《Copy, Paste: The Misadventures of Milo Two》Final Not-Chapter


Hello everyone! I return with news, though probably not the news you were hoping for.

After much consideration over the last week, I've come to the conclusion that writing in this format is not for me. There is a decent chance you'll see more from me in the future, though probably only once I have something complete. At that point I can present it as a book all at once, or drip feed chapters like I did this one, but again--only once I already have something that's finished. In short, we're looking at minimum six months before you see something from me again.

I haven't decided yet whether I want to finish out Milo's story. I'm putting it on hiatus without specific intentions about coming back to it.

I'll probably let you know here if I come out with new content, since this is the only place I have a platform/audience. If you want to be notified, just keep following the story. Otherwise, adios!

Thanks again for reading, and I wish you all the best :)

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