《Villager Three》#17: Teammates


Kira And also there's apparently a Camera function in the System??? Which is super cool and on a totally unrelated note here is a picture of my new slime plush it's super soft and if you're not 1000% jealous then I'll be very disappointed

For the second time that afternoon, Brigit spat out a mouthful of water. She coughed for a few moments before bringing herself to respond, staring at the photo embedded in their message box with wide, startled eyes.

Brigit Behind you, is that... Ailsa Reid? Kira Yeah she's my combat teacher

Seeing that unmistakable silhouette laughing in the background as a very pleased Kira hugged a cute slime plush toy... Brigit felt her heart pound with excitement, but she squashed the feeling before it had a chance to blossom.

Brigit Will you be returning since you finished a Dungeon Floor? Kira Ah yeah we're on the way back to the tower now we're gonna order lunch and she wants to meet you so please come Brigit Meet me? Why? Kira Mmm probably cuz I told her everything you did to help me and she thought you were cool?

Brigit covered her face with both her hands, her cheeks burning with a strange, unfamiliar warmth. She felt so embarrassed that for a second, she desperately wished the floor would open up and eat her alive.

Brigit hurriedly left the training zone, stashing her sword in the inventory and dashing back to the dorm at top speed, her long braid whipping through the air behind her.

She barely sat down in the empty common room and composed herself enough to fake relaxation before Kira and Ailsa strolled through the door.

"Hi Brigit I missed you I'd give you a hug but I am so gross you guys order food while I take a shower and find clean clothes okay bye!" Kira spouted as she sprinted towards the elevator.

Brigit watched her go with a baffled expression, unable to find a gap in the girl's sentences to fit a word in edgewise before the elevator doors closed with a faint chime.

Ailsa chuckled and shook her head, glancing around the common room before turning her attention back to the Drakke. "Aye, subtle as a brick, that one. Well, earth-types ain't much for subtlety ta begin with... Yer Brigit, are ye?"

"Yes ma'am." Brigit squared her shoulders and stood up straight, trying to look as serious and capable as a 5-F Squire could look in front of a B Rank Shaman. "Brigit Cinderscale, 5-F Squire, Drakke. It's my honor to meet you!"

"Oh? Ah, yer an Arena fan ain't ye." Ailsa chuckled again, sinking into a solid armchair with lots of extra padding.

"Yes, ma'am!"

"I'll sign somethin' fer ya if ye answer me questions."

Somehow, Brigit stood even straighter. "Of course!"

Propping her chin on her fist, Ailsa sized the Drakke up before glancing casually away. "Why did ye help Kira when ye found her? Ye knew she was Human right away, didn't ye?"

"She... Told you?"

"Nah, that sc- er, that Dragon git Karl spilled the proverbial marbles on that one. Kira did tell me how ye met though. Ye fed her, guided her through the woods, protected her, even used an expensive scroll ta get her back ta Atmont. Not that she knew it was expensive, but if it were a Scroll of Recall or somethin', it woulda cost ye a pretty penny. Ye bought her clothes, saw a healer, found a translator... That's an awful lot of effort on a stranger's behalf, ye know. Even if she's Human and ye be expectin' a reward for protectin' a kid-"


"No!" Brigit shouted, then flinched when she realized who she raised her voice at. Her golden eyes flicked their gaze down, staring at a spot between her toes to avoid Ailsa's piercing stare. "My apologies, but that wasn't it."

"We all be raised with the idea that protectin' kids should be our duty, it's how we survive the ages in this dangerous world. Protect the younglin's, the next generation. Therians like Lepidor and Lykos go the furthest fer extendin' their protectin' ta other species, but every Bein' is taught ta 'protect kids' from the youngest age.

"But Humans be pretty scary, ye know? They get so strong and fierce, most honest Bein's look at 'em like they ain't much different than monsters. Even I'm guilty of usin' words like 'monstrous' ta describe 'em, just cuz nothin' else will really fit! Now, I ain't sayin' they be outright mean or murderous ta good folk, like, but they won't hesitate ta wipe out a town if they found out the people livin' there make it a habit ta hurt their children. Their complicated diplomacy goes out the window real fast when one of their children be threatened.

"And it musta been terrifyin', seein' a Human kid alone in the woods without an escort. If ye were implicated in her kidnappin', it coulda meant disaster fer ye! On the flip side, if the kid vouched fer ye and they didn't immediately put a sword through yer heart just fer standin' next ta her, the reward woulda been... Pretty hefty, right? Wealth, prestige... Awful temptin'."

Nothing she said was wrong, but Brigit couldn't help clenching her fists. She opened her mouth, closed it, opened again, closed again. Finally, she found the words she wanted to speak. "Mrs. Reid..."

"Call me Ailsa, lass."

"Ailsa, then. When I met Kira, she was covered in scratches and bruises, ragged clothing, and so thin... She tripped and fell between me and my teammates, ones who were trying to kill me to obtain my Scroll of Recall. It was an accident, but she saved my life. Drakke take life debts seriously, but... That honestly wasn't even on my mind at the time.

"Her stomach growled, and she ate the bread I gave her without hesitating or even checking if I'd poisoned it. I held out my hand to help her up, and she wouldn't let go.

"Kira was scared and alone. And I've been there, but I didn't have anyone to reach out their hand for me. While I've had time to get used to being alone, it was clearly something new to her.

"I don't know why she trusted me immediately, but I didn't want to betray that trust. I'm a Drakke Squire. Pride and Honor. She leaned on me so of course I'd support her. That's all there was to it."

A gentle breeze brushed against Brigit's scales, a little chilly but not uncomfortable. The wind seemed to circle the room for a moment before coalescing into a visible swirl of white mana in the palm of Ailsa's hand. "I see. And as fer ye, wee lass in the corner. What be yer feelin's on this?"

Brigit jerked in surprise, spinning on her heel to see a someone emerge from beneath a pile of pillows.

Ribbon covered her mouth with her paws as Brigit spoke, her eyes growing wide.

She'd been napping under the cushions when a sudden outburst woke her, and her instincts had her lay low and quiet until she figured out what was going on.

Then she heard the conversation.


'Kira's... Human?'

The display of magical prowess, and the accidental breaking of an Elite student's hand, suddenly seemed to all make sense.

How strange such feats would be for a Demi-Elf! But for a Human?

Par for the course.

Hearing about how Kira and Brigit met, however, put a stop to the Kobold's sudden tailwagging excitement.

So both of them were alone...

What a terrifying thought.

Kobolds were very social creatures. They loved being around friends and family, the more the merrier! Brigit mentioned being alone like Kira, which meant neither of them had a pack, and the very idea twisted a tight knotted string around Ribbon's heart.

She suddenly felt extremely glad she'd plucked up the courage to approach Kira and make friends.

A breeze ruffled the Kobold's fur just as the Dwarf, Ailsa, called her out. Ribbon hesitated for a moment, then burrowed out of the cushions with a bashful expression.

Brigit opened her mouth, panic written plain as day across her face, but the Dwarf woman shook her head to silence her. "Now now, don't get yer scales in a knot, lass. I'm a Shaman, y'see. I was usin' the wind spirits 'round here ta detect emotions." She closed her hand over the swirling wind-elemental mana in her hand, dispersing it back into the air. "The wee lass been listenin' fer most of yer rant there, and a bit of mine. She didn't feel fear, anger, hate, nothin' ta look out fer. Concern, sympathy, and a bit of happiness that I ain't too sure about the reasonin' of if we're bein' honest."

"W... Why did you let her overhear us in the first place, if you knew she was here?"

"Hm? Ah, if she had a wrong reaction ta Kira's secret, I woulda let Karl take care of it. He's an Archmage with lots of tricks up those silly sleeves of his, and he woulda been here faster'n ye could say 'Enliss Dictionary' if Kira be endangered."

Ribbon and Brigit both shuddered at the implications. Seeing their expressions, Ailsa laughed and flicked her fingers. A soft blast of air flicked each of their foreheads. "Not like that, ye ninnies! Gods, kids and their overactive imaginations... He probably woulda made a magically bindin' contract fer secrecy, and bribed ye or somethin'. He's on the Council after all, democratically voted in, ye don't get a seat at his age fer bein' a murderous villain-type. Just scheming-type."

Twisting her sash in her hands, Ribbon glanced between Brigit and Ailsa, a question forming on her muzzle. "Er... Then... By Archmage and Karl, you meant..."

"Aye. Archmage Karl DuFeu be Kira's benefactor," Ailsa said with a grin. "Brigit's too, I wager. So, wee lass... What's yer name?"

"Ribbon, miss. 2-F Acolyte, Kobold."

"Ribbon, aye. Acolyte?"

"Yes, miss."

"Healer path or...?"

"Undecided, miss."

"Why did ye feel happy back there?"


"Yer tail waggin', up until Brigit got ta talkin'. Pleased, concern, sympathy, sorrow, relief in that order. Ye went through quite the spectrum of emotions in such a brief time."

"Oh, um..." Ribbon blushed, twisting the sash in her paws before lifting them to pat her furry cheeks in an expression of nervous embarrassment. "Ah, um... I just... Kira is my friend now and... I'm glad she's not alone anymore... And..." Ribbon inhaled deeply, then exhaled her next sentence all in one loud breath: "AndIthinkHumansarereallyneat!"


"I think Humans are neat too." Kira popped her head out of the elevator, hair damp from a quick rinse. Ribbon let out a startled squeak, covering her mouth and trying her best to retreat back into the cushion pile from shame. Her darkest secret, exposed in front of a Human herself! "Are you done talking to Brigit, or...?"

"Aye, kiddo. And the wee lass knows yer Human now too. So they both can join yer Team!"

Kira and Ailsa both grinned mischievously. Brigit glanced at the ceiling, taking a deep breath to compose herself. "Was this a test?"

"Aye. Kira's base stats ain't anythin' she could explain off with a handwave and Disguise enchantment, ye know? If yer in a Team or Party ye can see the stats of all yer allies, and hers be a dead giveaway. But all ye little ones need ta use Dungeons ta get stronger, and I don't much like the idea of her goin' it solo all the time.

"It's important ta learn ta work together and see how other people fight. She has ta learn ta control her strength and blend in with other folk. It'd be best if she could do that with people she can trust, like. Folk with good intentions and kind hearts who'll keep her secret. Folk like yerself, and the wee lass.

"If ye both be willin', I'll invite ye ta the Team. When I'm free, I'll come give tips and help train ye. How about that?"

"Yes please!" Ribbon hopped excitedly out of the cushions, then covered her mouth. She took a second to compose herself, straightening the mantle she wore over her frilly little dress. "I mean. I would be honored to join your Team!"

Kira turned a pleading gaze to Brigit, who smiled in response. "Of course I'll join."

Ailsa invited them both to the Team, and neither was able to resist the curiosity of opening their System window to see what, exactly, Kira's stats really were.

Ribbon fell over backwards onto the cushions, while Brigit just closed her eyes and nodded as though it were to be expected.

"Now that's that, and I gotta get home." Ailsa checked the System clock and heaved a sigh. "This wee impromptu trip has gotten me in hot water with the missus. I gotta go placate her before she comes 'round ta Atmont and gives the whole Council a piece of her mind!"

"Thank you, Ailsa!" Kira said, softly but emphatically, reaching out to shake the Dwarf's hand. Instead, she was pulled down into a strong hug, heavy hands patting her small back.

"Take care of yerself 'til we meet again, kiddo! Remember what I told ye before. Talk to yer Teammates, rely on 'em. They're good kids too. Message me anytime ye got questions or just wanna talk, see?"


"And eat more meat. It's good for formin' muscles, yer too thin fer a combat mage!"


"And would it kill ye ta do somethin' nice with yer hair?"


Ailsa chuckled and let a squirming Kira go free. She grabbed a picture and a pen from her inventory, signing it with a personalized flourish before passing it over to a delighted Brigit. Then she swapped the pen for a scroll, and took a few steps back into empty floor.

She tore the waxy seal on the scroll, and vanished in a pillar of light.

Just as the light faded from sight, Kira smacked her forehead. "Ah! We forgot to have lunch first!"

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