《Yora Chronicles》[Arc 0 Chapter 2B] - In the Midst of Winter


Chapter 2B- In the Midst of Winter

Yuelei exhaled slowly, her breath quickly adding to a fine mist that swirled around her body. The Winter’s Breath surrounding was much warmer compared to the strong winds that blew at the peak of the mountain that she was standing on, and thus gave her much needed protection. Gallienoir, who had been watching her for the two hours, finally spoke up..

You’ve progressed far these past two weeks, child. Gallienoir commended. She unfurled her wings and signaled that it was time to leave.

Yuelei returned the gesture with a nod. She took a deep breath and stepped forward, her bare feet stepping into the air. With a tinkle of the bells attached to her anklet, the Winter’s Breath converged beneath her feet and formed small platforms of ice. She moved from platform to platform as she followed Gallienoir’s lead. The two of them descended down the mountain-side, and as Yuelei pressed her hand against the wall of ice, it disintegrated and mixed with her Winter’s Breath. Although she could not do something as impressive as leaving a crater in a mountain, she could manipulate the ice around her to a certain degree.

Welcome back, Yuli, a voice called out.

“I’m back Liur.” Yuelei dispersed the mist around her before entering. Gallienoir resealed the door after she entered and went off on her own into the howling winds.

Training today was rather fruitful, I presume?

“It was. Gallienoir did not have any reprimands for me,” Yuelei said, taking a seat in front of the ashen campfire. She held her hands open above the ashes and slowly clenched them, and as she did, an unnatural white flame burst forth. Yuelei tossed a few dry twigs and sticks and coaxed the embers into a cozy flame. She placed a pot on the fire and filled it with ice chips from the door.

Stew again? Liur shook her head in disapproval. Yuli, you have to be more prudent with your diet, you’re still growing.

“You’re one to talk, and it’s more efficient to cook this way.” Yuelei replied, tossing hunks of meat that were also encased in ice into the pot. “None of the nutrients go to waste, and we can even eat the bones if we boil them long enough.” The past few weeks had taught Yuelei to be more careful about wasting food, as there were days where Gallienoir had returned to the nest empty handed. The temperatures had also dropped much lower, and Yuelei had to keep her Winter’s Breath active almost all the time while she was outside- if simply just to protect her skin from the cold gales. Her only salvation were the Taw berries that gave her a brief respite, but she was slowly growing hesitant in eating them. In her eyes, they were worth more than gold.

A flapping of wings was heard, and Yuelei felt the weight of Liur on her shoulder.

“You’re heavier than usual,” she grunted. Liur’s rapid growth was more noticeable by the day, and it made Yuelei wonder if all magical beasts grew so quickly.

I ate a Ghost Hare that I caught earlier. Liur confessed. I tried to bring it back but I was unable to. I did manage to tear off about half of the furskin though.

“It’s alright Liur. Don’t worry about it.” Yuelei assured. She opened the lid and a cloud of steam wafted out. “Do you want any?”

No. Didn’t I say that I’ve already eaten?

Yuelei nodded her head in acknowledgment and Liur hopped off her shoulder and sat on the fur-covered ground. Over the last few weeks, the cavern had been covered in furs, giving it a primitive state. The fire slowly died down according to her will and she picked up the burning pot with her hands.


She always wore the magical gloves now, as they provided protection against the elements, and if she would take them off, she would slowly lose the feeling in her fingers. The food was bland and the broth tasted like coagulated blood, but each bite of meat, each sip of broth gave her worn out body a burst of energy.

When she finished her meal, she used a bit of magic to freeze the inside of the pot and chipped off the dirty ice. Creating a small hole in the ice wall entrance, she tossed these fragments into the wind.

All done, Yuli? Liur asked, standing up. Ready to train?

Yuelei nodded and drew her dagger’s hilt. The blade had broken off when she had tried to cut into a strange tortoise-like creature that Gallienoir had caught without waiting for her guidance. Gallienoir had refused to speak to her for a few days afterwards, and Yuelei realized the dagger had some sort of sentimental value. It was only through Liur’s efforts that they were on speaking terms again.

Well then, brace yourself.

At Liur’s declaration, both of them brought out their Winter’s Breath aura, and Liur shot two slow Primal Ice Bolts towards Yuelei, testing the waters.

“Too easy,” Yuelei mumbled. A small thin blade of ice formed from the dagger’s hilt and she gracefully sidestepped and swung the magical blade, evading one of the bolts and deflecting the other one towards the ceiling where it exploded in a shower of icicles.

Tis just a warmup, Yuli. Liur tittered, hearing her whispered words. The number of bolts slowly increased, forcing Yuelei to create small Frost Bolts of her own to deflect the incoming projectiles. Before long, Yuelei was drenched with sweat and panting, the magical blade of ice was chipped and jagged.

“Once… more.” She gasped out.

I think it would be best if we stopped now. Liur worried.

“Once more!” Yuelei growled out, holding the Frost Blade in front of her.

...As you wish dear Yuelei. Liur relented under her determination and spread her wings. Yuelei watched as several Primal Ice Bolts slowly formed, followed by a Primal Frost Lance.

Seeing the Primal Frost Lance, Yuelei’s eyes widened and a jolt of adrenaline ran through her body. She had seen Gallienoir cast one when a Glimstalker had continuously harassed them while they were out foraging for edibles and firewood. Compared to the usual Primal Ice Bolt that burst on impact, the Primal Frost Lance had pierced through the Glimstalker’s abdomen before it exploded. Bits and pieces of the Glimstalker had flown everywhere in a gory scene she’d hoped to forget, especially when Gallienoir had made her wade through the red-colored snow and collect anything that was still edible.

Of course, this was not long after Yuelei had broken the treasured dagger.

Yuelei sucked in her breath and the Winter’s Aura expanded around here. It was still dismal in size or density compared to either Gallienoir’s or Liur’s, but it was enough to show Liur that Yuelei was serious. The barrage of Primal Frost Bolts came first, some of them Yuelei deflected, some of them she dodged, but a majority of them were met with tiny Frost Bolts that changed their trajectory enough to miss her by inches.

And then came the large Primal Frost Lance, which flew at her at an astonishing speed like an approaching ballista bolt. Yuelei gripped the blade hilt tightly and concentrated the Winter’s Mist into the blade, causing it to fluctuate briefly before growing in size. As the projectile flew towards her like a thrown lance, Yuelei dug her feet into the ground and cleaved the projectile in half, both parts harmlessly flying past her and embedding itself in the wall behind her before it detonated into a fusillade of sparkling ice chips. Even though she had successfully evaded it, the blastwave hit her from behind and knocked her off her feet. She slowly lost consciousness but not before having a triumphant smile on her face.


That was reckless, Yuli. Liur finally breathed out. She had realized too late that Yuelei was going to take the Primal Frost Lance straight on and was afraid she was going to suffer major injuries. She did not have the ability nor mastery to manipulate her spell mid-flight unlike her mother.

She hopped over to where Yuelei had fallen and checked her for wounds. Other than a few scratches and grazes, she seemed fine. Liur pulled a few fur over her body after freezing and removing her sweat, and let her rest.

Just as she finished, Gallienoir returned bearing the carcass of a Glimstalker. Seeing that Yuelei was asleep, she quietly encased the corpse in ice and left it at the entrance. She walked over and touched beaks with Liur.

Hello little one.

Greetings mother. How was the hunt? Liur asked.

Not well, it seems that all the creatures of the mountains are going into hibernation already. The Whitefrost is coming earlier this year, and I’ve went to confirm it with a friend.. Gallienoir replied.

How many days do we have? Liur asked. A corner of the cavern had already been filled to the brim with frozen meats and small bushels of wild edibles, yet they were not sure how long the Whitefrost would last.

Two days at best. This Glimstalker was found while it was returning to its lair. If there is anything that needs to be done, it must be done soon. Little one, inform Yuelei of this. This one will be busy for the next day.

Liur bobbed her head in acknowledgement, a habit that she no doubt picked up from Yuelei.

How was the training? Was it…. satisfactory? Gallienoir changed the topic.

Yuli’s control has improved. She’s still a bit green however, attempting to take on a Primal Frost Lance head on like that.

Indeed, that would be reckless. Gallienoir commented. But judging from the cracks in the walls and ceilings… she succeeded.

Liur nodded her head proudly.

You and the child should practice outside, it would be problematic if this cavern would be destroyed for the sake of practice. Gallienoir reprimanded.

Yes mother. Liur said meekly.

After getting the point across, Gallienoir curled up, tucked her head under her wings, and went to sleep. Liur followed her example and went to sleep next to Yuelei.

Right before dawn, Gallienoir roused herself.

Time to see an old friend for the last time. She thought to herself.

Gallienoir had been flying non-stop for the past three hours. She had left early not to disturb the little ones but it was almost noon now. Even her mighty wings were starting to strain from the fatigue of flying against the strong winds that were the first sign of the upcoming Whitefrost. Scanning the valley below, she found what she was looking for and swooped down towards a barely visible, snow-covered cabin.

Inside the cabin a black haired-man with eyes of amber, appearing to be in his mid-twenties, slowly put down the silver flute he was polishing.

“It seems we have a guest, Eir.” He spoke to the empty room. Carefully replacing the flute down in an ordinary-looking wooden box, he stood from his armchair and went and opened the cabin door just as Gallienoir landed in front of him.

“Welcome Gallienoir, it has been some time.” he greeted warmly.

Four winters to be precise. Gallienoir replied. This one greets you, Alchemist Lin Merylis.

The man waved his hands in denial and chuckled. “No need to be so formal, Gallienoir, that is a title from a long time past, and you are my elder by many years.”

Lin held the door open for Gallienoir to enter, and as she took a seat on the soft fur rug, Lin snapped a finger and the fireplace roared to life. He trailed his fingers along an earthenware pot and it seemed to fill up with water.

“Would you like some tea?” Lin asked, taking a spoonful of tea leaves from a clay jar and pouring it into the teapot before leaving it by the fire.

No, thank you. Gallienoir replied. She watched Lin pour the hot water into the pot and pour it into two ceramic cups as she waited. Placing one cup on the simple wooden table, he returned to his armchair with his own cup.

Ocean’s Breeze Tea…is it? Gallienoir voiced, as she smelled the aroma wafting in the room.

“Quite knowledgeable as usual, Gallienoir. Indeed, this is the rare Ocean’s Breeze tea, and it just so happens to be Eir’s favorite as well.”

Gallienoir said nothing. She had thought this man, Lin Merylis, was a raving lunatic when she had first met him half a century ago when he moved into this abandoned cabin. He always seemed to be speaking to a women named Eir both aloud and in his thoughts. After she had befriended him, Gallienoir realized that the man was both sane and an extremely powerful mage, never truly gauging his strength. Furthermore, he had even earned the respect of the one Gallienoir served.

“Care for a game of King’s Court?” Lin gestured towards a metal board with several figurines on top of it laying on top of the nearby table. “I doubt anyone of these last centuries other than scholars and you that still remember how to play this game, so it is hard to find an experienced opponent. If only Lady Lumnieve would have the attention span to sit down and learn the game, she would be a good opponent.” He shook his head and sighed. “Perhaps today is the day I shall defeat you.”

Very well, let us have a game. Gallienoir replied, she had learned of the game from her mother’s memories, for it was a favorite among nobles.

With a smile, Lin skillfully set up the game board. They immersed themselves in the game and two hours quickly passed with no victor in sight. They took a small break for lunch.

“I hope the roasted venison suits your palate. It has been a while since I’ve made meals for others.” Lin apologized, placing a large slab of meat in front Gallienoir.

It is fine. Thank you for the gesture. Gallienoir used a bit of wind magic to cut the meat into bite-sized pieces before delicately picking them up with her beak. It was another memory of her mothers, and when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Across from her, Lin set his own plate of venison down and delicately used a knife to carve it. Gallienoir finished first and stared at the chessboard in front of them, then at Lin who was still enjoying the meal.

“It is rather strange isn’t it, Gallienoir.” Lin commented, noticing her gaze.

What is?

“Sixty years ago, we had sat at this exact same table. Here we are again today, and neither of us have changed much at all. ” Lin nodded in agreement to no-one in particular and seemed to ponder over his thoughts. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, Gallienoir’s words stopped him.

….But I’m afraid there won’t be a next time for me to sit at this table.

Lin’s hands stopped in midair while hovering over a white mage piece. “So… it is that time?”

Gallienoir nodded. Thank you for your companionship these past decades, Lin. It has made the winters bearable.

“No… it is I that should be doing the thanking.” Lin murmured. He leaned back into his chair and closed his eyes. “...I suppose this will be our last game together.”

Perhaps. It will only be a matter of time for my little ones to mature.

“Ones?” Lin echoed.

Whether it been fate or the whims of an old phoenix, this one had adopted a human child who had made a pact with my daughter.

Lin opened his eyes at the unexpected information. “A child? Here? In these mountains?”

Her name is Yuelei, and my daughter’s name is Liuralia, and this one has been teaching her how to survive. There is a good chance she has the potential to be the lady’s scion.

Lin said nothing and instead went to refill his cup with more tea, waiting for Gallienoir to speak, the past decade she seldom came without reason.

This one would like to ask you to look after the girl, Yuelei, when the time comes. If it doesn’t bother you, I would also like to request you to deal with my body.

Lin turned around and faced Gallienoir, and then towards an empty armchair in the room. “If you say so Eir. You’re right… Perhaps it is time I started seeing my own kind again.”

My gratitude. Gallienoir never truly understood Eir’s existence, but it seemed that it had influenced Lin to agree.

“Wait here for a moment.” Lin instructed, opening a hatch in the ground and descending into the cellar. About five minutes later, he returned, a crystal ball in his hands. He pressed a palm on the orb and it slowly changed into a light-blue larimar color. He placed it in front of Gallienoir.

“This orb is a product of a spell that lets me track where it is. Give it to Yuelei, and in her time of need, have her break it and help will come.”

This one… has never heard of such a spell before. Gallienoir replied as she scrutinized the orb.

“It’s nothing spectacular. In this era, people may refer to me as an alchemist, but in my youth, the term was enchanter. I may very well be the last one,” he explained sadly.

You are still young, Lin Merylis. There are plenty of opportunities for you to pass on your legacy, as this one has.

“No!” Lin lashed out, and then he quickly apologized. “This sort of magic isn’t something I would wish upon another. It is both a blessing… and a curse.”

Gallienoir said nothing, merely staring at Lin and pondering what sort of trials he had gone through. She trained her gaze towards the game board and burned the positions of the board into her memory. After she made her next move, she gently picked up the crystal orb in her beak and stood up.

Farewell Lin. Again this one thanks you for the favor.

“Farewell, old friend. These years with you had been long but gentle.” Lin replied. “I’ll take care of the rest when you return for the final sleep.”

May the rest of your winters be kind and forgiving.

And with that parting remark, Gallienoir flapped her wings and flew out of the cabin and into the sky in a gale of wind. Lin quietly went and shut the door that was shaking on its hinges, before putting his cup down on the table.

“And so the story ends on another, huh, Eir?”

Lin cocked his head, as if actually listening for a response in the empty cabin.

“As you say, this page ends, but the story goes on. We just have to make sure that her children can make her proud. A human child and a phoenix, eh…? A strange pairing indeed. Reminds me of a certain two individuals...” he laughed.

“Would you like more tea, Eir?” he asked, as he went to refill both his and the unmoved empty teacup on the table.

“Gallienoir didn’t come back last night?” Yuelei said, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. As usual her body started to shiver as soon as the fur hides slipped off her shoulders, but she was starting to get accustomed to the cold.

Mother said she was going to be busy. Chances are, she shall be back sometime today. Liur reassured. What would you like to do today? Shall we go hunting again like yesterday?

“No...” Yuelei could hear the wind howling outside and tearing at the ice wall. A light hail was falling and Yuelei did not want to be caught in a possible blizzard.

Do you want to practice magic again?

“No… I’m still a bit sore from the bit of training we did yesterday.” Yuelei replied. Sore was a bit of an understatement as she had crashed into a tree while trying to race Liur with her magical anklet. Fortunately the snow covered ground had dampened her fall and she only suffered a few cuts and light abrasions.

Just as they pondered what to do that day, the entrance wall cracked and a small hole started to form. The head of a giant bear peered in from outside and both Yuelei and Liur jumped up. Just as she was about to call forth her Winter’s Breath, the rest of the wall shattered and a giant bear corpse was tossed in. A moment later, Gallienoir dragged herself into the nest, heavily injured. Several claw gashes covered her breast, and one of her wings hung limply with its feathers torn. The wounds had covered in ice to seal them, but even so, they looked to be extremely painful and the ice was the color of blood.

As Yuelei stood in shock, Liur quickly fluttered over to Gallienoir and touched beaks.

Child, it’s alright. The wounds were not deep, and the wing will heal in time. Gallienoir’s voice shook Yuelei out of her trance and she hurried over to reseal the wall and start a fire to chase away the chilled air.

“Are you really alright, Gallienoir?” Yuelei shot concerned glances while trying to coax the embers into flame, still not quite believing that Gallienoir could ever be injured so heavily. “What is… that thing?” she pointed towards the hulking corpse of a bear.

A Sheive Bear. They are extremely rare and solitary magical creatures. This will be my last gift to you, Yuelei. Take it’s fur and make yourself a cloak. It will keep you warm and keep away predators. Gallienoir’s voice did not seem to have the strength it usually contained.

“Thanks, but shouldn’t you be treating your wounds?” She tried to lock eyes with Liur but she simply perched herself on the ground and stared at her mother.

They must be talking to each other.Yuelei thought. She made herself busy dealing with the Sheive Bear corpse.

Liur and Gallienoir glanced at Yuelei, and then each other, before nodding their heads and leaving the nest again.

“I wonder what those two are up to...” Yuelei spoke to the now-empty chamber.

My daughter. Gallienoir addressed. Her nostalgic tone of voice shocked Liur. They were perched on the peak of two mountains above the blizzard clouds.

Back there… you lied to Yuli didn’t you? Those wounds are critical and you hardly even had the strength to fly up here…

You are correct my daughter, these are grievous wounds.

Why did you pick a fight with the Sheive Bear? A ninth- rank magical beast… you should have known better. Liur raised her voice without thinking.

Gallienoir quietly sat through Liur’s scolding. She couldn’t help but realize that Liur had been influenced heavily by Yuelei’s presence, and it made her happy and just a little bit sad that Liur was different from her.

Child…. The soft tone caused Liur to stop her talking. It is time.

You promised Yuli that would you would be here until spring. Liur accused.

There is no reason for me to stay and be a burden, Gallienoir explained slowly. This one’s wing would take years to heal, time which we do not have. The issue of food has also not been resolved, and we do not have enough to feed three mouths.

If you leave now… then who will guide Yuelei during the upcoming days? Liur protested.

This one has made arrangements. She will be in good and more suitable hands, someone that once shared a destiny that she now has with you.

The two phoenixes argued back and forth, neither one willing to compromise, until Gallienoir’s voice started to crack as the wounds ate at her.

Please mother, just go back inside for now and we can discuss this. Liur pleaded.

No, little one, this one knows exactly what is going to happen. You will inform the child, who will also try to stop me. There is no need to wasted strength.

Why must you be so stubborn?

This one had planned to venture out during the Whitefrost to feed us, but she learned that this Whitefrost shall be the coldest one within four decades. Defeating that Sheive and taking its pelt was the only way for the child to live through the winter… and there is not enough food to go around. Gallienoir explained. By custom, this one should have bequeathed her power to you when you were born. We have merely delayed it until today.

At her words, Liur fell silent. If you cannot venture forth, then why can’t I do it and feed all of us?

No! Gallienoir’s voice was strong enough to cause Liur’s consciousness to blacken momentarily and cause her to lose her balance. You and the child must not, under no circumstances, leave the nest until the Whitefrost has ended. And as soon as it does, you must contact Lin, and you must contact the Lady.

Who is-

He will be Yuelei’s teacher. Gallienoir moved her broken wing and revealed the translucent crystal orb she was given, except it now resided in a nest of icey feathers. After we are done here, give this to the child. This one has imbued it with a bit of magic, and it should protect her until help arrives.

Liur could only shake her head as Gallienoir passed the orb towards her.

Is there really no other way? Must you leave us so soon? Liur begged.

There are always ways, dearest daughter, but this… this is the best way for everyone. Gallienoir replied. As is custom, allow this one to show you the spell borne from her name.

Gallienoir took a deep breath and jumped, soaring into the skies above. When she was nothing but a small dot in Liur’s eyes, she came to a halt and started chanting an incantation.

Roaming through the autumn peaks, Gallienoir started chanting slowly but loudly enough for Liur to hear, frozen in crystalline allure.

A ghastly blue aura started to gather around her body- a transformation of her Winter’s Breath.

Wind. Ice. Form for me an endless, gray sky.

The aura burst into several hundred pieces and formed a giant cloud in the sky.

Flutter, flutter and bring forth death’s harbinger.

The fragments started to condense around her, and several clones of Gallienoir flapped their wings of ice around her.

And thus, when winter finally comes, the first snow comes by storm.

And like a salvo of arrows, the replicates shot down towards Liur. She tensed up as the onslaught of mirror images shot towards her. Standing her ground, most of them avoided her and formed a circle around her. Gallienoir fluttered down and perched herself on two of the clones.

This is the spell this one has created. ‘First Snow’.Gallienoir waved her good wing and the hundred of clones all opened their mouth and shot an Ice Bolt at each other, causing the flock to vanish...but the drawback is the amount of soul power required to maintain them.

One day as you peer into my memories, you will learn to use it as your own. One day, you too will have to create a spell to answer your own name. Gallienoir closed her eyes and sighed. The spell had drained her, but with this, everything is in place.

Now child, this one will grant you her memories, and the memories of her predecessors. When the time comes where you feel as if you are missing power, you may choose to gaze upon them.

“Welcome back,” Yuelei yelled as the ice wall broke into tiny fragments and the bitter cold air blew in.

I’m back, Yuli. Liur’s somber voice made Yuelei look up from her work.

“Is something the matter Liur? Where is Gallienoir?”

Gone. The injury was worse than she had expected. Liur gently spoke out. She went to her final resting place.

At the words, Yuelei felt her heart drop. Despite their differences, in the past few months she had come to see Gallienoir as the mother she never had. She had taught her to be strong and diligent, guided her to be prudent, and protected her from harm. It was a kindness that she had not experienced with her own mother, much less a magical beast.

Yuelei turned her stare away from Liur’s and stared at wall of ice at the entrance as if in a daze. Night fell and yet she still remained in this posture. When morning came along with the howling blizzards of the Whitefrost, something clicked and she slowly, quietly, buried her head into the Sheive furskin, and cried like a child of her age.

Liur, who had been watching and caring for her this entire time, pulled another furskin on top of her shoulders to keep her warm. Not knowing quite sure what to do, she perched on Yuelei’s shoulder and rubbed gently against her face, an instinctive gesture from somewhere within the confines of her memory.

“Thanks.” Yuelei mumbled as the sniffs started to recede. “Did she… say anything?”

Yes… but they are deep, deep into the memories. Liur confessed. Mother likely has left messages for the both of us, but I cannot see them yet.

“These… memories, what are they like?”

Liur closed her eyes. After a few minutes she opened them again. They… are like a book with pages that opens the stronger I become. To gaze into my mother’s memories, I too, must be as strong as she was.

“How long will that take?”

A few years, a few decades… who knows. It seems my great-grandmother was rank eight, my grandmother a rank ten, and my mother… was a rank nine.

“Didn’t your mother say that she was an eighth-ranked creature?”

It seems that to stay in the world after my birth, she had used up a lot of magical power.

“I see...” Yuelei picked herself up and started to prepare a meal using the fresh Sheive meat. As she busied herself, she thought aloud. “What will happen to us now…?”

I will protect you, Yuli. Liur’s voice soothed her thoughts and reminded her of Airen. We have a pact, and you are a sister to me.

“Ha ha, wouldn’t that make me the older sister then?”

Perhaps, perhaps not. Liur responded. Mother asked me to give this to you. She gestured towards the blue crystal sphere that she had deposited onto the ground when she entered.

“What is it..?” Yuelei picked up the small orb and peered into it. She could make out the small shape of a flower submerged in the ocean of glass.

A gift imbued with mother’s magic. In your time of need, break it and a powerful spell will come into effect. Liur explained. That is what I’ve been told.

At her words, Yuelei nodded and carefully placed the sphere into her makeshift pockets.

“So… what do we do now? We can’t go outside because of the Whitefrost.”

Liur stared deeply into her eyes. First you need to eat something, and then we must train for the days ahead. That was mother’s final words.

“Stop, stop! It is my loss.” Yuelei sighed and plopped down onto the nest floor. She had been dueling with Liur daily for the past week to help her forget about her sadness, and each time she was met with failure.

Your reactions are rather quick, but your spells are not. Liur commented, plopping down next to her.

“You’re just too strong. I hardly ever have a chance to counterattack. ” Yuelei grumbled. When they had first sparred after the Whitefrost begun, they had realized that Liur was almost twice as strong as she was before. Instead of training together, it was Yuelei who was training and Liur who guided her.

I still have much to learn, the same as you. Liur replied.

“I know. I know...I’m just annoyed that I have not had a single victory against you.”

Your attacks are elegant and swift. If we were evenly matched, then perhaps you would have defeated me. Liur noted.

“Once more. This time will be different!” Yuelei took a few bites of leftover Sheive meat and washed it down with frigid cold water. The liquid quickly cooled her down and she stood up, ready once more.

Very well. Liur noted. She flapped her wings and created a beautiful sculpture of an ice phoenix that hovered behind her, flapping its wings.

“Just a moment. “Yuelei steadied her breathing and created an orb of ice marked with the letter ‘Y’ that also hovered high in the air. “Ready”

The goal of the match was simple. Destroy the other’s sculpture with magic. Since the target was not the individuals themselves, there was a lesser degree of danger. Both of them sat down below their levitating sculptures, and as soon as the ball of ice hit the ground, both of them released their Winter’s Breath and the battle of wits started.

Liur immediately took advantage of her superior soul power to unleash a salvo of Primal Ice Bolts, forcing Yuelei to turn around to raise an Ice Wall to protect her sculpture. The projectiles collided with the wall and exploded in a flurry of ice.

Just as Yuelei turned around to retaliate, Liur finish casting a Primal Frost Lance whose destructive power can easily pierce the Ice Wall she had raised. Acting fast, Yuelei drew her dagger and planted it onto the ground while extending her Frost Edge forward. The razor sharp blade of ice split the lance in half, and the remaining bits flew harmlessly past the sides of the Ice Wall.

Not bad. Liur commended. Then, how about this? Twelve Primal Ice Lance(s) started forming at once above her, along with a swirling vortex that Yuelei recognized as the beginning of the spell Ray of Absolute Zero.

“When did you learn to use that spell…?” Yuelei exclaimed in amazement. She had witnessed Gallienoir it once, and the effects are astonishing. Unlike the Primal Ice Bolt or Primal Ice Lance, it released a near instantaneous ray of frost, freezing everything in front of it in a line. Yuelei had witnessed Gallienoir casually blast through eight tree trunks with one cast of the spell.

Hehe, do you really have time to be pondering that, Yuli? Liur laughed.

Yuelei groaned and tossed a few basic Frost Bolts towards the ice phoenix sculpture. The figurine delicately moved and evaded the bolts under Liur’s guidance.

Is that all you have, Yuli? Liur scolded. Are you admitting defeat?

“I’ll never admit defeat until there is no hope left!” Yuelei pressed her hands onto the cold ground and several more Ice Wall(s) rose and layered upon the first one. She pointed with a hand forward, proclaiming “And nobody said I have lost yet!” At her signal, the giant wave of Ice Walls started to surge forward.

Good! But your Ice Walls stand no chance against my onslaught! Liur replied, shooting the Primal Frost Lances first. The first salvo crashed into the wall and slowed its advance.. The second salvo forced the wave to a halt and impaled itself deep into the wall. The third and final barrage caused cracks to appear all across the wall.

And now for the finale! The swirling vortex had stopped moving and a white beam of light shot forward in a speed that escaped Yuelei’s eyes. When the ray touched the already weakened Ice Wall(s), they shattered on the spot and sprayed a cloud of ice and mist into the air. Within the mist, Liur heard the sound of ice shattering.

Liur turned towards Yuelei to proclaim the end of the match, only to be met with a grin on Yuelei’s face. She quickly turned and checked her target. The orb was nowhere to be seen and on the ground was a block of ice with a hole through it. She turned just in time to watch as the Y-marked orb flew towards her figurine at an astonishing speed.

Quite commendable, Yuli, but still that is not enough. Liur had no time to cast a spell to deflect the heavy orb, but she still had one trick up her sleeve. She quickly condensed the Winter’s Breath mist around the incoming figurine into a fast whirling cyclone. The orb of ice smashed into the sphere of wind and just as it was about to be deflected away, a triumph smile showed itself on Yuelei’s face.

She placed her clenched fist in front of her, and as she quickly opened them, she whispered the name of the spell she had created. “Winter Moon”. The sphere of ice detonated, and thirty-six Primal Ice Bolt shot out along the circumference around the orb, obliterating both the figurine and causing the cavern to shake from the force of the spell.

Liur looked at the fragments of her leftover figurine, and then at Yuelei’s delighted face.

Well done. This is my lost. Liur conceded.

Yuelei’s smile grew wider.

That was a rather impressive spell, Yuli. Liur commended as they were discussing the duel over a dinner of Taw berries and the last of the Sheive meat.

“Hardly as impressive as your Ray of Absolute Zero.” Yuelei pointed towards the six inch hole in the mountain wall that they had to seal with ice.

You had created a new spell, dear sister. That is an achievement that cannot be overlooked for someone that is only thirteen years of age. Furthermore, you also managed to outplay an ice phoenix at her own game.

Yuelei bashfully looked away at Liur’s shower of praise. “One victory means little. Now that you’ve seen the spell as well, I doubt you would fall for the same trick again.”

Liur shook her head. One battle, one victory is sometimes all you need.

Yuelei grew quiet at her words and quietly turned the spit roast. She had been extremely cautious of using her limited stock of firewood, but after Liur’s spell had tunneled a hole in the wall, the frigid Whitefrost air has seeped in and immediately caused ice to form over the walls and over her skin. The fire was necessary to return the nest into habitable conditions, and Yuelei warmed her hands to the small fire.

Are you cold Yuli? Liur asked.

“A little. Now that I’m sitting here instead of moving around, I finally realized how cold it was.”

What about the Sheive fur cloak? Have you finished making it?

“It is… really warm. So I think I’m going to wait until it gets a little bit colder first.”

Have you tried using the Winter’s Breath while wearing it?

“I have not. That kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?”

No… that is exactly the purpose. It’s similar to the method we creatures of the cold use to traverse these snow-covered lands. You must withdraw the Winter’s Breath into a thin film that surrounds and cools your body from the fur. The idea is to trap the temperatures both inside and outside.

“That’s rather complex… but it never hurt to try.” Yuelei picked up the bundle of thick white fur and wrapped it around her body. At once, the heat started to cause Yuelei to sweat. Following Liur’s advice she called forth the Winter’s Breath and covered her body with it. At once the burning heat quickly turned into a cool and comfortable mist.

How is it…?

“It’s… surprisingly pleasant, like a cool spring breeze.” Yuelei stood up and twirled around, the exquisite fur billowing in the result draft. “I can get used to this...”

You should. From what I know, the Sheive fur has a few magical properties. It will never freeze or burn.

“So are you saying it can render the Ray of Absolute Zero useless...?”

Perhaps. Let us find out. Without warning Liur started to cast the spell and Yuelei hastily tossed it into the air. The beam of white light shot towards the fur cloak, but failed to pierce it, only leaving behind a small patch of ice on the spot of impact. As Yuelei caught the cloak, she realized that the ice had already melted.

“This… this is amazing!” Yuelei exclaimed loudly before turning to scold Liur. “Tell me beforehand next time! What if you made another hole in the cavern?”

I had absolute faith. Liur smugly replied. The memories never lie.

“Speaking of which, what have you seen lately?” Yuelei asked. Often times while she worked, Liur would sit down next to her and go into a dream-like state as she revisited days gone by through her predecessor’s eyes.

I have only peered into the early days of my great-grandmother. Most of it seems to consist of tales of travelling through lands that were long gone.

“That sounds really beautiful, to see the world as it was.”

Perhaps.. perhaps not. The first of my kind was an anomaly among her kind and did not fit in. She was also considered weak because of the purebred phoenix’s fire element. And so, she went on a journey.

“...what will you do if one day we run into other phoenixes?”

I highly doubt that there are much of us left. But on the chance that we meet another of my once-brethren, we shall exchange words. Instead of bearing hatred, my ancestor’s memories bore a deep sorrow. If need be, I will show them that ice phoenixes are nothing to scoff at, even if they have the elemental advantage.

“...I see.” Yuelei had not expected Liur to be so passionate about the subject. Perhaps it was a sort of competitive instinct.

And for that, the both of us need to train. The Whitefrost will go on for another three months. Three months may not be enough time for the both of us.

“What do you mean..?” Yuelei asked. “Why can’t we simply stay after the Whitefrost ends?”

Liur shook her head, the delicate feathers on top waving around. Mother and I have already taught you the basics of frost magic. The fact that you managed to defeat an ice phoenix at her own element shows your mastery. Our magic is different from those of humans, and other then those basic spells, we cannot teach you further. I also cannot teach you to use wind or water magic either. After the Whitefrost, an… old friend of my mother’s will guide you.

“What is she like?” Yuelei was apprehensive but took Liur’s word to heart. She had matured at an insane rate, and could be considered much wiser than she was.

It is a he. The man is… a bit eccentric. Mother said to ignore whenever he appears to be talking to a hallucination of his called ‘Eir’. But he is a powerful mage from a distant land, as well as an alchemist. It would be wise to learn his form of magic. The crystal sphere that I gave you is a product of one of his spells. I am unable to see mother’s memories about him, so most of it is hearsay she said personally.

Listening to her words, Yuelei dug around her storage chest and pulled out a small pouch made from fur. She rummaged around it and pulled out the crystal ball and inspected it.

“I wonder how was this thing made….” Yuelei thought aloud.

I do not know either.

“But whatever it is… it is really pretty.” Yuelei gazed into the crystalline flower within the orb. “I have never seen anything like this back in my days at the palace.”

The palace…?

“Oh right...I’ve told Gallienoir, but you don’t know it.”

If you do not wish to share your story with me, I understand. I will be ready to listen whenever you wish to speak.

Yuelei made up her mind on the spot, and proceeded to reveal to Liur everything about herself. The tale extended far into the night and early morning, and when Yuelei finally went to get some sleep, she felt that a heavy burden was finally removed from her shoulders.

The next day Yuelei was reorganizing her storage chest.

“Hey Liur, what’s this ring?” Yuelei held out the ring Gallienoir had given her a long time ago. “It’s supposed to be magical right?”

Oh, I nearly forgot about that. It’s a ring of magical power. You can store a spell in it and use it anytime you wish. Mother said you weren’t ready for it though.

“Any spell?”

Any projectile type spell. It is a rare and powerful artifact compared your other items, but do not rely upon it.

“How does it work?”

Place it in front of me and I will demonstrate.

Yuelei did as bid and tossed the ring in front of Liur, who promptly blasted it with a Primal Ice Bolt. But when the projectile approached the ring, a ripple seemed to cut between the space and the Primal Ice Bolt vanished.

Good, now put on the ring and point it towards the door.

Yuelei carefully put the ring on, the cold silver sitting comfortable on her index finger, and held her hand towards the door.

Now repeat after me. ‘I beseech thee, eternal time… Return unto me that which was freely given.’

“I beseech thee, eternal time… Return unto me-” but before Yuelei could finished, she felt magical power well up within the ring and Liur’s Primal Ice Bolt materialized and shot out towards the ice wall barrier.

Interesting, it seems that parts of the incantation was unnecessary.

Yuelei did not hear Liur’s remark as she gazed at the ring in her hand. This new addition opened up a wide potential of uses and she was already plotting on how to use it in the next sparring match. She took it off and placed it onto the ground. Yuelei held her palms open and started to cast the spell she had created, Winter Moon.

Liur cursed as she realized what Yuelei was going to do. She quickly created several Ice Wall(s) in front of her in case something goes wrong.

Be careful, Yuli. I know not the limits of the magical ring.

Yuelei gave a slight nod before returning to casting her spell. A few moments later, a basketball-sized sphere of ice hung in her hand. Taking a deep breath, she directed the sphere towards the ring and it was promptly absorbed.

Yuelei and Liur watched with bated breath as the ring shuddered and trembled for a few minutes before lying still. She carefully picked it up and replaced the ring on her finger. Liur dispersed the protective barrier around herself and stared at Yuelei.

That is one dangerous spell you have created, and even more dangerous now that you can store it and fire it without taking the time to cast it. Liur remarked.

“It’s rather situational if you ask me. If I use it at the wrong time… I would also be caught in the blast. But still, I wonder where all these magical objects Gallienoir gave me came from.”

Chances are, a different era from this one. Liur noted.

“A dagger hilt embedded with jewels, an anklet that lets you walk on air, a pair of gloves that protects you from the elements and a ring that can hold a spell… “

Along with that hairpin of yours, that makes five magical items, isn’t it?

“Yeah…. All of these items are likely to fetch a high price if we are ever in need of money. But if I remember correctly...” she dug around her storage chest and pulled out a pouch and opened it, revealing several gold coins. “This should let us get by for a long time.”

What do you think you need money for anyway?

“Probably… tuition. One has to enroll in a magical academy for at least a year before they are allowed to test for their magical aptitude and given a rank. A high ranked mage or craftsman can get around much easier than a commoner, and it would make it easier to blend in.”

Sadly, I don’t think that will be the case.

“Why not?”

Because I will be going with you, and my presence alone will warrant attention.

“You don’t have to-” Yuelei started to protest.

This is not negotiable.

“Thank you, Liur. You have always assisted me, I fear I may never be able to return the favor.” Yuelei bowed her head.

Do not forget that we have a pact, Yuli. Perhaps in time, you will curse me for it instead of being grateful. I shall now gaze upon the memories, and you should eat something, Yuli.

Yuelei was left to ponder Liur’s words as she proceeded to make stew again. She shot a glance at Liur, but she already had her eyes closed and her stature made it hard to approach.

As Yuelei busied herself, Liur thought to herself.

Because one of the side effects of the pact is that our life-forces are now linked. Hundreds of years from now, when all you have known has faded away, would you still thank me?

Three months quickly went by in the flash of an eye. Everyday for Yuelei consisted of sleeping,

practicing magic, and the occasional spar while Liur gazed into the memories of her great-grandmother and relayed the tales back to Yuelei.

At one point Yuelei had fell sick, but heeding Liur’s advice, she had eaten the frozen liver of a Glimstalker and she recovered the next day. As the Whitefrost continued to rage outside, the days grew colder and colder and Yuelei had to wear the Sheive fur at all times. She had jealously joked with Liur about it, who was not bothered no matter how cold it got.

Their supplies slowly dwindled down and eventually they had to start rationing their food, as they had no clue when the ceaseless blizzard outside would end. Liur had wanted to go out in the Whitefrost in search of food, but her mother’s words would always echo back to her. Just as they were down to their last Ghost Hare corpse, the howling that had accompanied them for the past three months stopped abruptly the next morning.

Wake up, Yuli. Wake up!

“Hrrmgh” Yuelei made a funny noise while Liur constantly poked her head with a wingtip in excitement. “What is it..?”

Did you hear something, Yuli? Liur cheekily asked.

“No….” Yuelei rubbed the sleep from her eyes and realized exactly what she had just said. “There’s no sound?”

Liur fluttered over to the entrance and removed the wall to be met with a clear and crisp view of the nearby mountain peaks. Yuelei walked over and joined her, and the chilly air was a pleasant change from the below-zero temperatures a few nights back.

The Whitefrost is over, Yuli. We can go outside again! And Liur happily flapped her wings and soared out the opening, doing back-flips and dancing in the air.

Yuelei grinned and donned the Sheive cloak and jumped into the air following Liur with her magical anklet. “Hahaha, this feels great!”

Of course it does! My wings can finally breathe! Liur laughed and fluttered next to Yuelei.

After the two frolicked around for a while, reveling in the coming of spring, they returned into the nest for their last meal of frozen meat.

“We should go hunting.” Yuelei said as they help themselves to the remaining food. After a month of carefully rationing food, the rich stew was a welcoming change.

We should. A bit of raw liver would do us both good. Liur agreed, tearing into a rabbit haunch.

“Do you think there are any creatures out there? The Whitefrost had just ended after all.”

There are always creatures out there. One just only need to know where to look. Liur replied.

“….we should still be careful.” Yuelei said. “I’m not sure even the both of us together can take down a Glimstalker easily”

We can, if we are careful. But I too think that attempting to take down a Glimstalker would be dangerous. You should wear the Sheive cloak to warn off any hungry predators that try to attack us.

“So our goal should be smaller game like Ghost Hares and edible forage.” Yuelei summarized.

Everything is still covered in snow, so we may have to do a bit of digging.

“It shouldn’t be too much of a problem. These silk gloves are really beneficial for that task.”

The two of them nodded in agreement and quickly finished their meal and set off after Yuelei gathered a few things. Liur took the lead as she was more familiar with the Whitefrost Mountains, and Yuelei trailed behind her, unable to match her speed.

After an hour of flying, Liur turned around to notify to Yuelei that she had spotted something.

Over there, to your right, Yuli.

Yuelei trained her eyes on the tree-covered scenery below and noticed patches of vegetation growing amidst the tundra. She signaled to Liur an OK sign, and the two of them slowly descended downwards.

“This is quite the find...” Yuelei whispered. She stood in front of a patch of ground where there were several bushes of ripe snow-fruits and Taw berries. “It’s as if none of the animals nearby had touched these throughout the winter.”

Chances are that the area was recently covered by snow. Liur suggested. There’s the telltale signs of a recent avalanche, but that doesn’t seem right...

Yuelei shrugged.“Either way, we were quite fortunate. “ and she proceeded to take off the sack from her back and fill it with edibles.

As Yuelei worked, Liur perched herself on a tall tree and kept careful watch. Nothing out of the ordinary happened and after by dusk, Yuelei’s sack was full.

“I’m done here!” Yuelei yelled into the trees, and Liur flew down to meet her. “I managed to fill the bag easily, but there is still a lot more..”

Then let us return tomorrow. Liur answered. We should return before it gets too dark.

Yuelei nodded in agreement and the two of them started the journey home without incident.

That night, the two of them slept better than they did for the past month.

The next day they woke early to get to the vegetation site, hoping to be able to bring back at least two sack’s worth. When they arrived they noticed traces of blood and half-eaten fruit around the area.

“What happened here..?” Yuelei asked.

The likelihood is that some creatures came here for food and was attack by other predators. Liur noted.

“Should we stay or leave? Is it too risky?”

We should be fine. You have the Sheive cloak to mask yourself and few creatures dare to contest with a Sheive Bear. I will also keep watch and tell you if anything happens. Liur assured.

Yuelei nodded and started to quickly gather the edibles while keeping an eye on her surroundings. Liur perched herself on a tall tree and overlooked the area. An uneventful hour slowly passed and it was then Liur detected a presence within the trees. She flapped her wings and flew high into the sky trying to pinpoint what it was.

Yuli, be careful. There’s a Glimstalker slowly approaching from the south.

At her words, Yuelei adjusted her position to face the south while still working. She took out her dagger and placed it on the ground next to her, and perked her ears for the sound of crushed snow.

Liur closely monitored the Glimstalker, and watched as it boldly strode forward. Just as it was about to get too close and she was about to tell Yuelei escape into the air, the Glimstalker raised it’s head up and sniffed the air. Its fur suddenly shot up and it slowed down its pace into a delicate lumber.

Yuli, it’s about to come into your sight. Try to meet its eyes and hold your ground. Don’t show any fear.

Yuli shuddered for a moment and did as Liur said. A few moments later, the head of the Glimstalker, with its long whiskers and panther-like markings on its face, appeared between the trees.

Upon spotting Yuelei staring straight at it, it halted. For two minutes, the Yuelei and the Glimstalker stared face to face, neither one relenting. A tuft of snow falling off a branch broke the silence and the Glimstalker quickly turned around and retreated.

Well done, Yuli. Liur commended. She had poised herself to strike if the Glimstalker was going to try something, but it seemed like it was unnecessary.

Yuelei finally released the air she was holding in and chuckled to herself. She nodded at Liur circling in the sky and returned to gathering. Liur returned to her position as lookout. Another hour passed by uneventfully.

Liur yawned as dusk approached and she flew high into the air. She was about to inform Yuelei it was time to go when she noticed movement in the corner of her eye. Carefully training her eye at the source, she realized it was two Glimstalkers hiding their presence and slowly creeping forward.

As she was about to alert Yuelei to quickly flee into the air, she felt something quickly approaching her and she turn just in time to narrowly evade the jaws of another leaping Glimstalker.

Yuli! We have company! Liur shouted as she soared towards Yuelei, releasing several Primal Ice Bolts into the trees behind her.

At her voice, Yuelei quickly picked up the dagger next to her and the Frost Edge quickly formed. Liur quickly perched herself onto her shoulder.

“What happened?” Yuelei hollered loudly.

The one that left went back to bring more. They were going to attack you…. Whether or not you were a Sheive Bear all along!

Realizing that their ruse was already given away, a pack of seven Glimstalkers emerged from the trees and slowly circled Yuelei.

Yuelei cursed under her breath. “What do we do? Do we flee into the air?”

No, that would make you an open target. They may not be able to catch me, but you on the other hand…

Yuelei shot a couple of Primal Ice Bolts at a few of the Glimstalkers that were getting within striking distance. They leaped back to avoid it but quickly returned to circling her. Yuelei point her blade at another one that was walking forward, and at that opening, the one behind her leaped forward.

Oh no, you don’t! At Liur’s command, an Ice Wall formed behind Yuelei’s back and the Glimstalker roared in pain as it smashed headfirst into the solid ice.

“Liur, do you think I can scare them away with the Winter Moon spell stored on my ring?”

The spell is strong enough that you may kill one with it, but with their speed.. it would be hard to hit them in the open like this.

“Then what DO we do?” Yuelei shouted as the Glimstalkers approached even closer.

When I open my beak, dive for your bag and take out the crystal sphere and smash it with your blade!

“What good would that-” Yuelei’s question was broken off as Liur fluttered into the air and opened her beak. A loud and unsettling shrill rose forth. Yuelei watched in amazement as the Glimstalkers suddenly dropped to the ground and tried to cover their ears with their paws.

The sphere! Liur’s voice jolted Yuelei from her daze. I can’t maintain this for long, hurry!

Yuelei quickly jumped for the bag a few feet away and poured out it’s contents. She picked up her Frost Edge and quickly cleaved the sphere in two.

As soon as the orb was shattered, a wave of ice poured forth and knocked away all the Glimstalkers. Yuelei watched in amazement as the fragments of the orb floated into the air and glowed a dazzling blue light. Ice and snow started to gather from the surroundings and in a moment, a giant phoenix made of ice towered above her. It blinked once, and covered both her and Liur with its wing, forming a protective dome.

Safe for the moment, Yuelei went to check on Liur, who was collapsed on a pile on the ground.

“Liur, Liur, are you alright..?”

Liur was panting heavily and shook her head weakly. Using the full effect of the phoenix voice had drained her heavily. That… took… more than… I thought.

“What is this?”

I… don’t know… I have... never seen... this spell before.

Yuelei glanced at the shadows of the Glimstalkers who were curiously prowling around the ice dome. Once in awhile, they would scratch their claws on it and that sound of nails on chalkboard would echo throughout the chamber.

“What now?” Yuelei thought aloud. “Do we try to dig into the ground with magic and make a getaway?”

No… I doubt either of us... can outrun a Glimstalker... in our condition. We must sit… and help will come.

Yuelei felt helpless as those words but nevertheless, sat down and stared at the shadows through the ice.

Night had fallen and Yuelei had used her magical hairpin to light her surroundings. The Glimstalkers had quickly realized that the dome would regenerate after each blow, and they concentrated their attacks at one point.

Yuelei quietly placed Liur as far away from the side which they were attacking onto the ground. Liur had been drained after using her immature ability and had fallen unconscious. Yuelei quietly tucked the hairpin into her dark blue hair and stood up and drew her dagger.

The crack had appeared at the side of the dome for a while, but whether it was luck or the sheer power of the spell, it had held out until now. With a sharp crackle, the weak spot gave way and three of the ravenous Glimstalkers entered.

Yuelei was prepared, she had envisioned this scenario multiple times in her mind. There was no way she was going to go down without a fight.

“Take this you monsters!” Yuelei let forth a battle cry as she released the Winter Moon spell she had prepared for them. Upon seeing the rapidly spinning sphere of ice approaching and sensing the danger of it, two of the Glimstalkers tried quickly leaped back out of the hole in the dome.

“No you don’t!” Yuelei placed her palm on the ground and an Ice Wall sealed the hole. The Winter Moon crashed into one of the Glimstalkers that was caught in between and exploded, killing it outright.

The one that did not try to retreat took this chance to leap towards Yuelei, exactly as she had planned.

“I beseech thee, eternal time...” Yuelei chanted “Return unto me-”. She pointed her hand towards the incoming Glimstalker and another Winter Moon burst forth and knocked back the Glimstalker. The force of the close-range Winter Moon also knocked Yuelei back as the Primal Ice Bolts detonated.

That last Glimstalker in the dome cautiously strode forward towards Yuelei. Yuelei waited for it to slowly approached before swinging her dagger while forming the Frost Edge. But she was too slow and the Glimstalker ducked under the blade and swatted the dagger out of her hand.

“You bast-” Yuelei started to shout while forming a Primal Ice Bolt, but the Glimstalker simply swatted her again and knocked her face forward into the center of the dome. The Ice Wall Yuelei formed was finally destroyed by the other Glimstalkers and they slowly stepped in.

The victorious Glimstalker placed a paw on top of Yuelei’s back and roared triumphantly, and its companions echoed the sentiment with roars of their own. Yuelei tried to pull herself up but she was simply hit again and tossed amongst the other Glimstalkers. They were merely playing with their prey now. A few more attempts to fight back wore Yuelei out and her consciousness started to fade. Noting this, the Glimstalker on top of her reared its head down to finish the job by snapping her neck.

“Begone!” A woman’s voice jolted Yuelei from falling unconscious. She heard a loud shattering sound which she realized was the dome shattering, and the blade of a beautiful blue sabre pierced the skull of the Glimstalker on top of her from above. The warm blood that trickled down onto her was oddly comforting.

Yuelei felt the Glimstalker on top of her collapse. The women gently kicked away the corpse and the crushing weight was removed from her back. Despite the fact that she felt she was going to faint anytime soon, she watched as a delicate hand retrieved the sabre and her savior stand between her the Glimstalkers.

“Last warning. Leave now!” the melodious voice echoed. Yuelei stared at the back of her savior, who was wearing a strange robe that revealed her shoulders. The sleeves were shaped like a dolphin’s fins and behind her trailed a piece of cloth shaped like a mermaid’s tail. It took a moment to realize that her savior was levitating off the ground. The remaining five Glimstalkers looked at each other and cautiously strode towards the woman, still intent on fighting.

“A foolish mistake.” The women pointed the sabre towards the closest one and high pressured beam of water shot forth and pierced one of the Glimstalker’s shoulders. With her other hand, she snapped her fingers and a pillar of water erupted forth from the ground and blasted away another Glimstalker, crashing into and breaking the side of the dome and throwing it far into the distance.

The remaining two realized they were not even remotely close to a match to this person and quickly turned tail to flee… only to see a man crouch down to enter the dome from the entrance they had made. The man ignored the approaching Glimstalkers and shot a glance at the unconscious Liur off to the side before locking his amber eyes with Yuelei’s brown ones. Yuelei saw a flash of anger in his eyes and watched as the man held up his hands.

His right hand started to glow unnaturally with a blue and green aura, while his left glowed with a red and brown one. It was at that point Yuelei felt exhaustion take her. Had she not fainted, she would have witnessed as the two Glimstalkers rush past him, they were crushed under a barrage of Water, Wind, Fire, and Earth spells.

She was simply glad that dawn will come again.

End of 2B.

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