《Villager Three》#32: Apology


"This... Is a joke... Or a mistake, right?"

Ribbon stared, baffled, at the item in her paws. Flanking her on either side, Brigit and Kira both seemed to struggle with a deep amusement that shook their entire beings with the effort of containing.

Everyone got a material or item drop in addition to Dungeon rewards. Inside Kira's chest were some dark brown leather gloves that would help her sense the flow of mana through her body as long as she wore them, raising efficiency with spellcasting. She also received the stone crown the Boss wore - it didn't have any extra stats or enhancements but was made of a type of rock she thought was extremely neat. She kept muttering about how amazing it would look once it was polished, but Ribbon couldn't understand how plain sandstone of any type would ever look pretty, no matter how blue the rock was.

Brigit's chest had an iron heater shield, larger than a buckler but just as light to carry, with the picture of a dragon in flight engraved on the front and a hefty defense-boosting enchantment causing the silvery surface to occasionally shimmer with the same blue as Brigit's azure mana. She also got the Goblin King's stone scepter, which she already wrinkled a nose at and loudly declared she'd be selling it off rather than use it herself. The strength enchantment it held was tempting, but apparently...

It was too ugly. A chunk of twisted, warped granite with a gnarled, bulbous head making it more like a brutal club than any regal instrument of authority. Kira offered to 【 Earthshape 】 it into something prettier, but Ribbon pointed out that would erase the valuable enchantment so Brigit declined and tossed it in her inventory for later bartering.

Both had delighted in their divine rewards, with Kira immediately pulling the gloves on and shaping the earth below her feet into interesting patterns just to test the gloves out, while Brigit gently caressed the smooth surface of her brand new shield.

Ribbon, meanwhile, couldn't help feeling a strange sense of confusion overwhelming her mind. Her friends both got very specialized gifts, as was appropriate for completing a full clear Variant Dungeon run as quickly and effectively as they had, and their overall timing rating was high so of course the item's attached bonuses were excellent. They even liked their material drops!

Not that she had anything to complain about regarding her own material drop. Ribbon's was the Goblin King's cape, a sheet of moss that was nourishing when eaten and had healing properties when made into a salve. It wasn't a particularly rare or unusual ingredient, but it was useful. She was glad her material drop was something she'd be able to use to help her friends, but her Dungeon reward, the gift from Aeironous himself...

Why in the world was Ribbon's gift a gun!?

"I... Don't understand?" Ribbon stammered, as Kira finally snorted and broke down into quiet, wheezing giggles. At least Brigit still struggled to keep a straight face, as she examined both the gun and Kira's visible Scan window revealing its details.


【 Magic Pistol Mk. I 】

Rank F

Silver Quality


A small, lightweight pistol with damage dependent on mana infusion amount. Can fire bullets of condensed mana in lieu of physical ammunition, which can either do direct HP damage or act as a carrier for infused spells. Infusing a spell doubles the mana cost to compensate for the complexity involved in condensing intent into a single magic bullet.

Can only infuse spells of or below the weapon's own Rank. Cannot infuse spells into physical bullets already carrying enchantments of their own.


As the firing mechanism is entirely magical, physical bullets need not contain any gunpowder - they must merely be the appropriate size.

Includes 17 physical rounds. A basic bullet mold is attached at the bottom of the magazine.

To fire a mana bullet instead of a physical one, place your thumb on the inscribed magic circle near the top of the grip when firing.

Perfect for one who longs to battle.


"Longs... To battle?"

Ribbon frowned.

Aeironus couldn't be wrong. Within His Domain, within any Dungeon in the world, He was absolute. Sensing the mortal heart, their motivations and feelings in addition to witnessing their capabilities in combat, was what helped Him design specialized rewards. Kira received a Consolation Slime with a soothing enchantment from her first Dungeon to alleviate distress and provide encouragement. The Variant Boss chest had rewards very much tailored for the other two's goals and desires: to control their strength, to protect their friends.

Ribbon wanted to protect as well. She was an Acolyte, and one day would heal her allies in addition to mitigating damage they'd otherwise receive. She took pride in providing support! The only point of frustration was that she didn't have many spells yet to provide that support...

During the last fight, Ribbon blocked a blow from the Boss that would've seriously hurt Brigit - an attack aimed straight at the Drakke's face, too fast for her to properly guard against. In that moment, Ribbon felt exhilarated!

Not only was her timing perfect, she'd managed to protect a friend who always protected her! Before learning 【 Barrier 】, all she could do was cast 【 Refresh 】 and 【 Ward 】 to assist allies, which wasn't much use in the midst of actual combat, yet they had to always keep an eye on her positioning and whether enemies were targeting her.

In short, until she learned that new spell, she'd been dead weight. A fairly standard position for low-level Acolytes in Dungeons, but it was still...


Ribbon blinked in surprise at that realization, furrowing her brow.

For an Acolyte to be frustrated at inactivity, even a follower of Eir... Wasn't it her duty to wait faithfully on the side for the moment in which she could provide optimal assistance? Wasn't a supporter's pride their patience and timing?

Then why... Had she been so frustrated?

Did she really long for battle, like the description said?

Her cheeks burned with shame. She felt as though her deepest, most secret thoughts were stripped bare and laid before her, and what she saw was... Just a bit unpleasant.

Ribbon liked being support! She liked helping her friends achieve victory, and looked forward to the future when one of her well-timed heals would save the day! A gun couldn't provide Acolyte-type support, a gun was-!

Her grip on the weapon tightened just a little. A normal gun was a tool for violence, certainly. Like a sword, or axe, it's role in protection was in eliminating threats to the wielder and their allies. But a magic gun, like the one she held...

"Mana bullets... Can be infused with spells..." Ribbon whispered, her eyes widening.

A magic gun absolutely could be a support tool!

Even so, for her first Dungeon completion, her first reward, her first rare high-quality soulbound item that couldn't be traded or exchanged with others...

"Why is it a gun though?!" Ribbon wailed, as her friends finally dissolved into unrestrained laughter.

〖 Ailsa: How'd your day go, Kiddo? 〗

Kira jumped in surprise as the notification popped out of nowhere, interrupting her in the middle of attempting to 【 Earthshape 】 the rough blue sandstone crown into something resembling polished stone. Shaping rock into vague shapes was easier than attempting fine details, and it took all her concentration not to get distracted and accidentally change the crown's overall design by pushing too hard in one area. It was something of a fun challenge she'd taken upon herself after finishing dinner with Ribbon and Brigit, and she'd been so absorbed in her task she hadn't noticed the other two excusing themselves for bed.


〖 Kira: pretty good 〗

〖 Kira: went to the Dungeon with Ribbon and Brigit, beat a Variant group and Boss and Ribbon got a gun 〗


〖 Ailsa: The tiny little Kobold Acolyte?! 〗

Kira grinned, imagining she could almost hear her mentor dissolving into hearty laughter. Remembering the baffled look on Ribbon's fluffy little face brought out a chuckle of her own.

〖 Kira: hehehehehehe 〗

〖 Kira: It's a magic pistol and Brigit said it's a really good weapon for support casters 〗

〖 Kira: also it's silver quality and soulbound so Ribbon's gonna sign up for a marksmanship lesson to try and get an aiming skill 〗

〖 Ailsa: Silver quality? Damn! That's really good for a low level Dungeon. First Floor only, right? 〗

〖 Kira: yea 〗

〖 Ailsa: That's impressive. Aeironus must've liked you guys. 〗

〖 Ailsa: I'll be by tomorrow after your classes for a training session, okay? 〗

As though sensing the cringe of pain and reluctance that shivered through Kira's body, Ailsa added: 〖 Ailsa: Lightweight session, mostly want to explain about that 【 Arcana 】 of yours and check up on your form. Maybe have a light lunch first. I'm not taking you away for another training camp, or anything! 〗

Kira sighed in relief, but still felt a bit of suspicion lingering in the corner of her mind. She sent a confirmation and bid Ailsa goodnight in one fell swoop, escaping to the shower before Ailsa could change her mind and schedule another Hell Week. After, she laid in bed taking notes regarding her observations about Ribbon's 【 Barrier 】 spell, her improvements using 【 Earthshape 】, and other practical information she could use to pad her first research report for Mister Karl, until she fell asleep in the middle of writing a long run-on sentence several hours later.

Ailsa fidgeted as she sat on a chair in the middle of the training room, waiting for Kira to finish her lesson for the day. Her leg jiggled up and down at hyper speed, thrumming an awkward rhythm against the stone floor.

Vanessa stood across from her, setting up a folding table with two more chairs and unrolling a lace tablecloth she'd made in her spare time. She hummed to herself while unpacking the contents of a basket retrieved from her inventory, arranging plates and cups of juice around platters of finger food and snacks. All the training equipment occupying the room was pushed to the back, making room for the cozy little lunchtime picnic.

"If I'm understanding this correctly," Vanessa said with a soft laugh, sweeping her long blonde curls back into a messy bun with a single metal hairclip. "You can stand in front of a crowd of thousands, flexing your biceps and kicking a rock troll around like a toy ball, but apologizing about a mistake to your little disciple is turning you into a nervous wreck?"

"She barely knows me and already I be messin' up," Ailsa muttered, propping her chin in her hand and eyeballing the plate of deviled eggs until her wife gave her the Evil Eye and forced her gaze elsewhere. "Ain't settin' a very good precedent fer the wee bairn now, am I?"

"All you can do is admit your mistake and promise to do better. I doubt she's ever had a mentor either, I'm sure she won't hold it against you."

"Aye, she ain't the type. But I'm holdin' it against me, ye see."

Vanessa sighed, edging around the table to loom ominously over her sulking wife. Then she placed her hands against the Dwarf's rough cheeks, and squished. "You would have made it right. I know you would have. If that 【 Arcana 】 had caused a problem, you would have sold your armor to afford some treasures to offset the damage. But nothing happened, and you know better for next time. Dwelling on a past mistake will only make you fearful of the future."

Laughing, Ailsa covered her wife's slim hands with her larger calloused ones. "Aye, right as always me love. I'm gettin' stuck in me own mind again, methinks."

"Mm, maybe you need a distraction?"

"Could always use a timely distraction, aye. Did ye have somethin' special in mind?"

"I usually do."

"Fer example?"


A small cough interrupted them, and both Ailsa and Vanessa jumped in surprise to find Kira sitting at the table, hands folded in her lap, expression somewhere between amused and embarrassed. "I, uh. Sorry. Should I... Return later?"

"No, no! Kira, this be me lovely wife, Vanessa Reid. Vanessa, me disciple, Kira Hawthorne." Ailsa grinned, scooting the empty chair closer so Vanessa could take a seat at her side. "Acceptin' me as yer mentor be somewhat important, societally speakin', so I thought it fittin' that ye two met. Since yer both gonna be important in me life."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Kira," Vanessa said, smiling gracefully as she extended a hand. Only the tint of pink on the very tips of her pointed ears exposed her inner shame. As a very reserved and shy person by nature, Vanessa preferred to keep their flirtations in private. Ailsa was surprised that the woman didn't just spontaneously combust in an attempt to escape the awkward feeling of being caught out by a child.

Kira hesitated, before delicately taking Vanessa's hand and giving the limpest, most gentle handshake Ailsa had ever seen in her life. 'Still bothered by the accidental hand-breaking incident I see,' the Dwarf thought with a shake of her head.

"You too," the girl managed to mumble, her cheeks almost as pink as Vanessa's ears. She cringed, immediately realizing her mistake, and sank further into her chair as though trying to disappear into the floor.

Hells, if she used 【 Earthshape 】 well enough, maybe she could!

To distract them both, Ailsa reached over the table and grabbed an egg salad sandwich from the platter furthest away. Steeling herself, Ailsa ate nearly half the sandwich in one bite, swallowing the food and her nerves in one go. "Kira. I need to apologize."


Ailsa nodded, quickly putting together a plate of food and setting it before the child. "Aye. Ye see, I didn't consider yer level when I told ye ta give 【 Arcana 】 a shot, and it put ye in danger. Not yer life, but it woulda hurt yer stats and foundation if things'd gone wrong. Ye did well gettin' through it on yer own, no thanks ta me. And I'm sorry."

Kira nodded, picking out a piece of fruit from the plate and shoving it into her mouth, cheek bulging like a hamster. "So that wasn't normal, then."

Her words were surprisingly well enunciated considering she had food in her mouth. Ailsa fought back a smile, trying to keep her expression solemn so her little disciple would understand she was taking the incident seriously. "Nae, not at all. Usually when someone unlocks 【 Arcana 】, they're a much higher Rank and have a larger mana pool ta work with. It's me fault fer not considerin' yer unique circumstances. I promise not ta let a mistake like that happen again."

"Mmkay. Thanks." Kira nodded, sparing a brief glance upward to meet Ailsa's gaze before returning her focus to the food. There was no animosity or reluctance in her eyes, and somehow that made Ailsa feel even worse about the mistake. "This is really good."

"I made it myself," Vanessa said, her smile hiding just a hint of smugness. "We grew the fruits, vegetables, and herbs in our garden."

"Really?" Kira looked up, blue eyes sparkling. "A garden?"

"Yes, I grow plants as a hobby, but it also puts good food on the table if the season's so inclined. Do you like gardening, Kira?"

"Mhm. Used to have lots of house plants. Mostly succulents, and a couple flowers. Never fruits or veggies. That sounds neat."

"We also have a few chickens, and one very spoiled goat. I used her milk to make the cheese over here, would you like to try it?"

"You made the cheese too?!"

"Yes. All the cheeses on the table, though not all of them are goat cheese. Even the butter for the bread rolls, and the wheat for the bread. I enjoy making meals, and having a hand in providing the base ingredients makes them all the more satisfying. Though I admit, as a Forest Elf, I have a bit of an advantage when it comes to growing better quality produce."

Kira met Ailsa's gaze once more, her eyes sparkling with a look the Dwarf knew only too well - a look that proclaimed "Your wife is amazing!"

Ailsa nodded sagely. Vanessa was, indeed, amazing.

The three made conversation about gardening and plants while they ate, with Vanessa sharing photographs of the more rare and strange flowers and herbs she'd managed to procure. Only once the table was cleared of all food did Ailsa fold her hands together and lean forward, fixing a stare on Kira's face.

"Now. I'm guessin' yer 【 Arcana 】 be inactive, aye? Ye cannae summon yer book yet?"

"Yeah... Four more days."

Vanessa smiled and held out her hand, palm up but fingers curled closed. As she unfolded them, one digit at a time, a small green plant sprang up from her palm, spreading its verdant green leaves and wiggling its stem in what was unmistakably a happy dance. The sprout grew taller, stem lengthening, more leaves popping into existence to wave happily toward the sky, until the wiggly plant was nearly a foot tall. Then a bud formed, and a brilliant golden flower burst into bloom. Its partially translucent petals shimmered with a faint light, emitting particles that danced through the air for a moment before fading away.

The stem lifted up, absorbed into the blooming flower, as the petals lengthened and flattened, layering together into the pages of a book. The leaves folded over, forming the cover while the stem looped around into a binding.

Kira felt her breath catch in her chest as she watched the flower transform into a beautiful tome. She didn't know why, but the air somehow felt... Different. The earth hummed beneath her feet, and her skin tingled with a strange but not entirely unpleasant feeling. It felt similar to when she first touched Safirite, a gentle hum of power she felt with her entire being.

"This is my grimoire," Vanessa said softly, the book dropping gently into her outstretched hand once its transformation was complete. She caressed its cover gently, cradling it in her arms as a mother might a child. "Its truest appearance. I choose to reveal it to you because you are my wife's disciple, and as she trusts you, so shall I. We both felt it was important for you to understand what a grimoire truly is, and to experience seeing one for yourself. Your grimoire is both an expression, and an extension, of your soul. It grows and changes with you, through every memory and experience. A grimoire houses a piece of you, and so revealing it to others reveals to them the core of your very being. Revealing its true form leaves you... Exposed. Vulnerable. In a way that's hard to explain for people who've never felt what it's like."

Vanessa blushed, glancing sideways at Ailsa, who merely shrugged her broad shoulders. "Aye, I ain't havin' a grimoire of me own. I lack the spell comprehension requirements, and purely studyin' magic was never me best suit so I never pursued it either. Me knowledge of 【 Arcana 】 be lackin' cuz I only had second-hand knowledge, like. I asked Vanessa ta explain, since she'd be knowin' better'n me."

Kira nodded in understanding. "Thanks. Then... I shouldn't ever show it to people, right?"

"Not necessarily. Your grimoire has two forms," Vanessa said with a smile, as the book in her arms dissolved into a shower of fading golden particles. "The True form and the Hidden form. The True form is a more powerful manifestation, but if it's injured it will cause severe, irreversible damage to you both. Only reveal the True form in places of complete secrecy and safety. Holding your True grimoire is literally holding a part of your own existence in your hands." Vanessa paused, waiting for Kira to give a more solemn nod before continuing. "Unlike the grimoire's True form, which is shaped according to your innermost being, the Hidden form can look like anything, and can be altered based on your will using just a bit of mana. Some choose an animal, or a monster, to form a sort of companion familiar. Fairies are quite popular, or imps. Many find such appearances charming.

"The grimoire does possess sentience much like your own. Its personality will develop separately over time, using yours as a base and extrapolating from there based on your actions. No one warned me about this, and I was quite alarmed the first time my grimoire spoke to me and asked for a name, so I thought I'd give you a heads up."

"Appreciate it," Kira mumbled, her face paling. Ailsa suppressed a sigh - the thought of having a magic book attached to your soul for the rest of your life, one with sentience of its own, with thoughts and feelings, was certainly a large pill to swallow.

"Don't worry, it'll take awhile for it to develop to the speaking stage. Until then, just be aware that it's very much a living thing. For everything else you need to know... Honestly, the grimoire itself will help you understand. Using one is a journey into the study of magic itself, and I'm quite excited to see where that journey will take you."

"I wonder if mine'll be a flower too..." Kira muttered, her eyes sparkling. "I hope it's not something horrible... Like, a worm... Or an ugly bug..."

"I knew someone whose grimoire apparently resembled a coconut with legs," Vanessa said thoughtfully, tapping her chin. "I remember merfolk use fish shapes for their Hidden grimoires. They're quite beautiful. I can't speak for True forms, obviously, but Hidden forms can be just about anything. As long as you have the mana to power the changes, there's no known limits for its shape that I'm aware of."

"Oooh, a fish in a floating bubble sounds neat... Wait, merfolk!? Like, mermaids or fish people?!"

"Aye, both. With every Gate and Dungeon conquered the world be expandin' bit by bit, and fer every inch another mile is added ta oceans and rivers. Havin' merfolk ta help fill 'em just makes sense, elsewise it'd be a shamed waste of space, aye? At any rate, I be figurin' we jawwed on long enough. Vanessa, ye wanna head back ta the hotel? Me and the kiddo got some training ta do."

Vanessa glanced toward Kira, who aimed a pleading gaze in her direction while looking absolutely distraught at the news that Ailsa hadn't forgotten about the training session, and let out a soft laugh. "Alright. Have a good time you two."

"Betrayal..." Kira whispered, face revealing internal heartbreak as Ailsa grabbed the scruff of her shirt, dragging her effortlessly toward the training mats at the back of the room.

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