《Tidal Lock》Chapter 15 - Grenades and Guardsmen
Announcement of the exploration group's discovery, a defensible private system containing a habitable planet, brought elation to the Temple Wraiths. Revelation of their agreement with the Innocent Bystanders launched their spirits through the clouds. Thought to be weeks away, their dominion's establishment arrived as a miracle upon their doorstep. With a successful battle alongside the Bystanders, a battle with odds in the Wraith's favor, they would lay the foundation of their organization's dreams.
Despite this, a grim outlook pervaded the officers circle. Gathered in Castilia in preparation for battle, Myles and Aero stood overlooking the Phantasm as it was repainted in the Bystanders' shipyard. Behind them, Stevie paced on the platform muttering under his breath.
“Something is wrong here,” Stevie said. “It's too good to be true.”
“The deal?” Myles asked. “I don't trust Sid either, but there's nothing in the terms which can hurt us.”
“That's the thing!” Stevie said. “Even if we lose everything, we're still guaranteed a twenty mil profit. It's too much. That Sid's being too generous for a single dominion battle. There has to be some catch.”
“Sid did explain how success here sets up the Bystanders for local dominance and all the profit associated,” Aero said. “Is that not enough of a reason?”
“He can do that if he just hired enough frigates. He wants us here for something else,” Stevie said. “He even gave us enough torpedoes to overload the Phantasm's torpedo bays. No one does that.”
Obliging with Sinn's request, Sid and the Bystanders opened their shipyard to the Phantasm for repainting and general maintenance. “It'd be too distracting to have a Phalanx colored destroyer on the wrong side,” Sid had said. But not only did he repair and repaint the Phantasm, Sid also loaded it to the brim with ionic disruption and magnetic pulse torpedoes, the two most expensive armaments of the class.
“Well Stevie,” Aero said. “We're here as mercenaries anyways. Whatever the results of this battle are, they'll have nothing to do with us.” It's true that stuffing our torpedo bays to the brim is really suspicious though...
“That's right,” Myles said. “We all agree Sid has something to gain from all this. Can you at least accept that we aren't the ones he's gaining it from?”
Stevie sighed. “Alright, I'll be glad once this is over.”
When work completed on their destroyer, Aero proceeded to meet with Sinn and Sid to review the battle plan. To their surprise, the opening plan repeated the strategy of the previous battle at Twin Gates, except that this time, Aero would command from the third destroyer and be privy to the Bystanders' command comms. Sid also intended to deploy the Wraith's marines, but their target would depend on the battle itself.
With Stevie's worries still fresh in his mind, Aero moved to board the Phantasm. What is Sid actually planning?
“Just to make sure,” April said, “we aren't going on any more suicide missions this time, right? Dying in game isn't exactly pleasant you know…”
“Sid practically guaranteed we won't lose the Phantasm,” Aero said. “At this point, sending us to die is not a good option for him. In fact, Sid's taking the most suicidal role by leading the charge.”
“Oh, that sounds better than Twain already,” April said.
“By the way, it's a bit late to ask, but are you sure you don't want to command a ship yourself?”
“I still need more sim practice,” April said. “Besides, it's your first time commanding from the Phantasm. I think you could use my help.”
“Thanks,” Aero said.
A blue glow emanated from the Phantasm's viewscreen, revealing the gate walls which came too close for Aero's comfort. Ahead of them flew the other Wraiths en route to the Warden system.
“Sensors, I want a high power scan on the immediate fifty klicks after emergence. Flag all torpedo bombers,” Aero said. “Gunner, kill any torpedo bombers within missile range. Comms, standby for data uplink and prepare a relay to our escort group.”
The NPCs each confirmed their orders. Though unlikely, Aero had no guarantee that either destroyer ahead of him remained operational upon the Phantasm's arrival, and he operated assuming the worst case. Two destroyers and their battle groups now fought beyond the tunnel, and he expected, for better or worse, a field of destruction upon their arrival. With the gate's terminus in sight, Aero took a deep breath as the helmsman counted down the seconds until emergence.
“Data uplink confirmed,” the comms officer reported. “Relaying targeting data.”
Before the light of emergence had faded from his view screen, the sensors, holomap, and info panels all sprang to life. Looks like we're not alone at least, Aero thought.
“Sir!” the gunner called out. “Closest torpedo bombers are out of range!”
“What!?” Aero's gaze jumped to the holomap. The only yellow flagged markers flew two hundred klicks away with the main Phalanx fleet. Only frigates and interceptors flew in space by the gate. “Change primaries to frigates, and prioritize by proximity,” he said. What the hell? Why aren't there any bombers by the gate?
On his map, a streak of empty space pierced thirty klicks though the sea of red markers surrounding the gate. Beside the Phantasm stood the destroyer Moose Tracks and its escort fleet. At the other end of the gap sat the destroyer Caramel Toffee and Sid's escorts. Closer inspection revealed a field of debris where the void split the enemy fleet. Is this really the same org we worked with last week? How did Sid manage all this?
Sid's face popped onto the bridge view screen with a magnanimous smile.
“Weren't we expecting torpedo bombers?” Aero asked. He actually has the time for a welcome?
Sid said.
“Yes sir,” Aero said. The view screen went blank again. “You heard him April.”
“Okay,” she replied. From her seat beside the holomap, April assumed command over the sensor and weapons stations. While their situation remained favorable, Aero thought each of her orders were appropriate, if not optimal.
You sure you aren't ready for command? Aero thought. “Comms, connect me with Wraith Leader and Temple Two.”
Sinn and Myles both greeted him once they connected. Unlike the last dominion war, their demeanor lacked any sense of urgency. As promised, Phalanx hadn't yet recovered from the battle at Twin Arcs. In the passing week, they replaced a generator ship, but their medium ship fleet now encompassed two priest ships, four assault cruisers, and a single destroyer.
Sinn said.
Myles said.
“We're staying put,” Aero said. “Stay alive and keep any reds away from Phantasm. Myles, have the frigates within five klicks. Sinn, stay within fifteen. Aside from that, do what you want.”
Sinn asked.
“You said it yourself,” Aero sighed. “Sid's not leaving us any targets. Phantasm is just picking off frigates until the cruisers arrive.”
Myles said.
Sinn said.
“Will do,” Aero said. With half a minute before Lily arrived on Doctor Fred, he checked over the battlefield. With Caramel Toffee nearly blanketed by fighters, Sid gradually withdrew toward the gate in preparation for linkup with their priest ship. Across the system, the Phalanx cruisers ground away at Sid's shields with their large ionic disruptor cannons. After three minutes of focused fire, intense bombardment reduced the barrier around Caramel Toffee to a dull glow.
“Sensors, what's the status of the flagship's shields?” Aero asked.
“They're at eighteen percent, sir.”
Enough to survive until Lily gets here, Aero thought. Four cruisers and a destroyer barely matched the generator capacity of a space priest. When Sid splashed the Phalanx's bombers, he stifled their best chance to destroy the medium ships. Once all eleven Bystanders' ships fleet arrived, they would have no chance. Phalanx has already lost.
Lily's face popped onto the ship's view screen.
“Shouldn't you be linking up with him?” Aero asked.
she said. Sure enough, the cyan bubble surrounding Sid's destroyer slowly regenerated its luminosity.
Aero confirmed the cable link to her generator ship. “Thanks. Not that we need it.”
She beamed with pride.
As before, she disappeared without giving Aero a chance to respond. He turned his attention back to the battle. So how are the others doing?
Lily appeared once more.
Her image vanished, and Aero shook his head. “April, how are the oth-” His viewscreen buzzed to life again, and Aero spun around in annoyance. “What now Lily!?”
Sid looked at Aero with mirth in his eyes.
Aero said.
“And what's covering our approach this time?” Legius asked. “Not the fragments of the Phantasm I hope.”
And in worst case, the Jackknifes are wiped from existence by plasma fire, Legius mused. “What's your estimated success rate?”
Aero said.
“We can handle it,” Legius said. The group they had last time couldn't even be called security.
Aero said. The comm clicked off.
Legius gazed over his team of space marines on the Jackknife boarding craft. Each man wore an EVA equipped pressure suit with an assault rifle on their shoulder and held a helmet in hand. Half of them had grenade launchers attached to their rifles while the others carried tools of their own specialty. The all looked back with anticipation in their eyes.
“Alright, here's the plan boys,” Legius said, broadcasting his message to both boarding craft. “We EVA to an airlock and break in with a charge. The Jackknives lock on and make some noise with their hull-cutters at two other places to split their guards. My team rushes the bridge, Wave's team clears the ship. Questions?”
Wave said.
“Good. Now sit tight and enjoy the ride.”
As planned, the two craft departed from the Phantasm surrounded by several squadrons of interceptors. Partway to their destination, nearly a hundred lights flew past their windows, leaving trails of glowing ions in their wake.
Wave said.
“Now let's hope the fighters keep fire off of us,” Legius said. Outside the viewports, missiles and anti-fighter plasma fire rose to meet the Bystander interceptors from dozens of Phalanx ships. Fireballs bloomed in space as fighter after fighter had their shields stripped and broken. Half obscured by jamming chaff, their target grew to fill his sight.
“We're in luck,” Legius said. “She looks just like the Phantasm. Her layout should be the same too. Helmets on, we're moving in thirty.”
Undetected, or perhaps ignored, by the enemy ships, the two Jackknifes soon reached the destroyers portside airlock, and the marines jumped out. Legius's team locked onto the hull with their magnetic boots while Wave's team drifted a few meters back, keeping clear the airlock's exit path. Their rides flew aft and grasped onto the destroyer hull near its primary thrusters.
They'll know we're boarding now, Legius thought.
Without any prompt, Steel, their explosives expert, rigged the airlock to blow. “And… Breach!”
With a flash, the placed charge pierced the airlock, a torrent of gas vented through the doorway, and a hail of bullets and plasma shot out the portal, hitting nothing but vacuum.
“Hah! Idiots!” Legius grinned. “They hired more NPCs! Flash and frag 'em!”
Wave's crew launched two spheres and a cylinder into the airlock. Seconds later, a blinding light shone from the open door.
“Return fire, return fire,” Legius said.
Legius and his marines leaned into the airlock, guns blazing. Three guards lay motionless on the ground, bodies riddled with shrapnel. Another five crouched by the corridor walls, arms covering their eyes behind marginal cover. Seconds later, they joined their comrades on the floor.
“Go, go, go,” Legius said. “There are more around the corner. Eight of 'em probably.” NPC security teams always numbered of twelve or sixteen members, giving marine players an advantage in operational intelligence. Legius expected the latter if Phalanx beefed up their guard force.
“I got it,” Match said. He launched another flash grenade down the hall, bouncing it off the far wall and around the corner.
“Wave, clear the area,” Legius said. “Match, seal the airlock.”
Half marines advanced. A flash later, they turned the corner both ways and opened fire. Behind them, Match cranked the emergency seal closed and repressurized the area.
Phalanx has a lot to learn about shipboard combat, Legius thought. He walked over and met Wave's team on the port-side corridor.
“Bridge is to the left,” Wave said. Like the Phantasm, two arcing hallways segregated by pressure-tight bulkheads spanned this destroyer's habitable space before meeting at each end.
“We're splitting up,” Legius said. “Expect at least two more teams on board and keep me updated.”
“You got it boss.” Wave's group moved down the hall, opening and checking each doorway for enemy personnel.
Legius stepped over the fallen guards and moved to the first bulkhead. “Locked,” the control panel said.
Well, it's not like we can walk in like last time, he mused. “Steel, think you can open this?”
“Not anytime soon,” the explosives expert said.
“Rider?” Legius looked to his next option.
“If it has the same system as the Phantasm, I can do it,” Rider said. “Let me plug in.” The man moved to the control panel, connected a system bypass device, then smirked. “They changed the passcode, but everything else is the same. Get ready.”
Seven men took cover and lined their rifle sights toward the barrier. With a button press, Rider opened the bulkhead. Its layered doors squeaked against each other as they crawled open. The aperture widened, to reveal another empty corridor.
“Wave, an FYI,” Legius said. “The bypass device works when you hit the bulkhead.”
Wave said.
“Okay,” Legius said, “carry on.” His own group moved to the second bulkhead. Two more to go...
When Rider opened the next barrier, two spheres shot through the opening.
“Fuck! Grenades!”
The closest man, Francis, leaped onto the first grenade and pulled the second beneath him. His body contained the blast in exchange for his life. The Wraiths launched four grenades through the half open bulkhead. Their opponents screamed as the blasts rang out.
Cracks from assault rifle fire echoed through the ship as the bulwark finally opened. Nine NPC guards faced the marines from the cover of doorways and storage crates. The seven Wraiths shot back from their own cover, but their advance stalled. One guard prepared another frag grenade. Match shot his shoulder before the throw, and the NPC stifled his own weapon to protect the nearby guardsmen.
“They'll blow their own ship if we take too long!” Match called out.
Eight guards left, and their cover is better. Have to use that tactic then…
Legius grabbed a grenade from his belt and threw it without pulling the pin. “FLASH GRENADE! TAKE COVER!” He then pulled Rider and Match forward. The three shot and killed the remaining guardsmen as they shielded their eyes and ears.
Match chuckled and picked up the unused cylinder. “Damn! NPCs always fall for that bluff.”
The seven remaining members of his team gathered, and when the last bulkhead opened, the command center's door entered their sights.
“Wave, we're at the bridge with another team accounted for,” Legius said.
Wave said.
“Keep it up.” Legius turned his comms system off and pulled a magnetic pulse grenade from his belt. Without a word, the team moved to the door.
“Overload the generators! Security is failing as we speak!” A desperate voice echoed from the other side. “We cannot give another destroyer to the enemy!”
Legius signaled Match to open the door, which slid open with a hiss. Legius flung the grenade into the command center and the group rushed in.
“What!? Alre-” The crews' lives ended with a burst of rifle fire.
With a crack, the magnetic pulse grenade detonated, and the destroyer's command systems went silent. “Well that takes care of the generator overload,” Match said. “How long before we can turn this thing on?”
“Should be soon,” Legius said. “Match, take weapons. Steel on helm and Lasso on comms. Rest of you keep watch until Wave's cleared the ship.”
“Can I vent the corpses?” Rider asked, motioning to the dead Phalanx crew. “They're in the way.”
“Wait for Wave to get back.” Legius reactivated his comms gear. “Wave, the bridge is ours.”
Without warning, a whir sounded as the ship's systems restarted themselves.
“We're in luck,” Legius said. “Phalanx properly hardened this ship against EMPs. Input our transponder code and contact the Phantasm.”
Aero's face appeared on the viewscreen.
“The ship's ours Aero,” Legius said. “What do we do?”
Aero said.
“I hear ya,” Legius grinned. “It's party time boys!”
- In Serial6 Chapters
Contact First
2039 - Earth A narrow beam energy signal appeared aimed squarely at earth from the TRAPPIST system. The communication consisted of a layered set of repeating data over several thousand wavelengths. Over the next few months scientists discovered that the lower wavelengths carried an encoded numerical language which could then be used to interpret the more complicated messages carried on the higher wavelengths. After half a year of painstaking work the signal was fully decoded. It described a small satellite launched along a precise trajectory towards the fourth planet of our solar system. Included was a package of advanced research that humanity would need to have ready in order to receive the satellite and decelerate it safely. The alien data provided the kick that humanity needed to turn from petty squabbling and unite to explore the final frontier. Major government and corporate leaders worked together to create the framework for the United Federation of Sol. UFS spaceports went from scaffolding to daily launches in every major city around the globe. Ships floated like dandelion seeds, spreading on solar wind to grow into colonies. 2397 - Mars orbit, Egeria Station The command center was a hive of activity as checks were conducted and systems initialized. Scientists flitted by like mayflies as communicators beeped and holoscreens spat out green tinted readouts. Nervous energy was thick in the air as everyone anticipated the culmination of over three hundred years of work. Massive fusion reactors under the planet's surface thrummed with barely restrained power as energy fed into a gleaming metallic maze criss crossing the planet. Metal fingers reached up, overshadowing the mighty olympus mons and trying to grab the stars. All over the solar system, people quickly turned to look as gigantic energy lances shot from the dusty fourth planet. Two years later. The same people that clapped loudly at the successful activation of project Hermes now wait with baited breath. A silver capsule trailing bright photonic sails is captured by a net of grav beams and guided with care bordering on reverence into the station. Holoscreens across the headquarters project an image of the sleek craft settling in the bay. Data connections are established and the holoscreens blink to white. Slowly an image forms on the screen. Across the headquarters people stare in wonder as a wholly alien face stares back. "Contact established. Welcome to the universe."
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