《Villager Three》#48: Minthe Arvex VS Clip VS Vine Trawler


Honestly speaking, Minthe looked down on her Kobold opponent at first. She felt as though it was an easy win, predestined, and that she wouldn't have to use any effort. After all, everyone knew Kobolds were weaker than other races. They were pack Beings, they worked best in numbers! A single Kobold would never be able to stand up to an enemy on their own, much less when additionally faced with a demi-Demona opponent like herself.

And then she watched Ribbon's fight.

Mint felt her world flip upside-down.

Even if Mint wanted to attribute the little Kobold's growth to her teammates, the talented Drakke and that aberrant child, Ribbon's performance on the arena stage could only be counted by her own merit.

Minthe no longer looked down on her Kobold opponent. She couldn't afford to think of her match as a foregone conclusion. Not if she wanted to win.

Sensing the direction of her thoughts, Meriandra glanced over at her twin and gave a small nod. "Good luck," she said softly, and Mint smiled.

As she turned toward the stage, she caught the gaze of the aberrant child. The child glanced shyly her way, then gave a double thumbs-up. Unsure of what to say in response, Mint just nodded seriously and stepped up to the arena.

After training together under Ailsa in the days leading up to the Trial, Minthe's assessment of Kira shifted from 'annoyance' to 'aberrant'. The child worked hard enough that Mint almost admired her, but had odd ideas and conceptions during combat training.

What kind of caster Class ran circles around their opponent then punched them in the back or kicked their legs out from under them instead of using spells? And had enough force to actually win spars like that against melee Classes?!

The child was weird.

She wasn't expecting encouragement from the child considering their past tension. Kids tended to hold grudges in Minthe's sparse experience dealing with younger folks, but... So far, the aberrant child hadn't shown any evidence of such a thing. Instead, she just seemed to avoid the twins for the most part. She didn't ignore them, but she wouldn't look them in the eyes either. She didn't sass them, or get angry at them, or withhold resources that she would otherwise share with other classmates to get back at them.


And then to encourage her before battle? Was she angry or not?!

A complicated knot of emotions churned in Mint's belly, but she forced those thoughts away to focus on her match.

Mint's opponent was a surprisingly tall and hairy Kobold with long limbs and a long face. She looked oddly glamorous, with her head fur styled like hair and glitter worked into the fur around her eyes. The long fur on her arms and legs were like flowing sleeves, and her outfit was very stylish using all famous brands for her clothes and glittering accessories.

An Afghan Kobold!

Minthe realized for the first time in her life that there were upper crust Kobold families. She wasn't sure what to do with that information, but she had to fight the urge to laugh until she saw the condescending gaze in the Kobold's brown eyes.

"My team let their guard down," Clip said with a haughty sniff, glaring at Minthe through her long eyelashes. She had a rich accent that contrasted with her nasally voice. "I will not make the same mistake. Prepare yourself."

Minthe scoffed, furrowing her brows. "We all came prepared. Perhaps your class should have done the same. Then you wouldn't have two losses under your belt, and a third on the way!"

"We'll see about that." Clip flipped her ear-hair and summoned a gaudy staff with an enormous focus crystal embedded in the top.

A fellow caster! Mint clicked her tongue in disappointment. Against a caster, her newly polished fighting style wouldn't look nearly as impressive.

Lower level casters were mostly glass cannons, with lots of firepower but little in the way of mobility or defenses. They stood in place, set up defenses, then cast offense spells. Aberrants like the Geomancer child were, of course, excluded.

The Arvex twins used to do the same, but after training with Ailsa Reid, their combat style shifted into something more beautiful. Minthe wasn't anywhere near as skilled as her twin, but she was still capable of putting on a good show. To the uneducated plebeians watching in the stands, her clumsy steps were more than good enough for them to enjoy.


The illusory monster opponent started to materialize. A tangled mess of thorned vines with a menacing toothsome flower sitting in the middle, jagged leaves sitting around the bud like a mockery of a lion's mane. The announcer muttered something inconsequential that Mint didn't bother paying attention to, and the referee put up the barrier.

Mint flung out her arms, splashing the area around her using 【 Gather Water 】. Then she spun on her heel, using the motion of her body to help visualize the spiral she needed to cast an improved version of 【 Whirlpool Shield 】. A whirlpool of spiraling water rose from the liquid she'd splashed around the stage, protecting her from harm while helping disguise her body and movements.

Under Ailsa's tutelage, the twins learned to wield water like they were dancing. By moving their bodies they visualized the motion of the water, and with extra bodily gestures they disguised which motions were actually used to cast their spells.

As Mint moved across the stage toward the illusory enemy, the spiraling water moved with her. The aberrant child once pointed out the shield description was very vague, and was the one to realize there was never a mention of the shield staying in one spot.

Mint was a little annoyed about it, but she was right. The shield was much more efficient when they removed their predisposed inclinations.

Tendrils of water whipped out away from the shield to block attacks from both the Vine Trawler and the apparently wind-based Clip. Blades of air spent themselves on the whirling water shield, unable to penetrate deep enough to reach Mint's agile body.

The Vine Trawler attempted to grab at the mages, screeching in anger whenever its vines were blocked by their respective shields. It didn't take long for the creature to enrage, slamming green tendrils down on the stage with enough force to crack the ground.

Still Mint kept moving, dancing around both her enemies, wearing them down with whips of water. She was panting for breath, her legs aching from constantly dancing around the stage, but she knew if she stopped she'd lose.

Clip was exhausted first, victim of her naturally smaller mana pool. Mint took the opportunity to launch blades of pressurized water at the other mage, knocking her out in a single blow.

Unfortunately it left her open to the Vine Trawler's attack, and the match ended in a rather exciting draw.


A cloaked figure took in a sharp breath, the sound distorted by the intricately carved wooden mask on their face. They clutched the cloak close to their thin body, yellow eyes wide as they stared at the only child near the arena stage. From their spot in the mouth of an entry tunnel, they had a clear unobstructed view.

The aura was unmistakable. Warm lavender with a hint of molten rock at the core. Gentle yet fierce.

An aura not unlike The Mother.

The cloaked figure turned to their companion, who stood back in the shadows with a cloak of their own. "Hsss... Mussst reportsss to Majesssty. Promisssed child found! Ssstay, watch, await ordersss."

The first cloaked figure hurried off, unwilling to teleport in a Shard so closely watched by so many powers. The second cloaked figure took a step forward, glancing down at the lanky child with the messy blonde hair.

Behind their smooth uncarved wooden mask, the second figure's crimson eyes glinted with an unknown light.


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