, already analyzing the enemy and hardly paying any attention to formalities.

“Ecclisa bless my weapons and guide me to victory.” Belian sent a short prayer, and his weapons started to glow with light, the exact spell that Silfy used. He then placed two fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly, and in the next moment, a large white tiger leaped out from the crowd and stood beside him. At times, white flames would flare from the black stripes. “Whenever you are ready. If you wish to yield, simply state the word.” He said haughtily and the crowd jeered.

Such arrogance. Yuelei thought. Liur, you can come down now.

Yuelei quietly took off her Sheive Cloak and handed it to Lin. Releasing her breath, her Winter’s Breath aura quickly leaked out. The crowd quieted instantly as Yuelei traced a pale finger across the gentle mist and drew a blade of pure white ice from the air. As she pointed the Frost Edge at Belian, with a chilling gust embedded with bits of hail, Liur appeared from the skies and perched herself on Yuelei’s shoulder.

“Is that a phoenix?” A single voice croaked out as Liur took one look at the enemies, and turned away, clearly not interested. “Did she just use a hybrid element?”

Yuelei, these two aren’t even worth my time. Why did you call me down here? Liur scoffed.

To send a message. Plus, admit it, you wanted to look good.

You got me. Liur flapped her wings and hovered above them. Shall I take care of this?

No allow me, save your strength for the next two fights.

“I am ready.” Yuelei shouted to Quintel as the onlookers stared in shock.


In an instant, Yuelei had already closed the distance towards Belian, shooting three Primal Ice Bolts at the Holyflame Tiger and encasing it in ice. Belian quickly shook himself out of the shock and raised his longsword to meet Yuelei’s blade, only to find that his arms were frozen to his sides, along with his feet. The blade of ice stopped right before touching his neck.

“Winner, Yuelei Alia!” Quintel roared out.

The crowd was in absolute shock. Some turned to look at Lin who had a smug smile on his face. The closest next to him could hear him mumbling under his breath.

“Now if it was up to me, I would say she has already passed! However, since some would disagree, we shall continue and our next opponent is-” Quintel started to announce the next opponent when a cloaked man ran up to him and whispered a few words in his ear.

“Well, ladies and gentlemen, it seems that our second opponent has conceded!” Quintel could not hide the smug contentment in his voice, however his eyes narrowed when he introduced the final opponent.

“Cellia Solas. Rank Sixth of the Knight Academy Cadets, House Holyflame, Templar Order.”

The dark red-haired girl that walked up quickly but gracefully introduced herself. “I have no quarrel with you, but orders are orders. Please don’t hold it against me.”

“That Cellia? The Blood-soaked Rose? Isn’t this a bit extreme?” One of the ignorant spectator cadets murmured. “Isn’t this too much just for a new transfer?”

“Maybe she’s after the Rose Knight’s Crest.” someone more knowledgeable scoffed. “Or to redeem the Holyflame House’s honor.” Countless theories started popping around the actual cadet spectators, many revolving around The Templar Order’s strange hatred for Yuelei and her mentor.

“None taken.” Yuelei nodded in response and clasped her hands in salute She had a much better impression of this person then her last opponent.

Cellia mimicked the gesture, and pulled out a heavy halberd encrusted with red runes. They glowed briefly, and a flaming lizard the size of an alligator emerged from the ground. “After you.”

Liur, if you will. Yuelei said through their mental connection, and Liur floated from the sidelines and into the arena.

“I am ready.”

As soon as Yuelei said those words, Cellia dashed towards her, the halberd grating against the ground with a loud ringing noise. The flame lizard’s mouth started expanding like a frogs, and it started to spit fireballs towards Liur.

“Winter Moon.” Yuelei murmured as Cellia closed the distance. Three explosive orbs quickly formed behind her as she parried Cellia’s swing, surprised at the strength behind it and was forced to redirect the blow. Before she could retaliate, the halberd came swinging again, forcing her to focus on blocking the blows. After blocking six of these consecutive overpowering attacks, the Winter Moons had finished forming, and Yuelei sent one spiraling towards Cellia as a test.

The orb dashed towards Cellia, who cleaved it in half with a single stroke of her weapon. However, shock was apparent in her face as the two halves suddenly exploded and barraged the area with Primal Frost Bolts. It was a good thing that Quintel had taken measures to put the field in a barrier, otherwise the spectators would have been caught in the blast.

When the snow cleared, other than a few scratches, Cellia was mostly unharmed. She raised her hand in the air, and sensing danger, Yuelei quickly ducked to the side as a lightning-fast red bolt shaped like a lance pierced the air where she was standing momentarily. Yuelei quickly closed the distance and started to swing her frost blade, the blows blocked by Cellia.

“You’re not bad.” Cellia said as the two were locked in a contest of strength, Yuelei’s blade of ice pushing against the shaft of Cellia’s red halberd. Yuelei simply smiled and pushed harder, the entire shaft slowly started to get covered in freezing ice, creeping towards Cellia’s hands, using her magical anklets to float above Cecilla and push her into the ground.

Before the ice could spread and give her fingers frostbite, Cellia whispered a few words and Yuelei started to feel an unnatural heat coming from the shaft. She leaped backwards just as the halberd burst into flames. Yuelei took the opportunity to send the remaining two Winter Moons towards Cellia, one straight in front, and the other circling to attack from behind. She sliced one in half, the molten edge on the blade of the halberd turning the spell into a splash of water on the ground. As Cellia prepared to deal with the other Winter Moon, she suddenly felt cold around her feet, turning down to watch as ice slowly crept along her legs.

With a quick decision, she quickly spun her weapon and slammed the blade into the ground. The earth beneath her trembled briefly, and then a wave of flame burst out from her weapon, igniting the air and eradicating the Winter Moon orb. All of the moss growing beneath their feet on the field instantly shriveled and dried up, and all traces of ice turned into water before it quickly evaporated.

When Cellia turned around to face off with Yuelei again, she was shocked at the Frost Edge in Yuelei’s hands. The air around it seemed to warp and writhe, white mist wrapping around the blade.

“I ask thee, Eternal Time...” Yuelei murmured as the weapon grew larger and larger in size. First it was the length of a greatsword, then the length of a lance, then the length of chariot. Onlookers looked on in shock as the blade grew longer and longer as Yuelei channeled energy into it. Above her, three newly formed Winter Moons shot towards Cellia in different directions, forcing her to use the same wave of flame to protect herself. When the smoke cleared, Cellia watched in horror as the Primal Frost Edge, now the length of forty meters, swung towards her. It was too large to dodge, scraping along side the ground, and she quickly decided to hold the halberd out to block the blow. The bright light of the incoming blade forced her to avert her eyes.

Cellia heard the crowd gasp right as she opened her eyes. Behind her, Lin was using a finger to stop the incoming blade from reaching the skin against her neck.

“I do believe, this is your defeat.” Lin said quietly, and nary a sound was made as the halberd suddenly split into two where the blade had passed through. With a loud ‘thunk’ the broken weapon hit the ground as Cellia realized what would have happened if Lin had not stepped in.

“Yuelei, come now. Did you really have to use such a dangerous spell? You’ve ripped the barrier that the Headmaster so kindly put up!” Lin walked over while scolding Yuelei.

From the side, Liur looked on in amusement as she stood on the body of the flame lizard. Once bathed in flames, the lizard was now lying on it side, pinned to the ground with pillars of ice and a layer of ice covering it’s scaly body.. She had won as soon the battle had begun.

“Winner, Yuelei Alia!” Quintel closed his mouth and announced the results.

“Now, I suppose it is my turn.” Lin walked into the field, drew his crystalline blue sabre.

Several men nodded to each other and then surrounded the arena, they quickly set up a wall of earth, hiding Lin within.

“What are you doing? This is an official duel!” Quintel protested.

“Shut it old man.” One of the helmeted figures keeping the spectators away shouted.”This is official Templar Order business.”

“Now, how about you men introduce yourselves for me.” Lin said to the men that suddenly emerged from the ground. “Nice of you to show yourselves by the way, what about your four friends over there as well?”

Four more figures emerged from the ground, their ambush apparently figured out. None of them said anything but the weapons in their hands spoke for them.

“So that’s how it is. It’d be a shame if I managed to track you down after this after all.” Lin shrugged. “Clearly, all of you are experienced and seasoned fighters, but none of you have an ounce of chivalry. Do you call yourself Knights too?”

Under Lin’s taunts, one of the men lost his composure and rushed at him swinging a sword and with a shield in front. The shield flashed briefly, and earthen spikes emerged from the shield, traveling across the ground towards Lin. Raising his right feet, Lin stamped into the ground, and the spikes instantly stopped. The man did not realize this, continued charging, swinging his sword down.

Lin sighed and gracefully stepped into the blow. Only a few managed to catch a glimpse of flashing blue as Lin’s attack split the shield in half and cleaved off the man’s arm. The attacker collapsed in pain and clutched at his bleeding shoulder as his detached arm flew above the wall and into the crowd.

“You’d best get a healer to look at that. Go on now. If you’re lucky they might be able to reattach your arm.” Lin informed the man before turning to the other seven who were still trying to understand what happened.

“Come on now. What happened to all your bravado?” Lin shrugged. “Who’s next?”

The men stared at each other and nodded, each one of them spreading out and surrounding Lin.

“So it’s seven on one now, is it? So this is how the Templar Order operates.” Lin yawned.

As the assailants prepared their attacks and weapon techniques, Lin simply sighed and whispered the words. Geinlit.

After a few tense minutes outside, one of the men signaled to the others to take the earthen barrier down. The sight they were met with were seven dead men on the ground, two of the corpses burned, two with deep cuts all over their body, one crushed into a pulp, and two wet corpses with holes through their chests. The remaining man without an arm who had been screaming in pain was now staring at Lin with utter fear in his eyes while dragging his body away from him.

“Does anyone else want to try something?” Lin clapped his hands and the corpses burst into flames, not stopping until they were nothing but ash with not even the armor remaining.

“You were amazing out there, Yuelei.” Silfy praised Yuelei as they returned. Arfled had ordered a feast, and Galvin was off preparing the dishes. “It’s a shame we couldn’t see Lin’s fight though, with the Templars butting in and all.”

“There wasn’t much to see.” Lin was drinking wine. “It was over in a flash anyway.”

Only a couple of individuals had realized what happened within the Earthen Dome. Many had assumed it was just a way to make sure the contestants did not leave.

“Sire, you’d best be careful. The Templar Order are likely not going to let this end well...” Arfled cautioned.

“If they try something, I will not be so lenient this time.” Lin replied.

Lenient? You took off a man’s arm. Yuelei thought. And finished off seven others without any bodies for their family to bury.

“Now, now, Yuelei. Seeing as how you’ve passed the examinations, you’ll be starting school with me next week! Are you looking forward to it?”

Yuelei shook her head. “I have mixed feelings. The display today was too flashy.”

“Oh, don’t worry, you’ll be well received if you’re with me! I am a titled ‘flower’ after all!”

“...You never told me that.” Yuelei grumbled. So much for keeping a low profile.

“You never asked! I was going to keep it as a surprise!” Silfy clapped her hands.

“Ladies and Sirs, Dinner is served.” Galvin announced as he wheeled in several dishes.

“Spectacular as always Galvin.” Silfy complimented as she dug into the fish over a cream of root. “What would the Justinia family do without you?”

“Thank you Silfy. You do me much honor.” Galvin smiled as he removed the plates and moved onto the main course.

“I used a few old connections to acquire the rare monster meat. I thought something like this is cause for celebration.” Galvin said as he explained the dish.

“It smells marvelous.” Arfled nodded as the steak was placed in front of him. “How did you do it?”

“Sire, I seared the sides in fat extracted from the tender parts of the meat and a mixture of butter and oil. For the grilling-” Galvin started to dutifully explain.

“Never mind.” Arfled shrugged. “Just hand me my steak knife.”

“I wouldn’t if I were you.” Lin suddenly interjected. “As a matter of fact, all of you, don’t touch the steak. It’s poisoned.”

“What?” Sifly’s hand stopped mid air as she stared at the appetizing plate of food.

“Galvin, did you not check it beforehand?” Arfled had absolute faith in both Lin and Galvin, but he was unsure who to trust.

“It’s not his fault, the poison is a dormant that comes into effect when it comes into contact with heat.” Lin explained. “But of course, see with your own eyes.”

Lin took out what appeared to be a pair of silver-colored needles, and using them, he gently prodded the steak. Ten minutes passed and nothing happened, but on the eleventh, a gray tinge creeped up the sticks.

Seeing this, Yuelei hastily withdrew the hairpin she was given a long time ago. Sure enough, when she held it to the meat, the jewel signifying poison gleamed brightly.

“By Ecclisa…. In my own home.” Arfled’s fists clenched in anger. “Galvin, do you know-”

“...I will deal with this matter.” Galvin’s eyes gleamed and flashed. For a split second, Yuelei felt that the aged man was anything but a butler.

“No, let me handle it.” Lin said quietly. “It’s me they want anyway. Lock your doors and wait for my return.” With a deathly scary face that Yuelei had never seemed on Lin’s face before, he stood up and left in a gust of wind.

“Do you have a lead on the source, Eir?” Lin murmured as he flew through the air. “North?”

Lin flew for several miles before stopping above a large church, the base of the Templar Order, his Four Sacred Jewels floating angrily around him. He sucked in a loud voice and bellowed.

“The one responsible for attempting to poison the Justinia House. I want him within FIVE MINUTES, or else… so pray you to your goddess, for I will show no mercy!” Lin’s voice echoed throughout the night.

Lin waited for a response, but in four minutes Lin started to sense movement below, and he shook his head in utter disbelief as a group of mages stood in a circular formation and started casting spells at him. Had he not made his message clear after killing seven of their men?

All of the spells were deflected by Lin’s Four Sacred Jewels. Reflecting Lin’s will, the red sparkled radiantly as the spell Eruption was cast, and balls of flame the size of cannonballs started to rain below him. Next up was followed by a Tornado, then a Tsunami, and finally by an Earthquake. It was a one sided battle as the assortment of mages below him struggled to defend themselves against his spells, several fainting as their barriers drained away their energy.

As Lin started to cast the spell Meteor, he sensed a presence approaching him and he halted the spell. A woman in a pure white nun’s uniform which radiated light, along with ten others, a mixture of Knights, Priests, and Priestesses, stopped twenty feet away from him.

“Stranger, please still your blade. Surely we can come to terms without the need to exchange blows.” the woman’s soothing voice spoke.

“I too, wished that it had not come to this.” Lin nodded.

“May I know that which caused you to...cause this?” The woman waved her arm gesturing the ground beneath them, which the Templar Order’s base was half demolished and bathed in destruction. Screams of pain and cries for help came out from beneath the burning rubble. In the eyes of those that had been within, it was as if the end of days had fallen upon them.

“I was having an enjoyable meal with my friends.” Lin shook his head. “And then I found out that someone went and attempted to poison us..”

“And this person, is from the Templar Order? Sir Dustin, is this true?”

“Not that I know of.” The Knight called Dustin said, wiping sweat from his brow.

“Not that you know of.” The woman in white repeated. “Then what in Ecclisa’s name are you doing up here, instead of down there asking your men?” Her voice was ice cold. “As a matter of fact, why did you, instead of evacuating and ordering your men to stand down after the situation broke out, come running to me and the other Knight-Captains?”

“I...I thought that it would be wise to acquire help against an enemy that we don’t know the strength of.” Dustin choked out.

“We? Excuse my hearing, did I just hear the term, We?” The woman’s voice was ice cold.

“Um...” The Knight called Dustin was now fidgeting and grasping at straws. “Yes?”

The glare that the High Priestess gave Dustin was strong enough to kill if it were possible. “Sir Dustin, you and I will have a thorough talk later. In Ecclisa’s name, for the last few days in which you remain a Knight, get your behind down there and start evacuating the injured.”

“Lorrin, Tivi, Carla, please help him.” At the High Priestess’s words, three of the nuns in white clothing behind her followed her down.

“Now, where were we?” Geisla turned back to Lin. “As you can see it was not our… intention to treat you this way. Clearly it is the work of one foolish man.”

“I understand that. But justice has yet to be served.” Lin pointed out. “You’ve demoted a man who may or may not have ordered the deed, without investigation. And the would-be assassin has yet to be found.”

“I do not wish to be rude, but in another lands, one should follow their laws, no? What right do you have to judge one of our own?” One of the Knights behind Geisla shouted out.

“If I remember correctly, this crest gives me that right.” Lin reached into his pocket and pulled out the Rose Knight’s Crest, and dangled it in the air.

“That-” One of the men behind the priest started to declare it was a hoax.

“Is the real deal.” Geisla interrupted before sighing. Obviously she had hoped it wouldn’t make an appearance. “That man has every right to do as he felt fit today. But wanderer, surely you understand our predicament of letting someone continue to attack us. I am not one for violence, but I’m afraid we outnumbered you here. Perhaps we can come to a compromise for you to stand down?”

“Who said that I was outnumbered?” Lin laugh, not pleased at the attempt at intimidation. In an archaic language that none of the spectators understood he murmured. “Come to me in my time of need. Eir. Morrighan. Fallas. Tirna. “

The Four Sacred Jewels started rotating, causing many of the Knights to be on guard. With a flash of brilliant light, the jewels shattered one by one. Behind Lin stood a beautiful floating woman with flowing hair with the color of the sea in a dress not unlike that of a mermaid, wielding a blue sabre that was the exact copy of Lins.. Beside her, standing a levitating rock was another woman wielding a gigantic two-handed axe, this one in a plain brown dress emphasizing her assets. Above her was what appeared to be an old man in a monk’s robe and turban, sitting on a cloud. Finally, the silhouette of a child could be made out in a large burning flame.

“By Ecclisa...” One of the Knights murmured. “What in the Goddess’s name...”

“It’s been so long since I’ve been out!” The spirit named Morrighan stretched. “Lin is always playing favorites with Eir. It’s not fair!”

“I... I like the two of them t-together.” Tirna said with a bit of stuttering. “It suits them.”

“Ah, it must be nice to be young...” Fallas murmured. “Still kicking are we, Lin?”

The onlookers looked on in shock as the five of them conversed among themselves.

“Ah, yes. Are those younglings giving you trouble, Lin?” Fallas turned his pitch black eyes towards the others. “Shall we deal with them? It’s been a long time since these old bones had engaged in battle.” Everyone except Geisla clenched their weapons at the dismissive tone of his voice.

“We’re in discussion at the moment.” Lin replied. “So, as you said, why don’t we come to a compromise? If I were to act here, then when your next ‘Shadowless’ war comes, I fear you will lack the strength to survive.”

“What is it do you want, traveler?” Geisla replied.

“As you say, I am a simple traveler who will be leaving within a few weeks. What I want is safety for my student and the Justinia family, and anyone that threatens them, like our would be poisoner...” Lin shaped his hand like a knife and slid it across his throat.

“That can be arranged easily.” Most of the Knights sighed in relief, although they had absolute faith in High Priestess Geisla, they were not confident in their ability to stay alive against such daunting foes.

“Excellent.” Lin nodded in satisfaction. “The four of you can go back now. Thanks.”

Each of the three spirits nodded and vanished, except for Eir, who remained and whispered some words in Lin’s ear.

“Oh, and a word of warning.” Lin turned around and faced Geisla again. “If something does happen to Yuelei, you can be assured that someone even more dangerous than me will be paying your lands a visit.”

“Is that a threat?” One of the Knights shouted out, Geisla raised a hand to stop him.

“No, merely a warning. The scenario that would happen is not something I have control over, and a ‘compromise’ with her is impossible. Now, gentlemen, ladies, I bid you farewell.”

“Where in god’s name is Lin? It’s almost dawn.” Yuelei grumbled. After the incident with the food, the three had lost their appetite and waited for Lin’s return.

Sleep Yuelei. All is well. Liur sighed, unable to sleep due to Yuelei’s troubled thoughts. Plus, even if you had eaten that poison, I could have froze it within your veins and extracted it. It would hurt like hell, but as long as you don’t die instantly, you can be saved.

“Yes, but-”

“Did you call for me?” A tired voice called out to Yuelei behind her, causing her to jump. She turned around and was greeted by Lin stuffing what appeared to be monster jerky in his mouth. His complexion was pale and seemed as if he had aged a few years.

“Go to bed, Yuelei. Everything has been dealt with, as I said I would.” Lin placed a few strips of dried jerky into Yuelei hands. “If you’re hungry, just eat that. It has regenerative properties.”

Without a word, he walked into his room and slammed into the bed, leaving Yuelei standing, holding a few sticks of jerky and staring at Lin’s door.

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