《The Dungeon Boss's Favorite Game - A Virmo Story》Chapter Twenty Five


Ciro Virmo Patch Notes Version 1.1

Multi-class system overhaul:

○ Two classes may be active at a time. Expands to three at overall character level 100. Switching out active classes may only be done in Green Zones.

○ Class specific items that share the same equip slot do not stack, although specialized versions may be built integrating functions used by both classes. Some equipment is already cross-class compatible.

○ Active classes will evenly split their XP by default. XP split can be modified via settings to favor one class over the other, at up to a 9:1 ratio

Grenadier class changes:

○ Big Blast ability impact reduced from 20% to 12%

○ Arced Shot ability impact reduced from 30% to 20%

Bug fixes:

○ Fixed issue that in rare cases caused levels to be lost when speaking to Quest NPCs

○ Fixed issue that kept some players locked in Quest NPC dialog visualization

○ Fixed issue with some items failing to register with inventory

Known issues:

○ Some Biological Augments are lost upon respawn after death.

○ Splicer pets not automatically returning to inventory on log out

Bob read the patch notes that popped up as he logged in. Apparently, at some point since his last login, the server had been updated with a change to certain system rules. Probably not long before he claimed the company as his own. He hadn’t delved too deep into the game’s governing systems, as he wanted to explore that information from within the framework of game rules that constrained him during his visits to the Otherworld. He had stayed away from talking about them with Kenji, who had been rather eager to go over all the little technical details of his creations.

Perhaps someday he would visit it without the filtering lens of the Virmo crystal, but not until long after he had exhausted the bounty of new experiences to be had as a player.

Bob brought up the WIK to scrutinize his potential class choices once more. The change brought about by the patch was forcing him to think about the options in a different light. Which two classes would best synergize by being active together? He ran through numerous scenarios in his mind, each one coming back with the same conclusion. Scrapper would be his best bet, when paired with Combat Engineer. Enhanced repairs and on the fly modifications to his turrets just screamed to be taken over the class that would eat up his available Link channels in order to field drones. He’d actually been leaning toward the Drone Operator class based on the old multi-classing system, but the new one made Scrapper the obvious choice. It would also pair well with Drone Operator when he eventually took it.


He went over to the class trainer for the Scrapper, which was styled to look like a woman wearing light armor decorated with various tool pouches and unidentifiable technological accessories.

“Greetings, Bob! Welcome back,” the NPC said. “It looks like you are ready to pick up your second class. Did you want to hear the details of the Scrapper class?”


“Do you wish to pick Scrapper as your newest class?”


“Yes,” Bob confirmed. A small metal box materialized on his shoulder, attached to his reactor backpack strap.

“Awesome! As a Scrapper, you will be able to use your Component Scanner to identify key components on mechanized enemies. However, you should be careful, you may damage them beyond recovery if you target them. Scrappers are primarily a utility and support class, so don’t neglect your combat skills or you may find yourself unable to keep up with other classes in the field. To increase your value to a group, try to find creative ways to make use of your ability to modify electronic and mechanical devices.

“As a final piece of advice, try to find a way to get the Gray Market Contacts skill, as it will come in handy for sourcing equipment. Scrapper tools are not widely available, and are often highly customized to suit their user’s preferences.”

The world snapped back into focus as the NPC finished speaking, and Bob checked through what his new skills would let him do. Component Analysis seemed to be for identifying components, as well as potentially creating schematics for them. Modding seemed to be the skill for improvisational engineering, allowing modification of other items both through their software and hardware — concepts that he was still learning. Disassembly was fairly straightforward, but it also seemed to help with avoiding traps built into things that were being disassembled. Rewrite Firmware went hand-in-hand with Modding, as the skill that was used to rewrite the code that operated the devices. Disable Mechanism was intended to help the user to render a mechanical or electronic object inert.


As Bob studied the information about his skills and his new tools, he considered how it should affect his strategies in actual combat. Really, the only noticeable combat contribution for now would be the ability to target critical components. However, the out of combat effects would be invaluable.

Buzz logged in and was practically bouncing with excitement, not even taking a moment to read the patch notes. He had a theory to test, now that he was able to get back in the game. He hadn’t quite realized how much he enjoyed the game and its intricate world until he’d lost access to it. Well, the game and the presence of that woman with the divinely musical voice. What Buzz wouldn’t give to hear her sing, or maybe even scream. Almost as much as he’d give to never hear Chunk’s hateful rasp ever again.

He momentarily pondered finding the ogre some night and ensuring that he never woke up again. A strong paralytic to keep the patient immobile, and a harsh corrosive to pour down that gravel-gargling throat.

Ah, but then that might displease the Incarnation of Rage. Best to just bear with it for the time being.

Since he was logging in earlier than the usual time, he headed off to the PC building after briefly picking up his second class. Buzz was not particularly fond of FarShot’s brother, but he had to admit the boy had a good idea for shortening those terribly long location names.

Some minutes of distracted walking later, he reached his destination, and closed the WIK articles he’d been browsing. He walked right into the bio-lab and up to the gene template library, picking out a few reference templates for about half of his rather low credit balance. Now that he had everything necessary to test his theory, he headed over to a genetic sequencer workstation, and loaded up the samples he had for comparative testing. The testing would take some time, so he busied himself with preparing things for his secondary class.

Morphiest lounged in her apartment, enjoying herself as the real Chunk busied himself with dusting her shelves of literature. It was a shame he wasn’t suited for anything beyond dusting areas without anything he could accidentally knock over and scrubbing the floors and facilities; he was simply too clumsy. She enjoyed watching the ogre moving to and fro in a vastly over-sized cleaning woman’s dress. She’d taken to making him wear dresses anytime he was not working in the upper levels of the labyrinth. Partially to maintain the ruse for Buzz, if the creepy little gnome ever ran into the ogre, and partially to try to embarrass the ogre.

However, the ogre seemed too dense for the concept of shame. Either that or he actually liked the dresses. Or perhaps her grasp of ogre cultural norms was even more frail than she thought.

Damn, she thought, I really should study up on them to keep up the ruse.

It was almost time to log back in, after the disruptions of the account lockout and the claiming of the Virmo Company. She’d been considering the Wise Tyrant’s words as she pondered the secondary class for the game. Ranged weapon and finesse oriented classes were right out. She needed something that was all about the smash. Something uncomplicated and straightforward. She really should have looked into the other available classes before logging out.

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