《Villager Three》#47: RIbbon VS Boot VS Southern Neas Parrot Roc


"It'll be over quickly, don't worry!"

"Don't get hurt!"

"Might be better to stay back and surrender fast."

"They probably won't attack you right away since healers are useful!"

Ribbon's classmates offered varying bits of support and advice, but her ears couldn't help drooping with each comment they chipped in.

Until Kira spoke up. "Kick their butts!"

She spoke confidently, not a doubt in her mind that Ribbon would be able to stand her own against a non-Healer opponent. She didn't consider for even a moment that a Healer should be coddled and protected and comforted like a scared, tender child.

Kira didn't even care that most of the other classmates were giving her funny, almost pitying looks.

Brigit ruffled Kira's hair, then gave Ribbon a big grin. The Drakke's sharp teeth used to look so scary, but in that moment her smile was oddly comforting. "Do your best."

Ribbon clenched her paws into fists and nodded. "Mm! I w-will!"

"And lookie what we have here! It seems General Class 1-9F has a Healer in their roster! Ooooh, how unfortunate... Seems like the next match will be starting shortly! Might be a good time for a potty break folks, and don't forget the concession stands near the entrance!"

Ribbon bowed her head slightly as she hopped up the steps leading to the arena, fiddling with the pale pink mantle of her robe.

She was half her opponent's size, small and fluffy compared to the taller, bulkier Kobold standing across from her.

"F-Fight w-w-w-" Ribbon started to stutter with one paw outstretched for a shake, but the other Kobold cut her off before she could finish speaking.

"Try not to hurt yourself, Little Cousin." Boot said. He had a mocking expression on his face, stout muzzle curled into a sneer. "That's my job."

Ribbon flinched, clenching her teeth. She stayed silent, head bowed, as the illusory enemy formed nearby.

Why did no one think she could do it?

Why did no one believe in her?

Because she was short?

Because she was a small-type Kobold?

Because she stammered when nervous?

Because she was a Healer?

Why did everyone just assume she'd be someone they could push over?!

It was...


"Kick his butt!" Kira yelled from the sidelines, while Brigit held up her fists in a cheering pose.


'Right,' Ribbon thought with a short laugh as she pulled her magic gun from her inventory space. 'I have two friends who believe in me!'

The illusion of a Southern Neas Parrot Roc was complete, and it spread its massive wings wide before shaking the arena with an ear-splitting caw.

The referee gave Ribbon a meaningful, almost apologetic glance before setting up the barrier. "Combat, start!"

'Eir, give me courage!'

Ribbon leveled her gun at Boot and pulled the trigger.


The bullet smacked into Boot's temple, setting the bigger Kobold off-balance.

"What the hell?!" Boot shouted as he recovered his footing, whipping a metal mace out of his inventory and holding it at the ready. "You shot me!"

"S-stop c-crying," Ribbon snapped. "I d-didn't d-d-damage you."

Boot paused, and realized after a moment that he'd been somehow hit with the 【 Vigor 】 buff. "What in the..."

"W-we're en-enemies an-anyway," Ribbon pointed out, leveling her gun at Boot's face. "Why s-shouldn't I s-shoot you?"

"But you're a Healer, Healer's don't use guns! Or attack anyone!" Boot spoke indignantly, only to yelp in surprise when Ribbon fired a shot near his foot.

"Shows w-what you know," Ribbon sniffed, lifting her little nose in the air. Then she jumped to the side, dodging a giant feather the Roc launched her way like an illusory spear. An identical feather pierced the ground near Boot, missing him by mere inches.

If Ribbon hadn't fired near his foot forcing him to step back, the feather would have speared his leg. This realization made Boot pale, his expression turning serious.

Southern Neas Parrot Rocs couldn't fly very well due to their bulk, their weight about 6000 pounds on average. The huge flightless birds used their sturdy wings and stiff feathers as weapons to defend themselves and attack prey. Their beaks were relatively small, so they only used them to eat and not attack. Though their legs were fat and sturdy, they weren't capable of using kick attacks despite the sharp talons on their feet.

Kobolds were agile pack hunters. They had an instinct to work with others in order to overcome larger prey, so Ribbon wasn't worried about Boot attacking her much. She'd only be in danger once the illusory Roc's health started dropping into perilous levels.


Boot charged toward the Roc, shouting something about keeping him healed while swinging his heavy mace at the Roc's feet. Ribbon scoffed, firing toward the big bird's face to make it bring its wings up, exposing the feet to Boot's attack.

What followed was a fight that left the spectators speechless.

Ribbon used her gun like a conductor's baton, attacking the Roc to alter its defenses just in time for Boot to attack. No matter where Boot charged, no matter what he aimed at, Ribbon was able to get the bird to change its focus using her mysterious magic gun.

She wasn't a precise marksman with 100% accuracy, but she could tell the weak spots on an opponent very well with her Healer's knowledge.

However, if Boot wasn't moving fast enough or if he focused too hard on attacking and didn't pay attention to the Roc's counters, Ribbon would mercilessly turn her gun on him.

Before long, the Roc started sagging. It breathed heavily, seeming to struggle with lifting its own wings. Boot crowed triumphantly, using a feather as a launching point to aim a final blow at the bird's face.

Only to get swatted away last second.

The bird was still panting, but it seemed to have recovered a bit of vitality. Frowning, Boot went to attack a few more times to whittle it back down, cursing aloud at whatever second wind the monster had found.

Again, his final blow was thwarted.

While the Kobold was confused, the onlookers could only bite their tongue to suppress laughter.

What a cheeky Healer!

Ribbon smirked to herself, aiming another healing bullet at the Roc's foot. Again and again Boot kept attacking the larger enemy, and again and again she healed the bird so it could fight back. At the same time, she kept throwing 'accidental' bullets at Boot's back, shrugging an apology each time he turned to swear at her.

'This is fun!' Ribbon thought to herself, plinking Boot with another 【 Barrier 】-infused bullet.

Boot was a fool, but even he could learn. Eventually he realized what was happening, and turned on Ribbon with a snarl. "You little traitor!"

"W-we aren't f-f-friends," Ribbon sneered, her knees shaking from the force of his glare, yet unwilling to back down. "W-we're en-enemies too!"

"Anemones nothing!" Boot scowled, deflecting a large feather spear with his mace and charging toward Ribbon. "You should've kept quiet and healed me like a good little runt!"

Ribbon gasped at the filthy insult, the rims of her eyes turning red. She set up a barrier just in time to block a downward blow from the other Kobold, faint cracks appearing on the shimmering yellow surface.

The Roc, seeing an opening, slashed its wings toward Boot's back. He moved to dodge, which gave Ribbon the opportunity she needed to fire a shot toward him...

Hitting the other Kobold right in the throat.

"The... Healer won?"

The announcer sounded dumbfounded, but Kira was jumping off the bench with excitement. "Woohoo, Ribbon's the best!"

Brigit cheered too, and soon the rest of their class shook off various states of surprise to join in.

Once Boot was out of the picture it was relatively easy for Ribbon to run in circles, shooting the Roc until it collapsed in a tangle of dizzy confusion and frustrated exhaustion.

Ribbon bashfully waved and smiled at them as she headed toward the medical tent for a check-up, only to emerge moments later with an all-clear.

Kira, uncaring of theoretical rudeness, swept Ribbon off the ground for a big hug. Luckily, the Kobold didn't seem to mind. She returned the hug with her curled tail wagging furiously back and forth.

"You did fantastic, well done!" Brigit said, ruffling the fur between Ribbon's ears.

"That was SO cool!" Simon gushed, while Asim nodded in agreement. Even the twins looked impressed as they stood behind Chen and Dani, both of whom were clapping.

"I've never seen anything like that," Chen said, scratching his chin. "It was really impressive to see."

"Played that guy like a fiddle," Dani chuckled, still giving a slow clap. "Beautiful."

"Healers with ranged weaponry... I never considered the viability, but it makes sense after seeing it done so well. Many Healers have an innate understanding of the battlefield and strategies in general in order to keep themselves and their allies safe, making use of that by way of utilizing agility and projectile weaponry to conduct battle..." Meri muttered as Mint nodded along.

"Ribbon's super cool," Kira said proudly.

Ribbon, embarrassed by all the attention, buried her face in her paws.

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